Bonus Chapter 19: Glistening Green

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

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So without further ado, the chapter-

We withdrew then as he stroked a hand against my hair. I could only lean into him as he sat beside me now on the bed.

"So I heard you went to pick Raven up? How did that go?" I made the small talk and he nodded, pulling the blanket further onto me.

"It went fine." He said not surprising me with his clipped answers, but the following thing did. It was only for a second yet I noticed the change, making my eyes widen.

Justin had just smiled.

Justin's POV when picking Raven up


"Movie night!" Danny sung out mindlessly as he peered through the window from the passenger seat. It was the seventh time he had said it during the journey and Justin was growing impatient.

In other circumstances, he'd have reached over already and slapped Danny upside the head but, right now, he was much to preoccupied with looking at the text that lit up his phone. He let out a sigh of resignation at the message before pulling up at sidewalk near the house.

"Get out." Was all he said to Danny who merely eyed the house in front of him with a contorted face. Justin knew him well enough now to know that this was his look of thought.

"That's Aaron's house.... right?" Danny spoke uncertainly and Justin only gave him a side glare, not even bothering to address Danny's lack in navigational skills.

"You've got 5 seconds before I drive." He deadpanned, making Danny squeal in panic before he hurriedly fiddled with the door, trying to open it. When he had finally succeeded with that, he almost but leaped onto the lawn in front of him before swivelling on his feet with a triumphant smile.

"I bet I did it in 3!" He said smugly, folding his arms to which Justin merely offered him a dry look.

It had been a total of 9 seconds but that was besides the point.

"Tell Aaron and Alexis that I'll be back soon. Raven messaged because she needs a ride." Was the only explanation he gave and- without waiting for confirmation- he began to drive away, veering left in the 5 minute journey to her house.

Raven's house.

He had never been there, but she had sent the address and- unlike Danny- Justin knew these roads like the back of his hand. So, he placed his focus on that, observing every turn; every traffic light, anything but think about that moment.

Without thought, he grabbed the back of her head gently, pressing his lips softly against her own. She tensed for a split second before her shoulders relaxed and she moved her lips against his own. He buried his hand deep into her soft hair, his other hand rested against her cheek, tilting her face so he could have more of her- her heat and the sound of her breathing. He kissed her until all thought was forgotten, until her eyes had dried up and all she could smell was his icy scent.


He reminded himself again that even the thought, even recalling the memory was wrong. He had done wrong to Mason and he hated it. Lying was a disdainful act; he despised it with every fibre of his being. Therein, he despised himself for what he had done.

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