「 Girls' Frontline 」Nikolay's...

By Dualpen

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After several years of living off his survival skills and scavenger instincts to come around trouble, weather... More

Attention all readers, new and old, before you read!
Ch. 1: Keep it Going
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: First contract
Chapter 6: New faces on sight
Chapter 7: Fallen falcons
Chapter 8: Hunt
Chapter 9: Liberation
Chapter 10: Frozen Journey
Chapter 11: Snowy Relaxation
Chapter 12: Cry of the eyass
Chapter 13: Old time jabs
Chapter 14: New year, new life
Chapter 15: Settling down
Chapter 16: A calm day
Chapter 17: Preparations for the play
Chapter 18: Starring the puppeteer
Chapter 19: Start of the red show
Chapter 20: Introduction
Chapter 21: Crux
Chapter 22: Denouement
Chapter 23: Good morning
Chapter 24: Daily life continues
Chapter 25: Springs notice
Chapter 26: A timely arrival
Chapter 27: Getting back on track
Chapter 28: Old but gold
Chapter 29: Lockdown shenanigans
Chapter 30: Talkful day
Chapter 31: A hint of distrust
Chapter 32: New thinking
Chapter 34: Bitter memories
Chapter 35: Working day
Chapter 36: Cloudy
Chapter 37: Recruting
Chapter 38: Little tour
Chapter 39: Arrival
Chapter 40: Release

Chapter 33: Paperwork

103 6 0
By Dualpen

"You are a lair... You are just a lair! A sharp-tongued sadist! You are lying to everyone and yourself! Why must you do this?! You Ain't happy with all this you already made?! Is that not enough for you?! Nikolay... Nikolay?"

R5: Nikolay...?

Our commander came back to earth as his blank eyes shifted their view from the photo he stared at to the doll near him, he simply inhaled deeply, and then stared with a small yet genuine smile at R5.

Nikolay: Sorry I'm a bit tired and kinda spacing out

He said making R5 hum as she approached her commander and put her hand on his front to check his temperature.

R5: Maybe you should go rest, didn't the doctor say you must not overwork?

Nikolay: Nah, don't... Worry about that

He simply said as he waited for her to get her hand off him, he must admit a bit of warmth and talk did cheer him up a tiny bit. He then proceeded to keep talking finishing his sentence.

Nikolay: Besides, wouldn't be fun for you, on your first day as my secretary spend it alone with tons of work while I slack off, I can rest later when it's our brake yeah?

R5: If you say so commander...

Said R5 as she backed off and then took the files on his desk to go and print a copy of them.

R5: Just don't overdo yeah?

Nikolay: No worries, go and let's finish doing this rule book so everyone's job gets easier

R5 nodded as she ran off the room, the door gently closing behind her, Nikolay's stare became blank again as his hand still unmoving but yet with a pen pressing onto a paper didn't flinch, his eyes, however, shifted back to the photo, staring at the picture of the female they eyed so much.

"You are a jerk! An excuse of a captain, neither you are a major nor a lieutenant, you never were! You are just a selfish bastard! You know nothing but war, what kind of man doesn't worry about his own men?! Oh right... You told us you were a jerk didn't you?"

Nikolay: Hm... Logistics... I wish war was just that... Logistics...

"All of you shut up! What good has he done?! His victories don't justify the means! You all are crazy! Where is your morality?!"

Nikolay: *Sigh*

Nikolay just let go of his pen as he rested his head on the table, maybe taking a small break would stop his mind from attacking his emotions with memories he didn't want to remember. And such he decided to analyze recent events to set his mind back down to earth. Firstly the most important thing is that finally, Kryuger let Nikolay have the access to the commanding software other commanders had to buy or borrow troops, furthermore they provided him with a bit of supplies to kick start any commanding plan he might have, even though they weren't near enough to start a war with Polaris it would cut down the time of logistical planning greatly nonetheless. He also got lucky with having Helian come in place of Kryuger or himself going to Kryuger's office, that would have been a shit show for him to emotionally handle right now, so all in all he was quite happy with how things were going with G&K not to mention her girls probably already have quite the foothold set on G&K intelligence gathering. Then his mind recalled back other events, jumping right into wondering why Raisa wanted to step down from being his secretary, although happy she was resigning, in the end, he was kinda worried or maybe to properly say, suspicious about that decision, either way, it cleared the way to help R5 out, hence why she is his assistant now, she needed a more clam and active job to exercise her mind and emotions, so this seemed like the perfect fit.

Nikolay: Oh right, after the reunion with Helian we got sent that intel from Julian's base... We still need to organize that *Sigh* At least we got data now to train on to start of our war with Polaris strong...

He hummed, remembering how he cut off his arm and got R1s out of there. A blood-filled memory blurred with smoke and dust, although his face was stoic he wasn't really indifferent about those events, from one part, the fact that the R sisters have such a strange and intricate hate and distrust filled relationship could affect the overall combat efficiency and put them at risk in the end. But moreover, Hadel... Polaris, puppets, secret labs, underground factories, and testing facilities, it just sounded so familiar yet so new, who the hell were they? Why they only consider SF as a threat for now? Did he get the wrong idea? Or was he tricked yet again, and their tactics, what the hell was that? What a waste of good troops, and great strategic positions, but if there was something that really was concerning him was how they evaporated out of nowhere, simply vanished as soon as they were put under the rug.

Nikolay: You can't simply disappear from a hill like that, from an open plain with nowhere to go, and even so close to such dangerous territory as Sangvis Ferri borders...

Nikolay snapped out as he heard the notification and turned his head around, staring at his now turned on phone on top of the desk, he doubted it was someone from Griffin as he just recently finished speaking with them, so who could it be?

Straightening his posture and sitting correctly again he took his phone and looked at the notification, a message from Anna.

Nikolay: Wait... Anna? I thought we already discussed the newer uniforms matter...

He mumbled to himself unlocking his phone and going to read the message, trying to figure out what could have happened for her to send him a message, it could always be just a simple let's chat or give me a call but that idea really was buried down below other thoughts he had in the front of his mind right now.

Nikolay: "Oh I forgot to add, be careful with the delivery"... Careful? With uniforms?... They don't have ceramic or anything why would I be careful with them...

He muttered and then simply answered with an okay, turning off his phone afterward he stared at the closed door into his office, be careful, what did she mean by that? Either way, he shrugged it off and decided to keep working now that his mind was a bit more relaxed than before, even if it was by little.


R1s: Hmm...

R1s kept eyeing her gun, the barrel of the Hk416 still shining brightly as the sun rays reflected on it, magazine out and safety on, the rifle was disarmed for now yet she stared at it like if it was loaded and ready to kill. That strange staring wasn't however unnoticed by the doll accompanying her, R1 to be more precise, who, as she didn't have guard duty today, decided to relax a bit.

Both were sitting below the shadow of one of the many trees across the base, however, neither of them expected to find each other at the same time and furthermore wanting to sit down below the same tree, maybe it was a coincidence or maybe not but it happened, but it's not like they gave it much mind as R1 was also on her own thing, but yet she couldn't help but notice the more distant than usual aura around R1s.

R1 knew that R1s liked to do some weird things to relax, maybe a bit odd hobbies as well but just sitting down below the shadow of a tree while half of your body was still exposed to the sun and stare at an unloaded assault rifle was a new level of odd.

However R1s never had in her mind anything about the rifle, she could perfectly be staring at something else right now and still think about that other something. She was actually wondering why did Nikolay simply dismiss her and accept her demand so easily, being more specific she was thinking about yesterday, when after being dragged by MSBS into Nikolay's office and sitting there quite awkwardly for some time until he finished his reunions and was going to talk and check on her he simply didn't oppose to her denying assistance, she knew he was a stubborn fellow, hell he lost an arm and kept carrying her either way even if it meant more harm to him than her, so why did he just simply give up that time?

R1s: Did I get him mad?...

Her eyes quite clearly displayed sadness as they were slightly squinted and kept staring at one point of the gun, the bolt, unmoving and open, just like her eyes when R1 tried to get her attention. R1s eyes widened a bit as they snapped out and eyed to the side, catching a glimpse of R1's face who stared at her.

R1s: Sorry I didn't hear you... What did you say?

R1: I said if you were going to the range later

R1s: Range?... Oh, yes

She said eyeing back at her rifle and keeping her eyes glued onto it, she really didn't want to maintain much eye contact with her sister's, probably still a bit affected at that by what happened with R3, it's not every day you see your little sister simply brake character and give up on you, and furthermore notice that your commander doubled down on it.

R1: Hm, practicing your aim again?...

R1s: Simple training yeah...

R1: *Sigh* That's cool

R1s: ...?

R1: It's cool, how you can keep yourself together and just keep at your own pace even though the world is turning much faster than you can run its what I mean, I'm already starting to feel weird from this spinning

She said, R1s quickly caught up with what she meant by that and let out a fake giggle as soon as she recomposed herself.

R1s: Heh I don't really know how that's admirable...

She responded, deep inside still quite surprised by how her sisters still saw her like that reliable and never braking big sister, and clearly what R1 said was far from the truth as she let herself spindle down by the world long ago, but who could be blamed other than herself, after all, if she didn't let Nikolay loose an arm nothing of this would have happened.

R1: It's always admirable to know how to deal with everything by yourself without needing external help

R1s: Yeah... If only I knew how to do that...

R1: Hm, I also heard you were taken to Nikolay's office recently, you alright?

R1s: Eh? Oh, that... Yeah, he just... wanted to talk...


Nikolay: Heard from MSBS that you almost vomited your heart out, or at least that's how it looked

He said with his normal tone, neither concern nor anger coated to it as it may usually be displayed when things like this happen. R1s was sitting on the sofa, looking down avoiding eye contact, Nikolay, however, was with arms crossed, face straight, and standing in front of her, looking down at her and waiting for something, a tired aura around him as below one of his armpits he had quite the fat file of documents probably provided to him by Helianthus in that reunion he had just minutes ago.

R1s: I just felt nauseous for a second, probably the cola didn't hit my stomach right...

She responded normally but still eyes glued to the side. Nikolay's eyes looked for a second at what she was looking at, noticing she was just avoiding eye contact as she always does by looking into the nothingness he rolled his quickly after and glued them onto her mouth now.

Nikolay: And how will you kindly explain to me that sad face of yours?

R1s: ... Just feeling a bit bad still from that...

Nikolay: Hm, alright, you can go away now seeing you are good as fresh fruit now, let me know if anything goes south, for now, I got work to do

R1s eyes widened as she quickly turned her head around to get a look at Nikolay, who simply now ignored her and walked to his desk to start working, her mouth was slightly open in disbelief, did he just don't bother with her?

Nikolay: Hm oh right, while you are at it if you come across MSBS again tell her that I need some newer reports on their shenanigans

He even changed the topic and dismissed the previous interrogation as if it never happened...

R1s: Wird besorgt, Kommandant... (Will do, commander...)


R1: Hm... Well I will leave you alone now, I need to go and see if I can find R4

R1s: Oh, she is on guard duty at the gate

R1: Again?

R1s: She likes that role more than handling boxes all day...

R1: I see, thanks for the insight

Said her sister and got up, dusting off her skirt she walked away from the tree leaving R1s alone, just that simple thanks as a goodbye, which really wasn't something new from the simple and direct nature of R1 but it did hit different this time as R1s was vulnerable.

R1s: *Sigh* Maybe I really am an idiot...


R5: This file should go to the girls in logistics now that I think about it... And why did we print this one?... Aaaaa, this is so confusing

Ann: Looks like you have problems with being the commander's assistant huh?

R5: Ehk?!

R5 almost dropped all the papers she was holding from the sudden question that came from the American doll, who with a big smile apologized for scaring her.

Ann: Sorry should have announced my approach as soon as I saw you

She said walking up to her and leaning against the table which R5 was in front of, the printer still printing out document after document as both dolls started a conversation.

R5 sighed and left the papers on top of said table and took the newly printed documents to start organizing them.

R5: Well no one said the job would be easier than guarding a gate so I guess I fell into the hole myself

Ann giggled as she looked over at the papers.

Ann: Yeah heard the poles go a bit insane by working all day in logistics so no wonder you also start descending into madness as soon as you joined their world

R5: Aw come on you make it sound like if its as bad as killing a kid

Ann: I mean... It could beeee~... Jokes aside though, congrats on the promotion even though we only talked twice or thrice

R5: Ah, oh yeah thanks!

Ann: And furthermore, I would appreciate if you could give this to Nikolay

She said sliding to her over the table a small file filled with clipped and noted documents, R5 quickly finished organizing her own papers and took the newly put file to eye it, speeding around the documents inside she looked up again at Ann.

R5: You are going to a new operation?

Ann: *Sigh* Me and my sisters yeah, it's pretty urgent for Nikolay but take your time to deliver it seeing the deadline is quite long, well that's all, haben zie ein guten Tag!

Said the doll as she got away from the table and quickly turned tail, walking away from there.

R5: Its haben Sie einen guten Tag! (Have a good day!)... *Sigh* At least I can talk more with everyone just like I wanted... Oh right, get your mind straight R5

She mumbled to herself as she slapped herself lightly to sober up and then hastily took all the documents, organizing them while she walked back to Nikolay's office.


The helicopter's wheels gently bumped against the landing pad as the rotors started to die out, rapidly Lyuda's fingers went around the controls and flicked every switch off, turning off the helicopter entirely, a sigh exiting her mouth as soon as the aircraft finally went silent, opening the cabin's door she got out and took off her pilot helmet, revealing her curious and most importantly skeptical eyes which eyed everything from left to right, up and down.

Lyuda: So this is Kolya's base...

R3: Oh, so its you

Lyuda: Hoo, well isn't it R3 who I'm talking to

Said Lyuda turning her gaze quickly to look at the voice that caught her attention, R3 simply waved hello to her as she stared at the woman walk down from the helipad.

Lyuda: I brought with me the cargo listed in your document if you are the one on guard duty

R3: Oh so all the new uniforms, very nice, we will start to unload soon then, you can go and relax a bit, for now, it will take us around 30 minutes I'm guessing

Lyuda: Oh no need to, I got plans already on paying someone a visit

R3: ...Eh? ... Oh, I see, main building, second floor, all right almost by the end of the third corridor should be his office door

Lyuda: Really big help, thank you very much!

She said getting searching around one of her pockets and then tossing it at her as she hurried away from there.

Lyuda: Courtesy of mine!

R3 caught the object rather quickly but clumsily and as soon as her hands were wrapped around it she slightly opened them to get a look at what did she just catch, unsurprisingly it was some of that candy that Lyuda was giving away all the time at the Christmas party, what was surprising, however, is how she still didn't run out of it.

R3: A welcomed gift...

She mumbled to herself unwrapping it and starting to eat it.

Meanwhile, Lyuda reached the main building already, annoyed and with pilot helmet on hand, her steps were heavy and resonated around the building as her boots helped her to keep marching forward, following R3's indications, a quick turn to the first stairs she saw made her reach the second floor and now from there her eyes snapped from side to side analyzing the corridors, a glint of relive as she identified the third corridor R3 talked about, now her feet became lighter as she could see the door far away almost by the end of the corridor. Running she dryly stopped in front of the door as she reached it, open it wide don't even bothering to knock before entering.

Lyuda: Now you have done it, explain yourself at once!

R5: Ah! please don't hurt me!

Lyuda: ... Wait... And Nikolay?...

R5: ... Miss... Miss Lyuda?

Lyuda: Yeah I'm the cool aunt, miss Lyuda, sorry for the spooks, where the hell did your commander go?

She asked rather quickly looking around the empty office, well empty of life to be exact as only R5 was in there.

R5: Nikolay?... Oh, he is having a reunion right now with one of my sisters if you came a bit earlier you probably could have caught him...

Lyuda: Tch, son of a bitch...

She said relaxing suddenly almost as if all her rage and annoyance left her body with that sharp inhale and exhale, walking inside the office now she let her body fall on the sofa, now sat down and more relaxed her eyes gaze rolled around to her side, staring at the doll with her.

Lyuda: Reunion?

R5: Oh, uhm, I can't tell much other than he is having little reunions with all my sisters to talk about something, I had some days ago also, R3 finished today as well for what I know, now he is probably talking with R2

Lyuda: But I saw R3 as soon as I landed...?

R5: Oh then she probably already got back to guard duty *Sigh* ... sometimes her haste worries me, to be honest...

Lyuda: Hm... You are his assistant? Nikolay I mean

R5: Oh yeah I got promoted!

She said smiling, Lyuda let out a whistle as she also slightly smiled.

Lyuda: Congrats on that, and good luck on handling him, now changing topic, how much time do you think it will take him to get back here?

R5: Uhm, probably around an hour? Or less I don't really know

Lyuda: Guess I will have a little nap...

She mumbled relaxing her neck and letting her head fall a bit backward, her eyes now glued onto the ceiling which turned black as she closed her eyes.


Nikolay: Now with that done

He started off as he simply turned around from the computers and faced R2 who was sitting awkwardly on the sofa in which all her sisters previously sat and talked with him, however, this time Nikolay didn't go in front of her, he simply sat where he was and got out one of his chocolates to keep himself calm as soon as this went down.

Nikolay: As I hope and want to guess no one told you about this, but you probably of all people can figure it out quicker than others, that being we need to talk, aka I'm offering you a therapy session R2, plain and simple I'm just gonna say it upfront to not bounce around, take it or leave it doesn't really matter what you pick, it won't affect you negatively in any way but if you do take it I need you to cooperate...

He said all that rather quickly, but with a calm and clear tone of voice for her to understand everything in one go, now falling into silence, both sat in their respective places, Nikolay keeping his eyes on her while R2 simply looked at the floor and thought about it. A minute rapidly passed, filled with silence which was broken when R2 announced her response.

R2: I guess I can do that...

Nikolay: That's good to hear... *Inhale* And let's start with something we both familiar with to try and make things a bit easier and quicker... Why did you overreact so much that time in the operation? Even when we got separated you were already starting to display quite strong feelings and thoughts

R2: ... I just said the truth and mixed it with my own thoughts, nothing more

She replied quickly, surprising seeing how her other sisters really hesitated to talk with him privately at first, but R2 simply jumped into the fray, maybe she wanted to get this over with quickly or maybe she genuinely wanted to discuss this to clear her mind, be it any of the two cases, they both coincided in one thing that being she won't be afraid to speak her mind.

Nikolay: *Sigh* And why would you then yell such a thing at your own sister?

R2: As said... I only spoke my mind

Nikolay: Hm... Alright then, let's rollback a bit seeing we are not going anywhere with this one, what do think of R1s?

R2: ...

Her eyes looked away as she thought about this question which she already asked herself all these weeks since the operation, knowing full well she needed a clearer stance on this topic, inhaling gently she then let out her response.

R2: I hate her...

Nikolay: And why do you hate her then?

R2: I simply hate her...

Nikolay: You can't simply and genuinely hate someone at the same time, there is always a reason behind as it's insignificant or stupid it may be

R2: ... You wouldn't get it...

Nikolay: Why wouldn't I?

R2: You simply wouldn't comprehend why I hate her, there is no point in explaining if I already know you wouldn't understand and it would drag this conversation further...

Nikolay: ...Then you simply prefer to be viewed as an irrational and irritable person R2?

R2: ...

Nikolay sighed as he finished munching on the chocolate stick and took a new one, looking back at R2 as he put the new cigarette like chocolate between his lips.

Nikolay: I said I need you to cooperate with me for this to go smoothly R2... There is no need in understanding everything at first glance, we can slowly but surely analyze everything and understand it bit by bit, both of us, so please try to use your eagerness to discuss this topic a bit differently, or let's just simply drop it so we don't waste each others time

R2 stayed silent for a while but quickly turned her head around and looked slightly at Nikolay, who kept looking back at her, awaiting a proper answer this time.

R2: I hate her because she is a liar and a fake...

Nikolay: ... Liar and fake?

R2: She never acts by her own thought of mind and always hides something, always... It's annoying... It just infuriates me, she is never herself, how can I even like or trust someone like this? Am I really supposed to suck it up like the rest? No, I won't and I don't care, she simply doesn't deserve to be treated higher than what she treats everyone, something dispensable like trash... You should have seen it first hand, heard it from everyone else, to her the means don't mean anything as long as the end is good, hell R2s and R3s act similar, but god I just can't stand R1s and her actions...

She said looking at Nikolay now, directly, eye contact established as their stares intertwined.

R2: She just keeps doing anything and everything she sees fit to be classified as a good action, but what the hell is the point of doing something like that if you gonna spoil that good thing with the actions you took to achieve it?!

Nikolay kept silent as R2 raged started to boil up into her emotions and thought that were expressed through her words, her lips slightly curved as teeth gridded and made that distinctive sound he also heard when Raisa got angry.

R2: What the hell is the point of her acting like this huh?! I just hate it, I despise it, it's like a stain that stays there and annoys you every time you see it, the same goes for R2s and R3s! I can't comprehend their way of thinking, are they just plainly and simply stupid?! Just... Just why?! Why would they act so extremely, hell it doesn't make sense, they weren't influenced highly by FAK nor anyone and they always kept at their own pace then who the hell will explain the sacrificial attitude of R3s or the cold and deceitful actions of R2s, and then, then just there is R1s... I don't... I just simply don't know where did she go wrong and I doubt you will understand this but it's simply that she isn't herself, she isn't herself at all! Then why should I treat her like R1s if she isn't?!

By the end of this R2 was standing with quite the hefty breathing as she finished yelling out her thoughts, more than angry frustrated, really frustrated, even her face displayed this emotion, almost as she felt like no one understood her, like she had her mind inside a ghost that was never noticed.

Nikolay: That's what I thought... *Sigh* I do understand you R2, and sadly a lot... And this is also why we talking right now so you can express this

R2 suddenly relaxed a bit as her hands calmly went limp. However, it didn't last long as she then quickly took several steps forward, and now almost in front of Nikolay, she stood there a bit annoyed.

R2: And what did you understand then huh?! I can just feel how you trying to relate but in reality, don't understand a single thing!

Nikolay: I may not relate to it because I suffered the same experience but I can simply say I understand you knowing I myself one time was in R1s place and experienced the same surroundings which would be you and your sisters...

R2 went silent as Nikolay simply get eye contact and talked normally, straight and somewhat cold tone of his.

Nikolay: Some simply abandoned me, some stayed beside me and tried to fix what was happening, some distanced themselves, and some, just like you got angry at me for not being able to understand what was happening, wanting to get back to the better and far simpler times, some driven by frustration some others under the banner of hate for not wanting to accept it, now tell me can you associate all these spectrums I told you with your other sisters?...

R2: ...

Nikolay: See? even though I never was in your place I can still understand you R2 there is no need for lying or trying to trick me, to push me away, I'm just trying to help you all, specially R1s, and furthermore, I can bet that you also noticed that something isn't right with her, not just on a spiritual level

R2: ... I... Tch... At least someone finally understands... Goddamn it... It's not like I want to do this but I just knew if I didn't keep her at bay something bad would have happened...

She said backing off and letting her body fall as soon as she bumped into the stasis pod, now sitting down on the turned-off stasis capsule, her eyes quickly gluing to the floor, Nikolay got her attention by making a sound, and as soon as her eyes were looking up he tossed her one of his chocolate sticks to calm her a bit or at least try to. A quick reaction was all it took for her to catch it, looking down at for a while she just gave in and took a bite, Nikolay doing the same with his and sighing.

Nikolay: Guess this session will be longer than R5's...

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