A Place With No Name (revampe...

By conceited_nae

119K 7.2K 8.4K

"How do you expect me to live a life that's not worth living?" (Early Dangerous era-HIStory era) Rewritten:... More

Cast -- 2
- Honesty Hour(Before We Continue With The Story) 1.
MJBFA's ❀❀❀
A.N; A lil constructive criticism for my soul ❀.
She's alive (& well I think πŸ˜‰)
new year , new me πŸ’‹ (please read & be informed 🀨)
Publicly Service Announcement (last one before the books ends, I promise)
Entertainment Weekly
Ana's Diary


728 40 47
By conceited_nae

- lmao not y'all teasing me about that sex scene last chapter. We gotta have a lil chat in the author's note. 😂❤❤❤ Enjoy.


- no quote inserted


Commerce, California

Annalisa Green -- April 5th, 1994
Location: 100 Citadel Dr Ste 519; Tommy Hilfiger clothing store

Today was the official early release of the summer collection, and I was following Tommy's store manager to the back entrance so we could start the launch. There was already a lot of people lined up. The line was so long that it almost stretched around the corner from the store. It was insane!

Two of my security guards, Eddie and Don, along with my newly hired assistant, Tina, quickly headed indoors to avoid being seen by any lingering paparazzi. As far as I was informed, they were taking pictures inside. So there was not an ounce of doubt that the news about the launch wasn't on television right now.

Kidada and Aunt Jolene were standing next to the table that I would be sitting in to help pass out the different pieces of clothing. I had two hours to host this event and I couldn't wait to see what everyone thought of it.

As soon as I stepped onto the platform, Aunt Jolene gave me a hug and a kiss to the forehead, voicing how proud and amazed she was. And of course she couldn't go without making sure that she had gotten some clothes for free.

"Angel just went to the restroom, but she should be back in a minute," Kidada said to me. We all sat down at the table watching everyone stand outside cheering and tapping the window.

"This shit is wild, neice!" Aunt Jolene placed her hands on her cheeks in amazement. "Chile, I don't know how you keepin' calm with all this goin' on."

"It's easy, Auntie!" Kidada exclaimed. "You have to keep calm 'cause if you panic, the fans will. And when they panic, they get a little.... crazy." She pinched her fingers together.

Aunt Jolene sighed, capping the marker and sitting some of the shopping bags to the side. "I can't keep calm in these types of situations chile. It's already bad enough that those damn paparazzi keep sittin' outside of my house, tryna figure out when Ana gone' come out. They haven't figured that you live with my Michael yet?"

I smiled. "My Michael, Aunt Jolene" she playfully glared. "but no. I thought they would by now, too."

"They really are dumb sometimes."

"Ha!" Kidada scoffed. "Try all the time."

The event started thirty minutes later. I did my speech though the intercom since it was too hetic to stand outside. The store's security guards held each side of the door knobs. On signal, they unlocked the doors, letting the people inside. One by one, the crowd quickly spilled in getting louder and louder. I smiled at all of them, waving and greeting some.

Tommy's store manager directed everyone to stand in a line, and each security guard stood in front of the platform our table stood on just to make sure that things didn't get too rowdy.

Angel had came in as soon as this started. She stood beside me, putting the bags full of every piece of clothing from the collection onto the table for each fan to grab after meeting me. I'm glad that there was more than enough now, because who knows how long it'd take to distribute more to every store the minute it sells out next month?

"I'm so happy Tommy chose you to design these clothes, Miss Ana." Connie, one of the fans gushed. "You make me feel confident with these designs, like, it's so amazing! I hope Tommy keeps working with you. You really have a talent."

I smiled genuinely, standing up to give her a sweet hug. That means a lot. "Thank you so much. I appreciate all the love and support from you" we stopped to take a quick picture. Afterwards, we hugged and I passed her the bag with my own signature and little note. "I hope you like the new collection! It was nice meeting you."

She smiled, waving before stepping down from the platform. I went on meeting and greeting the fans, and passing them shopping bags for the next fifty-five minutes until there were no more fans in line. Even then I still had about an hour until I was to leave the rest to the employees. I had to visit two more stores in Los Angeles for the rest of the week, the Tommy and I would plan the summer fashion show. He wants us to do another tour in July to promote the collection. I told him I would think about it, even though I was going to agree anyway.

Aunt Jolene joined the employees on the floor while Kidada, Angel, and I stayed by the table. Angel helped fold some clothes to put on the racks. She looked fine today, but her demeanor was kind of... off.

I glanced at Kidada to see if she was looking as well, but she wasn't. She was talking to one of the security guards.

Angel isn't still doing drugs is she? I hoped not. I prayed that she wasn't.

I wanted to ask her right now but I knew that it wasn't the time. So I just left it alone and repeatedly reminded myself to talk to her about. I didn't want her to harm herself and drugs is never the answer.

I just wanted the best for her. That's all.


Los Olivos, California

Michael Jackson -- April 7th, 1994
Location: 5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd.

As promised, Janet came over so we could work on our song together. So far we had the first verse and the chorus. The song overall was about the media and what they do to try and ruin my image. I just wanted them to leave me alone. And now that I'm thinking about it, most of the songs I've written so far were about the media. It was even a song I wrote about the lead Santa Barbara County District Attorney. He was so adament on raiding my home and messing with my belongings for nothing. I was extremely relieved that they never had the chance to do that, but even so, I still am frustrated about it and I want it to be known.

However to avoid further problems, I had to change the man's name around in the song. He will still know that it's about him. And I won't even care. There's only so much you can take when being in the public's eye. I truly feel as if they want to ruin my life and career.

I turned the knobs on the sound board, letting the demo instrumental come to life from the speakers. Janet was easily impressed. She nodded her head, twiddling her fingers and mumbling to herself. It was a way for her to create lyrics to a song. Seeing her musical process was intriguing and honestly amazing to me.

After a while, she tapped her thighs with a smile. "This is hot, Mike! I think we should add just a little more bass, raise the tempo a lil bit..."

"Sure? Like this?" I did as she suggested. The tune sounded a bit better. "Yeah, I like this."

"See?" She softly punched my shoulder.

We listened to the instrumental for a few more minutes until it faded away. I made sure to save it, because this was what I was going to show Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, my newest producers for this project. They were legendary. After witnessing their work with my sister and her self-titiled album last year, I wanted to work with them immediately. So far we had the same visions. All we needed to do was make them come to life.

"How's the rest of the album coming along?" She asked. Now we sat with soft mugs of warm tea in our hands.

"It's coming." I sighed softly. "I think I'm already at that stage where I'm being picky and uncertain about some songs."

"Well, following your gut has gotten you awards for the best albums ever. At least you don't have to work with Quincy anymore," Janet held her mug with two hands.

I giggled. "What's wrong with Quincy?"

Janet started to laugh as well. "Don't get me wrong, I love Quincy! He's a great producer, a talented person, and a fucking genius, but, although you two have collaborated twice in the past, I just can't help but feel like he never really believed in you like he should. He doubted Thriller ever becoming the greatest album of all time, he doubted Bad. He even doubted Dangerous and he wasn't even apart of the process!" I looked down. "I feel like he was holding you back, keeping you from making magic with others. And that bullshit deposition in Mexico? Quincy is just as guilty as Rod's stupid ass. I wouldn't put it pass him to convince Rod to screw you over like that because he knows he didn't write those songs." Janet sighed. "I imagine Quincy ten years from now, talking trash like the others. Although he's family to the family, I just always caught the snake vibes from him."

"Well, I don't know, Dunk. I pray that, that never happens. I've always looked at Quincy as a mentor, as a friend. I hope he never does that." I know he's a good person.

"I hope not, either. I could be wrong about what I just said. Who knows?"

I nodded not really knowing what to say about it. I can't imagine Quincy doing that to me. He's just too much of a good friend to me.

For the next fourty minutes we worked through some of the song. Janet had a meeting to go to down in L.A. and she wanted to get a head start so she wouldn't be late to it.

After I said goodbye, I gave her a tight hug, making her promise to call me as soon as she gets home. I watched her climb inside of her darkly tinted car. She drove off minutes later.

I walked inside feeling like there was nothing to do for the rest of the day. Ana was out hosting events for her collection release. I'd be there if I wasn't working on my next album. This would be the first album released on my own label, MJJ Productions, and I was excited.

The deadline was May of next year and I wanted a good amount of songs on there. All I wanted was for the media to finally understand me and my frustrations. Hopefully, this album will do just that.

I was tired of feeling mistreated in the industry. I'm known as the 'biggest star in the world' but if that was really true, why aren't they treating me like I am? Why was it their job to ruin my image? To destroy the legacy I built and the blueprint I created for many more great artists in the future?

I'll never understand it.

To pass time, I decided to take a nap. But in order to get some rest and take a break, I soaked in a bath first. Afterwards, I dressed in my pajamas early and laid down. It was safe to say that I didn't get any rest. I couldn't. Not without sleeping pills.

But I promised Bill that I wouldn't do that. I didn't want to put my health in jeopardy, but I couldn't help but feel like I needed them.

It wouldn't hurt to take one just this once, right?

As long as I didn't make it a habit. I'd take them only when I needed them. Only when I needed them.

Taking the pills from my cabinet behind the bathroom mirror, I opened them and poured two pills into my hand. There was already a glass of water waiting on my nightstand.

I took both pills and quickly drank them down with the water. Now the empty glass sat on my nightstand. Turning the lights off I climbed in bed and got under the blankets.

Familiarly, that drowsy feeling crashed down on me and I was in a deep slumber. Even if I wouldn't remember sometime, it felt great to be well rested when I'd wake up.


No banner today but it's day 21!!!!

I'm about 3 hours late & it's 1 sumn in the morning where I am. I apologize for that! I keep dosing off ☹️ I was busy walking around all day & I'm so sleepy 🤦🏾‍♀

Anywayyy, I hope you enjoyed today's chapter & yesterday's chapter. 😁

Aside from the teasing, I really appreciate your comments. 😂❤

I thought we was grown y'all? Well most of us are. 😂

Neva is y'all making fun of Ana & Michael for the way they act before, during, & after sex. 💀💀

It's apart of their personalities gosh darn it! You think I'ma have them all shy & innocent for most of the book, then have them acting like freak nasty porn stars during the sex scenes? Nah, cus if I was to do it like that, somebody in the fandom would still complain about it. 🤣🤣

Y'all moonwalkers be too sensitive over EVERYTHING. Ion have time for it. 🤦🏾‍♀💀

Plus, you have to remember how inexperienced Ana is. She never learned or had a chance to rightfully give her virginity to the right one, because it was taken from her. ☹️

So yes, there's gonna be some times where she acts awkward after or asks Michael questions about things pertaining to sex.

Long story short, she's human loves! Cut my girl some slack & accept her as she is! 😂❤

And as far as the pregnant comments, nope, we not starting that. Nah, nah, nah, don't do it.

Ana & Michael are not having kids until I feel like they're ready.

Right now, they're not ready.

My girl just moved in! They've only been together for a year! Plus, Michael still follows his mother's religious beliefs! It's already bad enough (in Katherine's eyes if she was to know)  that he's having sex out of wedlock. Imagine him having kids before marriage. 😂

There may be times where I don't mention him wearing a condom, and he nuts in her, but that doesn't mean she's pregnant! Yeah, in reality, yeah. But this is just a book. 😂😂

Sometimes I won't mention a condom or mention that he nutted in her! She still won't be pregnant until I decide to write it.

I still want some stuff to happen before they have kids. At least get some of the lingering drama out of the way before it happens. 🤷🏾‍♀💀 & even then, she may not have kids when most of the drama is solved. ☠️

That's why this book will be a long ass mf book. I wanna make sure that everything is being written & planned (as I go) the right way. Ion wanna miss nun or fuck nun up. 💀

Aye spoiler alert, Michael will have a child before the 90s era is over. ❤

You're welcome. Now stop with the preggers comments! You're scaring me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Question timessssss 💋

No, no answer. 😂❤

"What was the name of your old account?"

Before it became conceited_nae, it was JanaeAri. It just sounded right when I first created it, even if Ion have 2 middle names and the second one isn't Ari. 😂😂

That was the time I was reading them kiddie ass Mindless Behavior fanfictions. Them books was so good to me at the time that I started writing MB stories on here. Those were my first experiences with writing on Wattpad.

Them mf books was good for me to be 12-13 writing that shit. & no, I'm not saying it just to be saying it. 😂😂 I'm being completely honest.

I wished I'd known some of y'all when I came out with Age Ain't Nothin But A Number. Y'all would see what I mean when you read that. It was one of the best August Alsina books on Wattpad in 2016, periodt pooh. 💋

"What is your favorite animal?"

My favorite animal are dogs. I love those big ass human sized dogs. 😍😍😍 I can't wait to get one soon.

I also want to get one of those micro monkeys. You know, the cute little baby monkeys that wear those tiny diapers? Omggggg they are so adorable. I want one so bad. 🥺🥺🥺❤❤

I like tigers too. Preferably when they're little cubs. 😍

& scorpions. Because I'ma Scorpio duhh. 💀 Nah but fr, I've always wanted a pet scorpion. Idk why, I just do. And I want a snake and probably a tarantula. But just to scare my mama. 😂😂😂

Okay, that's enough for tonight. I'm sorry if you read this late, I just had a lot to do & I got tired from doing it.

I'ma try & get some rest and get these chapters out in the afternoon until next Sunday when my break is over.

Thank youuuu for reading honey's, I hope you enjoyed. Excuse minor errors!

See you tomorrow!!!! ❤

- nae 💋

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