The tribrid and her Slytherin

By tvdufannn

56.1K 796 130

In her fourth going into fifth year at hogwarts, Hope Mikaelson, A tribrid, keeping the secret of her Werewol... More

A year coming to a end
Summer vacation
A new year
A new teacher
Loving you is different
Broken part 1
Broken part 2
She wolf
Endless pain
Your a prick potter
Death hurts
The fight
Love or hate
The past is in the past
The light in the dark
I love you
Your mine Mikaelson
He is evil
Malfoy ManorοΏΌ
The war pt 1
The war pt 2
A happy ending
The kids first day
The end
What the kids look like

Im a deatheater

1.2K 21 0
By tvdufannn

Hope's POV:

A week ago Draco and I became deatheaters. And Voldemort said we will have a task during 6th year. We had a week left of school. And oh boy was I scared.

I walk to the gryffindor table and hear Harry talking about me and Draco maybe being deatheaters. How would he know that. He wasn't there. I just wanna kill the prick.

"Hermione. I need to talk to you. In private." I said

"Ok." Hermione said as we walked to the entrance of the great hall

"I'm a deatheater." I said to her

"W-what?" Hermione said

"I'm. A. Deatheater." I say " I didn't really have a choice."

"Hope. I promise I won't ignore you or act like I did last time. I give you my word." Hermione says

"Thank you." I say hugging her

" your welcome" Hermione whispered in my ear, while we're hugging

"Always and Forever. Remember that." I say to her

"Always and Forever Hope." Hermione responds

I smile. I knew this friendship was the best I had. Better than the friendship with Lizzie and Josie Saltzman.
They were awful to me, so I burned their clothes. I was a rebel child from 2-11. I was 11 when my father died. And that was when I was depressed for the first time.

"Whenever I trigger my vampire side. Do you want me to turn you?" I asked Hermione

"Yes! I wanna live forever!" Hermione said with a funny voice that made me die of laughter

Hermione was the Funniest person I ever met. No one could be as funny as her.


It was a long day for school. And I decided to meet with Draco. Me and him needed to have a long nice little talk. I don't care if he doesn't want to talk but he is gonna have to.

I wrote to him then used my powers to send him the spell. Hoping he got it. I told him to meet me at the library.

I walked to the library and read on The hollow. Since there was a book on her in the library.

"What did you want mikaelson." Draco asked sitting with me

"To talk. Is that a problem Malfoy." I asked him

"No.." Draco said looking away

" one. No calling Hermione a mudblood in front of me. Two. I give you permission to beat Harry up. And three. I like you." I say looking away too

Draco looks at me in shock. He knew Hermione was right about what she told him. Now I need to tell him about the stupid prank me and Theodore Nott came up with.

" one more thing. I am not dating Theodore Nott. We were pranking you because I saw you kissing Parkinson." I said look in his eyes

He had beautiful grey eyes. And I couldn't keep my eyes off of them.

"Jealous eh?" Draco asked with a grin

"No I wasn't" I said with a playful shove

We looked at each other for a couple minutes. I wanted to kiss him so bad right now.

"I want to kiss you." I said moving closer to him

"Me too." Draco said biting his lip

I pull Draco in and then kiss him. I'm kissing the boy I liked since 1st year. It was about time I did. And now he knew I liked him back.

We kissed for 7 minutes, until I felt his breath on my neck. He was such a good kisser.

"Your mine Hope mikaelson." Draco said whispering in my ear

"And your mine Draco Malfoy." I whispered back to him then we went back to kissing.


After awhile we said our good nights and went back to the dormitory's. I went to my room and changed into my pajamas. I was so tired from today.

I stared at the wall then drifted off to sleep.



<That's the end of Chapter 15> < Hope you enjoyed>

< when should Hope and Draco sleep together 🤭😌😉>

Any suggestions add my tiktok —> vxidmxrshall

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