Changed Since Texas / Post Ma...

By postylove74

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Charlotte (Charlie) Roman and Austin Post have always been great friends, but will his fame change who he is... More

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By postylove74

April 12, 2016- Austin's POV

"You nervous baby" Ash laughed as she watched me pour the contents of my Bud Light into the funnel, wiping my fingers under my eyes and sticking them in the beer to get rid of all the foam.

"Fucking shit yes, I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't baby, you know that" I laughed as I shook the beer off my finger before wrapping my arms around her.

"Your going to be amazing baby, and everyone is going to love you just like they did in Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, San Jose, Oakland, LA, Veagas" she laughed as she rambled off the 18 shows I played before this one.

"Yeah yeah I get it baby. It's just anxiety and shyness sucks" I laughed as I waited for Justin to stop talking to his buddies so I could down the funnel.

"Your going to do great baby, I love you" she said leaning into me.

"I love you too baby" I said pulling away from her and putting a kiss on her head.

She stepped out of the way as Justin held up the funnel as I took a knee and drank it down in seconds, my nerves still not burning out.

"Your going to be great bro, you got this" Justin said as he wrapped me in a bro hug.

"Thanks man I love you" I said.

"Love you to bro, now go kick some ass." he said as I walked with my manager Dre out towards the entrance to the stage.

I walked out and was immediately greeted with cheers from fans of Justin's who probably had no idea who I was besides a guy that Justin hung out with a lot.

"How you doin ATL?" I shouted out to the worked up crowd as I flashed them a smile, my gold teeth shining with the lights.

I looked over to the side of the stage to see Ashlen standing by the side, a wide smile on her face as the DJ played the music to her favorite song. I gave her a smile and wink as I brought the mic up to my lips and continued to sing.

Everybody wanna talk shit on the internet
But they ain't understand they see the work I put into it
I'm guessing all this bullshit just come with the benefits
20 years old, 20 carats my bezel heavy
Doors suicide they say a word in remembrance
And they just wanna see me fail but dawg I ain't havin' it
They wanna tear me down and tell you "youngin' you can't handle it"

I walked around the stage, touching hands in the crowd as I worked the stage something that was starting to become second nature to me as I looked over towards Ashlen again as she put her hands on both sides of her mouth letting out a loud scream and blowing me a kiss.

I gave her another wink and a small smile but in that moment something about her reminded me of Charlie and a desperate need to talk to her flooded my body.

I finished off my set with White Iverson, the entire crowd suddenly signing along to every word as an indescribable feeling came over me realizing that everyone was vibing because of me and my song.

"Thank you some much ATL! Let's give a big ATL welcome to the King and my brotha Justin Bieber!" I shouted as the crowd started chanting for him to make it onstage.

I ran off the stage and gave him a quick pat on the back.

"Go get him brotha" I said with a smile as I caught Ashlen out of the corner of my eye.

I handed off my mic and took my ear pieces out of my ear as I walked over to her putting my arms around her and pulling her close.

"Look at you, like my little groupie back here" I laughed.

She looked over both of her shoulders and around my slightly taller than her frame as she scrunched her eyebrows together and started to chuckle.

"Well if you haven't realized rockstar, your still lacking in the groupie department, but give it time" she laughed.

"Your the only groupie I need baby" I said as I leaned into her and gave her a sweet kiss.

"What's the plans for tonight baby?" she asked as she pulled away from me and grabbed my hand lacing her fingers with mine.

"Well since I can't drink here, it's either drinking with the guys on the bus or drinking in the back and playing xbox.

"Although I'd prefer neither, I guess I choose drinking and xbox" she smiled up at me.

"Okay baby, come on let's go" I said as I grabbed her hand and walked her back towards the bus.

I pulled her into our small as fuck back bedroom as I sat down on the bed and pulled her on top of me, my length instantly getting hard thinking about what I wanted to do with her.

"Austin, this wasn't the plan baby" she laughed as I started kissing her neck.

"You didn't think I'd let you off the hook with just xbox and drinking, which is more like Austin playing xbox and drinking and you sleeping, did you?" I smiled as I pressed my lips against hers, my hands running slowly up her sides.

"How silly of me" she laughed rolling her eyes as she rested her forehead against mine.

"You are so beautiful Ash, how did I get so lucky to get you?" I asked brushing her hair out of her face.

"Persistence pays off Aus" she said biting her plump bottom lip as she started rocking her hips against me.

"The things I'm going to do to you baby" I whispered into her ear as she let out a moan.

"Mmm your getting so much better at that baby girl" I smirked against her lips as I started running my fingers through her wet folds.

"Anything for you baby" she said as she pulled on my bottom lip with her teeth, pressing her hips harder into my hardened length.

"Ride me tonight baby" I said to her as I ravished her skin with my lips.

Her voice caught in her throat as I started loosing her for an instant.

"I'll help you baby, your going to be so good at it" I said, my eyes dancing with hers.

"Okay Austin" she said quietly.

"Good girl, now let's get you out of these clothes" I said as I melted my lips with hers starting to lose myself in my feelings for the beautiful girl on top of me.
"Shit Ash, that was fucking amazing" I said as she crawled off of me, my cum running down her leg slowly.

Since I decided my heart was hers, I didn't have a problem releasing in her, accepting the fact that if she gets pregnant I would be completely okay with it.

She grabbed my cigarettes from the black ripped jeans I was wearing earlier on stage and pulled one out of the pack and handed it to me quickly pressing her lips against mine as she slid my cabernet shirt over her petite frame.

"I'm going to go get cleaned up Aus" she said sweetly opening the door and walking out.

I smiled to myself and bit my lip as I watched her walk out. We've been together a little over a year now and for the most part I loved every minute of it, but try as hard as I could there was still moments where Charlie flooded my mind. Tonight was one of them. I guess that's what happens when you know she's the girl you should really be with but settled for what was right in your reach.

I loved Ash I really did, but I could never love her the way I loved Charlie. Charlie knew everything about me, she knew how to handle me at my best and how to comfort me at my worst. She knew my fears and she knew what made me laugh. She liked so many of the same things I did where Ash liked almost nothing I did. Not saying that Ash couldn't learn, but she still wouldn't know me like Charlie.

"I'm back, I hope you didn't miss me too much" she laughed as she laid next to me grabbing my hand in hers.

"I always miss you Char, Ash" I said quickly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Bless you?" she laughed as I let out a sigh of relief that she didn't catch on.

"Thanks" I laughed nervously.

"Have fun playing CoD baby I'll see you in the morning" she smiled.

"Wow I see how it is. You have your way with me then you just roll over and sleep" I laughed shaking my head.

"Uh huh, you think you'd be used to it by now" she laughed as I leaned down and put a kiss on her head.

"Good night baby I love you" I said quietly.

"I love you too" she said.

I waited until she was snoring softly before I got out of the bed and made my way to the front of the bus. Our bus was like the chill zone as I made it a rule that no girls are to be brought back while Ash is here out of respect for her.

I sat myself down on the tiny couch and sent a FaceTime request to Charlie. I know I was going against her rule, she had said no FaceTime calls so nothing would happen between us, but I just needed to see her.

The last time I saw her was 7 months ago outside of Casey's boathouse as she was spilling her heart out to me. I think we both have had time to keep our feelings in check by now to have a conversation over FaceTime.

"Hey Austin, is everything okay? I thought we both agreed to no FaceTime" she said.

"I'm sorry I just needed to see you" I said.

"It's okay" she said as she ran her hands through her extra long dark brown hair.

She looked good, her skin had a darker complexion then normal making her green eyes shine brightly. She was skinny but not as skinny as she's been in the past. She also didn't look as tired as she had in the past, maybe she got over me and that thought made my heartache as I realized if that was the case,  any hope of having her in the future could be gone.

"You look good Charlie" I said with a smile.

"And you look, very rapperish" she laughed as I flashed her my gold smile knowing she was referring to my teeth.

"I'll take that as a compliment" I laughed.

"They look good on you Austin. This life looks good on you. I saw some video clips of your concert today in Atlanta. You really did it Austin and I'm so fucking proud of you" she smiled.

"Charlie you have no idea how much that means to me" I said with a smile.

"Austin honey don't touch that" I heard her say as she looked over her shoulder.

"Uhm don't touch what?" I asked with a laugh.

"Oh right sorry, I'm baby sitting for my friend this weekend and ironically his name is Austin" she laughed nervously.

"Well if he's like any Austin I know, he's a handful. How old is he?" I asked her.

"Two" she said with a smile.

"Austin talk" I heard a little voice say as she looked down lifting up the little boy named Austin.

"Hi Dada" he said sweetly as he laughed into the camera.

"Sorry, my friend says he does that with everyone" she laughed nervously as she quickly corrected him by telling him no.

"It's okay Charlie. Hi Austin how are you?" I asked him with a smile.

"Ood" he said nodding his head before he let out a string of babbles.

"Really!? You were playing dinosaurs and you were the big bad t-rex!?" I asked excitedly.

He let out a string of babbles as he kept pointing behind him to the pile of toys that were on the floor, giving me a chance to study him. Something seemed oddly comfortable about talking with him and I couldn't help but feel that he looked so much like Charlie with that olive complexion and his bright green eyes but that curly hair. She's never had curly hair but mine was like that when I was little.

I quickly pushed the thought out of my head, Charlie wouldn't keep something like this from me, especially not for two years. I snapped myself back to reality when little Austin looked at me with his hands out to the side as he babbled out a question.

"Yeah I think t-rex and the raptor would have an awesome fight to buddy" I laughed to him.

My gaze quickly floated up to Charlie as I saw her wiping a tear from her eye as she covered her mouth quickly with her hand.

"Are you crying Charlie?" I laughed confused.

"No you loser I'm just yawning. Although it is touching to see how easily you talk with him" she said rubbing her hand through his soft dark curls.

"I love kids Charlie, you know that" I smiled at her.

"I know you do Austin. Your going to be a great Dad one day" she said, this time a visible tear coming down her cheek.

"Thanks Charlie" I said, wondering why that was making her so sad.

"Okay Austin, it's 10:00 I think you should get some sleep baby" she said. Even though I knew she wasn't talking to me since she abandoned all nicknames for me including Austy since our fight, my heart skipped a beat.

"Okay Charlie thanks for looking out for me" I laughed as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Shut up" she laughed. "Austin say good bye to Austin" she laughed.

"Bye buddy it was nice to meet you" I smiled at the boy that I couldn't help but feel resembled Charlie and myself.

"Bye bye dadda" he said waving.

"Charlie wait a second" I said as she set little Austin on the floor.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Months ago you said you had something to tell me. Do you still have something to tell me?" I asked raising my eyebrows, wondering if this precious little boy could've been it and she was using her friend to cover it up right now.

"I don't remember Austin, that was months ago" she laughed.

"You sure?" I asked her again.

"Yup" she smiled.

"Okay Charlie. Oh! April 20 make sure you listen to Beats 1. I'm debuting a new song and I could use my number 1 critics advice" I laughed.

"I can't wait Austin. Have a good night" she smiled at me, making my heart race for her.

"You too Charlie" I said with a smile as I ended the video call.

I threw my phone down on the couch and laughed as I saw my hardened length popping out through the thin fabric of my Calvin Klein's.

Even after 7 months you still turn me on Charlie and you didn't even do anything.

I let out a sigh as I looked to the back of the bus, the light from the TV still the only light visible letting me know Ash was still asleep.

"Sorry Ash, I'm so sorry" I quietly said as I tore my eyes from the back bedroom and pulled up some pictures of Charlie as I started palming my hardened length hard and fast.

It didn't take long for me to reach my end, all I had to do was think of Charlie's soaked pussy milking me inside of her as she moaned out my name repeatedly to make me cum as I let out a small groan.

I wiped myself off quickly, a small feeling of guilt washed over me as I shamelessly got off to the woman I was in love with when my actual girlfriend was just feet away.

I quickly pushed away my guilt as thoughts of that precious boy flooded my head. I felt this strange connection to him and I couldn't shake the fact that he looked so much like us. But I knew Charlie, she wouldn't keep that from me. She knew how much I loved and wanted kids and if that was my baby and she told me, I'd go to her in an instant. I'd give anything to start a family with her, the girl I truly loved.

I let out a small sigh as I walked back to the bedroom, softly climbing over Ash who was peacefully sleeping as I threw on my headphones and lost myself for several hours in the game.

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