Percy Jackson- The Cursed Hero

By Darkgamer08

119K 1.9K 467

At the end of the battle of Manhattan, Percy kills Luke, thus destroying Kronos. But while fading , Kronos u... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
A/N ( please read )
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Rewrite final
Rewrite released


3.6K 59 23
By Darkgamer08

So guys and gals, sorry for the delay. The family emergency I informed you about in the previous chapter lasted longer than I thought. So I was not able to update earlier. But as they say, family comes first.

But here is the last chapter for this story. I am keeping the ending such that I can use it for a sequel. Comment if you want a sequel. But even if you want it, it won't be immediate as I am now gonna completely concentrate on my other story.

Finally, thanks for staying with me from the start. I know that this story was small and not all that special, but you guys supported me from the very start. Whether it be compliments, suggestions or criticism, you helped me in each way. I couldn't ask for a better set of readers. 🙂😃😃

Finally, please check my other story and vote for the ladies in the harem in the other story. Onward with the story.

Percy POV

Kronos disappeared. It was over. He died.
But you know how you feel in your gut when something is gonna go wrong and you know it? That was the feeling that came over me as a chill went down my spine. I thought about it just being my paranoia, but considering my fucking bad luck, it was not the case.

I was proven right when a scream brought me out of my thoughts. following the sound I saw rhea with a sword sticking out of her abdomen. Tethys was making her final blow, but before she could do anything, Hades beheaded her. Everything was unfolding in front of my eyes but I wasn't able to move. It was like I was there but at the same time, I wasn't. I looked around the battlefield to find the foes dead.

It was all a bloody, blurry mess. All the gods had circled rhea. They motioned for me to come forward. To help them. And I did my best to move, I really did. But I failed to move Even an inch. This was the second time a loved one had been killed in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything about it. It would forever act as a reminder of my failure, one person out of the many loved ones who died in front of my eyes, and I was unable to prevent it. I wasn't strong enough, fast enough.

The three furies came in front of my eyes. Saying,"death cannot be avoided. It's her time . They should let her go Persueus Jackson. Do not blame yourself. It was in her fate to die today. Not even our mother can change someone's fate. Not even Lady Chaos is stronger than fate itself." I silently nodded and they flashed out.

Rhea was saying her last goodbyes to her children and niece. I stayed back and let the mother and her kids have their moment. When Rhea's eyes finally landed on me, she smiled softly and beckoned me forward.
As I reached her, she grasped my hand in hers and spoke gently," Thank you Perseus for helping my children avenge themselves. You are the best grandson any lady could ask for. " Then she pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, "Take care of her Percy. If you hurt her, I will myself come from the realm of faded to kill you." She threatened, but it was in a joking voice, which caused me to give out a small smile.

I responded, "Fair enough, old lady." This earned me a smack on my head. But then she held my face and planted a kiss on my forehead. She did the same to her sons and
daughters. Then she left my hand and looked at the sky for the last time.

With that the bags of dirt went away. Everyone was drenched in blood both someone else's and their own, covered in battle scars. Filled with sorrow and hope that maybe they could save her somehow. Only Hades and I had the look of understanding for maybe we both knew that this was fate. That it was to done so a new era of peace could be started. It was to be done to cut all ties to the horrible past,to be free from its chains pulling the bright future into utter dispair.

The elder Olympians were openly crying. Even the five elder gods who only knew their mother for about three months were bawling their eyes out. And honestly, I couldn't really blame them. Even my eyes brimmed with unshed tears as I saw my grandmother fade in front of my eyes.

Lady rhea only smiled as the lights slowly left her eyes. Zeus closed her eyes gently. Her form dissipating into oblivion. The new breeze of freedom taking it away. It was the moment we all knew that we had won ,at a great cost,but one worth paying for the coming tomorrow.

As I looked out of the window of my room towards the thought of annabeth entered my mind. I realized that I was to see her again after all I had time traveled. Though this time I could not have her for myself but looking at the sun drifting below the horizon I made a vow on the Styx that this time she would live her life . And I would ensure that with my entire being.

Later that night, Chaos, or should I say mom visited me in my dream. She stated that it was now time for me to assume my place as the primordial of time. The reason behind this hurry was that the absence of any deity controlling time was causing the universe to becoming problematic.

People were freaking out as Helios and Selene were not able to predict the time for their duties. Deciding to obey my mother, I accepted but asked her for one day.

That is how I found myself outside Hera's room, sweat forming on my palms as I thought about the question I was going to ask her now. I knocked on the door softly and waited patiently.

After a few seconds, I heard shuffling of feet from inside the room. The door opened, revealing Hera in her majestic self. Her hair were a mess and her eyes were red and puffy from crying. But to me, she looked the most beautiful woman ever. She smiled when she saw me and moved aside, granting me entrance inside her bed Chambers.

I entered and sat on a wooden chair beside her bed. She sat on the bed, facing me.
"So umm.... How are you doing?" I asked awkwardly. As soon as I realized the stupidity of my question, I mentally stabbed myself a hundred times. She looked at me incredulously for a few seconds, but finally let out a sad sigh.

"I am fine Percy. Even though I didn't know her for long like Zeus did, I still miss her. Also, I am tired from the bloodshed that took place today. I hate fighting. Even though the Titans are evil and my father was the worst of them all, I feel horrible for the ones I killed today. Now you must be thinking that I am weak and mad, but.."

She was cut off as I pressed my lips to her's . She looked surprised for a moment, but then she kissed me back with equal vigor.
I separated our lips after a few moments, but kept my forehead against her's. " You are not weak nor are you stupid love. I know that as a kind goddess, it is hard for you to kill others, especially your family. But you did what was right . And you feel regret for killing people who harmed you . That is what makes me love and respect you even more. So never say such things and berate yourself again, understood?" I asked gently, but in a stern tone.

She smiled and kissed me again, but this time with even more passion and love. She got up and straddled me, snaking her arms around my neck and into my hair. I placed my arms around her back as we continued our steamy make out session. She closed her eyes and was so lost in the kiss that she didn't even sense me flashing us to somewhere.

She opened her eyes and was surprised to see us sitting on soft grass. Her eyes darted to our surroundings and she gasped as she realized where we were. We were at the cliff where we had first admitted our love to each other and shared our first kiss. Her attention then went to the peacock that had come out of the forest to Hera. Being her sacred birds, they were attracted to her by default. She rose from my lap and went towards them to let them and play with them.

While she was distracted, I pulled the small box from my chiton and walked towards her. I tapped her on the shoulder and immediately went on one knee. She turned around and gasped when she saw me kneeling.

I grabbed her left hand in my right hand and gave it a small kiss. Locking my eyes with her chocolate brown ones, I took a deep breath and spoke, "From when I was twelve years old, I have been continuously fighting for the survival of me and my friends. I never had time for thinking about myself. When I thought I found love, it was stolen away from me in front of my eyes. I had given up on my life when the Fates sent me to you. That was the only nice thing that the Fates have done for me. You are simply the best thing that has ever happened to me. The light to my darkness, the moon to my tide. You fixed me from a broken man to a strong god. I know that if there is someone who I have to spend my immortal life with, it is you. I know that I am beating around the bush in nervousness, so I will just suck it up and ask you.
Lady Hera, goddess of marriage, will you marry me and make me the happiest immortal alive?"

By this point, there were tears in her eyes with a dreamy look and her hand was over her mouth in surprise. After about five seconds, she snapped out of her trance and launched herself at me, yelling "Yes" again and again. I smiled as she pressed her lips against mine for another make out session. He lips tasted like caramel popcorn and I couldn't get enough of it. After ten minutes, we separated, albeit reluctantly. She gave me her hand and I slipped the ring in her finger. She was mesmerized by the beauty of the ring. To be truthful, so was I.

It was a ring that I had specifically asked Gaia to make . It was made of a diamond that was only found in the center of the Earth's core. You see, Tartarus may be known as the deepest point in Earth, but it was actually a pocket dimension that existed everywhere and nowhere, just like planet Chaos. The diamond was special as it changed colour according to the mood of the person wearing the ring. The design on the band was so intricate that it could leave even Hephaestus drooling over it.

Now, tears of happiness were freely flowing down her cheeks. I extended my hand forward and asked in an exaggerated British voice, " Care to dance, milady?" She giggled girlishly and nodded.

I placed my hands on her waist as she placed her's on my shoulder. We started swaying to the tune of the song I was singing.

Perfect - by Ed Sheeran

I found a love for me
Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight

Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight

By the end, we both had goofy smiles on our faces. I knew I had a tough life. I have faced ups and downs, fallen to the ground and picked myself up again. Felt elated and depressed. But this happy ending to my story more than makes up for it. And I am dam sure that I wouldn't change it for the world. Finally, I am free of war and have a loving partner and family. Maybe the Fates aren't as bad as they seem.

Time skip by seven years

Third POV

Six beings sat on fifteen foot long thrones in a large room painted golden. The beings were twenty feet tall each and radiated unbelievable amount of power. Just being in their presence could make a normal being disintegrate on the spot. They were the mighty gods of Olympus. On the head throne sat the king of the council. He wore a white chiton and had a golden crown on his head. He wore a proud expression as he gazed at his siblings. This was none other than Zeus, king of Olympus and God of the skies. Beside him, on a grey throne sat his wife, Metis the Titan turned goddess of intellect and knowledge. Her stomach was showing a small baby bump as she was carrying her first child with her husband.

On the throne next to Zeus sat a man with sea-green eyes and a trident in his hand. This was Poseidon, Lord of the seas and king of Atlantis. He wore a similar expression to that of Zeus ,but at the same time looked laid back just like a calm ocean. Beside Poseidon sat a beautiful lady in an orange dress. She had eyes similar to her dress and was currently playing with her newborn son, Triton. This was Hestia, goddess of the hearth, family and fire. She was also the queen of the seas and Poseidon's wife.

To Metis' other side sat a man in a black chiton. He had a really pale complexion as compared to the tanned skin of his younger brother. He wore a helmet that radiated pure terror. This was Hades, eldest son of Kronos and God of the underworld. Beside Hades sat a lady in a brown dress. She carried a scythe and wore a happy smile on her face. This was Demeter, goddess of crops, harvest and plants.

As Zeus was talking about something, he was abruptly interrupted by the someone throwing open the council doors. A young girl about three years old ran inside the room, giggling giddily as she jumped on Demeter's lap, shouting, "Auntie Demeter".

Any other person who tried to do this would have been on his way to the underworld right now, but this girl was special. She had long black hair braided back. Her eyes were a sight to behold. They were heterochromic.
One eye was a chocolate brown color, while the other was a warm golden one.

Demeter smiled brightly at the young girl and conjured up some sweet bread for her. The girl gave her a childish kiss on the cheek before proceeding to eat the bread. The other gods were watching this interaction, especially the girl with soft smiles on their faces.

A couple then entered the Olympian throne room. They walked hand in hand. The male was undoubtedly the most handsome looking person in the whole room. He stood a good 6'4 tall. He had messy black hair and multicolored eyes. They were a mixture of sea-green, electric blue, golden and had pitch black sclera. He had a lop-sided grin that just enhanced his attractiveness.

The woman beside him was also beautiful beyond measure. She stood about 5'10 and head brown hair with similar eyes. She had a charming smile that affected every person in the room. The room's mood turned even happier and the hearth's fire reached about 20 feet tall, the same size as the gods.

These two beings were Perseus, primordial of time and Hera, goddess of marriage and wife of Perseus. Perseus, or Percy as he liked to be called chuckled at the sight of his daughter eating bread while sitting on her aunt's lap. He squeezed his wife's hand and smiled down at her, the love for her and their daughter clear as day in his eyes.

His smile was returned by Hera as she placed a quick peck on his lips. She then turned to their daughter and spoke in a gentle tone, " Annabeth, did you thank your aunt for the bread? Also, did you say hi to all your uncles and aunts?"

The girl, now named Annabeth, looked like a deer caught in headlights as she gave her mother a sheepish smile . She tilted her head to her aunt and gave her another childish kiss on the cheek. "Thank you aunty 'Meter".  Demeter chuckled at her nickname and patted the girl's head. The girl then turned to her other uncles and aunts and wished them one by one. Poseidon produced a small bowl with goldfish inside for her as a gift. The girl squealed in excitement and hugged her "uncle 'Seidon."

Zeus produced a cloud for her to sit on as he made it float in the air. Seeing this happy scene, Percy turned to his wife and spoke,
"I won't give this family up for anything in the universe."

His wife smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Good. You better not." Both of them chuckled as they just stood hand in hand watching their dysfunctional but happy immortal family interact.

                             THE END

I can't believe that this story is over. I can't tell you how much this means to me. My first story got so much love . Hope my next story gets similar love. Thank you and comment your views on this story.😃😃

Now onto other matters . I got unexpectedly high comments and P.Ms on Wattpad and Fanfiction about the harem for Percy in my story - "The Son Of Thor"

The current standings of the poll for the members in the harem are:

Artemis- 17
Zoë- 14
Hestia- 13
Calypso- 11
Athena- 10
Reyna- 9
Aphrodite- 8
Annabeth- 8
Thalia- 7
Piper - 6
Nyx- 6
Khione- 5
Hera- 5
Bianca- 4
Rhea- 4
Bellona- 3
Hazel - 2
Nike- 2
Clarisse- 2
Rhode- 2
Hecate- 1
Silena- 1
Lupa- 1
Selene- 1
Hebe- 1
Kymopoleia- 1

Vote fast if you want any changes. The final standings will be declared after i start writing his quest to find the master bolt. That is something like two chapters from now. The max number of girls in the harem are 7 or 8.

Current standings:

1_     Artemis- 17
2_     Zoe-14
3_      Hestia- 13
4_     Calypso- 11
5_      Athena - 10
6_      Reyna- 9

Again, thanks for your support. Till next time.

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