Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

36.3K 1.2K 479

Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls

202 12 3
By ScammerOne

(Marugame Castle)


Tamako: You gotta go for punk rock when it comes to music!!

Anzu: No, love songs and ballads are the best!!!

Shouichi: ....... (Shouichi was staring flatly) 

Tamako: Cries of youth and the culmination of passion! Punk Rock!! 

Anzu: A permeating melody! Heart Shaking romance! Love songs!! 

Hinata: Ara ara~~ Tamako-san and Anzu-san......

Wakaba: It's rare to see them disputing over something.

Shouichi: Say....... I know It's all good and well to see both of you getting along, but do both of you have to do it right at the sides of my desk?! It's really uncomfortable you know! (Shouichi said as he was getting more and more disturbed by the both of them)

Tamako: We're like sisters!!! Of course, we have to do it near you!!!! (Tamako said as she hugged Anzu) 

Shouichi: What does that have to do with me?! Of every reason, you have to say that, huh? (Shouichi said to retort Tamako) 

Hinata: How come you two got along so well? 

The two of them looked at each other first.

Anzu: Well...... I was prone to becoming ill since childhood and placed a noticeable distance between me and the others. I wasn't bullied and I wasn't treated like I was different from the others. But I still felt like I was alienated. And to escape that feeling I got absorbed into reading my favorite books. I was dreaming that someone will come and save me from that feeling, like a prince from a fairy tale. That's how I was. 

Tamako: Tama was strong-willed and tomboyish since childhood. "Ladylikeness" was the thing that Tama always lacked. 

Shouichi: You got that right. My first impression of you was just like that when I first met you. But rather than Tomboyish it was closer to a boy. And I'd almost mistaken you for it. 

Tamako: Shut up!!!! I'm telling my story here!!! Anyways, Tama was fighting with someone and playing dangerous outdoor games every day and that always made Tama's parents worry. Tama couldn't do anything about it. Tama really tried to change, but never could become lady-like. That's how Tama was....... 

Anzu: But everything changed on that fateful day. I have awakened to the strength that let me fight off those monsters. 

Tamako: Wait, You're going to tell them everything????!!!!! 

Wakaba and Yuuna immediately held Tamako's hand. 

Tamako: Ahh!!!! Let go off me!!!! 

Shouichi: Please continue, this is getting interesting. (Shouichi said with a smile) 

Anzu: When I was paralyzed by fear and wished someone to save me, Tamacchi-senpai suddenly appeared and saved me. I saw her as my prince and that's how we became friends. (Anzu said with a smile) 

Hinata: That's such a nice story, I need to publish it online as she could. (Hinata said as she was already moved to tears by their story) 

Shouichi: That's a great idea! We could make a quick buck if we publish that story! (And as always our Kamen Rider only cares about money) 

At this point, Tamako was already dying of embarrassment. 

Yuuna: You two should start living together. Our rooms are next to each other 

Tamako: Our rooms in the dorm are next to each other anyway, and we often visit each other. 

Anzu: So you can say we already do. 

Yuuna: Oh, I see. 

Hinata: Wakaba-chan also........ often comes to my room!!!!! (Hinata said with a competitive tone)

Wakaba: Hinata?! Why did you sound like you're trying to compete???!!! (Wakaba said with an embarrassed face)

Tamako: Oh? And I can say a lot of cute things about Anzu! Anzu always gets red when she reads a kiss scene in a book!!!!! 

Hinata: Wakaba-chan always looks like a puppy when she comes to ask for it!!!!

Tamako: And once she bought a second copy of a novel she already read by mistake!!!! 

Anzu: Ah...... Ah...... Ah...... Ah........ Ah....... Ah........ (Anzu was already trembling with a red face as Tamako reveals her deeper secrets)

Hinata: Wakaba-chan also always begs me to clean her ears!!!! 

Wakaba: Please forgive me...... (Wakaba said as she begs for Hinata to stop revealing her embarrassing moments)

Tamako: Anyway!!!! Anzu's really cute!!! So Tama has to protect her!!! No matter what enemy we will have to face!!! 

Shouichi: Both of you are really close like a sister, huh? No, to an unsuspecting person you two may already look like sisters. (Shouichi said with a smile)  

Tamako and Anzu: You bet you are!!!!! (Both of them said as they hugged each other) 

(A few hours later)


Tamako and Wakaba the two most aggressive fighters among the team saw the approaching Vertex which was the creepy Gemini Vertex. 

Wakaba: Is that one...... an evolved? (Wakaba said as she sweatdropped)

Shouichi: Three years in Suwa and I've never seen anything that creepy. Is that could be called a Vertex?! 

Wakaba: Well..... It's bipedal..... kinda more unique than the others which don't have any legs. 

Anzu: It seems this one is considerably fast. 

Wakaba: It is very mobile and maneuverable despite its appearance, it's going to be a troublesome enemy.  

Shouichi: Well in the end, what we have to do doesn't change. I'll use my tentacles to restraint its movements and you guys-

Tamako: Isn't there an easier way than this? (Tamako cuts in Shouichi while he is talking) 

Shouichi: Hmm? Tama got a better idea?! Now that's unexpected from you. 

Tamako: Are you calling Tama stupid???!!! 

Shouichi: Well....... (Shouichi seems to hesitate a bit before giving Tamako the answer) Kinda no....... 

Tamako: Why are you hesitating a bit before answering???!!! (Tamako retorts Shouichi's answer) 

Anzu: Let's leave it at that Tamacchi-senpai. (Anzu said to calm Tamako down) 

Tamako: Anyways, Leave it to Tama! 

Chikage: What are you going to do? (Chikage asked in suspicion is the plan even will work) 

Tamako: Tama felt something like this would happen, so Tama prepared a secret weapon. (Tamako then took out something from her shield and threw it in the Vertex's direction) Take this!!!!! (Tamako's battle cry as she threw that "thing" at the Vertex)

Shouichi then took a better look and realized that it was a pack of homemade Udon. 

Shouichi: Eh?! 

Wakaba: T-that's...... it can't be.....

Yuuna: Do you know what that is, Wakaba-chan?! 

Wakaba: Yes..... That's the top-grade homemade udon. An ultimate dish made by the heaven-sent child of Sanuki Udon Yoshida Menkura-san made only of the finest wheat and water. The joyful feeling of it going down your throat brings you so much ecstasy, it's almost like you're eating the whole earth himself!!!! 

Shouichi: -_-

Tamako: Hojo-sensei said that Vertexes have intellect and this one is more humanlike than the others. That means...... It cannot ignore the temptation of our secret weapon!!!!! 

Shouichi: *sigh*........ I was an idiot to put my trust in you. (Shouichi said as he held his head with his hand)

Wakaba: Certainly! (Wakaba said as she wiped her drool 

Tamako: Then we should be able to slow it down!!!

The Vertex kept on running towards the direction of the pack of homemade Udon and just as it approached it, it kept on running ignoring the pack of Udon. 

Shouichi: Wow, shocking. (Shouichi comments sarcastically)

Tamako: I-is that because it's not Kamaage???!!! (Tamako said as she dropped down to her knees)

Wakaba: That's blasphemy towards noodles!!!

Shouichi: That kind of trick won't work in the first place at all!!!! (Shouichi said to retort) 

Yuuna: Looks like we won't be able to understand each other. 

Chikage: It seems so. 

Shouichi: We won't be able to understand each other at first glance!!!!! (Shouichi retorts even stronger)

Tamako: Yoshida-san..... I promise I'll come back to you later. (Tamako said as she cried)

Shouichi: *sigh*....... Alright, let's do this my way. 

Just before every last of them realized it, the Vertex using its immense speed jumped and kicked at Anzu using its full strength. Tamako managed to use her shield to block the kick but due to the sheer strength of the kick, both of them were knocked pretty far back. Shouichi's fast reflex used his tentacles and managed to grab hold of both of them before they could slam down causing even further damage to them. 

Shouichi: You two, okay?! (Shouichi said as he stood as strong as he could to save them) 

Anzu: I'm okay. Thank you, Shouichi-san. 

Tamako: Tama's al- Ugh! (The brown-haired girl then heard a nasty sound and felt pain from her shoulder) 

Anzu: Tamacchi-senpai. You were hurt...... Because of me....... (Anzu said with a worried face)

Tamako: Don't make that face, Tama did it because Tama wants to protect you......

Anzu: Tamacchi-senpai....... 

Shouichi: That's all the good and all, but It's almost like dislocated. Recklessly moving around will only worsen it. You better stay back. (Shouichi said as he slowly put both of them to the ground)

Tamako: Thanks for the care, but Tama's strong!!!! I won't lose just because of this kind of thing!!! 

Shouichi: Well....... Just do what you think is best......

Tamako: By the way, where's the enemy? 

Shouichi: It doesn't seem to be pursuing us. 

As the three of them looked for the enemy they saw that Wakaba is slashing the Vertex trying to cut it but the Vertex was evading all of Wakaba's attack. 

Tamako: It's running away?! 

Anzu: No....... That Vertex is aiming for Shinju-sama. 

Tamako: That's bad!! Tama needs to catch up to it!!!!! You stay here!!! (Tama then ran after the Vertex followed by Shouichi)

Shouichi: Oi, wait!!!! For goodness sake, it's not easy to keep up with you!!!!! So do you have an idea??!! (Shouichi said as he catches up to Tamako)

Tamako: Ummm....... No.......

Anzu: Tamacchi-senpai!!!!! Shouichi-san!!!!!

Shouichi: Iyojima?! 

Tamako: Anzu!!!!??? Tama told you to stay!!

Anzu: I have a plan!! I'll help both of you hit the Vertex. First, Shouichi-san please use those tentacles to grab onto Tamacchi-senpai's shield! 

Shouichi obeyed Anzu's words and wrap around his tentacles around the Tamako's shield, Kamuyatatehime's handle. 

Anzu: Tamacchi-senpai, Throw it at full strength!!!!! and Shouichi-san please use your tentacles to direct it!

Shouichi: Alright!

Tamako: Oryaaa!!!! (Tamako then threw her shield as strong as possible at Vertex while Shouichi do his best to control the direction of the shield so the Vertex will not be able to dodge it)

As shrewd as Shouichi in controlling the shield, the Vertex still managed to dodged it but just then Anzu fired her kinkyusen towards the shield deflecting it to the Vertex, killing it instantly. 

Shouichi: Wow! I gotta say, that's awesome. Nice job Iyojima! Looks like that crossbow is not just for show! (Shouichi said praising Anzu)

Anzu: Phew......... Thank you, Shouichi-san. (Anzu said with a smile) 

Tamako: Anzu......(Tamako said as she looked at Shouichi with shock)

Anzu: Well,........ I can't be always the one to be protected all the time, right? 

Shouichi: Looks like the one has been protecting, now is the one being protected right now, huh? No, both of you have been protecting each other.

Anzu and Tamako: You bet!!! 

Shouichi: Alright, enough chit-chat. Let's finish them. (Shouichi said as he looked at the coming Stardust Vertex)

(A few hours later)

(Real World) 

(Marugame Castle)

As Shouichi finished his lunch, Shouichi looked to see Anzu feeding Tamako. 

Shouichi: Close as usual, huh?

Tamako: You bet!!! 

Yuuna: Is your arm alright?

Tamako: It's just a dislocation sorry if I made you worry. 

Wakaba: I'm glad that isn't serious. 

Tamako: Well, the only problem is the bandage is really tight. So I really feel like taking it off. 

Anzu: Don't you dare!!!! You'll just only prolong the recovery process!!!! (Anzu said as she fed Tamako some Udon)

Yuuna: Tama-chan...... Uhm...... Can I have a bite? (Yuuna said hesitantly) 

Wakaba: Yuuna, as Tamako would say, this udon is her "Booty". To ask for a bite is disgraceful. (Wakaba said with a drool coming from a mouth) 

Shouichi: Is that something you should say with that kind of face???!!! At least show that you're wiping your drool!!!! 

Wakaba: I-It's your imagination! (Wakaba said as she immediately wiped the drool from her face)

Yuuna: Wakaba-chan also wants it! Well? What do you do, Tama-chan? 

Tamako: Heeee~~~ What should Tama do~~~

Hinata who was sitting just now suddenly stood up.

Wakaba: What's wrong? 

Hinata: Wakaba-chan~~ (Hinata then went over and whispered something into Wakaba) 

Wakaba: Oh sorry.....

Hinata then went into the toilet and just as she entered it, she saw an image. In other means, an oracle. 

Hinata: That was...... an oracle........ A crisis due to...... ignorance???!!!

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and a synopsis of the story.

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