The tribrid and her Slytherin

By tvdufannn

56.1K 796 130

In her fourth going into fifth year at hogwarts, Hope Mikaelson, A tribrid, keeping the secret of her Werewol... More

A year coming to a end
Summer vacation
A new year
A new teacher
Loving you is different
Broken part 1
Broken part 2
She wolf
Endless pain
Your a prick potter
Death hurts
The fight
Im a deatheater
The past is in the past
The light in the dark
I love you
Your mine Mikaelson
He is evil
Malfoy Manor
The war pt 1
The war pt 2
A happy ending
The kids first day
The end
What the kids look like

Love or hate

1.4K 19 7
By tvdufannn

Hope's POV:

I hated myself for exposing myself to the school. Everyone must dislike me now, they just know me as a freak, a literal freak. Well let's see how the day turns out.

I had dada first and Snape was the teacher again. Great just great.


We entered the class and I sat with Hermione. I saw people staring at me. And I felt so uncomfortable and upset.

"Today we are learning about vampires, but the oldest vampires." Snape said looking at me

I look down. I can't do this anymore or today. First I expose what I am to the school and now Snape is teaching the class about my family, the original vampires.

"Tell me, who are they know as?" Snape asked the class

Hermione raised her hand. But I knew Snape was gonna ask me. I just wanna scream again, but louder this time.

"Ms.Mikaelson. What is the answer to that question" Snape demanded

"They are know as the originals." I answered looking up with my eyes turning gold slowly.

"Very good." Snape said

I growled. I'm just so mad right now I can say incendia and burn a desk. I had my dads temper, it was really easy to tell that I did.

"Now.. Ms.Mikaelson who created the originals." Snape asked

"My grandmother. The original witch. She used dark magic to make them vampires.And their was one thing that could kill them. That was destroyed 1000 years ago. But when my father and uncle sacrificed themselves for me. The last of it was used. The wood that could kill them is white oak." I explained

Everyone looked at me. Hearing my father killed himself for me was a shocking thing. I was a orphan.

"Now. Your father was. The original hybrid. Correct?" Snape asked

" yes. He was born a werewolf. My grandmother slept with a werewolf. Why do you want my life story" I growled

"One more question. How are you the creature you are." Snape asked

I groaned. This is getting so annoying. This man wanted to know everything about me.

" I was born with the werewolf gene since both my parents were part werewolf. My dads blood runs through my System, and the witch gene was passed down." I answered "I'm the tribrid freak show and the only one of my kind"

Everyone was so interested in what they heard out of my mouth. Did they love or hate me. I hope neither, cause I didn't want them to love or hate me.

"Anything else Professor." I asked with a growl

I saw him writing these things down. Snape was very suspicious. And I wondered why. I stared at him for a bit till he looked up at me.

"No more questions. Thank you Ms.Mikaelson" Snape said


After school I met with Theodore Nott. I wondered what he wanted. I guess I will find out.

I walked to the Slytherin common room but I waited for Theodore. I didn't even wanna wait here but I did. Just to see what he wanted from me.

"Mikaelson?.." I heard someone say I turned and saw Draco

"Malfoy." I said

"Why are you here mikaelson." Draco asked

"Waiting for Nott." I answered

He seemed sad when I said that to him. I still remember when he told me he loved me. It was a odd day but I loved him back.

"Malfoy go away" Theodore said walking behind me

"Whatever." Draco said walking inside the Slytherin common room

I turn around to look at Theodore Nott. I looked at him with the evil eye.

"What did you want." I asked

"Come to the party tonight. It's gonna be in the Slytherin common room." Theodore said

"Let me guess. For a part of the prank." I said

"Maybe. Or as just friends." Theodore said

I looked up at him with one eyebrow up and the other in place.

"Fine. I'll wear a nice outfit. And I'm bringing Hermione. Call her mudblood or anything mean you won't have any hands to write with." I said with a growl

"I- o-ok" Theodore said


I got dressed in black jeans and a purple violet shirt. My absolute favorite outfit. Then I put heel boots on. Hermione wore a pretty red dress. The one color of our house.

"Ready?" I asked

"Yes." Hermione answered" you look amazing Hope"

"Thanks Mione. You too." I say

We walk to the Slytherin common room where we saw other people going to. I have a feeling there's is going to be a lot of people here. Great just great.

I walked in with Hermione. Some people were staring. Of course Draco was. Theodore walked up to us.

"Here Mikaelson." Theodore said handing me a drink

"Thanks." I said taking a sip

"Let's party!!" Hermione yelled

I laughed. What a funny best friend I had. She definitely seemed like she liked to party. Like damn girl. The music was so loud I didn't get how the professors never heard it.

"Let's dance mikaelson." Theodore said with a wink and held his hand out

I took his hand and decided screw it. I will take my mind off of the Draco situation. Plus the situation with the whole school.

I got drunk.. really drunk. And laughed a lot

"Come one mikaelson, kiss mee" Theodore said with a hiccup.

I giggled and then kissed him. With you know who watching. Draco.

Hermione's POV:

I saw Hope and Theodore Nott making out. Jeez. And I noticed Draco staring at them with a very upset face.

I walked to Draco. And decided to have a slight talk with him.

"Hello ferret." I said

"Mudblood. What do you want" Draco said watching Hope and Theodore leave the room

" you like her don't you." I asked

"Yes. Why does that matter mudblood." Draco said looking at me

"Well she has told me she liked you. She has liked you since first year. I take it same for you." I said

" yes mudblood that's true. I'm in love with someone I can't have." Draco said taking a sip of his drink

"That's not true. Give her time. She just lost her mom awhile ago. Then the school just found out  what she is." I said also taking a sip of my drink

"Fine your right mudblood." Draco said looking at me

"Never expected us to talk like this. You have always hated me." I said looking at him


Hope's POV:

I woke up next to Theodore Nott. What the bloody hell happened last night. And why am I undressed.

I quickly got dressed then realized it was Saturday. Thank god. Just thank god. I rushed back to the Gryffindor common room. And to Hermione. I had to get to her.

"Mione!" I yelled up in our room

"Hope! There you are. What happened last night." Hermione asked

"I slept with Nott. And I didn't expect that to happen." I said looking down

"Hope. You were drunk. It's not your fault" Hermione said

"The bad thing is. What if I'm pregnant. My mom got pregnant from a one night stand with my dad. So it could happen to anyone and that anyone could be me." I said

"Hope it will be ok. And Draco needs you to meet him and his father at the great hall" Hermione said

"Ok.." I said changing into all black clothes and I walked to the great hall and saw Draco and Lucius

I looked at Draco then Lucius. I didn't know or care where we were going to.

"Ready Ms.Mikaelson?" Lucius asked

"Yeah." I said

We appeared at the Malfoy manor. And there was a long table with.. Deatheaters. And the head of the table. Voldemort.

"They are here Dark lord." Lucius said with a bow and sat down.

"Arms now." Voldemort demanded

Draco rolled his sleeves up. Then Voldemort put his wand on his arm, slowly a dark mark appeared on his arm.

"Ms.Mikaelson. Join us." Voldemort said

"Fine." I said holding my arm out

I watched the dark mark appear on my arm. I realized it was dark magic.

"Your one of us now Ms.Mikaelson." Voldemort said

I looked at my arm in disbelief. I was a deatheater now.



<That's the end of Chapter 14> < I hope you enjoyed it>

<Should Hope be pregnant?>
< Should Draco and Hope kiss again?>

If there is suggestions add my tiktok —> vxidmxrshall


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