|Weak Hero| Family Chaos

By ShuichiAkaiKaishi

7.5K 463 232

Ashur Na was the older twin brother of Donald Na. Unlike his brother, he was not smart. His grades were so ba... More

The Beginning of Repeating Freshman Year
Battle at the Pool Hall
The Fox
Clash Between Eunjang and Yoosun
Relaxing at the Pool Hall
Rise of the Demonic Angel
Ashur Na VS Forrest Lee
Big Bro, Little Bro
Familial Revelations
Don't Mess With Ashur
Ashur and Donald's Past
Fox's New Students
Kaia Kwan and Alain Reyes
Myles' Intentions
More People To Train
Jared Sun
Fox and Wolf
Ashur and Kenny
The Thief Part I
The Thief Part II
The Thief Part III
The Thief Part IV
Fossa and Sally
The Festival Part I
The Festival Part II
The Festival Part III
The Festival Part IV

Battle at the Underpass

394 19 18
By ShuichiAkaiKaishi

"Come on dog, just a game of pool," Ben tried to convince Alex to go to the pool hall with him. 

"I don't play with amateurs," Alex said.

"Heard the part timer at the pool hall by the bridge underpass is fucking hot," Ben said. "The boys went yesterday and got coffee and everything, man. Also, I hear she looks like a hottie from the TV dramas,"

"You even have the cash for it?" Alex asked. "I'm not about to pay for you,"

"It's my treat," Ashur said. 

"Hell yeah! Let's go!" Ben cheered. "No switching up on us now!"

"Don't worry," Alex said. "She really that hot though?"

Ashur followed behind but glanced back when he felt someone watching them. He caught a glimpse of Phillip Kim who had a mischievous grin. 'What is that meanie up to? Whatever he's smiling about, I don't think it's good,'

Phillip Kim:
They're headed to the pool hall by the bridge underpass.

Phillip Kim: 
You'll catch 'em if you camp under there.

Jack Kang:
Be there by 4.

"Jimmy Bae and Jack Kang, those dumbasses," Phillip smirked. "All I have to do is stuff myself with popcorn and enjoy the show,"

"Enjoy what show?" Ashur popped up right in front of Phillip.

"Ah!" Phillip was startled and hadn't heard the approaching footsteps. "It's just a show on TV!"

'He's lying,' Ashur wanted to ask for more information but quickly ran to catch up to Ben and Alex when he saw that they were about to leave him behind. 'I saw him texting someone on his phone, but I don't know what it's about. I think it was someone named Kangaroo Jack? They must've really liked that movie to be nicknamed that. I like kangaroos. I wonder if Donald would let me have a kangaroo?'

No, Donald would not let him have a kangaroo.

"Let's skip the last class and get out of here," Ben suggested. "Word got out about that hottie. There might not be any tables if we're late. We've never skipped English class before, y'know?"

'Hm, we indeed haven't skipped English yet...' Alex thought, thinking of it as a valid argument.

"You guys can head there without me," Ashur said. "I don't want to skip any classes since my grades might suffer,"

"Your grades are already pretty good," Ben said. "Come on Ash, it's only one English class. Besides, you said that it's your treat. It'd be rude to play without you there,"

'Missing one class can't hurt my grade too badly,' Ashur agreed. "Alright, let's go!"

"It's always so quiet around the underpass," Alex commented as they passed under the bridge to get to the billiards place. "Spooky. What if a ghost jumps out?"

"My heart is pounding, bro," Ben teased as they walked up the stairs.

"Th-there's no need to...g-get tense about it," Alex stammered.

"Don't worry, Alex," Ashur said. "If we encounter a ghost, I'll catch it! I've always wanted to meet a ghost. Maybe my brother will let me keep it at our house and I'll have a ghost friend,"

"You seem very eager to meet a ghost," Alex said.

"Not all ghosts are meanies," Ashur claimed. "Some are nice like Jasper the Friendly Ghost!"

'Is he actually older than us or is he actually a little kid posing as a high schooler?'

"It's empty?" Ben asked as they entered. "Fuck! Were they just messing with me?"

"Messing with you?" The pool hall lady entered the room and greeted them. "Welcome,"

Both Ben and Alex blushed madly, but Ashur was unaffected. "Hi!" He greeted like a normal person. 

Both Ben and Alex shared a look. 'How can any man be immune to this hottie? Ash has got to be an actual kid!'

"The owner is out at the moment," The lady said. "What drinks can I get you three?"

Both Ben and Alex grabbed a pool stick and posed, trying to appear charming and handsome. Alex even sat on the corner of one of the pool tables. "We'll be playing three-ball and I'll have coffee for my drink," Ben said.

"Me too," Alex added.

'What a bunch of weirdos,' Ashur stared at them with confusion. "I'll have some water please,"

"Sure thing," The lady smiled. "Two coffees and a water then,"

"Boom, jackpot!" Ben and Alex cheered. "She's a goddess, a goddess!"

'Idiots,' Ashur thought. 'She's a human, not a goddess,'


As Alex was about to hit his cue ball, he saw that both Ben and Ashur's attentions were to the window. "Geez, what's going on out there?" 

'That's a different high school uniform,' Ashur said. 'There's one that's wearing a Eunjang uniform. That skinny form and grey hair...it's Gray!' He placed some cash onto the counter and ran down the stairs.

"Where's Ashur running off to?" Alex walked over to the window. "And what do you mean? What are you looking at?"

"That's Yoosun High's uniform, right?" Ben asked.

"Huh? Wait a minute," Despite being a bit far, Alex could clearly recognize one of the goons' faces. "That one over there. It's Jack Kang, Jimmy Bae's valet!"

"Damn, you're right," Ben also recognized him. "That piece of shit. If he's repping Jimmy Bae, is he here to take me down? De todos modos! Anyway! Yeesh!" He looked at Gray who was gripping Helmet's hair. "Look at the guts the kid's got. Hey, Ashur's also joining the fight! Yippee! Finally!" He began to run to the door. "It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to let loose!"


"Why you little piece of shit!" Unnamed Yoosun Student #1 yelled. 

'I can't defeat five anyway,' Gray thought as he still held on to Helmet's hair. 'Think! There's always a way out. Wait for the first guy to come in swinging and...kick him in the...'

Unnamed Yoosun Student #1 rushed forward to punch Gray, but before Gray could react, Gerard Jin kicked Unnamed Yoosun Student #1 away. "Hey there, Yoosun High students,"

"Who the fuck are you!?" The pink haired Unnamed Yoosun Student #2 demanded. "Coming out of nowhere and kicking my friend in the gut! Wanna die?"

"Jack, that's G—" 

As Unnamed Yoosun Student #3 was identifying Gerard, Ashur came out of nowhere and kneed him in the face. But he didn't stop there and delivered an elbow to Unnamed Yoosun Student #3's stomach before kicking him hard in the groin.

'That kid didn't hesitate to interrupt them while they were talking,' Gerard said. 'At first, I was worried since Gray and I were outnumbered. But I saw Ashur's fight and I'm sure he'll help even the odds,'

"You arrogant dickwads!" Jack shouted and attempted to kick Ashur away. "You think you can handle what you've just got into?"

Ashur easily dodged and threw Unnamed Yoosun Student #3 at Jack, sending them both to the ground.

"Hey! You fucking sons of bitches!" Ben called as he and Alex also arrived. "Oh wow! All of the most sorry ass losers in one place!"

"Ben Park, you bastard!" Jack yelled as he narrowly dodged a kick aimed at his face.

"You look overly excited to see me," Ben said. "Could it be that you came here to get me? Anyhoo, de todos modos, back to business. Looks like I'm on this side, right? On the gutsy kid's team," 'Ashur wastes no time fighting, even when people are talking,'

Ashur changed targets to Unnamed Yoosun Student #2 and kicked behind his knees. He then grabbed him by his hair and repeatedly slammed Unnamed Yoosun Student #2's face to his knee.

"Enough chitchat," Ben cracked his knuckles as he joined the fight.

"We're only here for you, Ben," Jack said as he engaged in combat with Big Ben. 

"Yeah, sure!" Ben didn't believe him at all. "Why the hell should I listen to what Jimmy Bae's minion has to say? And speaking of Jimmy Bae, if he wanted to see me, why didn't he come here himself? Why did he ask you to bring me to him, Jack Kang? Does he think he's Donald Na or something? Or...is he just imitating him?"

Ashur, who had been too focused on fighting, didn't hear his younger brother's name being mentioned.

"Why don't you just shut the fuck up, Ben!" Jack snapped and started wildly attacking Ben. "I don't give a shit about what you say! I'm gonna kill you right now! Or do you want me to 'take care' of your other arm too, like I did on that day so you could never dare challenge me again!"

Gerard, Alex, and Gray all joined the fight. Gray dealt with Helmet, traumatizing him by breaking his fingers and slamming his face against the wall in a similar manner to what Ashur had done to Colton. The difference was that Gray knew when to stop and he let the unconscious Helmet fall to the ground. "That's enough. Stop, you sickening shitheads,"

Although both sides had paused upon seeing someone like Gray defeat Helmet, Ashur did not stop. He was a wild beast that wanted to continue fighting until the other team was gone. Unnamed Yoosun Student #1 attempted to punch Ashur, who sidestepped at the last minute and bit his opponent's arm. He sank his teeth in deep, drawing blood.

Unnamed Yoosun Student #1 screamed. "He's biting my fucking arm!"

'That's unhygienic,'  Gray thought about the disgusting germs and the potential transfer of diseases.

"Ashur, let go!" Ben ordered. "You don't know where his arm's been!"

Ashur let go, but he still continued to beat the shit out of Unnamed Yoosun Student #1. He delivered an uppercut to him and began to slam his head against the wall. Just as he had done with Colton, he didn't stop even after Unnamed Yoosun Student #1 fell unconscious. 

"Ashur, you're going to go too far!" Ben grabbed Ashur's arm and forced him to drop the unconscious teenager.

Ashur was about to attack Ben but stopped when he realized that he wasn't an enemy. 

"Ben, behind you!"

Ashur pulled his arm free and managed to headbutt Jack's fist. Jack cried out and ultimately decided to retreat after seeing just how brutal Ashur was by himself. Once all of the Yoosun students were gone, Ashur blinked and looked around, confused as to what had happened. He spat out globs of saliva mixed with a bit of blood from Unnamed Yoosun Student #1's arm. 

"Eww!" He said. "Gross! There's a disgusting taste in my mouth! Why!?"

"Ashur, you bit a Yoosun bastard's arm," Alex told him. "You wouldn't stop fighting until they left,"

"Oh," Ashur simply said. 'The past few moments were a blur. I don't really remember much clearly except that Gray was getting ganged up on and I wanted to help him,' "Gray, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Gray nodded. 'At first, I thought he was a mindless beast that would attack anyone, but he was able to discern who each person was. He knew that Ben Park was an ally, not an enemy. He only attacked his enemies and doesn't hold back. Last time, he didn't stop until I told him that it was enough. This time, he didn't stop until those Yoosun bastards left. If Ben Park and I hadn't intervened at those times, would he not had stopped until his opponents were dead?'

Gray decided that since the fight was over, he'd leave. 'It doesn't matter. I won't have to worry about that because I won't get involved in anymore fights,'


"Well, that was pretty chilling," Ben commented as the three continued their game of pool, this time joined by Gerard. "Did you see the look on that kid's face? What kind of wacky character is that?"

"Now that I've exerted myself like that, feels like I'm having a worse game," Alex waxed the tip of his pool cue. "And can you explain why that chump tagged along?" He glared at Gerard who was preparing to hit the cue ball. "I don't like him,"

"Don't get rude on me now," Gerard said. "Think of it as a celebratory event for crushing Yoosun High," 'I'm here because of her...' Beneath his bangs, he glanced at the pool hall lady.

"And what about Gray Yeon? Saying he has to go to his after-school class after causing all that chaos back there," Ben leaned into his left palm. "Like hell he does! It doesn't fit that edgy bastard at all,"

"Fits him perfectly," Alex and Gerard said. 

"And Ashur, you dealt quite a lot of damage but haven't sustained any yourself," Ben added. 'But biting was a bit excessive,'

"I guess I'm just lucky," Ashur scratched the back of his head nervously. "I'm happy that it's all over," 'I don't really like violence,'

"It's not," Ben said as he prepared for his turn to play. "Jimmy Bae's giant head wouldn't allow Yoosun to just cut their losses. He won't stay quiet. Hell, what do I know? Tell him to come over all he wants. What's the worst that could happen?"

'A lot of worse things could happen. We could be trapped in a room with no escape and beaten every single day, with only given the minimum amount of food and water necessary to live just to prolong our suffering,' He shook his head and unconsciously placed a hand over his eyepatch. 'That's only one of the worse things that just getting beaten up in one fight,'


Jimmy Bae was pissed when Jack and his group returned after their defeat. "Jack, I can understand not bringing back Ben. But for you to be there yourself, and still get your asses handed to you?"

"Gerard Jin and Alex Go were there, along with a pair of maniacs..." One of the Unnamed Yoosun Students said.

"Oh?" Jimmy glared at Helmet. "And one of those no names, did all that to him? And the other no name," He now turned to Unnamed Yoosun Student #1. "Did that?"

"What if Phillip Kim was behind all of this, trying to screw us all over by sending information to both sides?"

"That idiot never got to gain power in Eunjang High and even got kicked out of the Union because of Ben," Jimmy responded. "Why would he do something meaningless like this? I tried to do things quietly to not be embarrassed, and yet this was even more of a disgrace to my reputation. And you, two," He glared at Helmet and Unnamed Yoosun Student #1. "You both seem to be awfully proud of your head wraps and bandages to be showing your teeth in front of me. Should I give you a medal for getting your asses whooped by some no names? You useless fuckers. Don't show your despicable faces until I call you up again!"


Ashur did his best to hide all evidence that he was in a fight. This time, he made sure to get rid fo all the blood from his clothes. He also had rinsed his mouth out multiple times, brushed furiously, and taken many breath mints to clear his mouth from the disgusting taste and the metallic scent.

But Donald took note of the freshly washed clothes and the overuse of breath products. "What happened?" 'If he's trying to hide his breath, he either coughed up blood earlier or got blood into his mouth from biting someone,'

"Nothing happened," Ashur claimed. "My clothes stank from PE so I stopped by a laundromat. I ate some food and my breath stank afterwards, so I took a bunch of mints,"

"Eunjang's PE uniform is different from the normal uniform," Donald pointed out. "Who did you fight? Who dared to hurt my brother?"

"It was no one," Ashur snapped. "Nobody hurt me. You can check me for an injuries and you'll find none,"

"I should transfer you to a more peaceful school, maybe Daehyeon since Jake can look out for you," Donald said.

"No," Ashur refused and glared at his twin brother. "Donald, I'm older than you. I'm fine at Eunjang. I have friends. We look out for each other. And if I do get into a fight, I know self defense," 'I already got into fights but I got out unscathed,'

'He never raises his voice at me like this unless it's something he really wants,' Donald thought. 'Ashur and I are both the same age, despite him looking like an elementary schooler. And I know he's strong. I just...don't want him to get hurt. He protected me when we were kids and because of that...he lost his eye. Now it's my turn to protect him, but I don't want to take away his happiness,' "If you're ever in a situation where you can't win or escape, call me,"


Colton and two of his goons were on the rooftop. "What do we do now, Colton?"

"We'll test the waters for a while," Colton answered. 

The door creaked open and two Eunjang students walked up to them. 

"What do you idiots want?" Colton asked.

"Ay, ay, don't be so cold like that,"

Colton grew angry at their tone. "Now everyone and their dog thinks they can fuck with me, huh? Wanna die?"

"Woah, woah, it's not like that. We're just here to have a conversation. Those two sons of bitches Gray Yeon and Ashur Na must be bugging you, ay? Let's team up and crush them. There's nothing for you to lose, right? And allowing chumps like them to rampage like that doesn't look good for you either, ya know. In the end, you're looking to get into the Yeongdeungpo Union, through Phillip Kim's connections, am I right, Colton?"

'This dumbass hasn't grasped how dangerous both Gray Yeon and Ashur Na are, even if they fight one on one,' Colton thought. 'If Ashur Na hadn't been there, Gray Yeon would've probably found a way to beat all three of us,' "So, do you even have a plan?"

"I'll take him. All you need to do is be my support. Just rile up the tension for the fight and i"ll beat the shit out of those fools!"

'Hold up, on the off chance this fool Evan Yoo actually beats Gray Yeon and Ashur Na...then what happens to the hierarchy?' Colton thought. 'It gets screwed up. No, I should tread carefully. This might be my chance to free ride my way to victory...' He rubbed at the scar on his forehead. 'That Ashur Na is dangerous, even more dangerous that Gray Yeon. But...this might be my only chance to have even a shot at victory. The underpass could've just been a fluke,'

Evan and his goon attempted to go after Gray in the classroom and intended to go after Ashur when he wasn't around Ben or Alex. However, the two bullies were defeated by Gray before they could go after Ashur.


Ashur, Ben, Alex, and Gerard was all trying out a punching machine to measure their strengths. "Here I go!" Alex went first and delivered the strongest punch he could. He scored an 870. "Haha, it's gonna be a hard time beating that one,"

"870? Come on, Alex, you going easy or something?" Ben slammed his fist against the target and scored 970. "Hehehe, then is it impossible to beat this one? Hey Ashur, you're up next,"

Ashur wasted no time and threw a punch, but scored below Alex's score. "My brother would score higher than me since he's stronger," 

'He scored lower than me, despite the ferocity he showed at the underpass,' Alex noted. 'He looked like he was giving it his all, but maybe since he's not in a fight his punches are weaker?'

"You're up next, Gerard," Ben said. "Although, it's kinda meaningless at this point. There's still beauty in trying, am I right?"

Rather than punching the target, Gerard kicked it and scored 999. "Looks like I won,"

"You cheated!" Ben argued. "You can't through a freaking kick, dude!"

"Well, I don't recall you saying anything about that," Gerard pointed out.

"It's a flipping punching machine, you idiot! Punch, P-U-N-C-H!"

"Come on man, just admit you lost,"

'Someone's watching us,' Ashur looked up at the bridge and saw Jack and another of Jimmy Bae's underling. "Hi!" He greeted innocently, not recalling the fight that had occurred recently.

"Who are you waving to?" Ben turned around and immediately saw Jack. "Are they here for another fight?"

"Let's go," Jack said, not wanting to get into a premature fight. 'Shit, this doesn't seem like a problem solvable by just crushing Ben. And I probably can't count out that twin from earlier either,'

"Yo Jack," The Unnamed Yoosun Student said. "If we make the wrong move, we might just end up scratching 'em and getting swallowed entirely by Eunjang,"

"You say that 'cause you don't know how Jimmy really is yet," Jack told him. "That guy always gets it done when he puts his mind to it," 'One day, Jimmy will rule over it all, whether it be Eunjang or all of Yeongdeungpo,'


Royce Na: 
Hey Phillip, still no update on those fuckers?

Royce Na:
I thought you sad you almost had Eunjang under your belt.

'Royce Na, you fucking dickhead,' Phillip thought. 'The idiot you were friends with was the doormat Colton Choi. You and your stupid ego aside, why the fuck is Ben Park tangled in this shit? Then again, he is friends with at least that purple haired brat. I don't know about the others, but Ben...I don't see an answer to that fucker. With Ben, if I can just wait it out, it does look like Jimmy Bae will take care of him. Then, does that mean I have to keep my shut and lay low, until Jimmy Bae makes a move and crushes Ben?'

He thought back to how disrespectful and dismissive both Gray and Ashur were to him. 'Forget about Ben for a second, though,'

"I don't know who you are," Ashur answered honestly. "And I'm not gonna apologize since those guys were ganging up on Gray. They were being mean,"

"No," Gray agreed with Ashur. "One, there's no reason for me to apologize. And two, I also have no fucking idea whatsoever who you are,"

'Those bitches...' He caught sight of Gray Yeon walking alone in the hallway. 'How dare you no named losers insult me like that! Ashur Na is always around Ben Park and Alex Go, so I can't do much about him. But that Gray Yeon fucker...he's always by himself,'

He was going to send Teddy Jin and Chad Jang after the White Mamba.

Ashur is strong, but not as strong as Donald.

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