The Lost Boys || Witchy Woman

By lostpsychotic

117K 2.6K 83

What would happen if the Emerson boys had an older sister, one who may have had her own secrets. Ash, being a... More

Authors Note
1. Hello Santa Carla
2. Feels like home
3. Boardwalk
4. Sad News
5. Start of a Good Night
6. Witchy Woman
7. Introductions
8. Hudsons Bluff
9. Home sweet cave
10. Surfer A**holes
11. Bittersweet Goodbyes
12. Comic Kids
13. Feeding Time
14. Suppose You Meet a Witch
15. Worst Babysitter
16. Invitation
17. Taken by Surprise
18. He Feels Like Home
19. It Doesn't Have to be a Date
20. I Don't Want You, I Need You
21. Goodnight Princess
22. Look There's Nothing Here
23. All of Them Will Pay!
24. Why Would I Help You
25. Cease to Exist
26. Oi! A**holes!
27. You Have a Piece of My Soul
28. You Wish to be One of Us?
29. He Can Save Her
30. Tough Cookie
31. I had my Answer
32. We've Got a Whole Lifetime Together
33. Can You Say Something
34. You Know Me so Well
35. You Hate Pickles!
36. You'll Find Out When the Time is Right
37. Are You Going to Join Me?
38. Didn't Expect to See You Here
39. I Want to Show You Something
40. What's Going on Here?
41. You're not Markos Type
42. She Wouldnt Understand
43. Remembering to Drink
45. No Cries
46. This is my life

44. With or Without and Audience

1.3K 35 7
By lostpsychotic

A/N: sorry this has taken so damn long! I've just finished University. Turns out trying to write and becoming a teacher is stressful! So i decided to focus on teaching. But now that I'm finished I can finally finish this. There will probably be only 1-2 more chapters. Thanks for the read and votes I appreciate it ❤️

Awaking from my nap I heard the laughs of Marko's brothers echoing throughout the cave. Marko wasn't next to me so he must have been hanging with his brothers as the sun had already set a few hours ago. "Oh hey doll, how are you feeling? I didn't want to wake you so I let you rest" Marko placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "I'm good thank you, I'm a bit hungry though" I spoke softly. "How about we go and get you something to eat then, maybe a burger?" He grinned. "Well that would be nice but I need blood, I thought I could go with you guys to feed" I stared at him as his eyes widened "are you sure you'll be okay? We can always bring it back. I don't want you to get hurt" his words laced with worry. Placing my hand on top of Marko's I squeezed it lightly, "trust me, I'm a lot stronger than you think" I sent him a reassuring smile. With that we all got ready to hunt.

Feeding off of the poor soul that had landed in my lap I came to the realisation that this was my life now, I wasn't completely used to it but it was something I needed to become familiar with considering it was going to be my forever. Closing my eyes I basked in the smell of blood and the sweet echoes of the boys laughing and enjoying themselves, I could get used to this life.


I couldn't believe three and a half months had flown past already and to say I was over this pregnancy was an understatement. I was so big and I could barely walk properly, waddling everywhere. I haven't seen mom for months now, telling her over the phone I was busy with university and that I'd see her when it was all over. I could tell she hated not seeing me and she always asked me around for dinner but if she saw me now she would probably die from shock. I've been so lucky, my brothers and Star always come around to check on me and help me with anything when the lost boys aren't around which isn't very often to be honest. Marko is usually always by my side, making sure I have everything I need.

I sat patiently waiting for our child to make their grand entrance rubbing circles around my now very large bump. I was thankful for being in the cave because it was cooler than the excruciating heat outside. Closing my eyes I dreamed of the future when a sharp pain caused my eyes to shoot open.

Sitting up I held onto my bump. Could today be the day, were these contractions? And of course out of all the times it happens is when everyone is out. Rolling my eyes at my luck I prayed someone came back soon.

The pains continued to come in waves and sweat beads were beginning to form on my forehead. I felt water trickling down my leg, meaning my waters had just broken and there was still no sign of anyone back yet. I staggered down to mine and Marko's room heading towards the bed. This baby was coming whether someone was here or not. A wave of uneasiness washed over me, something felt off but that quickly disappeared when another contraction reared its ugly head. They were becoming more frequent, roughly 15 minutes apart as I sat down on the cold ground gripping onto the edge of the bed hoping someone would return. I closed my eyes as a single tear formed and fell, this baby was coming with or without an audience.

The boys and I decided to head out for the night, we hadn't actually spent time together for a while. I wish Ash was here but she told us to go out and have a good time. The girls decided to tag along as well. Things were going well although my mind kept wandering to Ash and our soon to be child, I felt a smile creep on my face as my thoughts continued to wander. Our future was looking bright.

These damn contractions were getting unbearable, I just wanted Mom here with me. I couldn't help thinking how silly I was to not tell her but I have no idea how she would have reacted. The breaks between the contractions were becoming shorter and I was beginning to worry about having this baby alone. That was until I heard a recognisable voice, "hey sis, you here?" "Mikey! I'm down in my room" I yelled urgency in my voice. Relief graced my face when I saw Mike walk in with Sammy and Star. They came rushing over to me worrying over my state. "Ash, are you okay? How long have you been like this?" Stars soft voice makes its way to my ears. "I'm fine" I smiled "but do you think someone can go and find the boys and Alice and Reah?" I asked as Sammy and Mike nodded and headed out to find the others.

"Okay let's get you onto the bed Ash, I've never delivered a baby before but it can't be that hard right" Star said nervously as she helped me onto the bed and grabbed towels for what was to come. Let's hope this doesn't go all night.

"MARKO! MARKO!" Yelling was heard through the crowd. Looking around I found the source, a flustered Mike with an out of breath Sam behind him. Furrowing my eyebrows worry started to bubble inside of me. They stopped in front of us trying to catch their breath, I could see Alice and Reah in my peripheral with the same furrowed brow as me. "It's Ash, she's in labour!" Sam blurted out as a gasp left my lips and my eyes widened.

I ran. Ran as fast as I could. Jumping onto my bike and riding back to the cave. Thoughts running through my head. How could I be so stupid leaving her there. All by herself!

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