I Loved You First (Dabi X OC...

By Laraisahufflepuff

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Kimiko and Touya were childhood sweethearts. When he ran away she was left heartbroken. This is the story of... More

I Loved You First - Back Story
Chapter 1 - My Parrot is a Vine Star
Chapter 2 - Bird Boy
Chapter 3 - Feathered Punk Steals Yo Girl
Chapter 4 - Peppermint Baby Boi
Chapter 5 - Broccoli's Broken Finger
Chapter 6 - The Four Armed Weirdo
Chapter 7 - From Chicken Little to Papa Bird
Chapter 8 - My baby boy is growing up
Chapter 9 - Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Chapter 10- Date with a Flirty BirdBoi
Chapter 11 - Dear Babydoll
Chapter 12 - Don't go BREAK-IN my heart
Chapter 13 - The Return of Broccoli Boi
Chapter 14 - Coffee with the Bird Brain
Chapter 15 - Need for Speed
Chapter 16 - Halloween Now & Then
Chapter 17 -Why Can't We Be Friends
Chapter 18 - A Familiar Face
Chapter 19 Sister from Another (Hothead) Mr.
Chapter 20 - Books from a Birdbrain
Chapter 21 - Heart Eyes Hawks
Chapter 23 - Tamaki's Broken Heart
Chapter 24 - The things I heard in the training room
Chapter 25 - The secret life of Keigo Takami
Chapter 26 - Birds of a feather
Chapter 27 - Sports Festivals Suck
Chapter 28 - Oh Brother
Chapter 29 - Hey Babydoll
Chapter 30 - Time to Come Clean
Chapter 31 - What The Hell Just Happened?
Chapter 32 - No Winged Babies Please
Chapter 33 - The Calm before the Storm
Chapter 34 - The Day That Hosu Burned
Chapter 35 - Angry Flame Brain
Chapter 36 - How I Met Your Mother
Chapter 37 - Something to focus on
Chapter 38 - Joining the League
Chapter 39 - Who said summer camp would be relaxing?
Chapter 40 - The night it all went wrong
Chapter 41 - Family Reunion
Chapter 42 - I don't like your new gang
Chapter 43 - Pizza at 2am isn't a good idea
Chapter 44 - A league of their own
Chapter 45 - The Day I Died
Chapter 46 - Waking up alone
Chapter 47 - The Shigaraki Support Group
Chapter 48 - Not Everything Has Changed
Chapter 49 - This is why we don't commit robbery
Chapter 50 - Sorry to crash your party
Chapter 51 - Welcome Home
Chapter 52 - Coming Clean
Chapter 53 - What the heart wants
Chapter 54 - Our new home looks like and Amazon warehouse
Chapter 55 - Necklaces are gender neutral
Chapter 56 - Songbird
Chapter 57 - A tissue a tissue, we all fall down
Chapter 58 - Half-hot half-cold party
Chapter 59 - Wanna join my gang?
Chapter 60 - Our new son
Chapter 61 - Eavesdropping isn't always bad
Chapter 62 - An unconditional kind of love
Chapter 63 - Take your shoes off in this household
Chapter 64 - It's rude to show up uninvited
Chapter 65 - Mistakes were made
Chapter 66 - Tales of the big silly red bird
Chapter 67 - Prison break fail
Chapter 68 - A bond with the devil
Chapter 69 - Rate your stay on trip advisor
Chapter 70 - What a reunion
Chapter 71 - Fast and Furious mom
Chapter 72 - The amazing Tamaki
Chapter 73 - A new possible life
Dabi's Ending
Hawks Ending

Chapter 22 - A Blue Haired Stranger

965 40 4
By Laraisahufflepuff

Kimi's POV

I hate shopping. I seriously don't understand how anyone thinks this can be considered therapeutic! I gazed around the busy mall that buzzed with teenagers and older people alike. I was never more thankful for online shopping. I had managed to buy Tamaki his birthday present from the comfort of my home and have it delivered to me the next day without having to enter the busy sea of shoppers I saw before me. I was only in the mall because the restaurant was situated just outside it, but moving through the flurry of people gave me a small degree of anxiety and I wondered how on earth Tamaki would cope in this situation.

As I slowly made my way towards the sushi place Tamaki had told me to meet him the bustling people around me pushed past and resulted in me bumping into a stranger. It wasn't hard but whoever it was sounded as though they had the breath knocked out of them.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I splitter out to the hoodie wearing stranger. They were tall and slender wearing an oversized black hoodie and bright red chunky converse. The shoes reminded me of clown shoes in a way and I shifted a little uncomfortably at the thought. Their hood remained up however small tufts of pale blue hair could be seen sticking out from beneath it.

"It's fine." They replied quickly in a nasally tone clearly wanting the conversation to be over as quickly as possible. From his voice I could tell he was male but the strange texture of his voice left me unable to place his age. He glanced up from underneath the cover of his hood and I was met with blood red eyes peering back at me. I normally wouldn't have even glanced at him but his crimson eyes were so unique they made me stop. His eyes were framed by deep cut wrinkles that stood out against his sickly pale skin. He looked like a phantom.

"Well ... umm have a nice day and sorry again!" I exclaim nervously. I don't like to judge people by the way they look but something about this guy was putting me on edge and it wasn't just his clown shoes. I spun around and power walked to the sushi bar not glancing behind me and hoping to get this stranger out of my mind.

As I approached the sushi bar I noticed Tamaki, Nejire and Togata standing outside waiting on me. Nejire wore a pale blue dress that matched her spiral hair and she spoke animatedly moving her hands in wild eccentric gestures that made me chuckle under my breath. Togata was laughing whilst ruffling Tamaki's hair, the poor boy looked about to faint with the attention he was receiving.

"Hey guys, sorry I kept you waiting! How's the birthday boy?!" I smile widely before Nejire engulfs me in a tight hug to which I pet her head affectionately.

"N-no it's no problem Kimi. We were actually early!" Tamaki spoke looking red and flustered.

"How about we get a roll on ... a sushi roll that is!" Togata exclaimed with a loud laugh to which I shook my head but couldn't help but smile. The kid is pure sunshine. Tamaki was gazing at me every few seconds, his hands shaking lightly but I just smiled and looped my arm through his and Nejire's whilst Togata held the door open for us to enter.

"Why thank you dear sir!" I exclaimed to which Togata replied back with equal vigor "no problem good lady!".
The sushi bar was small but busy with a traditional sushi conveyor belt running the stretch of the restaurant. I immediately knew why Tamaki chose this location. He could pick what he wanted to eat without having to speak to a waiter, which in all honesty was a pretty smart avoidance strategy. Not that I am complaining, the spicy tuna rolls that were slowly making their way to our table looked amazing!

***Time skip***

"So it's not too late to give you your present right?" I asked, looking up at Tamaki who was just finished a strawberry mochi ball. His eyes widened and he choked slightly releasing a series of quiet coughs.

"You-you really didn't have to get me anything Kimi! I-I'm just happy you're here!" He stuttered out, his face now glowing a deep shade of red.

"Well too bad!" I smile popping down a pale blue envelope onto the table and sliding it across to him dramatically like I was in a mafia movie. Tamaki starred intensely at the envelope for a few moments as though trying to open it using the force. I felt myself laugh a little, especially noticing Togata looking back and forth from Tamaki to the envelope as though he were watching a game of tennis.

"I don't think it'll open just by you looking at it Tamaki!" Togata exclaimed patting his friend strongly on the back causing Tamaki to fall slightly forward.

"R-right, th-thank you very much Kimi!" He exclaimed bowing slightly from his sitting position and beginning to open the envelope with shaking hands. He took his time to delicately unfold the crisp paper, ensuring it didn't rip and I heard him take a small intake of breath upon seeing its contents.

I had gotten him tickets to the local butterfly house, knowing his love for the winged creatures. He had told me many times over the years about is fascination with butterflies. They start as nothing more than caterpillars but transform into something beautiful, something majestic. They were proof that we can all change and grow. They gave him hope.

"Thank you Kimi." Tamaki whispered looking about ready to cry. His hands shook lightly and he smiled a closed eye smile still clutching the tickets tightly to his chest.

"Well this makes our gifts look like crap!" Togata laughed having presented his birthday presents with Nejire before I arrived. Tamaki was still a blushing mess on the brink of tears so I pulled him into a light hug and kissed his head the way I often did with Shoto. I heard him gasp lightly and stiffen but thought nothing of it, Tamaki is always a nervous smol bean. He seemed incredibly emotional today, most likely because this was his last birthday whilst he is at UA and the fear of the future was looming.

"Glad you like them Tamaki!" I smile patting his back. Before he could respond I heard my phone begin to ring from where it rested in my pocket, the Attack of Titans theme song blaring out loudly. I retracted my arm and pulled out my phone to see that it was Keigo and felt that familiar flutter I always got when thinking of him.

"Oh, I should probably take this. Excuse me for a bit, I'll be right back!" I said getting up from the table with a friendly smile.

"Hey Birdbrain!" I exclaim as I stop just outside the restaurant watching the busy shoppers still shuffling through the pedestrianised area.

"Hey Babybird! What you up to?" Keigo chuckled through the phone. His voice was raspy but lighthearted and made my heart melt.

"Just out with some friends getting sushi. What about you?" I ask gazing around and noticing a familiar red eyed figure in the distance crouched beside the fountain, his black hood still placed over his head. I felt myself shiver slightly but tried to focus on the calming tone of Keigo's voice.

"I've got some good news actually. My agency has officially been brought into the case with your fire quirk user! We're one step closer to catching him baby"

"That's amazing! You really didn't have to do that but I really appreciate it." I look down feeling conflicted. A small part of me still thinks that it could have been Touya but if it wasn't I was really glad I had Keigo on my side.

"Of course! I gotta look after my Babybird!" I could practically hear his smirk through the phone.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow." I smile unable to stop myself from admitting it. We had agreed to go for a walk in the park where we first met and it was hear that Keigo would tell me about his past.

"Aww someone's been reading the books I got her and getting ideas, what you going to do with me when you see me? Hahaha! ... But in all seriousness I'm really looking forward to seeing you too." His voice went from joking to smooth and sincere in a flash and I felt my heart thump heavily upon hearing it.

"I'll see you tomorrow at 2PM then?" I grin feeling giddy and completely forgetting about the blue haired stranger who was now staring at me from across the mall with those unsettling crimson eyes and scratching harshly at his neck.

"Yeah, I'll see you then Babybird. Take care okay, make sure you get home safe and if you need me just call okay?" He spoke with a concerned voice.

"Yes sir!" I say with a chuckle and stopping myself from saluting.

"Mmm I love it when you call me sir!" He smirked causing me to snort loudly even though a deep blush spread across my cheeks.

"Head out of the gutter Birdbrain!" I exclaim only to be met with the familiar chuckle that I had gotten so accustomed to.

"Okay, okay! Have fun kid!" He said still laughing lightly.

"Not a kid, but I will! I'll see you tomorrow and thanks again Keigo."

"No problem, take care Baby!" He let out in a hushed voice before I said my goodbyes and made my way back into the sushi bar.

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