Elite 4

By TeamViper

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Leigh-Anne, Jade, Jesy, and Perrie are in for a wild ride when the get turned into elemental werewolf's and s... More

Chapter1:Transformations part1
Chapter 2:Transformations part2
Chapter 3:Confrontations
Chapter 4:First Full Moon
Chapter 5:The Aftermath
Chapter 6:Heartache, Heartbreak, and Battles part1 (Leigh)
Chapter 7:Heartache, Heartbreak, and Battles part2(Perrie)
Chapter 8:Heartache, Heartbreak, and Battles (Jade)
Chapter 9:Heartbreaks, Heartaches, and Battles( Jesy)
Chapter 10:Charmed
Chapter 11:New Kids
Chapter 12:Elite 6?
Chapter 13:Perrie's Skate Date
Chapter 14:Jade's Sanctuary Date
Chapter 15:Leigh's Alternative Date
Chapter 16:Training Day
Chapter 17: Vamps- Part 1: Meet the Pack
Chapter 18: Memories
Chapter 19: Revolations
Chapter 20: Operation Baby Gang is a go
Chapter 21: Dragons
Chapter 22: Surprise?
Chapter 23: Jesy's Day
Chapter 24: A Sirens Call
Chapter 25: Lets be Heros
Chapter 26: The First "I love you" is Hard
Chapter 27: Bring on the Heat
Chapter 28: God Mode- Part 1: Perrie
Chapter 29: Football Game
Chapter 30: God Mode- Part 2: Leigh-Anne
Chapter 31: Meeting the parents
Chapter 32: Dance for you life
Chapter 34: Into the 2nd Dimension
Chapter 35: A Normal Day
Chapter 36: God Mode-Part 4: Jade
Chapter 37: Shameless
Chapter 38: Valentines Prep
Chapter 39: Happy I Love You Day
Chapter 40: Periods
Chapter 41: Hail The Queen- Part 1
Chapter 42: Hail The Queen-Part 2
Chapter 43: Fight of our Lives
Chapter 44: Elite Babies
Chapter 45: Second Dimension(again)
Chapter 46: One Year
Chapter 47: Fun Fair
Chapter 48: That one Crossover Pt.2
Chapter 49: Finals
Chapter 50: Promposals
Chapter 51: Prom
Chapter 52: Graduation and Summer Time

Chapter 33: God Mode- Part 3: Jesy

178 9 10
By TeamViper

Jesy's POV

I wake up to an empty bed and look around confused before getting up and stumbling to the kitchen. "You fell asleep with your braces on last night Jes.", Jade says. I take the metal braces off and toss them into the case before putting in on the counter. "Have any of you seen Demi? She came back with me last night and she's not here now.", I say sitting at the island. "I heard walking last night. She might've went home.", Perrie answers. "Did it occur to any of you that were on the football team now? Just randomly, we didn't even try out.", Leigh says. "I guess we'll just see where it goes.", I shrug looking at the black and red helmet the I spray painted. I look at the big fourteen on the side and hold it up.

"How did they know when my birthday was?", I question. "They apparently know mine as well.", Jade says holding up her helmet with the number twenty-six painted in the sides. "Ours too.", Perrie says as her and Leigh hold theirs up to reveal a four and ten. "So we're being stalked by the football team. Cool.", Leigh shrugs. "It's a lazy Saturday today so how bout we watch some movies and eat junk all day?", I suggest. "I'm down.", Perrie says hopping over the back of the couch. "I'll get the snacks.", Jade says flashing out. "Guess I'll get the blankets.", Leigh shrugs walking down the hall. A knock sounds at the door and we turn our attention to it. "Did you invite Tori over?", I question.

"No I thought it was Demi. No one else knows where we live except them.", she answers. I open the door and get meet with four short boys. "Can I help you?", I question. "That depends, are you Blaze?", the one with braids questions. I look around before quickly pulling him and his friends in side. "Not saying that I am but who are you dorks?", I question noticing their appearances. "We aren't dorks you giant. We happen to be in our hero outfits.", the one with the large Afro says. "You look like cosplayers.", Perrie says from behind me. "Guys I'm back with- did Halloween come early this year?", Leigh questions through a laugh. "Apparently they're super heroes.", I say.

Jade flashes behind them and looks down at them. "Who are these weirdos?", she questions pushing through them. "We're Mindless Behavior.", braids says sending her a wink. "And I'm officially disgusted.", she says walking into the kitchen. "Listen, what do you want so we can make you leave?", I ask. "We wanted to train with you. We didn't know any other heroes so we tracked you guys down.", the one with the blonde top says. "You probably couldn't keep up with us. Sorry but no.", Perrie says. In a second, Afro is standing in front of her, more so face to upper chest and lower neck. "Step away from her or we hurt you bad.", Leigh growls. Jade and I step closer and he cowers back.

"First rule of hero training, don't show fear. You failed.", I shrug. The girls start laughing and they look around at us embarrassed. "That isn't fair. You started growling at us.", one of them calls. "Ok wait a minute, what are your names? If we have to tolerate you then we should know.", Jade says. "I'm Prodigy, that's Rock Royal, Princeton, and Ray Ray.", Prodigy says. "Now your real names?", I say in a bored tone. "Craig, Rayan, Jacob, and Santo.", Ray Ray answers. "Fine. We'll humor you but we're busy people, so don't expect anything from us daily.", Perrie sighs. They all smile and sit down on the couch before getting pushed off by a strong gust of air. "Rule number two of being here, don't sit in our spots. You can sit anywhere that isn't red, green, white, or blue.", Jade says.

"But we don't have time for sitting. To the training room.", Leigh says clapping her hands together. The hallway light turns on and I wince. "We definitely need to get a dimming cover for that.", I mumble walking to the door. It opens and the eight of us step in before being sealed off. "We need to know what your powers are.", I say turning back towards them. "I've got super speed.", Prodigy says running around the room before tripping over Perrie's stuck out foot. "Always be aware.", she says. "I've got super strength.", Roc says flexing. "Invisibility.", Ray Ray says as he disappears. I activate my thermal vision and find him trying to sneak up on me. "Having fun are we?", I question grabbing him by his shirt.

He reappears and gives a sheepish smile. "And I'm basically the boy version of Mrs.Incredible.", Princeton says making his arm stretch out. "Oh wow. We definitely have our work cut out for us.", Jade says changing into her training gear. "Their suits are so much better than ours.", Prodigy whispers to Roc. "Another thing, werewolves have super hearing so if you wanna say something we're gonna hear it either way.", Perrie says. "And these are our training suits. Anyway, for the first exercise, we're playing dodgeball. One v four.", Leigh says. The room changes into a gymnasium and dodgeballs fall from the ceiling. "Pick who you four wanna go up against first.", Jade instructs. The discuss for a bit before turning back to us and pointing at Perrie.

She grins and steps on the other side. "Don't hold back.", she warns. Her phone rings and she answers as the boys start throwing balls at her. "What's up?", she questions dodging. "Nothing, I'm just with the girls.", she continues catching one of the balls. "I'm free later, why?", she says kicking one ball with her foot before using her free hand to catch it behind her back. "That's cool with me. I'll pick you up at seven then.", she smiles catching the last ball. As she hangs up the boys look at her in shock as she walks back to the sidelines. "Choose your next opponent.", I say. The point to Leigh and she grins. "I was hoping you'd pick me.", she says clapping her hands. The horn sounds and they continue their attempt. The way Leigh dodges almost looks like she's break dancing which is a style of defense we learned in our training that we thought was useless at first but now that we actually fight it's so much more helpful.

"And you're out.", she says catching the last ball before tossing it back. "This ain't no fair. Y'all know how to fight.", Roc whines. "Firstly, isn't any, secondly, stop being a whiny little bitch and play ball.", I say stepping in. I draw my scythe and lean on it as they start talking again. They start to throw balls and I chuckle before using my scythe to deflect all their balls. I pick up one of the balls and throw it in a boomerang style hitting all of them in their stomachs. "Get up. Still got one more to fight.", Perrie says. Jade briefly looks up from her book before stepping into her spot and continuing to read. "She's not even paying attention.", Ray Ray comments loudly sounding smug.

They start throwing as Jade side steps basically all the balls before pausing four in front of her and sending them back. "Well, you guys suck. But now we know what type of training plan to put you on. We're each gonna take one of you under our wing and then in a week we'll do this again and if you can hit at least one of us, then we'll move on.", Jade says. "Do we get to choose our mentor?", Ray Ray questions staring at me. I throw a fireball near his head and he yelps. "No. Roc you're with Jes, Prodigy you're with me, Princeton you're with Leigh, and Jade will take Ray.", Perrie says. She uses a vine to pull Prodigy over before grinning at him. "We're definitely gonna have fun.", I say looking at the shorter boy.

As I'm explaining to him why I wouldn't go on a date with him, I get a text. I open it and see that it's a video. "Girls, come look at this.", I say. They huddle around me and I press play. The video starts off black before a figure moves from in front of the camera revealing a tied up Demi. "If you want your little girlfriend back you'll come here and fight for her. To the death.", the person says before ending the video. My phone ends up on the floor as I feel my body start to light. "Jes, as much as I want you to go we need to find them first. I'll call Billie and Claude to get them down here so they can trace the whatever computer nerd word is.", Jade says pushing me back.

"Jade, I love you but get your hands off of me before I break them.", I growl. Leigh places both her hands on my arms before staring back at me with blue eyes. "Calm down.", she commands softly. My body starts to get cooler before I sigh out and nod. "They're on their way.", Perrie says walking back over. "What's going on?", Princeton questions. "Something important. Follow and if you get lost too bad.", I say walking out of the door. I step into the hallway before clapping my hands. Our slides open up from the wall and I slide down before starting the monitors. "We can as fast as we could.", Billie says. "We've got four possible locations. We'll send them to your visors.", Claude says.

I nod and transform before calling my bike. "Get over here.", I say grabbing Roc by his collar. "Where do I sit?", he questions. I press a button and the side seat pops out. "Cool.", he cheers stepping in. "I like to go fast, so don't barf.", I warn pulling out. "Split up, if you find her don't engage.", Billie instructs. I hold up a thumb and drive off to the location before stopping. "Why'd you stop?", he questions. I sniff the air before turning in the other direction. "Her scent is coming from this way. The other ones are wild goose chases.", I mumble driving that way. The smell gets stronger before we're outside of a large abandoned house. "Girls, I've found it. The other ones were to throw us off, get here now.", I say into my ear piece.

"Looks like you've came. I was hoping I'd get to fight all four of you, but your friends are a little late.", the person says stepping out from the shadows. "I won't do anything until I know that she's safe.", I say. They pulls out a cellphone before showing me a video of Demi struggling against the ropes. "This is all live. Plus I wouldn't hurt her, I want to love her.", the person says caressing the screen. I growl before tackling them and starting to punching them. "Listen here black hood wannabe. If you hurt her in any form or way, I will find out, I and will hurt you.", I say. The person pushes me off before running back into the warehouse. "What was that about?", Roc questions.

"That person has my girlfriend in there tied up doing who knows what to her.", I answer. "Well do you want me to punch through the wall?", he questions. "No-no. We need to wait for the girls.", I say trying to calm myself down. "We came as fast as we could.", Perrie says popping up from the ground. "Where the hell did you come from?", I ask. "Oh see since I'm technically part plant, I can travel through plants. So this grass led me to you.", she answers. Leigh taps my shoulder and I give her a question look. "Water travel. I can move through bodies of water.", she shrugs. Jade flashes in and I look at the warehouse. "Jes, take to the sky and do a thermal look over to see if there's any guards we should be worried about.", she says.

I nod and sprout my wings before flying up higher than the building. "Three on the first floor, four on the second, and six on the third. In the basement where their keeping her are about seven.", I say looking around. "Prodigy and I will take the first floor then.", Perrie says. "Prince and I will take third.", Leigh says gripping her swords. "I guess that leaves me and Ray to the second.", Jade says gripping his shoulder. "Knock knock bitches.", Perrie says moving the wall. "Get them!", one yells as they start shooting at us. Leigh catches them all with water bubbles before sending them back out. "Or we could do that.", I shrug. I activate the skates in my boots before sliding in a circle around everyone and stomping my foot down.

The floor below us falls and we're left in a basement looking place. "Looks like you called back up.", the person taunts. "You've got a lot of bark, but now you're with the big dogs. It's time to bite.", I say gripping my scythe. "You think you can stop me with those?", they question with a laugh. I take the crystal out of my pocket and secure it around my neck. "Nice jewelry.", Princeton comments from behind me. The marking on our arms start to glow before we charge forward to fight. "Boys, you four work on finding her. She should be in one of these rooms.", I say. "Skip us ripping the mask off, and take it off.", Perrie says. The person shrugs and pulls the mask off.

"It's you? Who-who are you exactly?", Jade questions. "I'm her best friend Andrew. Or I used to be, before red here came along.", he answers pointing at me. "I'm sorry about what you were gonna do, but this little bitch boy just stepped on the wrong wolfs tail.", Savage says taking half control. "We found her!", Princeton calls. "You three go get Demi, and I swear to you kid, if a single hair on my girls head is missing, I will make sure that you feel every piece of anger that I've been holding back.", I threaten. I hear footsteps behind me and look back to see the girl that all this was for.

The black eye she has makes me growl before looking back to the boy. "What the hell happened to her?", I question barely able to contain the anger I'm feeling. "One of the guys that brought her here had punched her. I told them to bring her in unharmed but he didn't listen. So he's dead.", he answers. My hands that are gripping his shirt loosen before everything around me freeze and I drop him. "Young Jessica.", a voice chuckles. "Where am I? I have things to take care of, I don't need to be here.", I say looking around. Everything is on fire, almost calming to me in a way. "Follow along with me.", he says pulling me up.

We walk through the hot land before coming to a stop in front of a big window looking thing. Looking down, I see the girls swarming around me who appears frozen as the boys make the guy stay. "Your love was taken away from you. I, Flame, give you the power of the fire gods before you to tap into your god mode power.", he says placing his flaming hand on my shoulder. I silent scream tears through me as I flash back into my body and shake off the pain. "Holy hot hell.", Perrie says stepping back. I look down at the daggers attached to my gloves and back up at the boy. "I'll give you two second head start that ended three milliseconds ago.", I say throwing one of the daggers out.

"I'll break your knee caps.", I say watching the dagger go completely through his leg. "You think you're so tough. Kidnapping an innocent girl, my girl, because you wanted to fight me for her? With or without the suit, I will win, and I will have her. You wanna know why? I'm not some power hungry maggot that needs to kidnap a person to make myself happy. Your reign ends here.", I say as I throw him to the ground. "Jade, gasoline.", I say holding my hand out. She appears next to me and walks forward to drench the guy, using the bucket she got from somewhere. "I would've let you beg, but I'm impatient.", I shrug lighting the end of the trail.

I turn around and sigh. I rush over to Demi who's getting her eye checked out by Perrie. "She's ok right?", I ask. "She's all good. Just need to put some ointment on it and it'll be gone in three days tops.", she answers. "Freeze! And put your hands where we could see them.", I police officer calls out. A helicopter spot lite shines down on us and I quickly push Demi to the boys. "You four get her out of here.", I instruct raising my hands. "I finally got you oversized dogs.", the chief laughs in my ear. "Listen here you middle aged child sex offender, if you even think about putting your hands on me, I'll burn them off.", I growl watching as he handcuffs me.

"Hush up mutt. This collar will show you who's the boss.", he says tightening it around my neck. I feel a prick before everything goes dark.

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