The Empathetic Eraserhead

By PBUnicorn

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This story takes place in the My Hero Academia universe and after Eri gets rescued. Yukina Fujita is the newe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chatper 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note

Chapter 27

58 2 0
By PBUnicorn

Shouta's Point of View

Shouta got up later than usual, Yuki and Eri both were up, and Yuzuki was sleeping on his chest, again. He moved her to Yuki's side and she rolled up back into a ball, purring, and he got up to go see what his girls were doing.

"Momma, what's a soul mate," he heard Eri ask her, which got him wondering where she heard that term from.

"Some say it's your other half, and that you have to find them, but also discover who you are as a single flame as well, but there are a few different types of soulmates. There's romantic soulmates, friend soulmates but there's one defining soul mate called a twin flame. Some say that connection can make you feel like you've been with that person for a whole life time despite being together for a short period of time. There's also a spiritual meaning behind it, I've haven't done much research behind it yet so I'm not the best person to ask pumpkin." Yuki explained the best she could. "Where did you hear soul mates from baby?"

"A movie, but do you think you've met your soulmate momma? Is it papa," she asked again. Shouta assumed that Yuki was making breakfast for all of them, before they had to get to class and she didn't want to go to the cafeteria. Knowing she'd rather be cooking than anything, feeding her loved ones and such.

"Who knows pumpkin, but I do love him so much so I'd guess he is mine. I hope he is, I really do."

"Do you think I have one?"

"Of course pumpkin, why do you ask?"


"I hope she is my soulmate, or at least my twin flame," Shouta added, as he walked into the living area. "Mornin," he said, as he watched both of them, smirking.

"Morning' how'd you sleep stud?"

"Surprisingly well, I feel better than normal." He honestly did, best sleep he'd gotten in years, his best guess was Yuki and Eri, being near them, and being able to relax. To really relax, not always on his guard, or expecting the worst. "I have some work to do at my agency, so I'll be coming home late."

"How late stud?" Yuki asked, as she finished up cooking, and putting the pancakes on a few plates, and bacon.

"Not too late, I need to do some patrolling."

"Just be careful," Yuki said, handing him his plate.

"I will, need anything while I'm out?"

"Just a few things, I'll give you a small list." As they ate, Shouta ate slowly, admiring his lover, and daughter. He could get used to this, waking up with Yuki and Eri.

"Do you need any girl products?" With that question, Yuki stopped completely. "What's the matter, kitten?"

"What's today?"

"The twenty seventh, why?" Yuki was panicking, Shotua could tell, even Eri.

"I'm late."

"It could be the stress from Enji, the jerk."

"Could be, I can go ask Shuzenji for a test, just in case," Yuki said, thinking about something. Shouta was kinda worried, to bring life into their little family, not so much worried about that, just the possibility of Enji doing something bad to her, possibly Eri, knowing Enji. Shouta wasn't sure what leights he would go to to get Yuki, but he was certain it would be messy, if he got her. Even if it wasn't stress, Shouta would like to see what life he and Yuki created, whether it's now, or hopefully in the future. He was completely serious about Yuki, he wanted what other men wanted, for once. The big wedding, all their friends together, even his problem children in 1-A. Shouta was imagining Yuki in a big white dress, and he didn't notice that Eri and Yuki had gotten up.

"What's the matter Papa?"

"Nothing, just thinking about stuff," he said, smiling at her. Shouta let Yuki and Eri get ready for school/work, while he washed the dishes, he didn't take very long to get ready, so he volunteered to wash up.

"Almost ready girls?"

"Almost, I'm braiding Eri's hair," Yuki replied, as she put her finishing touches on her braid.

"Yeah momma's almost done papa, then we're ready," Eri said, trying to not to mess Yuki up by bouncing up and down. While Yuki was tying her hair, Shouta went to get dressed in his usual outfit, while Yuki was in her favorite jeans and one of his shirts.

"That looks good on you kitten," he smirked.

"And comfy, smells like you too stud," she whispered as she got close to him. "Love you."

"Love you too kitten." Shouta's day went on as usual, but he was still concerned about Yuki, and about the test she said she was going to take from Shuzenji, and the results. Sure there's an egotistical man potentially after Yuki, but he was warming up to the idea of having a baby with her, hopefully it'll be a perfect blend of himself and Yuki, but mostly with Yuki. Seeing as to Shouta, she was the warmth, heart, and anything else he was missing in his life before they met, or even dated. She even helped him in his daily situations, getting his favorite juice pouches, feeding him more nutritious meals, all the cuddles, and don't get him started on their sex life. Sure, he wasn't a virgin when they met, neither was she, but he wasn't a whore either, but it was just perfect with Yuki. Shouta even slept better with her around, everyone noticed, he wasn't as grumpy, or taking naps everywhere like he used to. Even his coworkers at his agency noticed. Most of his patrols and paperwork was done on time, not like it wasn't before, but it gets done faster, possibly more detailed too. Shouta was ready to get home, and be with Yuki and Eri, when she does come over. Shouta had to go to his other job, at the agency, to do his monthly paperwork, and such, so he was ready to get home. Time practically stood still when he was at his agency, even the monthly meeting dragged on longer than usual, making Shouta antsy.

"Is that everything for the month?" Shouta asked, dreading the upcoming no.

"It's almost Halloween, so just be careful, and safe, and have fun. I think that's everything we need for the month. You're all dismissed."

"Thank god," Shouta sighed out, ready to get home quickly, as he was one of the first people to leave. As he was leaving, he almost forgot to go by the grocery store, to pick some things Yuki wanted to restock. Yuki had just a small list, including: his favorite juice pouches, some popcorn kernels, and some meat for dinner later in the week. He was relieved that she just needed just those items.

"Is that it sir?" The cashier asked him, as she scanned the last pack of meat, ready for bagging.

"Yes, how much is it?"

"Okay, it'll be two thousand seventy six and ninety yen. Will this be cash or card?"

"Card," he mumbled out, as he swiped his card. "Thank you." As he left, with the few bags, he walked home, mostly daydreaming about their future. Or at least he hopes she wants the same future with him. Sure, they haven't been together long, a little less than six months, but he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his time with Yuki. He could imagine the small intimate wedding, the honeymoon, even having a few kids with her, if she wanted more than one. He's willing to do anything for her, Eri, even Shinso.

Yamada: Shouta! You've been spacey today, what's up bud?

Shouta: Nothing, just thinking about things

Yama: Like what? You know I won't blab With Yamada's text that made him chuckle, he couldn't be trusted with any secret.

Shouta: I know, but it's been this and that. Mostly about Yuki

Yama: She's been spacey today too, what's up? Did we miss something important like her birthday?

Shouta: No, her birthday is earlier in the year, back in April

Yama: Oh, okay

Shouta: Yeah, she has a few things on her mind, ya know Endeavor and staying at the campus, she might just be ready to go back outside without a chaperone

As Shouta got back to the campus, he ran into Shinso. It seemed, only to Shouta, that he was waiting for him, seeing as he was waiting at the teacher's dorm against the wall.

"Hey Shinso, what's up?"

"Aizawa-sensei, I wanted to ask you something."

"Of course, what is it?" Shouta asked, as he placed the few bags down, wanting to know what Shinso wanted to ask.

"When do you want to train again? It's been a while, so I just wanted to ask."

"Oh, you're right, how about tomorrow, usual time?"

"Sure, what do you wanna do? Fighting or endurance?"

"How about both?"

"Sounds good, see you then sensei," Shouta said, as he left waving. Shouta sighed out, as he picked the bags out, and headed in.

"Hey kitten, I'm back," Shouta announced, as he walked into their dorm, and set down the bags on the table.

"Hey stud, you're home early," Yuki yelled from the bathroom.

"Yeah, I finished everything early at the agency, and even breezed through the meeting as well. I got the stuff from your list too," he said, as he put some of the meats up into the fridge. "We should get a new fridge soon, this small one isn't going to work with the both of us," he chuckled out.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same earlier. I went by Shuzenji earlier." Yuki said as she came to help him put the groceries up.

"Yeah? What did she say," he asked anxiously. He wanted to text her earlier today, but he figured it was easier to ask in person, rather than over text.

"We did two different tests, both negative. She thought it was the stress." Yuki said, as she got the popcorn kernels. "Did I add these to the list," she asked, confused.

"Yeah, I was wondering why as well. Isn't that good or bad news kitten," he asked. He wasn't too sure if she wanted a baby at the moment, they never talked about it until now. Yuki took a deep sigh.

"Yes and no," she replied, as she turned to look at him.

Yukina's Point of View

"Yes and no," Yuki said, as she looked at him. It wasn't like she didn't want a baby with him, but the timing wasn't ideal. Yuki wanted to have one with Shouta. Shouta was perfect to Yuki, handsome, kind, caring, compassionate, honest, and everything else she would ask for in a man. She was lucky she could call him her boyfriend, but with Enji out and about, she wasn't sure if it was a great time to bring life into the world. She was ready to go off campus without Hound Dog following her. It wasn't that she was ungrateful to Hound Dog, but she enjoyed walking around whatever store, and he would ask her, what seems like every five minutes, every so often if they could go back to campus, or if she was ready to go. She wasn't sure if he would enjoy going to every doctor's appointment, ultrasound and attend a baby shower. "I'm not sure which is winning at the moment. It's not like I don't want to have a baby with you stud, but the timing with everything. Plus we haven't even discussed kids yet. I don't even know if you want to have kids yet," she rambled on.

"Of course I want to have kids with you kitten," Shouta replied, as he got closer to her, and embracing her. "Our kid, or kids, would be spoiled rotten if they had you as a mother. I'd like nothing more to have you walking around the campus, even town, with our kid," he started, as he kissed her head, "Hell, I'm lucky to call you my girlfriend kitten. Maybe one day my wife, possibly."

"Is this your way of proposing stud?" Yuki asked, smirking up at him.

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