Bonus Chapter 13: Wavering Courage

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

Let me know what bonus chapters you'd like to see in the comments.

So without further ado, the chapter-

Avalon paid no heed to this and continued.

"You still love me and you know it!" She screeched.

Aaron dragged a hand through his hair in frustration.
"I don't love you, Avalon. How can I when I love Lexi?" He shouted.

Everything stopped for me there.

Aaron froze in his tracks, having realised what he said.

But, I couldn't concentrate on anything over the beating of my heart.

Aaron's POV when Avalon ripped the blanket.


"Are you guys done yet?!" Danny whined, a hand covering his face with his eyes. He was never one to prefer the violent video games and Aaron smirked from where he was sat on his bed.

"Maybe. Maybe not." He drawled teasingly and Danny let out a louder whine, making Aaron laugh. It was Justin who put an end to it who stood up from the bed, putting the controller away.

"Stop whining or I'll turn the console back on." He said bluntly and it put an immediate stop to Danny's whining as he peered out from behind his fingers. When he saw that the TV was now off, his lips pulled into a grin and he clapped his hands together, the sound echoing against the walls. Aaron could only smile as he watched Justin's glare intensify at the sound.

"Great! Let's go eat then; I'm starving!" He said cheerily and it was then that Aaron spared a glance around the room, hoping to lock eyes with the familiar brown, but she was nowhere to be found. He could have sworn, when he had begun gaming, that she was there. Now, however, it was only the boys, along with Avalon who was stood leaning by the door, busily scrolling through her phone. 

"Where's Lexi?" He muttered more to himself, but the rest of them heard of them, looking around also.

"She's probably in the bathroom or something. Let's get her so we can go eat together!" Avalon finally spoke, smiling widely and Aaron nodded, knowing that Lexi had to eat. Yes, she was officially cured, but there was still a risk of reoccurrence. He had to make sure she was healthy this time and not neglecting her body like she typically did; that was his responsibility. 

They walked out together then with Danny still complaining about how he'd have nightmares due to the game and Aaron could only laugh as he heard the familiar head slap. He was about to further tease Danny or rile Justin up but, before he could speak, Avalon  interrupted him.

"Is Sam's door usually left open like that?" She asked curiously and his head snapped up in response, looking to the wide-open door with a frown. He held in the emotional turmoil that plagued him; the one that brought back the memories of walking past her room and seeing her in there, reading a book. Or, her smile as she wished him 'good morning' in the  kitchen. He held it back because he knew there was nothing he could do to change it; she was gone and those moments were only distant memories now.

He dismissed the thoughts as they waded towards her door and he felt his body still as he saw the sight: the very sight of Lexi having tears in her eyes as she held to the tattered remains of something. It was with a few seconds of processing that he realised what it was and his heart clenched painfully as he recognised his mother's most treasured possessions.

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