Waiting To Be Found (boy X bo...

By blackfire97sh

83.4K 2.4K 178

after being sold by his own mother, and three years of being passed from one owner to the next, the main char... More

Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story)
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story) ch.2
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story) chapter 3
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story)chapter 4
note from the writer about the story! thanks to shadownekohitomi!
Waiting To Be Found (boy x boy yaoi story) chapter 5
Waiting To be Found (boy x boy yaoi story) chapter 6
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story) chapter 7
a special thanks!
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story) chapter 8
Waiting To Be Found chapter 9
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story) chapter 10
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi stoy) chapter 11
Waiting To Be Found (boy X by yaoi story) chapter 12
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story)chapter 13
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story) chapter 15
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story) chapter 16
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story) Chapter 17
Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story) Chapter 18 END!!

Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story)chapter 14

2.8K 94 3
By blackfire97sh

Junichi's pov

Its been about two weeks, and I am finally getting trusted. I can roam around the house to where ever I like. I found out that Tomostu's last name is Kaishiru. Kaishiru is the name of Mazuki's main rival. They had been somewhat friends before, but something happened, and Mazuki has this strong hatred for Kaishiru. I remember because Mazuki was always ranting about him in the past.

I'm not sure if its because nothing has happened or if Mazuki just doesn't want to tell me, but I haven't heard anything about Tomostu lately. I thought that Tomostu would want to try to get me back, but I guess not. Its been almost a three weeks any I haven't heard a word. And trust me, I have been spying on some of the men in this place.

Just as I was about to turn the corner, I heard a voice. I stopped and listened. They appeared to be talking on the phone.

"I haven't found anything yet, but the kid seems fine. He has been giving the right to move around the estate of his own free will, so he has been earning trust from Mazuki..... No, he doesn't have and visual marks to show it.... If anything were to happen, the kid could handle himself. He toke out our toughest men during practice.... I will if its necessary, however, I will not in till it is absolutely needed. I don't want to blow my cover....... Roger that. Ill report if I have anything else to say." he said before I heard him shut his phone. My eyes glared. Someone was working against Mazuki.

I walked around the corner and confronted the guy.

"who are you working for?" I asked. The guy was tall and had silk black hair. His brown eyes widened slightly before going back to normal.

"I work for Mazuki, of course." he answered.

"if you work for Mazuki, then what is it you haven't found? And why would you need a cover? I'm young, not stupid." he looked slightly panicked. I just stared at him, making sure he knew I expected an answer. After a moment of him trying to think of something, he sighed.

"I work for Tomostu. He had me placed to keep an eye on you in till he can retrieve you." my eyes sharpened.

"you can tell Tomostu that I don't need to be retrieved. I am fine were I am. Tell him I don't expect him to understand, but I am choosing this because it is best for me. So back off." I said before a walked away. I'll let him stay undercover for a while, however, I cant go back to Tomostu's. If I stay here, I can gain my freedom. I will only have to worry about my self soon.

It doesn't matter if I want to be with Tomostu, I cant. My number one priority is to find 'him'. Even if he doesn't like me anymore, I am going to at least find him and thank him. Even if he promised that we would meet again, I wont blame him for forgetting.

I walked back to the room I share with Mazuki. He said he wanted me there when he got home. Something about news.

Well when I got there, I was a little late, because Mazuki was already sitting on the bed, glaring at me.

"s-sorry! I had to go to the restroom." I lied. He softened, but still looked slightly mad. More like he was pouting than he was mad. He ushered me forward to sit in front of him. I followed orders. Sitting in front of him, he handed me a folder.

"look through that." he stated. I complied. I looked through the folder and it was all information. Some guy in his mid thirties, dark hair, average height, had a very simple look. I looked through the other things in the folder and I talked about the places he like to visit regularly, his home town, friends places, things he like, his job, things like that.

"ok, so this guy has gone missing?" I asked. Mazuki didn't look the slightest surprised. He knows how smart I am. Mazuki just nodded his head.

"he went missing about three days ago. He is a member of the lower ranks of my men. I don't like my men, no matter how small, going missing. Its suspicious. I need to find out why he was captured, or why he ran away. We are not sure which one." he sighed. "I don't feel like spending to much time on this stuff, I decided to send you out. If necessary, take care of him." he stated.

"ok...." wait a minute... "what?! So I get to go out of this place?!" I almost yelled.

"yeah. You haven't acted out or disobeyed on propose since your confinement. But just so you know, that piercing on your right ear is a tracker. If you try to run, you will get found and punished."

"yeah yeah. What ever. Like I care. So what are your beliefs?"

"well evidence points to.."

"no I said what are YOUR beliefs." I interrupted. Mazuki sighed.

"I believe that he was token. He wasn't one to stray to far from anyone."

"ok. Ill be leaving now then. I know you want this closed as soon as possible."

Mazuki nodded before throwing me some new clothes. Some that didn't draw the eye to much. A pair of blue jeans and black shirt with a dark blue jacket. I put those on, along with my white shoes and left. Only stopping when Mazuki kissed me and gave me a note so I could get past the gates. I walked to the gate, gave the guards my note(feeling like a kid in school going through the hall during class) and walked around the corner before I ran. Not even to run away, just to run. I felt free.

I ran to where the guy was living before he disappeared and nothing seemed out of place. Then I went to where he was last seen. He was last seen at a bar in the west. I went there and almost wasn't allowed to enter because I looked so young, but I showed the fake ID that Mazuki got me. If he put me on a mission, I usually had to go to places like this. It was easier for him to get me a fake ID. He knew a man that made them and even could put it in the governments records. Since I didn't have a record of anything, he had to make a new birth record, and all that stuff. Its funny how I can go from being nobody to being a 22 year old in collage.

Well when I talked to the bartender, he said that the guy had been there by himself, when some other guys came up and talked to him. The guy looked pissed and scared. He said he heard something about them going to the hotel on marvel street. I said thanks and left. Turns out marvel street is in the red light district. I hate when Mazukis' missions make me come here. I always get hit on. I walked into the Samsons hotel and asked the key keeper about the guy. She said that he was in room 215. of course, I lied and said I was his kid. I walked to the room and listened outside. I heard some mumbling. I knew it wasn't because I couldn't hear. I looked in the key hole and saw a man bound to a chair. One guy was sitting on the bed, and another was walking around. So this was going to be easy.

I knocked on the door. Might as well go with the easy way first.

"what? I thought we said we didn't want to be disturbed?"

"room service. Someone order a sandwich?"

"no. no one ordered a sandwich. Go away."

"are you sure? I'm pretty sure it was this room. For a... Burnswick?" that was the guy I was tracking's name. I heard the guy curse.

"no. you have the wrong room."

"you sure?"


"ok, if you want to do this the hard way." I said opening the door. I picked it well he was yelling. I walked in and shut the door.

"who the hell are you?" a tall guy with dark brown long hair said.

"oh, don't worry about me. I'm just here to retrieve one of our men."

"like hell you are!" he said getting mad. I saw his other guy go to attack from behind. I kicked him in the stomach.

"if your going to fight me, come at me. don't sneak around." I stated. The guy on the bed stood up and was about to attack when another voice surrounded the room.

"are you an idiot?" it asked. I turned to see a guy coming out of the bathroom.

"maybe. But that's kind of personal." I answered. This made him laugh.

"go home kid. You cant take on three men. Especially with your strength."

"ill take my chances" I said while the guy I kicked down got back up.

"ok, but don't blame us when you get beat and sold."

"happens all the time, so no biggie." I said before I punched the guy I kicked earlier. He went flying back. I dodged the next attack from the guy with the big temper before hitting his pressure points and leaving him useless. I looked over at the guy that came from the bathroom. He rushed forward. I moved out of his way at the last second and kneed him in the stomach. He fell forward, but shoot right back up, swinging his fist.

He actually kept up with me. Dodging and attacking. I didn't get hit, but he still kept up. After so long, his speed decrease and I took the final attack. He passed out. I cut the ropes that bound the guy to the chair. He stared down at me looking pissed.

"what do you want with me brat?"

"is that really a way to talk to some one that just saved you?" I asked cocking my eyebrow.

"I didn't ask not to be saved brat." wow, way to be original.

"what ever. Report back to Mazuki."


"Yashiba? The top of your gang?"

"and what gives a brat like you the right to tell me what to do and call him by his first name?"

"well, I am the closes to him and he did personally send me to find you. He also said to take care of you if you were up to something suspicious. All I have to do is give a little twist to the story and Mazuki would have it token care of. And get a new word to call me. Brat is getting over used." I threatened before walking away. When the guy wasn't following, I stopped and spoke with out turning.

"if you don't follow me to the head house, you might as while shoot yourself in the head and kill your self, because you will be found and killed. This will be considered a treason." I warned. He scattered to follow me.

When we got back to Mazukis' house, I told the guy to wait in the living room and went to find Mazuki myself. He was passed out on our bed when I found him. Sighing, I went to the bed and woke him up. He was not a morning person, so when he sleeps, he likes to not get awoken in till he himself wakes up. So I was probably going to get in trouble for this, but whatever.

"Mazuki, I found the guy. He is in the first living room." I said, only receiving a grunt as a response. I took a deep breath before, saying it again slightly louder. Still, he hasn't awoken. This time, I jump on the bed and pull the blankets off of him. I jumped and landed on him, acting like a little kid. This time, he woke up. He was pissed, as I guessed, but he still woke up.

"what the hell? Are you a masochist? Do you want to die?"

I just looked at him.

"hey, I caught your guy. He is in the living room. You can talk to him about the story, I'm not interested. And just to warn you, he has the IQ of a freaking 12 year old. The only insult he could come up with was 'brat' and he doesn't know when he should be grateful. Just so you know." he grunted.

"Yeah yeah. I got it." he said before getting up, getting dressed, and leaving.

Today was fun.

Tomostu's pov.

I just finished the call with one of my men in the Yashiba main building. I cant believe what I am hearing. He told me that junichi had confronted him and told him to tell me, in quote, "I don't need to be retrieved. I am fine were I am. Tell him I don't expect him to understand, but I am choosing this because it is best for me. So back off"

I don't know how to handle this.

Junichi doesn't want to be rescued. He doesn't want to get away from Mazuki. What do I do now? Do I just give up?

No! I'm going to get junichi back. I know he might still be mad at me, but Mazuki is not going to get what I paid for. Junichi is mine. No ones else's.


there you go! the next chapter! ill post the next this weekend!

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