FTO Shorts and Ships

By Mari_TheGhost

85.5K 1.8K 362

This includes shorts and ships from FTO Requests are open~! More

Bryan x Jakey
Bryan why.
The secret is told-
Incorrect Quotes/Vines Part 3
so uh..2 things-
I got tagged...again-
Boat/Lucas x Brandon
Guys- I'm confused-
Mitch x Pat
Jakey x Bryan
Children?- Part 2
Viper somehow got high-
Viper is slowly becoming my favorite character
What if Inmo started going deaf
Helping a friend of a enemy
Maybe he isn't so bad...
Day of the Dead
This isnt a story
When Viper can't use Jasper
The Party (Part 2)
Grimshade and Divinus Magia go on a road trip
Meeting of the godslayers
This has spoilers I guess-
Your only human,not weak.
Requests and ideas
Babysitting Plant
Viper needs help
Random question-
David's Past I guess-
Halloween Special
A fear and some comfort
A little bit more Lake
Talk to me-
Okay can we just talk about something real quick-
Giving Inmo some love
Not a oneshot
Feel free to ignore this
I cAn't-
This is bad (Literally but also not)
Oh look more incorrect quotes
Kay x Viper
Just a thought...
A different mission (FTOs4)
Hanahaki (Ritchie x Devin)
Suffocating Flowers
Yo thanks-
Patrick's Surprise
There are 2 kinds of shippers
Love Songs and missing someone
Hear me out-
Okay okay okay-
P a i n -
Slow Dancing (FTOs5)
(Christmas Special) The Gift of the Magi

Sick Viper

1K 34 2
By Mari_TheGhost

Request from Luna9911,so shout out to them!

Side note- This isn't set in Atlantide,I'd thought it would be a great idea if Viper got sick in Salode lmao


Viper woke up feeling terrible. He's not the one to get sick, but the rare times he does he gets every symptom you can think of. That's why he absolutely hated being sick, although it was for good reason. Even worse he wasn't even in Atlantide, he was in Salode and as of right now nobody had a way back to Atlantide! Wow, great time to be sick to your stomach Viper.. He thought to himself. No bother! He could get through one day of being sick!

Or so he thought. When he got up he had to go to the bathroom and puked up the little dinner he had the night before, so that was something. Usually throwing up makes one feel better, but in Viper's case he just felt 3 times worse. But of course he told himself stop being a baby and got up, for once actually put on a shirt under his purple jacket and went out to help Allumos on the farm.

When he got to the field, he barely took note of Allumos and just started using his scythe to do things. "Viper are you alright? Your looking a bit green."

"I'm fine-" He coughed and sniffled a bit. "I'm fine," Allumos gave him a look. "What?! I might have allergies or something I dunno!-" He started coughing again. "Right..if you need a break go ahead and do so."

"Whatever.." The next couple hours felt like hell for Viper. He really just wanted to pass out and sleep right there, but that probably wasn't the best idea. Along with that he kept coughing, sneezing and going from being hot to being cold before going back to being hot! Overall Viper looked and acted like a mess, and Allumos knew something was wrong but didn't bug him about it...he didn't want to be on the wrong side of the scythe Viper had.

Later that day

Everyone was in the courtyard discussing how to find some magic, a portal, anything just to get out of here. But Viper was barely listening, he felt too nauseous, faint, and a bunch of other things that come with being sick to care. And with only being able to see but so much, it was a bit difficult to focus on the person talking.

Eventually it all got to him as he felt himself start to pass out. Out of nowhere he took off his coat and shoved it to whoever was on his right (Allumos was on his left), he didn't really care who it was at the moment (it happened to be Devin). "Uh- Viper?" Devin questioned, now holding the coat. Next Viper grabbed Allumos' arms and just kind of...went limp and toppled over into Allumos. "Viper?- Oh my, Viper!" Allumos suddenly said loudly, bringing the attention to him. "What's up with him..?" Ritchie asked. "I dunno, he just handed me his coat before grabbing Allumos and literally passing out." Devin explained as Allumos laid Viper on the ground, and he and Micheal tried to get him to wake up by fanning his face and calling his name. "I mean..he was acting a bit off and he looks awful." Lucas spoke up. "Ya sure he wasn't just drunk again?" David interjected snarkily.

"Now why would he be drunk and acting like that-" Viper finally came to his senses. "Mmm..?"

"I-" Allumos sighed. "You're special Viper. Real special. Now come on, back to bed."

"What?.." Allumos sighed again and picked up Viper, bridal style since that was easiest from him being on the ground. "I'm taking you back to the farm, my dear boy. I'll be right back everyone!" Allumos walked off with him, leaving the others in confusion...they had never seen Viper like that, he was always big and tough...oh well. There's a first for everything.

• • •

"There there Viper.." Allumos was rubbing Viper's back as he was hunched over a bucket...he ended up throwing up once they got back to the farm. Once he was done he just laid on the ground,not bothered to move. "Do you want a blanket or something my dear boy?"

"Mhm." Allumos tossed him a blanket and pillow, which Viper barely reacted to. Pat convinced Allumos that tea would help, so Viper had that to drink when he wanted to as well. Other then that, there wasn't much Allumos could do, Viper refused medicine being as stubborn as he is, so he just told Viper to shout when he needed something...seeing as it didn't seem like a good idea to just leave him.

Short scenes of ☆Sick Viper☆

"Allumosss!!" Viper shouted before coughing a bunch. Allumos came in. "What? Is something wrong?!-"

"N-No I just got..lonely.." Allumos softened immediately before smirking and chuckling. "Shut up old man-" Sneeze and more coughing. "Will you come over here though..?" Allumos sat on the ground next to where Viper got comfortable. For the first time in a while Viper smiled, and didn't exactly lay in his lap, but did get closer to him in a cuddle-like way. "I- Viper?" ...huh.Sick Viper was kinda like drunk Viper, only sick Viper was clingy and drunk Viper was drunk Viper..dully noted for later in Allumos' head. "Shushh.."

• • •

"That tea did not do him any good O'Conner." Allumos hissed, sitting in a chair next to Viper, who was on the ground hunched over a bucket again...the tea didn't sit too well. Viper couldn't hear what Pat said but he didn't particularly care at the moment, he just knew that it kinda pissed off Allumos as he sighed and didn't say anything else, to Pat anyway. "Are you good now Viper?"

"W-What the hell do think-"

"Alright,alright,just asking.."

• • •

"Who the hell uses this many tissues-"

"W-Well me obviously. Are y-you the terribly sick one?" Viper said with a couple coughs. "Well- No. It was a rhetorical question. And everyone when sick is different, with you, obviously everything hits you when you get sick."

"I've found over the years that it's hard for me to get sick since poison dragon sl-slayer-" He cut himself off with coughs. "S-So yeah."

"Right. That makes sense."

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