Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

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Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence

175 11 6
By ScammerOne



(At a certain Hotsprings Resort)

Shouichi looked at the clear water in front of him while the surrounding of him is covered in steam. The boy then slowly stepped into the giant bath which was just reserved just for him and laid down at the corner of the bath. 

Shouichi: Ah~~~~~ This is it...... Onsen for the first time in the last three years....... (Shouichi said as he relaxed his worn-out body) Everything should be perfect but if not for just one small thing. What are you doing here? (Shouichi said as he looked at Hojo with sharp piercing eyes)

Hojo: For one thing, I'm your teacher, of course, I have the right to be here, especially you. You should thank me for covering for you so many times. You're rampaging in defeating those Lords were not easy to ask for forgiveness and we have to make many compensations just so those people will not sue us. 

Shouichi: Hey, at least I get the job done. 

Hojo: *sigh*...... Why did the head even have a child like you?! (Hojo whispers to himself in an angry tone) 

Shouichi: Did you say something? 

Hojo: No, it's nothing....... By the way, how's your body? 

Shouichi: I'm healthy as any middle schooler boy. 

Hojo: You know that's not what I'm talking about. 

Shouichi: What do you mean? 

Hojo: Don't play dumb. Just one result of the check-up was already far more than enough to determine your body's condition. No matter how much you reject the monthly body check-up.

Shouichi: .......

Hojo: Your body is deteriorating, right? At first, you can still withstand the pain, but what about now? The more you fight the more you're slowly dying. 

Shouichi: Even so, what did that have to do with you? 

Hojo: I don't really care what you do, at least treasure the life you've been given. 

Shouichi: Why do you care?! I have a promise to carry out. That's all there's to it. 

Hojo: You really don't get it, huh? Alright then, just a piece of advice. Take it from an old man, if you keep this up you'll only die a miserable death. At least try to live up to your parent's expectations.

Shouichi: Eh?! Oi, what do you mean by that?! (Shouichi asked him as he knew that there's something wrong)

The man then step out of the bath and exited the bathroom ignoring all of Shouichi's questions. 

Shouichi: For goodness sake, what's wrong with that man??!!! (Shouichi said angrily) My perfect vacation is just down the drain and it's all thanks to him. But.......A miserable death, huh? he's got a point........ But I should've died alongside Utano and Mito at Suwa........ A miserable death won't do anything to me at this point.

Just then, he heard a splash from the women's bath next to them. 

Shouichi: That's must be Tama. For goodness sake, that girl has no shred of femininity inside of her. (Shouichi said with a smile) 

Tamako: OI SHOUICHIIIII!!!!! I can hear you, you know!!!!! (Tamako said screaming through the bathroom walls)

Shouichi: Oh crap, really?! 

Tamako: Yeah!!!! 

Yuuna: Shouichi-kun!!!! What were you discussing with sensei just now? (Yuuna said screaming through the bathroom walls) 

Shouichi: It's nothing really!!!! We're just having some small talk!!!! (Shouichi said with a polite tone so that they wouldn't know the small doubt within his heart) Alright then. (Shouichi said as he stood up from the bath) 

Yuuna: You're going up already???!!!! 

Shouichi: YEAH!!! You girls enjoy yourself!!!! I've stayed here long enough!!!! (Shouichi said before going he exited the bathroom.) 

Tamako: Looks like he's gone. Tch...... I was hoping to tease him though. 

Yuuna: What do you mean by teasing him? (Yuuna asked Tamako with a gullible face)

Tamako: Isn't it obvious?! There are no way boys at this age will not be turned on by that thing. (Tamako said as she looked at Hinata's breast with her shining eyes and a somewhat questionable face while making a squeezing gesture on both of her hands)

Hinata: T-Tamako-san....... W-why are you looking at me while saying that while making that strange gesture on your hand? (Hinata said while hiding her breast and backing away from Tamako) 

Tamako: Now that Shouichi is gone, it's time to change my schedule...... IT'S OBVIOUSLY TIME TO CHECK YOUR BODY'S DEVELOPMENT!!!!! (Tamako said as she ran to Hinata to try and squeeze her breast) 

Hinata: KYAAAAA!!!!! (Hinata screamed as she tried to get away from Tamako)

Anzu: Tamacchi-senpai!! (Anzu said as she stepped in protecting Hinata from Tamako) You don't inspect other people's bodies in an onsen!!! 

Tamako: Hmmm...... (Tamako then observes Anzu for a while) Hmm?! (Tamako then realizes Anzu's quite large breast) Anzu....... Now that I've got a proper look at you, haven't you grown as well.....

Anzu: Eh?! (Anzu said in surprise)

Tamako: I'LL INSPECT EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY!!!!!! (Tamako said as she grabbed hold of Anzu's breast) 

Anzu: Stop! Wai- HYAAAAA!!!!!! (Anzu screamed as she couldn't fight back) 

Wakaba: What are you doing...... (Wakaba said with a -_- face) 

Yuuna: Speaking of body....... How did the check-up at the hospital go? 

Tamako: Tama's totally fine!! The dislocation from earlier has healed already! (Tamako said as she showed off her now healed shoulder after letting Anzu go) 

Anzu: *pant* *pant* So am I, my body is more resilient now than it used to be *pant* *pant* (Anzu said with a red face as she was finally from Tamako's lewdness)

Chikage: Same here....... There are no problems with my body. I have to kill more enemies so I can't let myself get injured or sick. 

Inner Wakaba: She's changed....... It must be around the time she got back to her parents' home. I don't know what happened but the one who is most aware of her role as a hero might just be her. (Wakaba said as she stared at Chikage)

Chikage: What are looking at?! (Chikage said as she glared at Wakaba) 

Wakaba: N-no it's nothing. (Wakaba said as she flinched from Chikage's glare) 

Inner Wakaba: That part of her hasn't changed at all. 

Yuuna: What about you, Wakaba-chan were there any issues? 

Wakaba: No there were no issues. If there were any, that would be with Shouichi. (Wakaba said with a pissed off face)

Yuuna: W-what's wrong, Wakaba-chan? Y-you're making a scary face. (Yuuna said as she sweat-dropped)

Hinata: Mou, Shouichi-san really can cause a tantrum! (Hinata said with the same face as Wakaba) At first, he'll run away as fast as he could and when he's cornered he'll act like a cat and try to fight back at us. In the end, Wakaba-chan has to knock him out just to get him to the hospital. And it doesn't end there. In the hospital, the staff has to sedate him just to draw some blood from him! For goodness sake, it's really just a mess in the end. 

Anzu: I-i see..... It must be really tough, right? (Anzu said as she sweat-dropped)

Tamako: Say, doesn't Shouichi is still not right or should I say strange? 

Chikage: You better take a good look at the mirror, Doi-san. 

Yuuna: What do you mean, Tama-chan? 

Tamako: Well...... Sometimes he really acts really weird, like when after how he immediately went home instead of celebrating with us and the reason he always skips out lessons that are physically related. 

Hinata: Now that you said it, it is pretty strange. 

Tamako: Isn't that right?! I wonder why he's doing that? 

Chikage: Ashikawa-san is still hiding something. 

Wakaba: How do you know it? 

Chikage: That's the vibe he's been giving since he came here. At least that's what I understood after observing him. 

Wakaba: Observing him? 

Chikage: Yeah, do you got a problem with that? 

Wakaba: Don't tell me, Chikage...... Did you have a crush on him? 

Chikage then gave Wakaba another glare but this time is much more closer to disgust rather than anger. 

Chikage: HAAAAAAA????!!!! Me?! Liking him?! What are you talking about?! Are you an idiot?! (Chikage said in anger) 

Wakaba: N-no I just saw him talking a lot to you...... So I think- 

Chikage: He's just asking about locations where he can buy a game console

Wakaba: I-i see....... I definitely thought....... (Wakaba said with a slightly red face)

Chikage: Nogi-san....... Aren't you the one who has a crush on him? 

Wakaba: Eh?! EEEEHHHH????!!!!!! N-n-n-n-n-n-n-no w-w-w-w-way!!!!! I-i-i-i-i-it's true that he's really a dependable friend, b-b-b-b-b-b-but that doesn't mean- (Wakaba then continued to try and deny what Chikage said with all of her power while letting out far more steam from her head) 

Tamako: I've never seen Wakaba like this. 

Anzu: Wakaba-san is really like the main heroine of the novel I just read!!!! (Anzu said with her novel spirit inside her awakened)

Chikage: You're so predictable. 

Yuuna: Waaa...... Wakaba-chan, you're so cute!! Looks like you've really fallen for Shouichi-kun. 

Hinata: Wakaba-chan. looks like this is the first time you've fallen for a boy (Hinata said with a smile)

Wakaba: ....... (Wakaba could only cover her red face with her hands) 

Tamako: Then let's do this!!! (Tamako said as she began to suggest an Idea)


(Shouichi's Room)

Shouichi: Ahh....... At least it's peace and quiet....... (Shouichi said as she poured a cup of tea while reading some manga)

Shouichi was relaxing in his room while enjoying a cup of tea when he suddenly heard the front door of his room opening.

Tamako: Shouichi!!!!! We're coming in!!!!

When Tamako opened the door while screaming, Shouihchi spat out the tea from his mouth in a very comical way.

Shouichi: *cough* *cough* (Shouichi coughed to calm himself down) At least knock before you come in you know! You almost scared the hell outta me!

Tamako: Don't bother with the small things!!! Let's play some games!!

Shouichi: A game, huh? Bring it on!!!

Tamako: I'm coming in!! (Tamako said as she entered the room)

Anzu: Please, excuse us. (Anzu said in a polite tone very different from Tamako)

As Anzu and Tamako entered Shouichi's room, they were followed by Yuuna, Chikage, Wakaba, and Hinata. The seven of them then sat in the main room while each of them brought a kind of game except for Shouichi)

Shouichi: Looks like the whole gang's here. So, what are we going to play?

Hinata: I've brought a Shogi board.

Yuuna: I've got cards.

Chikage: There's also a game console in the room. (Chikage said as she pointed to the game console that was lying around)

Hinata: If we had paper, a pen, and a phone app, we could play mafia.

Tamako: Alright!!!! We'll play all of those!!!!! And Tama will win them all!!!! (Tamako said energetically)

While all of this was going on, Wakaba was glancing at Shouichi with an embarrassed face.


(A few minutes before)

(In the Onsen)

Chikage: So, Doi-san. What are we going to do?

Tamako: We're even-numbered. Let's have Shouichi enter the final round immediately and have him face off with Wakaba.

Hinata: Ara-ara Tamako-san....... It's such a good idea. But how are we going to do that?

Anzu: Let's draw lottery lots to decide the order! (Anzu said excitedly)

Yuuna: An-chan, you're so excited!

Anzu: Of course I am! It's the real-life version of the novel I just read not long ago!!!! (Anzu said with shining eyes)

Wakaba: Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait!!! Why are we doing this??!! Shouldn't we should be enjoying the break! (Wakaba said with a red face)

Hinata: Come on, Wakaba-chan...... This is also one way to enjoy the vacation. (Hinata said to persuade Wakaba)

Tamako: Alright we'll use the rigged lottery lots!!! Let's do this!!!

Everyone excepts Wakaba: Yeah!!!

Wakaba: Y-yeah.......

(Flashback Ends)

Hinata: Alright everyone, we'll draw the lots now! (Hinata said with a sweet smile)

Just as Shouichi was about to draw lots from Hinata, Shouichi realized that the atmosphere around him was too strange. It's like a mix-mash of excitement coming from Anzu, Hinata, Yuuna, and Tamako, bothersome from Chikage, and a really strange atmosphere between him and Wakaba which led him to be a little bit suspicious of all of them.

Shouichi: Uh....... What's with this atmosphere?

Hinata: What are you talking about, Ashikawa-san? It's just a friendly game for us. (Hinata said with an empty smile)

Shouichi: Even if you said that all of you are acting weird! This is really suspicious.

Hinata: Ahahahaha........ What is there to suspect? As I said before, it's just a friendly game. Now please draw lots! (Just then the atmosphere around Hinata changed from the empty smile to a threatening vibe while letting out a smile which scared the hell out of Shouichi)

Shouichi: Y-yes....... P-please spare me........ (Shouichi said as he trembled from the top of his head to the bottom of his toes.

Hinata: Ahahaha...... Mou..... You're such a joker Ashikawa-san, there's no way I'm going to hurt you..... (Hinata said with a smile but behind her, Shouichi could see that there's a devil from behind her)

Inner Shouichi: W-what the hell's going on???!!!! Did do something wrong??!! Why the hell is she looking at me like she's going to eat me????!!!! A-alright, no matter what happens they want me to choose from one of the lots, then it should be alright if I just pick the one that she doesn't want me to pick.

Shouichi then braced himself and used his trembling hands to grab one of the lots.

Inner Shouichi: Alright........ DON'T LET ME DOWN MY SHOUICHI TINGLE!!!!!!!!!

Shouichi then grabbed one of the lots and believed fully in his instinct before pulling it out.

Shouichi: Alright, it's........ number 5? (Shouichi said as he takes a look at the lots)

Hinata: Eh?! Number 5?! (Hinata said in surprise)

Shouichi: Yeah, number 5. What's wrong with that? (Shouichi asked because couldn't understand the situation)

Hinata: Wait! I thought we already rigged it?! Tamako-san!! Aren't you the one supposed to do it?!

Tamako: I properly did it! You told me to make the lots I made it! You told me to fill out the numbers I did it! And you told me to fill it out with number 7 and I- Oh........ (Tamako realized her downfall) I forgot to...... do it

Hinata: Ah?! (Hinata finally realized that she finally slipped up)

Shouichi: Hmm..... What did you say?! (Shouichi asked in a slightly angry tone)

Hinata: N-no..... I mean Uhm..... (Hinata then began to panic because of her slip-up)

Shouihchi then took a deep breath to calm him down before talking to Hinata.

Shouichi: *sigh* I don't what were you trying to pull, but can we at least try to relax without any distractions in this break? (Shouichi said to Hinata who was sitting in seiza position in front of him)

Hinata: Y-yes...... Please forgive me. (Hinata said with guilt)

Shouichi then continued to lecture Hinata.

Wakaba: I-i never saw Hinata feeling apologetic like this. (Wakaba said as she sweat-dropped)

Chikage: Isn't this fine in its own way? Uesato-san's is too playful anyway.

Wakaba: Well, now that you mention it. I think Hinata also deserved this.......

Shouichi: Alright, now that's settled, let's finish what we came here to do! (Shouichi said with a smile)

Everyone: Eh?!

Wakaba: What do you mean?

Shouichi: Isn't it obvious? Let's play some games! I've been kinda bored with online games lately. (Shouichi said as he began to shuffle the deck of cards) Let's play old maid!!!

Shouichi then began to hand out cards to the six of them and all of them began to play.

(A few minutes later)

Shouichi: What was it? Saying that "Tama will win them all!!!" (Shouichi said while mimicking Tamako's way of talking) Leaving Anzu aside, after making that statement I can believe you were this easy to beat!! So mortifying!!!! (Shouichi said in a mocking tone to mock Tamako)

Tamako: Guh......

Shouichi: Hmm? What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? (Shouichi said with a smug face)

Tamako: Shut up!!!! You lost too after I lost!!! We're that far away!!! (Tamako finally lost it and began to hit Shouichi)

Shouichi: Ow! At least I'm above you!

Both of them then began to bicker at each other while the other four continued to look at them while sweat-dropping.

Yuuna: Tama-chan and Shouichi-kun really can get along well.

Hinata: Tamako-san and Shouichi-san are like two peas of the same pod. (Hinata said with a smile)

Wakaba: Yeah...... They are really alike.

Chikage: I think we're forgetting something important here..... (Chikage whispers to herself)

Yuuna: Did you say something, Gun-chan?

Chikage: No it's nothing, Takashima-san. (Chikage said with a smile she only showed to Yuuna) Now let's continue the game.

The four of them continued the game until the finals where the only contestants are Wakaba and Chikage against each other.

Yuuna: Wow, Gun-chan you've won them all!

Chikage: I'm good at this kind of thing.

Hinata: The next one will decide the match

Chikage: I'll win this one too.

Wakaba: We've got one win and one loss each. This round, I'll take the victory!

Both of them then began the game. After a few rounds, Wakaba was gaining an advantage from Chikage with the game going Wakaba's way.

Chikage: Guh! I won't lose! Never! Not to you! Not to anyone! (Chikage said as she began to desperate)

Just as Wakaba was about to bring an end to the game that she's playing with Chikage.

Wakaba: Fuahh........ (Wakaba said in a sexy tone while Hinata bit on her ear)

What Hinata caused then led Wakaba to lose her focus.

Wakaba: Hinata?! What are you doing?! Ah?!

Chikage: Last card!

Yuuna: Winner, Gun-chan!!! (Yuuna said as she raised Chikage's hand)

Inner Shouichi: So she's weak to tickles.

Hinata: Don't make such a scary face~~~~ It's just a game, you have to enjoy it.

Shouichi: She's got a point. You're too serious even though it's just a game.

Wakaba: B-but she tickled me!!!!

Hinata: I know all of your weak points, Wakaba-chan.

Tamako: Weak points?!

Anzu: Where?! (Both Anzu and Tamako said with shining eyes)

Shouichi: Ah! They came back to life.

Hinata: Wakaba-chan's weak points are her ea-

Wakaba: Hey!!!! Stop it!!!!! (Wakaba said before Hinata walked away to the dark corner of Kouji's room) Hey! Where are you going?! Hinata! (Wakaba said as she went after Hinata)

Hinata: You approach every situation seriously no matter what it is. (Hinata said as she stopped in the middle of the room)

Wakaba: Hinata?

Hinata: That's what's wonderful about you, Wakaba-chan. But...... Please try and take a good look at the people around you as well. You see, just now-

Wakaba: Just now?

Hinata: .......Never mind, if you don't realize it yourself it would be meaningless.

Wakaba: H-hey Hinata.......

Hinata: Let's go back to the others~~~~ (Hinata said with her usual playful tone)

Wakaba: "Take a good look"........ What does she mean by that?

While this conversation was happening Shouichi was eavesdropping on their conversation.

Shouichi: So that's why she did that, huh........




After a while of relaxing given for them by the Taisha, the peace for mankind does not last long. An army of Vertex was back attacking again with a number far more superior than before.

Shouichi: There are far more of them this time....... I'd say there's at least one thousand Vertex out there.

Wakaba: Yeah, they're trying to overwhelm us with their number.

Shouichi: Are you scared?

Wakaba: No! I'm the leader! I can't afford to get scared right now! (Wakaba said with a determined tone) I'll take the lead!!!!! (Wakaba said as she charges ahead without a plan or backup)

Yuuna: W-wakaba-chan????!!!!

Shouichi: Hey!!! Wait!!!! Don't go ahead on your own!!!!

Inner Wakaba: I'll dive right into the enemy line on my own. I have no need for people to follow after me, no need for people to fight by my side. I will carry this great burden all by myself. This is the way I fight!!!!! (Wakaba thought to herself as she charges ahead and cut down all the Vertex all by herself)

As Wakaba continued to fight on, she realized that the Vertex that is floating around in front of her instead of heading towards the Shinju.

Inner Wakaba: The enemy...... stopped invading?! No....... One part of the swarm headed to Shinju-sama to keep the others occupied while the remaining Vertex surrounded me. Their tactics have evolved?! They're splitting up and picking us off.

Just as Wakaba was thinking about what should she do, a Vertex bit a part of her arms but barely misses it and causing damage to her skin.

Wakaba: GUH!!!!! If it's just that!!!!!! (Wakaba said as she cut down the Stardust Vertex that bit her)

Suddenly a fist came from the sky and crushed one of the stardust vertexes.

Wakaba: Yuuna?! Why did you come?! I can fight by myself!! And more importantly-

Yuuna: I could never abandon a friend(Yuuna said with a smile on her face)

Wakaba: .......... You'll survive this got it? (Wakaba said as she stood behind Yuuna leaving her back for Yuuna to protect)

Yuuna: You too, Wakaba-chan! (Yuuna said as she stood behind Wakaba leaving her back fro Wakaba to protect)


The long deadly battle with the Vertexes was over at least for now.

Wakaba: *pant* *pant* *pant* Somehow....... We've won....... The others....... Where are the others????!!!!!! (Wakaba said as she looked for signs of her friends)

When she caught sight of her friends, what she saw was really terrifying for her. She saw Yuuna and a survivor stardust vertex.

Wakaba: Yuuna!!!!!!

The vertex was about to bite right into her but before that could happen, Shouichi used the gills heel claw to stab through the Vertex just before that thing could kill Yuuna.

Shouichi: Shut your mouth...... you shitty Vertex. It stinks of human blood. The smell I really hate!!!! (Shouichi said as he killed the last Vertex)

Wakaba: Shouichi.......

Shouichi then walked over and carried Yuuna.


(The Hospital)

(Shikoku, 2018)

Even though the Taisha had sent their best doctors to help Yuuna, Yuuna was still not able to regain her consciousness and still remained in a coma till now.

Wakaba: Yuuna........ (Wakaba said as she looked through the window to Yuuna's room)

Chikage: This is...... the result of your actions. (Chikage said with a cold tone as she approaches Wakaba with injury all over her body along with the injured Anzu and Tamako)

Shouichi: Wait, Koori.

Chikage: Don't stop me!!!! This girl will never understand anything unless I lay it out on her!!!!

Shouichi: I know........ That's why....... I want you to leave it to me...... I'll lay it out for yours and Yuuna's sake as well......

Chikage: .......... I understand....... (Chikage said as she silently leaves it to Shouichi)

Tamako: EH?! Both of them are on the same page for the first time?!

Anzu: Tamacchi-senpai! Let's not overstep our boundaries here...... (Anzu said as she pushed Tamako away leaving Shouichi and Wakaba alone)

Wakaba: .......

Shouichi: .........

Wakaba: Shouichi, I-!

Shouichi: So this is....... the things that you fight for?

Wakaba: No I........ I was just......

Shouichi: What?! What other excuses do you have?

Wakaba: I was just..... giving them a taste of their victims and grief......

Shouichi: And where did that get you?

Wakaba: ......

Shouichi: Look at her! This is what revenge will get you!!! More pain, grief, and suffering! Is this what you wanted to protect?!

Wakaba: I........... I was just...... Then what about you?! You're the one who has lost your family! Your birthplace! I thought you would understand me the most!!! You should've been the one to be most obsessed with revenge!!!!!

Shouichi: Yeah, I understood your feeling, the feeling of hatred, and the desire to take revenge on those monsters are very real........

Wakaba: Then, why?!

Shouichi: Even if I did so, those who died will never return. You'll never regain something that you've lost. And you're willing to fight for those things that you've lost instead of the ones that are still beside you! The ones that are could still be reached with your hand. The ones that you can still protect.

Wakaba: ........

Shouichi: If you're still fighting for the ones who have died, then you're just going to die miserably while losing each thing that is precious to you. (Shouichi before walking away, leaving Wakaba alone with Yuuna)


(Hospital Roof)

Shouichi: Geez...... She really throws me off. (Kouji said as he leaned over the railings and enjoyed the wind)

Hinata: Don't you think you've gone too far? (Hinata said as she approaches Shouichi who looked troubled from behind)

Shouichi: Hinata, huh? Even if I did I'm not going to apologize to her.

Hinata: I'm not going to blame you for what happened at the Jukai. I agree it was Wakaba-chan's fault. But, there should be a better way to tell her instead of like that. You're just going to ruin your friendship with her.

Shouichi: I'm not planning on playing friends with her.

Hinata: Eh?!

Shouichi: I don't like her since the first I saw her. I hate the people who tried to play goody two shoes while the world around her is burning while she did that. Especially people like Wakaba. Who gets serious and emotional every time. To think-

Just then Hinata immediately slapped Shouichi right in the face.

Hinata: How could you say that?! Wakaba is the one who really cared for you in this place!!!!! She has been the one who's willing to sacrifice her life for you!!! When you were captured by the Taisha if it was not for her, who knows what the Taisha will do to you?! You might be dissected and will be killed at this moment!!!!

Shouichi: ........

Suddenly Shouichi leans back the railings and dropped right to the ground.

Hinata: Shouichi-san?! What's wrong?! I don't think I slapped you that hard?! (Hinata said with a worried tone)

Shouichi: Hahahaha, are you sure want to even care for the person who has hurt your best friend? URK!!!!!

Hinata: Shouichi-san?!

Just then Shouichi felt an immense pain flowing through his body as both of Shouichi's hands began to wrinkle. Shouichi then showed his awful hands at Hinata to see.

Shouichi: I thought that it was late for it to appear, to think that it chose such timing to appear right now.

Hinata: W-what is this?! (Hinata said in a shocked tone)

Shouichi: A power always comes with a price. I guess this is a price I paid for when I gained my power. The doctors said this is cellular decay because of my transformation. The longer I fight, the more this will proceed. The Taisha said at this rate if I continue to fight, it won't be long until I died I guess.

Hinata: Then you should stop fighting!!!! If you continue to fight then-

Shouichi: That's what I wanted to do but........ (Shouichi said as the wrinkles in his hand began to slowly return back to his normal and it wasn't that long after that the pain in his body disappeared, allowing him to stand up) I already made a promise....... A promise to protect this hope Utano had once protected. That's why I can't stop right now.

Hinata: Shouichi-san.........

Shouichi: Now that you already know about my secret, you already knew the reason why I was so hard on Wakaba. I need someone who I can trust to fight on even if I'm dead. (Shouichi said as walked away from Hinata and headed downstairs)

Hinata: ........

Shouichi: Oh yeah, can you keep this a secret from them? I don't need anyone to have a connection with me. It will be more painful for them to see their friend to die rather than a heartless person die. (Shouichi said before he disappears from Hinata's sight) 

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and a synopsis of the story.

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