Morning Love. (George Weasley)

By mischief_managed0104

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~"I am completely and utterly devoted to you." His eyes still on me, brushing more hair from my face and tuck... More

Hi guys!


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By mischief_managed0104

Arabella's POV

It was now the Saturday in which the Hogwarts express came to take everyone home for the Christmas holidays. Hermione had obviously woken me up an hour earlier than when I needed to be up, but I was kind of grateful considering I had left my packing till the last minute.

We had breakfast at 8 before the carriage came to take us to the train at 9. It was currently 7:50am, and everyone else was waiting in the common room whilst I finished the rest of my packing.

As I finished packing some of my favourite muggle CD's (Arthur especially loved listening to muggle music), I heard a quiet knock on my door. I casually walked to open it, revealing Angelina on the other end.

My eyes widened in surprise, considering we hadn't spoken since I moved out of the dorm room a few weeks ago. She stared at me, looking rather shy as she fiddled with something in her hands.

"Oh, hi Angelina." I smiled, wondering why she had come to my room.

"Hi Belle, sorry to bother you." She looked nervous. "I'd just finished packing my clothes for the holidays and found these on top of my clean washing basket, and I think they're yours."

She held up a pair of baby pink silk underwear, biting on her cheek in slight embarrassment.

My cheeks became bright red as I immediately grabbed them from her in embarrassment. My lips curled into a small smile, seeing humor in the situation as I began to giggle slightly.

This causes Angelina to giggle too, her smiley widely. It felt nice to be laughing with her.

Our laughter quieten, before Angelina cleared her throat to speak, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry about how I behaved with the whole you and George thing. I suppose I was just hurt about Fred but I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

She had a rather guilty look on her face, too nervous to make eye contact with me as she kept her gaze on her hands. "I'm sorry too." I spoke quietly, "I should have just been honest with you from the start."

Her eyes met mine, and I shrugged with a small smile, indicating that we had both made some silly mistakes but it was all in the past.

She reached across to grab my hands in hers and squeeze them, her smiling slightly now, "Well, I hope we can get our friendship back on track in the new year. Have a good Christmas Arabella."

"You too Ang." I smiled back, her nodding goodbye before heading back down the hallway.

I sighed, feeling a weight being lifted of my shoulders knowing Angelina and I had made amends. I had yet to speak to Katie, but I was glad there was no hard feelings between Ang and I.

I walked back over to my bed where my trunk was, leaving the door open and placing my other toiletries into my trunk before deciding where to put the underwear Angelina had just given me.

I heard a creak in the floorboard of my room, but before I could react I was swooped up in the air by two large arms clutching around my waist. I gasped as I was spun around to see George with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Fuck sake Georgie, nearly gave me a heart attack!" I sighed as he gently placed me onto my feet again.

"Sorry darling." He giggled, pecking my lips. "You all done packing?"

"I think so." I began, before George's eyes wandered to the pink fabric which was still placed in my hand. He quickly snatched the underwear from my hands, playfully toying with the fabric.

"Hmm, you're definitely bringing these." He smirked, that mischievous look still on his face. I tried to reach for them but he raised his hand in the air, knowing I had no chance reaching them at that height.

"George, give them back." I whined, standing on my tiptoes but still no where near his hand. He chuckled, looking rather amused, before throwing the underwear on my bed behind me and reaching down underneath my thighs and hoisting me in the air.

I gasped but quickly wrapped my legs around his waist, giggling as he moved his hands to grip my arse cheekily.

I attached his lips to mine hungrily, his soft lips feeling heavenly against mine. He hummed in approval as I brought my hands up to his hair, threading my fingers through it.

He slowly walked backwards, before reaching the door and kicking it shut, giving us privacy. I smiled into the kiss as he squeezed my arse, causing my mouth to open slightly. He took this as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss.

I came up for air as George stalked back towards my bed. "George we shouldn't-" I began, but he quickly interrupted me by bringing his lips back to mine.

I rolled my eyes but smiled, him eventually pulling away with a grin, "I suppose I just can't help myself." He winked.

We resumed the kiss, but only moments after we were interrupted by a loud knock on the door- a knock I recognised to be Fred's.

"Can you let me in? Were about to head for breakfast!" Fred shouted from the other side of the door.

George furrowed his brows, unhappy with the interruption. He thought for a moment, still carrying me in the air, before replying, "Arabella's naked!"

I smacked his arm, shaking my head and giggling. George shrugged his shoulders, laughing quietly.

"Like I care!" Fred joked, "Now let me in you dickheads."

George groaned and threw his head back playfully, before setting my down gently on the floor.

"Later," I winked, causing his to smirk before walking over to the door to let Fred in.

He opened the door to reveal Fred, he eyes wide with excitement with a huge grin on his face. His facial expressions soon lowered when he realised I was actually fully clothes, causing George to swat him on the back of the head.

"Oh calm down, I'm kidding." Fred teased. I shook my head and giggled, quickly checking I had everything I needed before shutting my trunk.

George walked over and grabbed it from my bed, leaning down to kiss my temple before we all headed downstairs for breakfast.


After breakfast we had made in to the platform and I headed onto the train beside Hermione and Ginny, George following closely behind kindly carrying my trunk.

We entered the compartment, George lifting my trunk with his strong muscles and sliding it above my head. Ginny and Hermione took a seat, waving to some friends who were staying back at Hogwarts for Christmas.

"Thank you very much." I grinned to George.

"Do I get a reward for my kindness?" He smirked, bringing his finger to his cheek and playfully tapping against it.

I rolled my eyes with a smile, reaching up to kiss him on his cheek, grinning as my lips touched his soft skin. I pulled away, reaching into my bag and pulling out too chocolate frogs and some toffees to give to George; I had plenty of snacks for the trip home and I knew I wouldn't eat it all.

I loaded the sweets into his hands, him grinning widely like a child. "An even better reward." He teased, before pecking my lips and following the boys to another compartment.

Ron lugged in Hermione's and Ginny's trunk, putting them next to mine above our heads before waving goodbye and sliding our compartment door shut.

Now alone, the three of us gossiped about the boys and how excited we were for Christmas; we were all feeling rather giddy. We chatted and giggled and ate sweets as we watched the snow zoom past the windows of the fast moving train.

We were about half way home now, and we were still chatting away like we hadn't spoken in years.

"So Ginny, still no progress with Harry?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't think it was weird to talk about considering he was my brother.

"Not really," she sighed. "I mean we flirt a lot but he never seems to have the courage to ask me out or at least do something like- I don't know... hold my hand or something?"

Hermione snorted, before quickly slapping her hand over her mouth to try and hide how humorous she found Ginny's comment. Ginny and I looked at her confused.

"Sorry," she giggled, "I just think it's hilarious how you wish Harry would at least hold your hand, meanwhile we have Arabella over here whose getting shagged against her furniture!"

Ginny burst out laughing, joining in with Hermione. I felt my face go red as my mouth fell open, a slight smirk on my face.

"Oh shut up! You're saying that like Ron hasn't been sleeping in our dorm every other night for the past week!" I retaliate, shoving her gently.

"Hey!" she shoved me back, laughing harder now. I teased her further by making kissy faces at her, causing Ginny to throw her head back and laugh harder.

Our laughter eventually softened, and Ginny spoke again, "I'm so glad the two of you are back again this year, it wouldn't be the same without you."

We and Hermione both 'aww'ed in unison, big smiles on our faces.

"Are you sure your mums not going to be run off her feet with all of us there? I mean she does have the party to organise and Christmas dinner and-" I began, starting to feel bad that we were all going back to the burrow.

Ginny interrupted my rambling, "Arabella don't be silly, when I wrote back to mum to tell her you were coming, she was thrilled." I gave her a small smile, feeling a bit more reassured that we were just coming unwanted.

"And she was even more thrilled with that fact you and George were an item." Ginny continued, a small smirk on her face.

My eyes widen, "What, you told her?" I began to worry about what she might say when she saw us. I knew she was going to find out when we got there but I suppose I was always going to feel anxious when meeting my boyfriend's mum- even if I had already met her like 5 years ago.

"It's only fair she knows about you and George considering Ginny also blabbed about Ron and I." Hermione scowled playfully towards her, "And besides Belle, Molly loves us, I'm sure she can't wait to hear all about our relationships."

I chuckled, realising I was indeed being silly by worrying over seeing George's mum. I mean, Molly practically raised me and Harry before we had Remus and Sirius, and she already treat me like family.

My mind was put at ease, and I now let my thoughts wander onto what a brilliant time we were going to have once we arrived.


We had finally arrived, and with the burrow in sight I couldn't help but smile widely, the excitement almost bursting out of me.

Once we were almost at the front door, Fred cast a spell onto our trunks to make them float up into our rooms. He looked rather proud of himself as we watched the trunks fly up and through the separate windows of the house.

The seven of us stood outside for another moment, before the door flew open, revealing Molly Weasley with the brightest smile on her face.

"Ah, my darlings, you're home!" She cried, hurrying towards us with her arms opened wide. She reached for Ron first, who was stood at the front with Hermione and Harry.

She pulled him into her tight embrace, Ron gasping for air as he mumbled, "Hi mum". She then greeted Harry and Hermione with big hugs also, kissing Hermione's cheek and making her blush.

The three of them began to walk inside, as Molly then greeted her youngest, Ginny, who threw her arms around her mother and rocked her side to side with a quiet "Hello mum" before following the other three.

Molly looked up to Fred and George, their tall frames making her look incredibly tiny. She wrapped her arms around both of their torsos, them both chuckling around bringing one of their arms around her also.

"I've missed you boys so much." She squeezed them tighter before letting go and letting out a sigh. She then turned her attentions to me, pulling me in for a tight hug before pulling away and cupping my cheeks with her hands.

"You get more gorgeous every time I see you!" she cooed playfully, squeezing my cheeks in her hands as a grinned and flushed red.

"It's lovely to see you Mrs Weasley" I smiled.

"Oh stop it, you know it's Molly dear." She let go of my face before beckoning the final three of us into the house.

It was just as I remembered. The living room and kitchen filled with warm colours, the sofas filled with cushions and knitted blankets, the fire crackling and the smell of firewood and cinnamon creating a sence of home which I loved.

All of us now inside, Molly shuffled through us and stood where we could all see him.

"Right. Harry you will obviously be rooming with Ron. Hermione dear you can sleep with Ginny. And Arabella you can sleep in the twins room if you wish." My mouth fell open slightly as she smiled at me; I was surprised she was letting me sleep in there.

I had stayed in their room before over the years, but that was before George and I were together, and I expected her to want me to stay with the girls or in the spare room they had; they used to belong to her three eldest children but were now used more for storage.

"Hey that's not fair! How come she gets to stay with her boyfriend?" Ginny whined, my face glowing red at the word 'boyfriend'.

"Well Ginny dear, I've always let Arabella share with the twins if that's what she would like. Besides, the three of them are nearly adults, I'm sure they're mature enough to share."

"Yeah right." Ron muttered, to which George discretely elbowed him in the ribs.

Molly didn't notice this, and she clapped her hands together with her usual bright smile. "Well I've made you all some dinner so I hope you're all hungry."

Everyone responded in unison with nods and other mumbles before heading over to the table to eat. It was now around midday, and I checked on their clock to see that Arthur was still at work.

The food smelled great and I couldn't have been in better company.


After lunch, everyone pottered off upstairs to unpack and spend some time in their rooms. The twins and I jogged slightly up the many stairs until we reached their room.

I opened the door and immediately smiled, feeling nostalgic when I saw the twins room hadn't really changed much over the years. Their two beds were placed opposite each other, their bedsheets sprawled lazily across the mattress. The red rug in the middle surprisingly wasn't as cluttered as it usually was, only a few magazines and random articles of clothing on the floor such as a scarf and what seemed to be a shoelace.

A lot tidier than I remembered.

Both their walls were filled with different photos and pieces of parchment as well as different muggle posters of bands which I had introduced them to over the years. At the other end of the room was their large window, large cushions on the edge of it where you could sit. Their desks and drawers had piles of books and many of their pranking equipment stacked on top of them.

I flung myself onto George's bed, his scent which lingered on his bedsheets making me grin. Fred and George followed behind me, Fred falling onto his own bed face first and George coming to cuddle up next to me on his.

"So roomie, what do you wanna do?" Fred turned to face me from his bed, his face squashed against the pillow.

"Well before we do anything I'm going to make a quick start on that Potions work whilst I-"

Both of them groaned dramatically, Fred shoving his face into his pillow and George shoving his face into my neck.

"What?" I whined in defence.

"No school!" George groaned.

"Yeah we hate school!" Fred copied.

"Well I hate to tell you this but we still have another year at it after this." I sighed, giggling at the boys behaviour.

"We don't, but you might." Fred chuckled into his pillow.

"What do you mean?" I sat up on the bed, confused as to how it was possible I had another year when they didn't.

"Well," Fred stretched the word whilst he sat up, "Remember George and I's dream to open up our own shop?" He began.

"Of course." I nodded.

"Well, with the little business we have now, selling some products and what not, we think by the end of next year we could be ready to actually turn it into a real business." George continued, sitting up beside me and turning to me with a smile.

"So you're dropping out of school?" I felt my heart sink, the thought of them just going and leaving me behind causing me to frown.

"Not right now," George assured me, noticing my expression and pulling me in to lean against his shoulder, "We have a plan. Fred, if you will."

Fred nodded, taking a breath before beginning, "Well, we were going to mention this to you sooner but we wanted to make sure we had fully thought it through before we did. But were thinking about just going on and finishing our 6th year, but not return for our 7th because hopefully by then we will be able to go forward with our business venture." He spoke enthusiastically, light beaming in his eyes as he did.

"We already have quite a bit of money saved but we reckon if we really knuckle down and get some more products out there before the school year is over, we would have enough money to open up a shop!"

Fred spoke with such excitement that it made me realise how determined the both of them were to go ahead with this. Neither of them had ever really outshined their siblings at school, but you couldn't say that weren't the best business men of the family.

They were only 17 and had already planned out an ideal business route which suited them and one which they were eager to get started on. Sure, their plan wasn't perfect yet, but once they made a few tweaks and saved up some more money and took out a loan or two, I had more than enough faith in them that they could succeed.

However, I thought back to the part about them dropping out after 6th year, meaning I would be alone. I didn't exactly hate school but the two of them were the main part of what made it enjoyable for me, and I couldn't imagine graduating Hogwarts without the two of them.

"So what do you think Belle?" George nudged me eagerly, bringing me out of my daydream.

I looked at the both of them; they looked they were about to burst with anticipation as they waited for my answer.

"I think it's brilliant," I admitted, "I think it's really brave of the both of you to take the risk in order for you business to succeed. I'm really proud of you both." I smiled, staring at the both of them in awe.

"I'll miss you both though." I pouted, half joking and half serious. I couldn't be so selfish as to beg them to stay for my sake, but I wished I wouldn't have to spend my final year without them.

"What do you mean dickhead?" Fred laughed, catching me by surprise. "You're going to come with us aren't you?"

My mouth opened slightly, completely taken aback by what Fred just said. They wanted me to come with them? I looked over to George for some reassurance, unsure whether it was true or whether they were just messing with me.

"You didn't think we were gonna leave our supervisor on her own did you?" George cooed, bringing his hand to cup my cheek.

"Of course we should really ask you first before just assuming you will come with us." Fred rambled on, "I know it's a big decision to drop out of school but we couldn't imagine doing any of this without you and-"

"Yes." I said, answering Fred but still looking into George' eyes.

His hazel eyes widened at my words, as I assumed Fred's did also.

"Yes?" George stuttered, "What yes- yes as in-"

"Yes as in I'll come with you both."

The room was silent for a moment, looks of shock on both of their faces. Then, suddenly, Fred sprang up from his bed and leaped onto George's, pulling me in for a hug.

George immediately joined in, them both rambling in my ears how happy they were and how great it was going to be and that we were finally going to do what we always said we would.

Reality started to sink in, and my small smile turned into a wide grin as a realised how incredible this could actually be. Of course it was going to be scary, taking this huge risk. But if it worked (which I somehow knew it would) the payoff was going to be brilliant.

We all knelt on George's bed in a kind of huddle, going on about this shop they were going to own and how it would look. They said they would be the bosses, and I of course would be their supervisor. The talked about a little flat which could sit above the shop; it sounded very cosy.

We continued to ramble on about every little detail we could, excitement and nerves filling our bodies to the brim. It was nerve-racking of course, but hell was it going to be great.

Finally arrived at the burrow yay!

Sorry if this chapter wasn't the best, I didn't feel very creative today and I struggled to get this written. So my apologies for that.

But I'm excited for all that's to come :)

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