Black Magic (Kellic)

By davyxxjones

989 20 131

Vic Fuentes, the guy that everyone loves. Everyone wants to be with him, but of course, most of all, so does... More



45 1 3
By davyxxjones

As soon as I got back to my house, I ran up to my bedroom and shut my door before anyone could speak to me. I immediately opened up my laptop and called up both Alex and Jack. If Jack didn't answer, then shame on him. He would really be missing out on something big today.

Thankfully, after about a minute, both Jack and Alex answered, with expressions of concern on their faces. "What happened to you?" Alex asked.

"You were missing! And Kev told us that you ran away!" Jack added. I honestly didn't think that he'd still be on speaking terms with Kevin.

"I did run away, and I can explain." I swallowed hard. "Wait, Kevin told you that I ran away? What did he say?"

"He just told us that you ran after something happened. He wouldn't tell us anything else," Alex explained.

"Okay, good." I released a breath that I didn't realize that I was holding.

"Why? What did you do?"

"Well, Vic pushed me when I was going to apologize to him and Andy. And then Kevin complained about how rude Vic was. And then I got upset with him and yelled at him. For the first time ever I saw Kevin completely shut down. And I was devastated with myself so I ran away from school. And when I was far enough away I went into this coffee shop. In the shop there was this guy that I'd met the other day. He told me that he wanted for me to communicate with a spirit that he was afraid was still in his house. I agreed to it, but it didn't go the way that I wanted for it to go. And I summoned the Devil."

"You summoned the Devil?"

"I summoned the Devil."

"That's not even possible. Your black magic stuff, that it's fucking real," Jack tried to reassure himself.

"You guys don't believe that what I do is real?" I asked, feeling truly deflated.

"To be honest, it just kind of feels like the thing that you do to try and give your life some purpose."

"Jack!" Alex scolded.

"Am I wrong? I mean, what's he even got to talk to spirits about anyways? He's never shown any of it to us. It's no different than a teenager cutting themselves when the feel empty. Black magic is his outlet."

"That's not what it is!" I defended. 

"Yeah? How did you know that you even summoned the Devil?"

"It's not what you see, it's what you feel."

"What does that even mean?"

"Why is everyone so pissed off at me lately?!" I snapped.

"You never make any sense!"

"Jack, stop it!" Alex scolded him. 

Jack sighed. "I'm sorry. I just don't understand why you have to look up to something else to give yourself happiness."

"Kellin, don't listen to him. It's just a lot to take in. Why do you think that you summoned the Devil?"

"I heard him." I relieved the moment where the strange language was being spoken. It wasn't from one particular location. It was everywhere and nowhere all at once. It was so difficult to explain.

"You heard him?"

"I heard him. I know it was him. I don't know how, but I just know."

"I don't see how basing your conclusions on intuition alone is ever going to help you in life," Jack said.

"I know what I heard. Don't you believe me?"

And then there was silence. Neither of them moved. Some friends I've got myself. I shook my head and closed my laptop. I can't believe that they thought that I'd lie to them about this.

The following day, I decided to make it my mission to apologize to Vic and Andy. If anyone deserved an explanation, it was probably them. Of course, I'd also apologize to Remington if I saw him. Either way, I was running out of time to catch the two of them. They were both sitting at their lunch table with a bunch of other people that I didn't know. I had to end this here and now before it progressed into something more than it was ever supposed to be. I stood up and started walking. Jack and Alex looked at me with confusion. I hadn't told them my plan. In fact, I hadn't really told them much of anything since yesterday.

My hands grew sweaty as I grew closer and closer. "Listen," I began, once I was sure to be in earshot.

They both looked up at me. "What do you want?" Andy asked.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. You were right. I should have thought before I spoke." I bit my lip. "And it is my fault that I don't have many friends." I didn't believe that. "And I shouldn't have pushed you, either. That was rude of me."

There was silence. At first I thought that they were going to laugh, but then Vic spoke up. "I'm glad that you're sorry."

What the fuck does that mean?! 

"You're forgiven," Andy said, sounding sincere. Vic furrowed his brow at Andy. Is he usually like this? I can't say that I remember him being so icy to anyone. He's usually such a nice guy. 

"Well, alright then." I started to walk away.

"Wait!" Vic called. I stopped and looked back. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have done that to you yesterday either."

I nodded. "I sort of deserved it."

"No you didn't. And you didn't deserve those snide comments either. Can we start over?"

I felt my lip quirk upwards. "I think that I might like that."

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