~My Mate~ ✔️

By Mentally_Not_Ok

126K 4.5K 1.6K

Blaise and Harry are both sub Veelas searching for their mates, once Blaise runs to Draco for help they both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 ⚠️kinda smut⚠️
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 ⚠️smut⚠️
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 ⚠️smut⚠️
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 43

1.1K 63 37
By Mentally_Not_Ok

He then walks up to me looking me dead in the eye.

"Your pretty useless you know." he says with a calm voice. My eyes widen as he continues talking.

"Your just a stupid mudblood. Oh and your little boyfriends," he snarls rolling his eyes, "you can't believe that they actually like you?! Are you stupid?" he laughs while picking at his nails. I continue to helplessly stare at him with wide broken eyes.

"They are the Weasley Twins! Everyone knows about them! They're popular, funny, handsome, every girl has wanted to get their hands on them and yet they chose a nobody like you, just a filthy muggle-born. They are probably just playing you for another extravagant prank. Merlin that would be hilarious!" he finishes while starting to laugh like crazy.

Everything he's said starts to set in as I sit there watching him laugh. I feel my eyes start to water so I stand up and run out of the dorms in my pajamas. I run through the common room and out the door ignoring everyone's stares and questions.

I can't be in there right now. I need to find somewhere to stay. I wipe the tears that have managed to fall and start to head upstairs from the dungeons.

I start walking around until I come across a door in the middle of a hallway. Isn't this where the RoR was? That's where everyone else is staying right? I shrug and go to the door. I knock three times and hear shuffling from inside. The door then opens revealing Ron.

"Hey Conner, what's up? Your eyes look a little puffy, you ok?" he asks while leading me inside and closing the door. I nod my head and give a small smile.

"I'm all good just needed to get out of the common room for a bit." I reassure. He nods and then leads me to the couch. The other three are sitting there with wide grins on their faces. I look closer and then see why.

Harry has his shirt off and Draco and Blaise are both gushing over his little baby bump. I sit down on the couch to the side and they then notice me as Ron sits next to Blaise.

"Oh, it's only Conner. I thought it was gonna be Parkinson or Granger at the door. Merlin knows they haven't stopped annoying us." Draco says while sporting a smile. I chuckle while Harry puts a shirt that was on the table back on.

"Well we still have to talk to them about the rouge spell thing, we just haven't got the chance." Blaise adds.

"That doesn't matter though! What brings you here Conner?" Harry says bringing the attention to me.

"I have a question... do you think I'm... useless?" I ask looking up at them. All of their eyes go wide and Blaise stands up to walk over to me. He grabs my hand and sits next to me.

"Conner you are not useless, why would you think that?" he asks holding my hand.

"Just... thinking." I say trying to keep off the subject.

"Did someone say that to you?" Ron asks looking worriedly at me. I nod my head and his eyes turn into ones of fury.

"Who was it! How could they say that!" he shouts getting angry. Harry turns towards Ron and puts his hand on his arm.

"Calm down, Ron. We need to get the full story." he then turns back to me and leans closer to me "Conner can you tell us what they said exactly"?

"Sure... he said I was useless and that I was a mudblood and a filthy muggle-born. Then he said that Fred and George didn't love me. He said that they were probably just playing a huge prank on me..." I finish looking down.

I mean it makes sense. Why would they love me? They have plenty of girls and boys fawning over them so why would they pick me? I'm still in school, don't know what I'm gonna do with my life, and I've already caused them so many problems with my stupid demon.

My first time was with them which just proves that I'm inexperienced and this is my first relationship. Now that I think about it they probably didn't even enjoy it. I was probably so annoying and whiny. How could they love anyone like that?

"Baby... don't tell me you believe all that rubbish?" someone says from behind me breaking the silence.
The 4 people in front of me smile as they stand up and walk to the kitchen.

"We'll leave you three to talk." Draco says while their walking away. I then turn around and see Fred and George standing there in the open doorway with their eyes narrowed.

"Fred! George! How did you know I was here?" I ask trying to change the topic.

They walk over to me and sit down on both sides of me.

"We checked the Hufflepuff common room and they said you ran out crying. Now tell me, do you believe that?" George said looking me in the eye. I don't meet eye contact as I feel my tears come back.

"You guys are always pranking people... it would make sense..." I whisper trying not to choke on my tears.

"Conner, we love you! We would never prank anyone about something so important. We've tried dating but no ones ever accepted us like you have. We would be stupid to do that to ourselves and you." Fred said while taking my hand in his.

"We need you, Conner. We need you, and we love you. Words can't even describe how much we love you." George said grabbing my other hand. More tears started running down my face and I put my head down trying to hide them. "C-can I hug you?" I blurt out still not looking up from my lap. I hear a sigh and someone's hand on my chin lifting my head up.

"Conner, your our boyfriend. You don't have to ask, love." Fred says chuckling. I smile and jump on top of him stuffing my face in his chest. I feel a chest on my back as George joins us in our hug.

"I love you both, so much!" I say in Fred's chest.

"We love you too." they both say at the same time.

"Oh and Happy Birthday, love." George says in my ear. I chuckle and turn around holding onto George this time.

"Thank you, George." I reply while wiping my tears off my face.

"We got you something!" Fred reply's happily. I turn around and see a small box in his hand.

"Thank you, but what is it?" I ask turning back to Fred. He then opens the box to reveal a small shiny silver ring with an engraving on the inside that says Forever. I gasp and look at him.

"We've been together for about 5 months and we thought today would be a good day to prove to you how much we love you." George said from behind me.

"We got you this ring so that you will always know that we want you and we love you. It's not a promise ring because we don't want to rush things but we thought it would be fun to make our own rings. We're calling it a Forge ring." Fred smiles while kissing my hand.

"Oh my Merlin it's beautiful. You guys are so creative. I love you!" I shout while jumping back into George's arms. He smiles and leans down kissing my forehead.

"May I?" Fred says making me look over at him. He has the ring in his hand and is holding it out towards me. I nod my head and hold my left hand out. He smiles and slides it on my ring finger. I smile back at him and lean in for a kiss. He gladly kisses me back. The kiss is short but full of love and passion.

I then turn over to George and kiss him as well. The kiss is the same, short but full of love. After me and George's kiss I start smiling at them as they lean in and kiss each other as well. Once their done they both lean in and kiss me on my cheeks making me giggle.

"I love you both." Fred says bringing me and George into a hug.

"I love you too, Fred." me and George say in unison.

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