~My Mate~ ✔️

By Mentally_Not_Ok

126K 4.5K 1.6K

Blaise and Harry are both sub Veelas searching for their mates, once Blaise runs to Draco for help they both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 ⚠️kinda smut⚠️
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 ⚠️smut⚠️
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 ⚠️smut⚠️
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 38

1.2K 63 3
By Mentally_Not_Ok

"That sounds like a great idea. Let me go get some whiskey from the kitchen." Arthur said standing up.

"I'll help." Sev offered standing up while giving a sleepy Dakota to Nio, who started cradling the boy like his own.

"Hey Ant..." D whispered.

"Hey, cutie. You tired?" he replied.

Dakota just nodded his head and buried his face in Nio's chest. He then stood up and gave a quick peck on the cheek to Bill.

"I'm gonna go tuck this little guy into bed." he said excusing himself from all conversation.

"When did this happen, William?" Sirius said with a smirk. Bill's eyes went wide and he blushed furiously.

"Don't call me that, old man!" he hissed, but ended up just making Sirius laugh more.

"But seriously what happened to Fleur? Are you cheating on her?" Remus asked not sounding accusing more so trying to understand.

Bill just looked down and chuckled a little before looking back up and making eye contact with the two.

"It's actually the opposite. She was cheating on me and ended up getting pregnant with another guy... then I found out she was doing really bad stuff to D and I hadn't even realized it... but then I found Nio and he was there through everything. He's even making Dakota happier." Bill replies smiling more and more towards the end, although his eyes had made his way down to his lap not sure how they would react.

When he looked up he was met with two very proud faces.

"I'm glad you got rid of her. She was too pesky." Sirius said with a wink making Bill laugh.

"Honestly though I'm glad you, and Dakota, found someone you both like." Remus added. Soon enough Antonio walked back down the stairs and looked around.

"Are they still not back with the whiskey? Maybe I should go help-" before he could finish Mum jumped up and bustled into the kitchen.

"I'll do it!" she yelled before going out of sight. Antonio chuckled and went to sit back down but before he could he walked over to Sirius and Remus.

"This is awkward I just realized you don't know who I am," Antonio nervously chuckled while sticking a hand out, "I'm Antonio... Moretti". After saying this Remus' eyes went wide.

"As in Lee Moretti's son?" he asked standing up. Antonio then awkwardly put his hand down and backed up to give Remus space. Then he nodded looking confused.

"How do you know him?" Antonio asked.

"The ministry called me to do a case about his wife because they couldn't figure out who killed her. When we got there the place was crawling with death eaters." Remus said eyeing him suspiciously. Antonio then looked like he was going through something in his head as his face turned to one of horror. Bill quickly got up. And went to his side. He pulled him back to the couch as Antonio clutched onto his shirt that was covering his chest. He seemed to be having a hard time breathing and once we realized something was wrong we were all on our feet.

"Shit he's having a panic attack again. Blaise can you get his emergency inhaler it's in the drawer directly under the TV thing! Everyone else back up and give him space." Bill commanded trying to get Antonio out of his dazed state.

We all listened to what he said and watched as Blaise ran to the drawer and opened it up. I then seen Harry move over to Remus and Sirius and watched as their face turned from worry to surprise, horror, and guiltiness. Harry then came back to my side and whispered in my ear.

"I told them briefly what happened with his mom and how he ended up running away I didn't want to get too personal though." he said. I just nodded and turned my eyes back to a now steady breathing Antonio with his head on Bill's chest more than likely listening to his heart beat to calm himself down.

Soon enough he sat back up and then stood up, shakily walking back over to the still standing pair of adults.

"Sorry I freaked out like that. Still traumatized I guess... did someone tell you what happened, or do you want an explanation?" Antonio said sounding like he didn't just have a full blown attack.

"No.. I think we understand. I'm sorry for bringing those memories up. I'm Remus Lupin, and this is my husband, Sirius Black." Remus said.

"It's fine, really." he assured them. Once he registered the last part he looked at the two almost teasingly, "I guess that explains why you said you were hiding from the ministry then." Antonio said while sticking his hand out to Sirius and Remus. They both chuckled and shook his hand.

Then everyone got situated in their 'assigned' seats as Severus came back with the whiskey all alone.

"Sorry it took so long. Some people ended up running into the pantry to snog." he growled while motioning to Mum and Dad who walked out a little after him, "Since I have no idea where the whiskey is it took me awhile to find it." he said, his voice as distasteful as ever.

"We are gonna head to bed... it's been a long day. Congrats Harry and Draco. You can stay the night if you want." Dad said before dragging Mum off. I physically gagged along with mostly everyone else as I figured out what was about to happen. Merlin's beard, if they don't put a silencing charm up I will burn this place to the ground.

7:04 pm- January 15th- Friday- Harry's POV
Italic & Underlined = Leon

Sev came back with the whiskey and shot glasses as Molly and Arthur ran off to their room. Once Sev set everything down he looked around the room as if counting who was all there. His eyes seemed to land on Antonio as they went wide and he rushed over there.

"What happened? Are you ok?" he said kneeling down to look Antonio in the face. Antonio chuckled and just pat his head.

"I'm fine you worry wart. How did you know something happened?" Antonio asked suspiciously.

"You have your inhaler in your hand, are you mental?" Draco said with a snicker. Antonio then stuck his tongue out at him.

"Non mentale come te! (Not as mental as you!)" Antonio fires back in Italian leaving Sirius and Remus very confused, and everyone else to roll their eyes as this happens a lot.

Too many times to count.

'Well hello there, you always seem to pop up at random times'.

That's my job!

"Wow, Nio. Non potresti nemmeno pensare a un buon ritorno così hai usato il mio? Che patetico! (Wow, Nio. Couldn't even think of a good comeback so you used mine? How pathetic!)" Draco yells back.

"Ti mostrerò patetico! (I'll show you pathetic!)" Nio snarls.

"L'hai fatto di nuovo! Usando sempre le mie parole! (You did it again! Always using my words!)" Draco teased trying to get on Antonio's nerves as everyone else just watched. Then a new voice broke out.

"STAI FALLITO SANGUE! ENTRAMBI STAI ANDANDO O GIÀ AVETE UN BAMBINO DA GUARDARE DOPO COSÌ FERMATE DI AGIRE COSÌ IMMATURO! (SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP! YOU BOTH ARE EITHER GOING TO OR ALREADY HAVE A KID TO LOOK AFTER SO STOP ACTING SO IMMATURE!)" Blaise literally shouted. He probably would've waken Dakota up if Antonio didn't put silencing charms up around the living room to not disturb or wake D up.

What Blaise said seemed to sink in on the boys as they then started going red in the face.

"What just happened?" Sirius asked looking rather confused.

"They were just being brats and screaming at each other in Italian." Sev said looking exhausted.

"Luckily though, Blaise knows how to keep them under control. I'm surprised you called them out like that though.." Sev said smugly looking at Blaise. He too knew Italian from having too look after the three kids when they were younger. Blaise just got flustered and looked away.

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