~My Mate~ ✔️

By Mentally_Not_Ok

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Blaise and Harry are both sub Veelas searching for their mates, once Blaise runs to Draco for help they both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 ⚠️kinda smut⚠️
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 ⚠️smut⚠️
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 ⚠️smut⚠️
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 35

1.4K 64 21
By Mentally_Not_Ok

4:00 pm- January 15th- Friday- Draco's POV
Italic & Underlined = Leon

Harry and I are inside a room in St. Mungo's waiting to hear results on the baby. It's currently 4 pm and it feels like we've been here for hours. They did an ultrasound or whatever and then a bunch of different little spells because they don't have male pregnancies often.

Harry and I are the only ones in the room but Molly insisted on coming so she's waiting outside. Harry is laying on the bed while I'm sitting down in a chair next to him. We're both silent and just staring off into space. I was gonna ask him how he was feeling when the door suddenly swung open and I heard a mans voice.

"Hey, Pup. You miss me?" asked the voice in a teasing matter. Harry squealed as he got off the bed and pulled the man into the room while giving him a hug. Once he was all the way in I got a good look at him.

Then I realized it was my uncle, Sirius Black. I smiled and got up to hug him. We've never been close family wise but when Narcissa was still around she would always try and take me to meet him. Harry also talks about him a lot.

He gladly returned the hug and ruffled both our heads. Then another much calmer voice could be heard.

"Hello Harry, and Draco. Congratulations on the kid." the other voice spoke. Harry smiled and ran over to the man.

"Remus! Your here too?!" Harry shouted as he jumped into the others arms. I looked at his face and seen scars going across it. I recognized him from our 3rd year in Hogwarts. He was the DADA teacher, and the best one I've had so far. He looked over at me once Harry let go and stuck out his hand.

"Thank you, Professor Lupin. Or do you prefer Remus now?" I asked while shaking his hand.

"Remus is fine." he replied while taking a spot next to Sirius. Harry then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the hospital bed. He sat down and pulled me up next to him. I chuckled but sat down anyway.

"There's only one chair but one of you guys can have it." Harry said while gesturing to the empty chair. Sirius smirked and grabbed Remus's hips. He then led him to the chair and sat down pulling Remus down onto his lap. Remus squeaked as he fell but then started blushing when he realized their position. My eyes went wide as Harry started squealing.

"One chair is fine." Sirius smirked with a wink. I heard Harry giggle which was soon followed by the door opening once more. This time two people walked in. Molly and the nurse. Molly stood next to the bed as the nurse walked over.

"Well I am happy to say the baby is healthy and doesn't seem to be having any issues growth wise. Your about 3 weeks in to the pregnancy so we can't tell the gender or the number. Although you should be starting to show soon". Harry nodded as she continued.

"I've already scheduled another appointment with Mrs. Weasley so I expect to see you soon. Stay safe and if something comes up call the front desk and they can reschedule". She then walked away and out the room. Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back and rested my head on his giving him small kisses.

We then separated and I kissed him once on the lips before helping him off the bed.

"Ok boys you need to get back to school." Molly said giving us a stern look. I smiled at her and nodded as Harry ran over to Sirius and Remus who were now standing. He gave them both a big hug before walking back over to me.

"Thank you for coming today. It was really nice seeing you. You guys should drop by Hogwarts so that we can hang out." Harry said with a smile.

"Will do, Pup. See ya 'round Draco." Sirius said with a wave. I waved back and they apparated out of there. As Harry was pregnant we couldn't apparate in case of harming the baby and Harry so we had to use the floo.

After we flooed back to Hogwarts, using one in the entrance hall as ours wasn't set up yet, we quickly went to our private rooms before anyone could see us. Once we got inside we were greeted with Ron and Blaise.

"How'd it go?" Blaise asked excitedly. Harry chuckled and pulled him to the couch. They started whispering and squealing as we followed them. I sat next to Harry and put my head on his shoulder. He unconsciously started playing with my hair while talking to Blaise.

"Oh did Molly tell you about the party?" Blaise asked tilting his head to the side.

"No, what party?" I asked.

"Well Molly wanted to congratulate you two so she's throwing a party!" Blaise said throwing his hands up. Harry squealed and threw his hands up as well.

"Sounds fun. Who's all coming?" I asked.

"Well we have permission to host it at the Burrow from Dumbledore so we will be missing a day of school. Mum, Dad, Bill, Nio, Dakota, and the twins are all living there right now. Conner also gets the day off. Sev was invited not sure if he's gonna miss school though. Oh and Sirius and Remus. I haven't seen them in forever but apparently they visited Mum." Ron piped in.

"Oh yeah they came to my check up today." Harry said with a smile. I couldn't help but move one arm around his waist just to hold onto him. He's so precious. I felt him get happy so I made sure to rub up and down his side making him giggle. I then felt the bond shift slightly like it was a new person. I looked down at Harry and seen his wings come out. Blaise squealed and then soon his wings came out too.

"I want to hang out with Ryker". I smiled down at Leon and let go of him. Ron chuckled and we waved goodbye. They both then skipped out the door hand in hand.

"Well we just got ditched in the matter of five minutes." Ron said while rolling his eyes. I laughed and then threw my arm around his shoulder.

"Oh well gotta keep Leon and Ryker happy or else we are done for". He laughed but nodded his head.

"Honestly they are bloody scary when they want to be. One time, back at the Burrow, Ryker got mad at me because I didn't cuddle him so he literally went around the whole place just to find a spider so he could scare the shit outta me. He put it in the shower and I thought it climbed through the pipes so I refused to take a shower for like three days until he told me it was him all along." he said while shuddering. I snorted trying to keep in my laughter but he still hit me upside the head and pushed me away.

"I think I remember that. Ryker was flying around like a maniac. Then he came up to me and Harry and asked him if he could help look for a spider. Then him and Leon flew around checking every corner of the house". Ron then gave a look of betrayal to me. I put my hands up and he wiped his eyes pretending to wipe his fake tears.

"Hey it was Harry, not me!" I argued back. He shrugged and walked into his and Blaise's room leaving the door open. 

"So I don't know where our boyfriend's are going but the party is in about two hours so I suggest you get ready. Knowing you you'll probably need every second of it trying to gel your hair back perfectly." he said while pulling his shirt off. I laughed and shot him the middle finger while adding a gag effect to piss him off. He stuck his tongue out at me and then shooed me away.

I walked into me and Harry's room and over to the closet. I should probably look nice because it's our party after all.

I decided on a nice navy blue shirt with black pants being held up by a black belt. I decided not to gel my hair just to prove Ron wrong. Yes our friendship consist of stupid things like this, no I'm not complaining. I then slipped on some black dress shoes and head out the door in record time.

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