By kniday

35.7K 910 66

You, a young girl, was sent to Nanba prison because you were accused of killing and supposedly attempted to t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
I have a question
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Going on Hiatus
My Decision

Chapter 6

1.4K 52 3
By kniday

Your POV

As I walk into my cell, I look around to see how many people where there. 'Ok so there are 4 other people here. I need to be extra careful since there are so many.' I say to myself as I walk around. I decide to sit down in the corner of the cell. I pull my hood farther over my face just to be safe. "So you're our new inmate?!" I hear a joyful voice say just a few feet away from me. I look up and come face to face with a bright green haired boy with red eyes like me. "Um yes I am the new inmate. My name is F/N. What's yours?" I asked him. I look around again and see that the other 3 inmates are now with me and the green haired boy. "My names Nico. Hey do you like anime!?" he asked, inching closer. I grab my hood and pull it farther over my face. "Uh that's a stupid question." I saw the sadness in his eyes when I said that but I didnt finish, I then exclaim as I throw my arms in the air. "I LOVE AMINE. ITS THE BEST!" "Yay! Come on lets go watch some right now." Nico says as he tugs on my arm. 'At least there's one nice inmate in this cell.' I think to myself as I sit down in front of the TV.

"Hey we havent gotten to introduce ourselves yet." I heard one of the other inmates say. I look around and see a purple haired male with a wide grin on his face. "The names rock. Say do you like food?" 'What's with these stupid questions?' "The answer is obviously a yes. Food is amazing. There are so many different flavors of food and so many choices. I always choose everything from the menu because I can't choose." I said while looking at the tall male in front of me. "Cool, maybe we can go to the lunch room and get us something to eat." he responded with an even wider grin on his face. "Hello there my name is Uno. Lets see who is the better gambler." A man with really long hair said holding a deck of cards. "Aw but hes watching anime with me." Nico complained tugging on my arm. "He is supposed to go to the lunch room with me." They started to argue between each other and I took this chance to introduce myself to the black and red haired boy with the cuffs on his wrists, ankles, and neck. "You have some interesting cell mates." I say to him, trying to start a conversation. "Yeah but they are the only ones I got in this prison and I would rather have them then some weirdo." He said, turning his head in my direction. I look into his eyes and see that they are heterochronic eyes. The boy also looked familiar in a way but I wasn't sure how or why. "You have beautiful eyes." I said ignoring the feeling of me knowing him. A look of surprise came across his face. "Um thank you? By the way my name is Jyugo. I didn't quite catch what yours was." "Oh, I'm sorry my name is F/N. Nice to meet you. Jyugo." I put my hand out for him to shake while using the other to pull my hood farther over my face.

After a few minutes of talking Hajime comes back and opens the door. "HAJIME!" I yell as I go to the door and hug him. "What are you doing?" he asked me as he tried to pull me off of him. I just wrap my legs around him and held on tighter. "Let go of me!" he yells as the other inmates just watch. "Wow I guess Hajime is no match for the new inmate." My cell mates tease as they start to laugh. I finally let go and walk up to them. "Don't tease Hajime." I say in a demonic voice. "O-o-o-k-kay." They all say in unison while shaking. "Thank you." my voice became normal as I walked back to Hajime and asked why he was here. "O-oh right I came here to tell you that it is time to train." I could sense the slight amount of fear in his voice. I walk closer and whisper in his ear "Theres no need to fear me. I wont hurt you." Hajime stiffens slightly then regains his composure. "Come on you lazy bums." Hajime waits outside as I try to gather everyone so we can do some training. "Come on guys, we need to go. I don't want Hajimes job to be harder than it needs to be." I say as I pull them out of their hiding spots. "NOOO I DON'T WANT TO TRAIN!!" they all yell while I drag them with me and Hajime.

Hajimes POV

I walk over towards cell 13 since it's their time to train but when I open the door, I hear a familiar voice call my name and something hug me. I look down to see that it was F/N. "What are you doing?" I ask as I try to get him off of me. He just wraps his legs around me and holds on tighter. 'Why is he so attached to me?' I ask myself, still trying to get him off. "Wow, I guess Hajime is no match for the new inmate." I heard one of the other inmates say. I was about to hit them on the head when F/N let me go then started to walk towards them. 'What is he doing?' I was about to grab him when I heard a demonic voice coming from his direction. 'Is this what the experiments did to him?' I ask myself watching the terrified expression on the other inmates faces. To be honest it sent chills down my spine. "Don't tease Hajime." is what he said. The other inmates agreed then it was like nothing happened. They looked at me and ran in opposite directions probably to hide so they didn't have to train. 'Bunch of idiots.' I say to myself as I enter the cell to go get them. I hear footsteps coming towards me. I look around to find F/N standing in front of me. He approached and whispered to me saying that he would never hurt me. 'I guess he senced the slight fear I had.' I thought as he walked off. I stood in the doorway as F/N dragged the idiots from their hiding spots. "NOOO I DON'T WANT TO TRAIN!" they yelled as he approached me. "Lets go." He said, waiting for me to lead him to the training ground. 'He would make a good guard.' I thought as we walked down the long hallway.

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