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By Z_Zakii

365K 14.5K 7.9K

(Y/n) doesn't remember her past except for her name, and she was lucky enough to have been found and brought... More

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(Y/n)'s Magic
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Love Interests??
(Y/n)'s Magic
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5.5K 263 94
By Z_Zakii


3rd person POV

"Welcome back, Magna senpai, Luck!"

Asta and (Y/n) welcomed them as they returned to the Black Bulls base from a mission. "Man, I'm so exhausted from my mission." "So tired." The two complained not so tiredly.

"However!" Magna yelled, pointing at the other two with a grin. "We got recognized for our deeds and got a star!" "So cool!" Magna laughed as he watched the two rookies stare at them with sparkling eyes.

"I'm gonna keep on showing the other Black Bulls how it's done! Asta, (Y/n), my time has arrived! Make sure you keep up!" "Yes, sir!" The two cheerfully saluted to him. "Oh, by the way, Magna senpai." Asta started and Magna asked him what was up, making him continue.

"They were so impressed with what we did during all the trouble at the capital that they made (Y/n) and I a third-class junior Magic Knight at a special awards ceremony!" He proudly exclaimed then giggled. (Y/n) who stood next to him also had the same look on his face.

(Why do I hear this picture asdfjsdkf

"They also have good food, I can't wait for more! We met a new rival and I learned more about my magic!" (Y/n) giggled. Magna and Luck looked at them in shock. "What?!" "Huh?!"

Despite being in the Black Bulls for a long time, they didn't know what it was so Magna turned his head to Luck to ask if he knew. "Wait, what's a third-class junior Magic Knight?" "No idea."

Luck shrugged before bombarding (Y/n) with questions, a cute smile on his face as excitement were laced in his voice. "A new rival? Are they strong? And you learnt alot more about your magic? That's great! When will you fight me?!"

A voice then interrupted their conversation. "Have you guys been Magic Knights all this time without knowing what that is?" Yami blew a puff of smoke. "It's a Magic Knight rank. And since you guys haven't changed since you all joined, you're still fifth-class Magic Knights." He explained to the two who again was stunned. "What?!" "Huh?"

"And by the way, Charmy became a first-class junior Magic Knight." He added and Charmy rubbed the back of her head while she smiled. "On your knees, inferiors!" "What?!"

She turned around and pointed at her back with her thumb. "Make sure you follow me, you inferiors!" This left Luck and Magna staring and gawking at her in shock. "Apparently, they were impressed that she captured one of the rebels. Looks to me like she was just trying to beat her up, though."

"I was protecting my noms!" She defended and (Y/n) nodded, agreeing with her. "Charmy senpai was protecting what she loves and keeps her going! She has the right to beat that rebel up!" Charmy smiled brightly at this, using her magic to form a fluffy like cloud and floated up to (Y/n), patting her head.

"How do you adopt someone? Tell me how, I need to know! She's the only one who understands me and noms true love!" Charmy exclaimed and Drea immediately appeared next to (Y/n)'s head, sitting on her shoulder. "Oi! You're not adopting her!" She sneered. "I will once I learn how to adopt! La la la la la~"

Charmy went back on the ground, standing on her own feet and faced Luck and Magna who were on their hands and knees while she did a dance. "Worship me!" Magna clenched his fist and sweat dripped down his forehead. "What's that weird dance?" He asked through gritted teeth, Luck kept his smile on. "This is somehow very infuriating!"

As they continued on, Yami looked at the two newbies. "Anyway, well done, kids." "Thank you, Captain!" They yelled and Asta raised his fist in the air. "All right! Let's train even harder and get stronger!" "Let's!" The two linked arms happily as they marched going outside but was stopped. "No, you two are gonna rest."

"Huh?" They looked back at their captain with questioning faces. "Both of you are tired from the fight. You need rest. Are you stupid?" They sweatdropped and Noelle scolded them. "Yeah! You need to take a break!" Then a new voice joined in their conversation. "A break? Both of you are getting a time off?" It was Finral.

"Then let's head to a mixer!" He gave them a thumbs up and Noelle seemed shocked, so it shocked Asta and (Y/n) too, thinking it was something to be shocked about. "A m-mixer?!" "You get to work." Yami told Finral but he still continued.

"I'll set everything up! Oh, and (Y/n)! While they go to the mixer, let's go on our date!"

"I just told you to get to work."

"Things are getting busy!"

"I'll kill you."

[Time Skip]

A figure sat on top of the Black Bulls roof, staring into nothing and deeply in thought.

Finral Roulacase, a member of the Black Bulls Magic Knights Squad, was troubled. It was a very important matter. 'What do I do? What should I do?' Finral's troubles had nothing to do with a mission... 'About tonight's mixer and date?'

A mixer, meaning a gathering between men and women. It is a dinner intended to help men and women get acquainted. 'When I set this up, three girls agreed to come, and that's great! The more girls, the merrier! But the problem is who else I'm going to set up... And where I should take (Y/n) for our date!'

He continued to think deeply to himself, analyzing, calculating, dreaming, predicting, etc. He then stood up and opened a portal infront of him, jumping in and disappearing to wherever he went to.

[Time Skip]

"All right, it looks like we're all set." Finral smiled at the four others infront of him. "Should we go dressed like this?" Asta asked, not sure if he should wear his squad robe to this thing called mixer. Magna patted his back nonchalantly. "It's fine, we're gonna get back here soon anyways."

Finral then answered Asta's question. "We have to make sure they know that you're Magic Knights. Magic Knights are the most admired figures in the Clover Kingdom, after all." "Got it!" Asta yelled while Luck did punching motions in the air with a smile on his face. "Are mixers strong? I'm so excited!"

"Jeez, you two look so energetic, do you even know what a mixer is?" Magna asked, glancing at Asta, Luck, and (Y/n). Unfortunately, they didn't. Though Finral and (Y/n) wasn't going to the mixer, this made the girl curious to what it was but shrugged it off when the portal opened and needed to catch up before it closes.

They didn't notice the figure that followed soon after they had went in the portal.

(Y/n) was out of the portal but heard footsteps behind her. She turned her head to look behind her but didn't see anything. "Huh..."

She shrugged it off and caught up with the others, not noticing the silver haired girl hiding behind a crate nearby and trailing behind her, switching hiding places from time to time.

"Alright! So this is where you'll meet them!" Finral exclaimed, opening a door to what seemed like an eatery and softly pushing the three other boys inside. "Oh! There they are!" He pointed to a table where three ladies sat. "You go get acquainted with eachother alright?" He smiled while Asta tilted his head looking at him. "But what about you two?"

"Oh, we're going on a date!" "A date?" "Yep! Now go, the ladies are waiting!" The three sat infront of them and introduced themselves soon after as Finral and (Y/n) left.

"Where are we going, Finral senpai?" She asked the male who brightly smiled. "Call me Finral." He said and continued. "There's this event in a neighboring village, and I heard it was fun there, so we'll try it out!"

The girl nodded and Finral opened a portal, holding out his hand to her. "Shall we?" He asked and (Y/n) smiled, placing her hand on top of his and nodding. Finral grinned widely, a blush on his cheeks as he lead the girl into the portal, bringing her to the said village and event that was going on there.

When they passed through the portal, they were met with a very colorful and festive surroundings. There were plenty of food stands by the sides of the street, funny looking masks that were being sold, and so much more.

There were also alot of people happily celebrating the event that you could get lost in the crowd. (Y/n) held onto Finral's arm tightly, afraid to get lost in the sea of people. Finral had a soft tint of pink on his cheeks as he smiled down at her. "Don't worry, I'll be your guide." He gently took her hand and squeezed it, reassuring her that she'll be alright.

She thankfully smiled back as they made their way into the street. Finral noticed how she likes (F/f) since she ate alot of them when she was with Charmy, so he looked for some and found a stand selling them and bought some for her.

"Good day, ma'am! How much for the (F/f)?" He asked the lady who wore a funny looking mask, covering her whole face. "Hmph, how am I supposed to know? Buy them yourself!" She flipped her hair and she was awfully familiar. "B-but ma'am, you're the seller...?" Finral had question marks appearing above his head as he stared at the lady in confusion.

"J-just take all of them already!" The lady pushed all the (F/f) towards them and they caught it in their arms. "Ah! Thank you, miss...?" The two looked back at where the lady once stood but she was gone.

"Where did she go?"

[Time Skip]

After they finished all the (F/f) and joked around while Finral tried to flirt but ending up it being so bad that (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh, they watched the dances the people did for the event and sometimes clapped when the performer made something amazing with their magic.

"Woah!" (Y/n) stared at the performers wide eyed as they made themselves look graceful and elegant just by using their magic. Finral stared at her as she continued to watch. Others would call it creepy by staring at someone for too long, but he just couldn't look away.

She may not be perfect to everyone's eyes, but she is to him, she's unique and being herself, which he found attractive. He shook his head but a contented smile remained on his face as he also watched the performers.

He heard a yawn beside him and he looked at (Y/n) who was exhausted and rubbing her eye, trying to keep herself up so that she could watch more, making him chuckle.

"Let's go back to the base." He said as he lead her to an open space for him to open a portal. He saw how she dragged her feet to be able to keep up, so he carried her instead.

Once she was in his arms, she instantly fell asleep from exhaustion. "I'm so dead to Captain Yami..." He muttered to himself after realizing that they (Asta and (Y/n) shouldn't get tired too much and needed rest since they were just from a fight. A look of guilt washed over his eyes and glanced down at (Y/n)'s peaceful but tired sleeping face, a soft smile on her lips as she dozed off.

When he approached the portal, he couldn't help but feel someone's gaze on them. He looked around, finding nothing out of the ordinary and went back to the base so that he could tuck her in and also get some sleep himself.

"Sweet dreams..."


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