Legacies aren't Legacies Anym...

By lawstudentdropout

112K 2.7K 2.1K

What would happen, if one day while at the Salvatore Boarding School, there was another monster attack. But t... More

|| Playlist ||
|| When Shit hit the Fan || Summary ||
The day it all happened.
Act 1. Season 1.
We pulled a Barry Allen. Bloody hell.
Look's like everything is not in Hell yet. The comets still coming.
Friday Night Bites. It's an Annual Thing Now.
History Repeating (Episode 9) ~~ Part 1
History Repeating ~~ Part 2
History Repeating ~~ Part 3
The-- Ah shit. Looks like theres another vampire on the loose.
Bloodlines With the Original Family
The Explanation
Totally off topic... but...
Lizzie. Stop. Being. A. Bitch.
Return to Unpleasentville.
Return to Unpleasentville ~ Part 2
Another generation of the Children of the Damned.
Rose's are Beautiful
The Myth, The Legend, The Baddest Bitch of Them All, Katerina Petrova
The 'Sun and Moon Curse'. That's what this is. Sure.
Great. The Towns Full of Werewolves. And Ironically Hope's in the Cresent City.
Self-Sacrifice. What Hope Does Best.
As we Lay Dying, Our Life Flashes Before our Eyes
Act 2. Season 3.
Happy Birthday. Not. We live in Mystic Fall, you Idjits.
The Tribrid Who Seems to love Self-Sacrifice.
Holy Shit. Stefan was in a love triangle with my Dad and my aunt. Ew.
Who the hell acts like that?
The Second Reckoning. Oh, who am I kiding? There' been like 10.
It smells like hell. We're all going to hell.
"Ordinary" People
"Ordinary" People ~~ Part 2
Happy Homecoming
Happy Homecoming 2.0
Homecoming 3.0
The New, New Deal.
NOT A NEW CHAPTER (i am so so so sorry but this might be good news!)

Whole Family Issues

2.3K 65 127
By lawstudentdropout

~~Hope's POV~~

Another morning, another day in the past. Another day of trying to save Elena and stop my family from murdering hers. Or at least my Dad. As far as I know, Uncle Lijah if anything just wants dad dead. Aunt Freya doesn't want anyone dead, bless her heart.

I slowly get up out of bed, ready to face the day. Ready to attempt to save Elena.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen, looking for food. When I get down there though, I see Lizzie and Josie eating breakfast. I grab a fruit and sit down next to Josie.

"Ah, bitch is here." Lizzie says sarcastically.

"You know what Lizzie..."

"Girls. Can we just talk this out?" Josie says, trying to keep the piece.

"I'm up for that." I say, looking at Lizzie.

"Fine." Lizzie says, throwing her cup down and looking at me and Josie.

"Ok, so now you two say your sorry." Josie tells the both of us.

"I'm sorry, Lizzie." I try telling her, but Lizzie still looks pissed.

"Well, thank you for your apology Hope." Lizzie says before getting up and walking away.

I resist the urge to growl.

Luck for her, before I can do anything, I get a text from Stefan.

911. Need you to talk to Tyler with me. He knows.

"Josie, I have to go. Stefan needs me to do something and..."

"It's fine. Go gettem tiger." Josie says, getting up and putting her dishes in the sink.

I run upstairs, change and then head to the Lockwood Mansion.

On my way.

~~At the Lockwood Mansion~~

Me and Stefan decide the best way to get into the house was to break in, so that's exatly what we do.

He vamp speeds in, me holding his hand so I get pulled into the house too. Tyler is on his computer.

Tyler begins to run, when Stefan vamp speeds in front of him again.

"We're not gonna hurt you. We just want to talk." I tell Tyler from behind him.

"Then why did you break in?" Tyler asks, eyes never leaving Stefan.

"Would you have let us in otherwise?" Stefan asks Tyler.

"Tyler?" We hear Mrs. Lockwood call from somewhere else in the house.

Tyler starts to move like he was going to run away, so Stefan pins him against the wall.

"Shh. Not a word." Stefan says, vamp face showing, holding a hand over Tylers mouth.

"Tyler, I'm leaving for the memorial." Mrs. Lockwood calls out again.

"Invisique." I say, making myself go invisible so Mrs. Lockwood wouldn't see me. Stefan and Tyler are hidden enough that they won't be seen.

Mrs. Lockwood peaks her head into this room, but sees no one and looks confused. Than, she leaves.

As soon as we hear the door close, Tyler starts growling and fighting against Stefan. Not much but if he wanted to I bet he could leave a mark.

Stefan eventually lets Tyler go,backing away, stating, "Maybe we're getting off on the wrong fot here."

"What happened to Mason?" Tyler asks.

Stefan looks down for a minute.

"Tyler, there' a lot for all of us to talk about." I say. Tyler than starts to run again, Stefan stopping him again.

"I wouldn't do that. Without a full moon, you're no match for me or Hope." Stefan tells him.

We move to go sit down.

"Look. About Caroline, no matter what her flaws are, when push comes to sove, you're gonna want that girl on your side. She's your friend. Stop being a dick to her." Stefan deadpans.

"I thought vampires hated werewolves." Tyler points out.

"Wrong. Depends on the vampire. And you don't know the full story to just say that. So, now that's some sort of leftover idea from another time. It isn't that way anymore, but if it is it shouldn't be." I assure Tyler.

"We go to the same chool. We have the same friends. We keep the same secrets. This can work Tyler. I mean, it's your home. It's my home, too." Stefan tells Tyler.

"And mine." I point out.

Stefan nods a little.

"And Hopes. Look, what we're saying is we want this to work."

Tylers phone than goes off. He goes to answer it and says "Help, help." Into the phone. Stefan takes the phones from his hands.

"Whose number was that, hmm?" Stefan asks Tyler. Stefan throws the phone onto a table.

"Damn it, Tyler. We're trying to save your lide. Can't you see that?" Stefan asks, getting up close and personal with Tyler.

I hear something happen outside.

"I'll be right back. You got this Stefan?" I ask.

"Yeah. We're fine here." Stefan nods at me. I nod back and walk outside.

"Hello?" I call out into the open woods.

"Hope...." I hear a name call out from the woods around Tylers house, so I follow the sound.

"Who's there?" I say, walking further into the woods.


"Who's out here! Tell me now or I'll kill you." I demand. I walk further into the woods, hands up and ready for a fight.

"Hope, right?" I hear a voice call from behind me when I'm far away from the house. Dammit. I spin around and see a girl standing there,

"Maybe. Who are you?" I ask her, hands up and ready to fight.

"Greta Martin. Are you Hope?" This Greta asks me again.

"Maybe. Why are you in Mystic Falls?" I ask her again. I hear someone vamp speed behind me.

"Are. You. Hope?" I hear a voice say from behind me.

"Patentibus," I say, throwing Greta into a tree and holding her there and turning around.

When I turn around, I freeze.

I wasn't expecting him.

I was never expecting him.

Why is he here?

I start to breath quickly.

I never thought I would see him again.

I never...



Then I feel a needle in the side of my neck, by Greta I'm guessing. He's the last thing I see before I'm down on the group, knocked out.

~~~When Hope Wakes Up~~~

I wake up in a cell, with no magic chains on. I'm guessing whatever Greta did to knock me out had wolfbane in it, cause I can't break out of these chains.

"And who are you?" I hear a voice ask from next to me. I look over and see a boy, who couldn't be more than 11-13 years old.


"How can you see me?" The ghost? asked shocked, backing away from me a little bit.

I just shrug my shoulders. Not the craziest thing I've seen.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"Henrik." He supplies.

"Henrik Mikaelson?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" He asks, looking just as shocked as me.

"I'm Hope Mikaelson. Your niece from the future." I explain to him.


"But the family's vampires, but ones a hybrid whos about to break his curse and activate his werewolf side too, allowing him to do the impossible. I'm a tribrid, a witch, werewolf, and vampire." I sum up pretty much all the questions he could have asked.

"Oh. Ok." Henrik says, sitting down next to me.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" I ask.

"Didn't you just ask me one?" Henrik asks. I give him the look. The one that says really?

"Fine sorry. Why?" Henrik asks me.

"I never really felt like I should ask a few questions or get the real answer without it being sugar coated by my family." I explain to Henrik.


"So, tell me. What was our family like before they were vampires?" I ask him.

"Well, Finn was, well Finn. Elijah was more fun, but still an honorable person. Klaus was full of life and fun instead of just rage and violence. Rebekah wanted to settle down and have a family, find true love. Although I'm guessing she still does, knowing bexs. Kol was, well Kol, with less muder." Henrik explains. I smile at him. He smiles back.

"You don't hate any of them? You've watched everything they've done to everyone and each other, and you still don't hate them?" I ask Henrik, because of the storys I was told by Uncle Elijah before I disappered and stuff, for the first time, we're storys about how they kinda all hated each other. Dad was daggering left and right, Rebekah kept walking away from the family to find love. Elijah wanted his family back, so he stayed. Finn was in a box. Kol was too for some of it. They all were. I get how you wouldn't hate my Dad. But this Klaus isn't my dad. Not yet.

"No, actually. I feel bad for all of them. Put into a life they never asked for." Henrik explains.

"Even if Dad got you killed?" I ask him. This is the first time I get to ask the real questions about my family. I learned stuff back home, but this is my first time asking Henrik.

"He didn't. I agreed and suggested just as much as him. I don't blame him for anything that happened that night. It was never his fault." Henrik told me. I get tears in my eyes. If only Dad knew this before he died. He could have died in peace knowing his little brother didn't blame him for anything that happened that night.

"I'll make sure to tell him that." I assure Henrik.

"You should." We hear another voice from behind us in the cell. Me and Henrik turned and looked. We saw Ester.

"I was a horrible mother to my children. I got them killed just because my husband told me we had to bite back instead of leaving the town with the werewolves. I made them lose their hope and dreams. I took away a part of Klaus. Who knows, maybe this information will give him some of his humanity back." Ester tells us.

I just look at her, surprised.

"Are you why I'm here?" I ask her, standing up on my feet, hands ready to fight if I need to.

"Yes. You were kidnapped by your father. He doesn't know who you are or what he can ever be. Your needed for that, and Henrik just gave you the information to try and help him. Do try Hope." Ester says before flicking her wrist. I knock out again.


I wake up on this hard ground of leaves, head pounding, just realizing that we're surronded by flames.

"Hope!" I hear Elena? call out. I look over and see Elena.

"What happened?" I ask her.

"Since you disappered?" Elena asks me.

"Again?" I ask in disbelief.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Elena asks me.

"The last thing... The last thing I remember is...." I freeze again. I look over and see Greta standing by something.

"The sacrifice is happening, isn't it?" I ask Elena.

"Yeah..." Elena says sadly.

"No." I say. I cut my hand open with my nail and walk over to the flames, putting my hand above them. A wall stops me from doing anything else.

"Phasmatos Siprum, Emnis Abortum, Fasila Quisa Exilum San. Phasmatos Tribum, Melan Veras, Et Vasa Quisa, Exu Quisa." I say, breaking the sealing spell.

The flame grew bigger, but I didn't care. I'm going to save Elena's life.

"Copy me, ok Elena?" I ask her.

Elena moves to put her hand over the fire, but it grows.

"Elena, just do it ok?"

Elena does it, her arm burning. I can see her arm burning so I do it quickly. I cut her hand open and lock hands with her.

"Mihi sit pro vobis in mortem si te, mea vita tua." I start the spell, the flames around us growing bigger by the second.

"Stop!" I hear Greta yell. But I'm not going to stop.

"Η ζωή μου για τη δική σου, αν πεθάνω, η ζωή μου είναι δική σου."

"Stop!" Greta demands.

"Moj život za tvoj, ako umrem, moj život je tvoj. Ako umrem, oduzmeš mi život koji mi je ostao. Hvis jeg dør, tar du livet jeg hadde igjen." I say, finishing the spell. Greta comes over and reseals the sealing spell.

"What did you do!" Greta demands, coming straight up to the fire, demanding an answer from me.

"Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep the curse sealed." I tell Greta, doing whatever it takes, as I told the twins. I wonder what happened to them.

"My duty is to Klaus! The new order." Greta says as the man of the hour walks up to us.

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner." He tells Greta. I feel the tears enter my eyes quickly.

"Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?" Dad asks us.

"What do you need Hope for?" Elena ask Dad.

"She's a werewolf, who also has vampire blood pumping through her 24/7. Now, I don't know how that happened, I do know I can use her to break my curse." Dad says before walking away.

"You don't want to do this." I say, trying to convice Dad to stop.

"Oh really? And what do you know about me?" Dad says, walking closer to me.

"I know that you want to save a part of yourself, I know that you want to be who you actually are, but you have to let Elena live." I plead with him.

He laughs a little and begins to walk away towards Greta, so I hit him where it hurts.

"Henrik wouldn't want you to sacrifice innocent people." That gets his attention. He vamp speeds right up to my ring of fire.

"What do you know about Henrik?" He demands.

"I know that he was good. You feel guilty for his death beacuse your the one that took him out to see the werewolves that night. But it isn't your fault. He knows that too. He forgives you, for everything. But I also know he wouldn't want you to sacrific an innocent person like Elena." I try, pleading with him.

I know why Ester doesn't want him to do it, but thats not why I'm pleading. I don't want Elena to die. I won't let Elena die.

Then, I get slapped.

"Don't you talk to me like that you little girl! Your just here to die." He assures me before walking away. I start to sob. I'm about to die. Dad's about to kill me. I guess people were right. He will be the death of me.

But I'll be damned if Elena dies with me.

So, I start to work on a spell. One thats more powerful than the last one I did a few minutes ago. This one will save her life, even when I die.

I take the spell that Dahlia used on herself and Freya and alter it a little bit, making it so that it will save Elena's life.

"Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss. Cum die, et non morieris tu, evigilabunt: iusti autem in anno dare et accipere honestum erit. Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss. Kad umrete i ja umrem, probudit ćete se, samo dajte godinu dana i čarolija će potrajati. Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss.Όταν πεθάνεις και πεθαίνω, θα ξυπνήσεις, απλώς δώσε ένα χρόνο και το ξόρκι θα πάρει. Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss. Når du dør og jeg dør, vil du våkne, bare gi det et år, og trollformelen vil ta." I finish, blood falling out of my nose. Thank god Dad and Greta didn't see.

I wipe it away quickly. Then, Dad starts talking.

"I've got the moonstone. I spent 500 years looking for this. I hate to part with it." Dad says, passing the moonstone to Greta.

"The moon has passed it's apex. Remember everything you need to do?" Greta asks.

"I remember."

Greta throws the moonstone into her bowl thing. Greta starts chanting.

"Shall we?" Dad-- no Klaus says. My fire ring started to disappear. I stand up, ready to fight.

"Glace soildatur," I say, making the bowl Greta was doing the spell in freeze and break.

"She's a witch too! Who would have thought? Shame, you have to die." He says, vamp speeding towards me.

"Imitantor pupulus" I say, making a push motion with my hands, him following my moves.

"What the.." I put my hand up to my mouth, him doing the same.

Greta than looks over to us and puts outs her hand up, breaking my arm. I cry out in pain, but so does Dad.

"I don't want to fight you..." I sob out, crying.

"Then don't." He says, standing back up and walking my way.

"Ictus." I say, using my one good hand to cause him to fly back. But no matter what I do, he gets back up.

"Please..." I plead with him again. He looks back at Greta than starts walking my way again.

"Please..." I say, getting dragged over to the bowl.

"Stop whining." Klaus sasy, putting his hand in my chest.

I sob one last time before I feel my heart taken out of my chest.

~~Josie's POV~~

Me and Lizzie are running towards the locator spell we did for Hope those weeks ago she went missing again. We just got a hit.

We didn't stop. We know that everything going on with Elena right now, we should have been back at the house helping Bonnie and Jermey with a spell. We've been siphoning magic all day for this. But right now, we care about Hope more.

We care about our sister more.

Unlucky for us, when we got there, the first thing we saw was Hope. A Hope with a ripped out heart and her Dad standing above her, heart in hand. I put a hand over my mouth.

We hear someone creep up behind us, and we see Bonnie and Jeremy.

"We can't be here. We have to go." Jermey whispers to us and starts to drag us away. Lizzie yanks her arm out of his grasp and points to Hope.

Jermey gasps while Bonnies eyes go wide.

"We have to end this." Bonnie tells us. She grabs our hands and drags us away, this time we let her.

We just lost our only piece of real home left.

We lost Wonder Woman.

We lost our sister.

~~A Few Minutes Later~~

We're sitting here, siphoning Elijah to get more power to kill Klaus. We're going to kill him because he killed Hope. He killed his own daughter. He really is a monster. Hope and Mom only told us the good he did.

The times he saved Hopes life.

When he saved moms.

But now, thats all done.

Hope's dead. Mom isn't the same Mom.

And Klaus should be dead.

"Ok, so when we do this spell, none of us will die, although we will be weakened for a while." Bonnie tells us, passing us the spell. It isn't really a spell more of a mind thing.

We know things have changed. Bonnie didn't do the life-force spell on John, Jenna's still here, but Hope's dead.

"Alright," Damon snaps his fingers, "Lets go." Damon walks away, me and Josie quickly following. Bonnie stops to talk to Jermey, so I stop to tell Damon something.

"Damon?" I say, stopping him.

"What witchy? We have to go save Elena." Damon says, starting to turn around again.

"It's about Hope."

"Hope? What's wrong with Hope? I knew she disappered, for a bit, but the same thing probably happened again. She'll pop up somewhere, sometime."

"No, she won't Damon."

"What do you mean she won't?" Damon says, turning around.

"Well, when you were focusing on Elena, rightfully so, something happened."

"What? What happened?" Damon says, getting tears in his eyes, obviously expecting the worse. What happened.

My lip starts to quiver, more tears entering my eyes.

"Josie. What happened?"

I don't answer again, still processing myself.

"Look, Elena is about to be sacrificed and Stefan went off to trade himself for someone who we don't know and.."

"You do know."


"He's trading his life for Hope."

"What?" Damon asks, tears in his eyes.

"Hope was the one to complete the sacrifice. The werewolf and the vampire in one." I explain.

"So, it's either my brother, or the best friend that cared about me when my brother didn't?" Damon asks, a tear falling from his eyes.

"There isn't a choice."

"What?" Damon asks, his voice breaking.


"No. Don't say it. We need to save Elena, and I need a clear head for that. I can't have the thought of my brother dying in my head to stop me." Damon says, walking straight out of the room.

What am I suppost to tell him?

That his brother won't die like he thinks and tell him his best friends already dead?

Or tell him his brother will die for the girl that they both feel in love with, and he'll have his best friend to help him through it?

What do I do?

While he's walking out to the car with Lizzie, while Bonnies still talking with Jermey, I call mom.

"Mom.." I say, my voice breaking while I start talking to her.

"Josie! What's wrong?" Mom asks.

"It's Hope. She isn't ok. She's dead. And I have no idea what to do without her. She's the Wonder Woman. The one who knows something for everything. And now that shes gone..." I start to sob again.

"Hey... shhhhhh.... shhhh... Josie, listen to me. You can do this."

"Mom, it's so hard. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not sure what to do... I-- What if I do something wrong and..." She cuts me off.

"So, what? Your just giving up? I'm sure I didn't raise you this way Josie. I haven't even known you for as long as i should have, but I sure as hell know that you don't ever, and I mean ever give up." Mom tells me, and I sob into the phone.

"You'll be fine Josie. You have Lizzie, you have me, you have a bunch of people here to help you. Take a deep breath, stand up, and fight back." Mom tells me. I sigh, taking a deep breath.

"Thanks Mommy." I say before hanging up. I wipe my tears and walk out to the car. Let's go kill an Original.

Me, Lizzie, and Bonnie are walking out towards the car.

"It's time." Damon says, standing by the car.

"All right. I got weapons in the car." Dad tells Damon.

"The Witch's are the only weapons we need." Damon tells him.

Dad than hits the barrier we set up.

"Girls! What is this?" He asks.

"We can't let you die too. We're sorry." Lizzie says, teary eyed, opening the door and getting into the car.

"We really are sorry." I tell him, following my twin.

Let's go kill an Original.

~~In the Car~~

"Som before we get there, we should tell you. Hope's dead." I just say, causing Damon to push the gas peddle more.

"What?" Damon asks us.

"Klaus killed her." Bonnie tells him, keeping her eyes on the road.

"So Stefan went off to trade himself, only for her to still be killed. Dammit." Damon hits the wheel hard, denting part of it, breaking off another.

"What do we do?" Lizzie asks us.

"We kill him." Damons says, going even faster if possible.

~~At the Ritual~~

We arrived at the place, all us witches ready for war. He killed Hope. His own daughter. The one he promisde to protect always and forever.

Well, she made a new family too. Us. And we aren't letting her die for no damn reason.

We will save Elena.

If it's the last thing we do. No way in hell we're letting her die for no reason.

We're not giving up.

When we get there, me, Bonnie, and Lizzie are all ready to full on attack.He can't just kill Hope and get away with it.

But, when we got there, Elena was dead.

The thing Hope was willing to die for. She was dead.

Hope was willing to never be born if it meant Elena could live.

That's what seperated her from her family.

She sacrificed herself for everyone else, instead of everyone else for her.

Me, Bonnie, and Lizzie all link hands, attacking Klaus. He goes flying back, screaming.

"Καλούπι, Sterf, Vdes, ሙት, sterben, mori, Umrijeti!" We scream at him, giving it our all. Damon breaks Klaus's witches neck and we continue, even after our noses start to bleed.

Even after blood comes out of our eyes.

"You were dead!" Klaus says to Bonnie.

That just makes us put more power into the spell. He is withering in pain right about now. Damon and Elena's body is no where in sight. Hope's is right by Klaus. Bastard didn't deserve her for a daughter.

Elijah than walks up to finish him off.

"Elijah?" Klaus questions. Elijah looks at Hopes body before back at his brother.

"Hello, brother." He than stakes Klaus.

"You murdered the only Hope our family had. The only chance we had." Elijah tells Klaus.

Klaus screams in pain.

"In the name of our family, Niklaus..." Elijah says, digging the stake deeper.

"I didn't burt them at sea!" Klaus tells his brother. That makes Elijah stop.

"Their bodies are safe. If you kill me, you'll never find them." Klaus continues.

"Elijah! Don't listen to him." Stefan and pleads with Elijah.

"Elijah, you better not stop." I warn him, walking forward towards them.

"Elijah. I can take you to them. I give you my word.... brother." Klaus says.

"So it and I'll kill you both." I tell them at the same time Bonnie and Lizzie grab my hands again.

"We'll kill you both." Lizzie corrects them.

"You'll die." Elijah tells us.

"We don't care." Bonnie tells Elijah.

"I'm sorry." Elijah says, looking at us.

"No!" Stefan crys out, look at them!

"No!" I say, making Elijah go flying back.

"You killed Hope." I say, walking close to them. I'm going to kill them, what ever way I needed to. I'll even use dark magic if I have to.

"Do you even know who she was? I know you do Elijah." I say, looking his way.

"What was so important about this girl?" Klaus asks.

"She was your daughter thats what! And you just murdered her. She grew up, hearing storys of you and your family. Her very own knights in shining armor. But you killed her in the end, just like ever said you would." I scream at him, the dark magic starting to come out quickly and faster.

"She always cared. Alway saw the good. Always tried to help everyone and you killed her." I scream, pushing him back.

"Ad sonum." I hear from behind me, me going out cold.

~~Lizzie's POV~~

"I'm sorry Jo. I can't let you die." I say, walking up to her body that I just knocked out

Elijah and Klaus vamp speed away, Hope's body with them. We didn't kill them. Hope's dead. I stopped Josie from killing them. I stoped her because I was selfish and didn't want my sister to die.

Was that to selfish of me?

Me and Damon walk into the house, Damon holding Elena and me holding Jos.

"If you come back as a vampire, I'll stake you myself. So don't do it." Damon threatens the 'dead' Elena. He lays her down on a couch.

"Because I can't stand the idea of you hating me forever," Damon says, brushing a piece of hair out of Elena's face.

I place Jo in a chair next to Elena.

"Please don't hate me..." I whisper at her, a tear falling down my check.

Jeremy and Dad than enter the room.

"How is she?" Jermey asks.

"We don't know yet." I tell them, looking at Elena.

I sob over my sister, praying to whatever is out there that Jo doesn't hate me. I just couldn't lose my sister. My other half.

Elena gasps awake.

"What happened?" She asks.

"How do you feel?" Damon asks her.

"I feel fine." Elena replies.

Damon lets out a breath of relief. I let out a sob of misery.

I lost my best friend who I considered a sister, and now I guess that I'll lose my other half too.


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