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By daddy_kins

92K 3K 8.1K

|COMPLETED| ___ cover by wafflesxberries "๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ก๐ข๐๐ข๐ง๐ ?" ๐Œ๐ฒ ๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ... More

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1.3K 42 321
By daddy_kins

Imagine breathing in

Imagine leaving all your air behind
What matters in the end

A matter of opinion 'til you find out

float -the neighborhood

"I'm not as good as Mitch. But this will due" I mumbled bitting my lip as I cleaned the cut on his eyebrow.

After Harry fucked me I immediately went to clean his cuts, I didn't know what had happened but he didn't seem pleased.

His broad shoulders were tense as he sat in front of me letting me swab the alchohol covered cotton ball on his cut. They didn't look that bad, but they still needed to be treated.

Harry didn't say anything so far just giving me hum as an answer. He seemed to be some where else in his mind, his eyes clouded in thought.

Maybe the call wasn't just a simple call, maybe he had a job to do. And did seem like it didn't go as well as he hoped or planned.

"Harry" I set the things down sitting beside him on the bed while I tugged on the bottom of his shirt that I was wearing.

It felt strange to see Harry like this, so.... empty. His green eyes no longer held the shine as he continued to ponder.

"Hey Dimples, penny for a thought?" I asked placing my index finger on his chin pulling his face to me. His eyes searched mine before an emotional flamed in his eyes. Anger.
"What happened?"

"Do you trust me?" He dismissed my question as he asked a new one. I frowned a bit wondering where this came from.

"Of course I do. Why?" I asked watching him gasp my hand in his, his eyes settling on my palm as he traced his finger along the lines "Does this have to do with your job"

"I need to keep you safe daredevil. Do you trust me to keep you safe?" I felt a chill run down my spine as he said that. What had happened for him to ask this, to have such rage in his eyes.

"Harry. If this is involving me, I need to know" I told him with a stern voice grabbing his finger to stop, watching his eyes flicker up to me.

"I can't tell you now Charlie" He breathed out his eyes swimming with worry and guilt which made me even more apprehensive about how he was acting "You being with me, it just brings alot into everything. The people that want to hurt me can hurt you and-"

He stopped gluing his mouth shut like he almost said something he shouldn't. I opened and closed my mouth, that sick insecurity eating me alive.

I opened my mouth to say what I was think. What I was feeling.

"Do you regret being with me?" I asked as his eyes went large as I looked down to my lap.

"Charlie look at me" I held my breath hearing the hurt in his voice, I didn't want to hear that he did.

That I was what... I've done with everyone I ever been with. A meaningless fling, just a warm body.

"Baby" I watched Harry body move from the bed to the floor. His hands smoothing up my thighs tilting his head to the side "I don't regret one thing. Being with you is the only right thing I've dont my whole life"

"I just don't want you getting hurt from the things that I work with" His eyes were sad as he looked up at me, I wanted to say that I was going to be safe.

But I didn't know if I would be, not because of him. Because I was slef destructive, or the own demons that followed me.

But I had one thing certain, just looking into Harry's green eyes I knew he'd do anything to keep me safe.

"If I knew what you were so worried about Dimples, I would try to avoid things" I told him, I wanted to know what he was so fearful.

"I'll tell you soon" He said, but I had a feeling that I wouldn't know. Harry seemed more secretive then me, I could see a lot of hidden behind those eyes.

I just wondered what was it.


"This was really unnecessary Harry" I laughed watching Jack literally chasing my dogs around the couch.

I was surprised when he showed up with a wide smile and food. When Harry said he needed keep me safe, I wasn't thinking he'd give me a bodyguard.

Much less his cousin.

I mean Jack did have a gun, but he was much shorter and slimmer than Harry. But the look in his eyes were intimidating.

The smile along with the killer eyes I saw the night at the strip club. His eyes were the most intimidating different from Harry.

Harry could control it, like it was a mask. Always covering how intimidating they were.

"So..."I breathed out not really knowing what to say to him. He was always there but I never really talked to him.

I was to busy passing out or just being trampled by Harry away from him. I mean I always thought Harry never wanted me to meet his friends.

"Sorry to pass by here but I knew Harold would be pissing himself just worried about you here alone" He smiled as my eyebrows shot up, he can here on his free will.
"And I was done with work, soo I came here to spend time with my bestie"

I simply smiled not really knowing what to say. What would I say to him.
'I'm so glad you're done with your drug dealing'

"You don't have to be stiff with me Charlie" He laughed tilting his head to the side, his hair flopping to the side as well.
"We are alike in many ways and you mean a lot to my cousin"

"What do you mean alike?" I asked sitting on the couch watching his just stare at the empty seat beside me.

He gave me a boyish grin before plopping down beside corssing his legs.

"I don't know, broken things know then other are like them" He said tugging the  sleeves of his sweat shirt hidding his hands. I stood silent now not really knowing what to say
"That's why I like you"

"Cause I'm broken?" I frowned not really understanding him.

"Cause you've seen the pain but you survived. You want to keep going" I was taken a back, I never expected a man with a boyish way to speak like this.

So sad yet with a smile.

"Uhm. What did you bring in the bag" I pointed to the black backpack he had set on the coffee table. I nearly jumped when he put out a loud gasp.

"Oh I firgured I would need help with this" he pulled out the contents of the bag, two sets of dye. Black and white and a toner attached.
"I wanted to change it up a bit" His fingers yanked on his bright red hair.

"So you want to look like a cow?" I laughed gently grabbing the white dye from his hand.

"I was going more zebra style but that can do"


"You shouldn't have let me do your hair with alcohol" I said as I continued to pain the black die on his hair watching it blend in with the rest.

We agreed to do one side black and the other side white. Which seem to be proven difficult when it came out yellow.

It's now a bit whiter but you can see the yellow still.

"It's fine, you can't fuck up black dye" Jack giggled taking a huge gulp of his beer as I accidentally dyed his forehead.
"How rich are you?" He asked looking up.

"Enough to buy a whole state"I laughed watching his mouth gape open before turning his head back so I could finish dyeing it
"Why wasn't that on my file?" I joked even though the secret spy was mine and Harry's inside joke.

"Not really but your sex history is very interesting" I stood still, I might be a bit tipsy but did he say I had a file. Like a real one?
"Did you really fuck a guy with a glass dildo?"

"That's in my file?" I asked surprised. Shouldn't it have like personal information and not who I fucked.

Don't be stupid Charlie about this, if Harry won't tell you. Maybe Jack will.

"Why do you have my file anyways" My hands stopped as I stired a bit one of the dye waiting for his response, anxious to know if he'd tell everything I was wondering about Harry.
"Has Harry seen my file"

"He asked for it, just a simple background check" I hummed calmly but inside my heart was racing.

Why did Harry need to do a background check on me, why did he need a file on me.

Did he randomly become Christian Grey with a british accent?

"We do background checks on everyone. You never know what psycho is out there" I laughed not really knowing why, but he was really starting to grow on me.
"Especially that thing with Tiny Mark, never knew he had a lizard fetish. But it did made sense why he had so much"

"What does Harry exactly do for a living" The question. The one I needed to know, if I was lucky enough and he was drunk enough I'd know.

It would break Harry's trust but I felt like he was breaking mine a bit when he's hiding something dangerous from me.

Especially when it seemed to now involve me.

"Aren't you a little curious girl" He turned around in his seat looking up with me holding a mischievous smile "I already had an ear full from telling you the half of what I have done, Harry would kill me if I opened my mouth again"

"Is it that bad" I mumbled feeling like a brat as I I didn't get my answers.

"Charlie is for your own good" He waved me off grabbing my bottle and finishing it himself. Rude. "Do want to know the psychopath and murders we work with?"

"It's not that, it's-" I don't want the same to happen again, to be lied to.

Then don't lie yourself Charlie.

"I don't think you care that much of what he does. You're just afraid of something else" He said bluntly as I looked at him astounded.

"I-" I tried to say something but nothing came out.

"Charlie, you've seen me in a strip club holding a gun. You know I don't sell puppies nor does Harry work in a simple shop" He continued getting up grabbing the 3 empty bottles of beer  from the bathrook countertop "If you cared you wouldn't come near me even with if I was selling Nicolas Cage swimsuits"


"You're very weird" I say, this was the weirdest conversation Ive had...and Ive had a few of them...

"That's the nicest thing someone has told me" He smiled grabbing the 3 empty beer bottles from the countertop of the bathroom beforea heading out.
"What about you, don't you have secrets to hide" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Tell me yours" I rubbed the back of my neck giving him a teasing stare.

"I hate physical contact" He said bluntly, I wasn't expecting him to actually admit something.

I didn't understand how- he always seem touchy feely with me. Hugs me, or just places his hand comfortably on my arm. I realized that he doesn't do that with Harry but I just assumed it was a guy thing.

"But you touched me" That sounded wrong but still.

"I have no problem touching woman or being touched by them. Men are just a bit different, it's even hard to even touch my own family" Jack's smile saddened a bit but the smile never stopped widening
"Kinda hard when I'm attracted to guys, bit hard to fuck them"

"I'm sorry" I didn't know how hard it must be to not like someone you love to touch you. And i didn't know what happened to him for that to happen.

"Don't be sorry love, it doesn't hurt me anymore" I didn't know what he meant or what his eyes were flashing with. Jack carefully grabbed the man that was still squeezing the back of my neck pulling it away slowly
"Like yours won't one day" he smiled squeezing my hand.

Jack was very much the opposite of what I thought of, he could be intimidating  but he acted so gentle and weird around me. He never took off the smile on his face.

I remember Harry mumbling how annoying he could be but I think he's very funny. A bit eccentric and sometimes dark but overall, I really like him.

Jack was right, the broken know the broken, his problems seemed to have never existed when with the issue of touching people but he didn't really seem to mind. I wondered if I'd like that, not afraid to tell my problems. Be so bold and proud.

He also had that same sense of calmness like he did in the club, he was right, I didn't mind his job or the guns. My problems layed with her, she was the reason the question keep coming up.

She made me think everyone was like that, the bad kind of secretive. The promises that were never good.

Harry wouldn't betray me, he wouldn't hurt me.

"Why were you at a strip club anyways" I asked, I mean I knew the reasons people went but Jack seemed out of place there.

"I grew up in one so I always feel at home" My eyes shot up as he said that "Harry said you have safe places, mine is just a bit more pole-ish" I smiled that Harry even though he was reluctant to be answer my question about him, I always figure out he couldn't help but mention me.
"You should stop by some time, Glitter and Kandy can shoot out ping pong balls out of her pussy"

"I'm sorry what?" I've heard woman can do that but I never seen one up close.

Heaven does exist and I've been there.

"You know, they clench a ball out their yooo-whoo" I couldn't help myself, I broke down laughing when he started to do visual representation of a ping pong ball coming out a vagina... or more like his dick.
"Last time Glitter shoot it and hit my knife straight on"

Since he touched the topic.

"Wait do you have a gun on you or like a knife" I wonderef if sometimes Harry walked around with a concealed gun and I never noticed. I mean not right now since his pants haven't been on lately

"Let's not go there or someone's gonna end up with a bullet hole" I rolled my eyes as I grabbed another beer as I stuffed a donut in my mouth.
"Wait hold still. Lemme send Harry a picture"

I didn't argue as I posed for the photo holding the beer up to my face as I kept the donut in my mouth was I waited for him to snap the picture. I smiled proudly I looked when he showed me, Harry was going to love it.

"What did he say?" I asked when I heard him giggle at the reply.

"He said try not to kill her" He waved it off knowing that Harry was just being dramatic "You accidentally kill 3 people and people call you a psychopath"


"I know, I'm clearly a sociopath" He continued to type on his phone like he didn't just tell he had killed someone. Why weren't I more surprised?

Was I really not bothered by that? Was I that insane and obviously to the sense of danger.

I knew I was reckless but I mean this is a new level. Was it because I believed they wouldn't hurt me depended of their job?

Or would they...

"Come on I think we left the dye to much in my hair" He grabbed my hand pulling us back to the bathroom.


"You're doing it wrong" Jack stilled my arms as he paused the game. I rolled my eyes for the 6th time when he started playing X-Box
"You're too stiff"

"I'm literally following what Shakira is doing it" I whined throwing my arms up before te screen showing the neon and colored dancer playing her.
"I've gotten great so far"

"But we want perfection Charlie. Move those hips" He sassed pushing his black/white hair off his face before unpausing and rolling his hips like her.

I was amazed on how flexible his hips were and how much control he had. He was right I was stiff.

He's hips don't lie.

"God if I wasn't in this life I'd be a dance, nobody would stop me" He rose his hands moving his body along with the dancer as I gave up grabbing the rest of my beer and taking a sip.
"You know I always wanted to be a stripper"

"I'd waste all my money on you Jacky" I snorted at the nickname it was accidentally but I've been saying that for the past hour.

"My ass would get all the singles, maybe I should call myself juicy from how juicy this ass is" He turned around before literally shaking his ass at me. I rushed over to him slapping his ass while we doubled over in laughter.
"God, I think I nearly pissed myself"

We layed on the fluffly carpet trying to catch our breathes, the game still playing in the background. I turned my head slightly to the side looking at him with a large smile as he stared at the ceiling.

"Thank you for coming Jack" I hesitated for a second before grabbing hid hand.

I didn't know this is how my day would end up, I thought I would be at the park staring at the stars but this is the most fun I have in this house.

In a non sexual way.

"That's what friends are for love" He smiled turning to me before standing up and pulling me along.

Jack came in my life just as randomly in my life as did Harry.

But something inside crunched at the good moments I had like this or when I'm with Harry. It was like I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

For the sun to be covered and head back to the storm, tossed into a wild storm.

"Oh no" I muttered holding up Jack's backpack. He had just left 5 minutes ago laughing his ass off.

I quickly tried to balance the 2 beer bottle in my hand and the bag under my arm as I tried to text him. Being a bit drunk I ended up letting the jack crash on the hardwood flooring.

I cursed myself before placing the bottles on the floor as I tried to stuff the contents in the bag back inside. As I was shoving it back in some thing caught my eye.

Jason Martin

-Ibiza x
-necklace x
- Natka x
- debts ✔
- affiliations

The rest of the written wasn't really legible, like it was written by a child or something. Some words not making sense or just written wrong.

I frowned when I pulled out a simple paper written with the word Darlin on it. A shiver went down my spine as I read it, that nickname always gave me chills.

A small picture was in the mix, my lips parted a bit as I stared at her. Her dull eyes, her dull hair. She was staring right back at me.

The doorbell rang loudly as I panicked knowing Jack must have realized he forgot the his bag. My shaky hands shoved the contents back in trying not to ruin or rip anything.

"I was about to text you" I rushed out holding the bag towards him as he smiled grabbing it pulling it towards him.

"Thank you so much, I'll text you tomorrow bestiee" He giggled waving at me as he headed towards the elevator. My smile continued on my lips until the golden metal doors shut.

My hands grasped the photo in my pocket pulling it out as I looked at it again. I took a deep breath as started at the familiar little girl in the picture.



Soo... that ending huh

Also Jack is my favorite character so far to write and today we saw a new side of him.

We're slowly going into the storm.

What do y'all think so far?

Don't forget to vote&comment cause it would mean alot to me.


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