Legacies aren't Legacies Anym...

By lawstudentdropout

112K 2.7K 2.1K

What would happen, if one day while at the Salvatore Boarding School, there was another monster attack. But t... More

|| Playlist ||
|| When Shit hit the Fan || Summary ||
The day it all happened.
Act 1. Season 1.
We pulled a Barry Allen. Bloody hell.
Look's like everything is not in Hell yet. The comets still coming.
Friday Night Bites. It's an Annual Thing Now.
History Repeating (Episode 9) ~~ Part 1
History Repeating ~~ Part 2
History Repeating ~~ Part 3
The-- Ah shit. Looks like theres another vampire on the loose.
Bloodlines With the Original Family
The Explanation
Totally off topic... but...
Lizzie. Stop. Being. A. Bitch.
Return to Unpleasentville.
Return to Unpleasentville ~ Part 2
Another generation of the Children of the Damned.
Rose's are Beautiful
The 'Sun and Moon Curse'. That's what this is. Sure.
Great. The Towns Full of Werewolves. And Ironically Hope's in the Cresent City.
Self-Sacrifice. What Hope Does Best.
Whole Family Issues
As we Lay Dying, Our Life Flashes Before our Eyes
Act 2. Season 3.
Happy Birthday. Not. We live in Mystic Fall, you Idjits.
The Tribrid Who Seems to love Self-Sacrifice.
Holy Shit. Stefan was in a love triangle with my Dad and my aunt. Ew.
Who the hell acts like that?
The Second Reckoning. Oh, who am I kiding? There' been like 10.
It smells like hell. We're all going to hell.
"Ordinary" People
"Ordinary" People ~~ Part 2
Happy Homecoming
Happy Homecoming 2.0
Homecoming 3.0
The New, New Deal.
NOT A NEW CHAPTER (i am so so so sorry but this might be good news!)

The Myth, The Legend, The Baddest Bitch of Them All, Katerina Petrova

2.3K 62 60
By lawstudentdropout

~~Hope's POV~~

I woke up to Damon barging into my room and tell me that we have a issue, that might be able to help us.

And that's why I'm here sitting down by the door, with the brothers and Rose, waiting for Elena.

There is a knock at the door, which Damon opens to find Elena.

"Hello Elena." Damon greets her.

"Stefan here? He called, said it was important." She asks Damon.

"Right this way." Damon says backing away from the door a little bit so Elena can enter.

Once she's inside, Stefan walks up to her, saying "Hey."

"What is this about?" Elena asks Stefan.

Stefan turns to look behind him, seeing Rose standing there.

All Elena says is, "You."

Like really?!

This girl kidnapped you and thats all you can say?

Rose just smiles and waves.

We all walk into the family room? It's a big room in the Salvatore house.

Rose than starts,

"Ok, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years. And I don't know what's true and what's not true. That's the problem with all the vampire crap. But Klaus, I know he's real."

"Who is he?" Elena asks Rose.

"One of the Originals. He's a legend." Damon tells her.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I didn't know listening to this shit would be this hard.

"From the first generation of vampires." Stefan adds.

"Like Elijah." Elena points out.

"No. Elijah was the Easter Bunny compared to Klaus. He was a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal."

Now that, that does get a snort out of me.

"You think this is funny?" Rose asks me.

"Yeah. If you think Elijah's the Easter Bunny, you'd be wrong." I informed her.

"How do you know that?" Rose asks me.

"She knew Elijah." Damon told Rose.

"Continue. I'll be sure to let you know if you get anything wrong, Rose." I tell her.

"Klaus is known to be the oldest." Stefan continues.

"Ok, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in history is coming after me?" Elena asks.

"Actually, he wasn't, you dumb fucks. Elijah was older than Klaus. So was their brother Finn, although he was older than Elijah too. So was their sister Freya, who was the oldest. And I haven't even started with their 'father' Mikael yet." I say, getting stares from everyone.

"What. I know this shit. Continue." I urge.

"So, one of the oldest vampires in history is coming after me?" Elena trys again.

"No." Stefan says at the same time Rose says, "Yes."

"What they're saying is-- I mean, if what she's saying is true..." Damon starts.

"Which it is." Rose says, cutting Damon off.

"And that she isn't just saying it so we don't kill you..." Damon continues.

"Which I'm not." Rose adds.

"Then we're lookin' at a solid maybe." Damon tells Elena.

"Look, Elijah's dead, right? So no one else even knows that you exist."

I again, try not to laugh.

"Not that you know of." Rose points out.

"That's not helping." Damon tells Rose.

"Look, I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him. I mean we're talking centries of truth mixed with fiction. I mean, we don't know what's real. For all we know, he could just be some sort of stupid bedtime story." Stefan tells Elena.

"He isn't a stupid bedtime story." I say at the same time Rose says, "He's real."

"Might I add..." I start, getting everyone to look at me, "I know some people who have laid eyes on him. He's real." I assure everyone in the room, but Rose it seems.

"And he doesn't give up. If he wants something, he gets it. If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot." Rose tells Stefan.

"I'm not afarid of him. He isn't as bad as you make him out to be." I tell Rose.

"You seem to know more about him than me, and you aren't afraid of him?" Rose asks me.

"I've heard story about Klaus Mikaelson since I could remember, and he has a damn good reason to be doing what he is doing."

"Oh, really? To break the sun and the moon curse? That's so heroic of a mass murder who has killed 100 of thousands of people." Rose points out.

"The sun and the moon curse is fake! That isn't the curse he needs to break." I tells Rose.

"Then what is the curse?" Damon asks me.

"A binding spell. One that bound his werewolf side." I tell them.

"A hybrid?" Rose asks.

"Yes! He want to break the curse his own mother put on him because she decided to cheat on her husband, and got pregnant. So when they were turned into vampire, and he made his first kill, the secret was out. His own father made his mother do the spell than turn her back on him. He is just trying to get a part of himself back." I explain.

"If you think that, your a fool." Rose tells me.

Before she could continue, Damon cut her off.

"All right, we're shaking. You've made your point." Damon tells Rose.

Elena got up and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asks her.

"School. I'm late."

"Let me, uh-- let me grab my stuff. I'll go with you." Stefan tells her.

"That's ok. I know where it is." Elena tells Stefan.

"I should go two right? I missed quite a few months of school. I'll grab my bag quickly." I tell Elena.

"Ok. Hope you can come." Elena says before walking out of the room.

"I'll keep an eye on her." I whisper to Stefan.

"Thank you, Hope." I hear him say.

I give him a head nod before running up to my room, grabbing my bag and walking out to Elena's car.

~~In the Car~~

"So, Hope." Elena starts.

"Yeah?" I ask her.

"We're not actually going to school."

"Where are we going?" I ask her.

"We are heading to see Katherine."


"What? It'll be ok, she is in the tomb, and I'm just getting answers. Caroline can cover for us."

I sigh.

"Look, Hope, I'm trusting you not to tell Stefan or Damon."

"I won't tell them, but if they ask I won't lie either."

"That sounds fair enough" Elena tells me.

~~At the Woods, by the Tomb~~

Me and Elena get out of the car to see a very, on edge Caroline, but as soon as she turns around, a little bit of that edge is lost.

"Hope! The twins told me you were back, but I didn't really believe it until now! Welcome home!" She says to me before running up and hugging me.

"Thanks Caroline."

"Alright. Let's do this." Elena says, walking into the woods.

After a few minutes we start talking again.

"Tell everyone I wasn't feeling well and I went home from school, and Hope left to check on me." Elena tells Caroline.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this. I'm a terrible liar." Caroline tells us.

"And keep Stefan busy. I don't want him know what I'm up to." Elena continues, pretty much ignoring Caroline.

"I'm even worse at duplicity, and you know this." Caroline continues.

"You managed to keep me occupied when Katherine paid Stefan a vist." Elena tells Caroline.

"Wow. That was kinda a low blow Elena." I point out.

"Yeah, 'cause she threatened me." Caroline pointed out.

After a minute, Caroline corrects what she said, "Not that I'm saying that you should use that as a tactic. It's-- Stefan's gonna see right through me." Caroline says, turning to face Elena, amking us stop.

"Caroline, as my friend, do you promise or not?" Elena asks Caroline.

Caroline sighs. At least I think it's a sigh.

"You had to break out the girlfriend code. Ok. I promise." Caroline tells Elena.

"Hey, on the plus side Caroline, I'll be there. I'll die before I face the Salvatore brother pissed off that I let something happen to Elena." I assure her.

"Ok." Elena says, starting to walk again.

"Why don't you want Stefan to know?" Caroline asks Elena.

"Because he would never be ok with me doing this." Elena says, walking around the rocks on her way to open the tomb door.

We all walk down the stairs.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Caroline asks Elena again.

"Yes, I'm sure. She's the only ne who knows the truth about Klaus. The only one who can tell me how to stop him. Other than Hope, of course. That's why she's here, so we know when Katherine is lying." Elena tells Caroline.

"But you're asking for the truth from someone who's probably never given it." Caroline points out.

Caroline, today you are making a bunch of great points! Good for you girl!

"Are you sure about this?" Caroline asks Elena again.

"Yes. I can't just sit back and wait. I have to know, Caroline." Elena tells her.

Caroline looks towards the tomb, before looking back at Elena.

"Please." Elena asks Caroline again.

We start walking further in again, Caroline opening the tomb door.

"Katherine." Elena calls out into the darkness.

When no one shows up, Elena turns to look at Caroline.

"I'll be ok from here." She tells her.

We hear someone come closer to the door of the tomb.

"Hello, Elena." Katherine calls out to us, her voice scratchy.

"You come to watch me wither away?" Katherine asks Elena.

"Good-bye, Caroline." Katherine continues.

"As long as we stay on this side of the door, she can't hurt us." I tell Caroline.

"Please." Elena asks Caroline again.

Caroline leaves, but looking pissed as she does.

"Stefan know your here, Elena?" Katherine asks her.

"I brought you some things." Elena tells her.

"You came to bribe me? What is it that you want?" Katherine asks.

Elena throws something Katherine's way.

"I want you to tell me about Klaus." Elena demands.

"Mmm, you've been busy." Katherine tells Elena.

"Who's your new friend, Elena?" Katherine asks, looking at me.

"My name is Hope, and I can speak for myself." I tell her.

"Fiesty. I like you." Katherine says, before turning her attention back to Elena, who was taking things out of her bag.

"I also brought you this." Elena says, taking out a book.

"It's your family history. I've read it. It says in here that the family line ended with you. Obviously that's not true." Elena tells Katherine.

"You think that if you brought me some family keepsake, that I'd open up?" Katherine asks.

That's when Elena takes out a water bottle full of blood.

"I also brought you this." Elena tells Katherine.

Katherine vamp speeds right into the tomb barrier, trying to get to the blood.

"You don't look so good. " Elena tells Katherine.

"How long before your body shuts down?" 10, 20 years? Must be painful to desiccate and mummify." I ask her, rubbing this in her face.

"I can't even imagine." Elena adds on.

Katherine backs up a little bit and sits down. So, me and Elena also sit down by the tomb door.

Elena pours some blood into a tiny cup, places it down, and uses a stick to move it towards her.

"You have the Petrova fire." Katherine tells Elena.

Katherine then drinks the blood quickly.

"And what fire do you have, Hope?" Katherine asks me.

"Which side of the family are you asking?" I ask her.

"Which ever family you want to tell me."

"How does Labonier sound?" I ask Katherine.

"Original werewolves. Explains why your so fiesty." Katherine says, before lauging a little.

"I'm a hell of a lot more than that." I tell her.

"More blood?" Elena asks her.

Katherine places the cup down, Elena moving to grab her stick, but I just use my magic to bring the cup over.

"Thank you, Hope." Elena tells me.

"It's a long story," Katherine starts, "Klaus and I, goes all the way back to England, 1492, after I left Bulgaria." Katherine explains.

"Or was thrown out" Katherine adds, taking another sip of blood.

"Thrown out?" Elena asks.

"My family, your true ancestors... they disowned me. My indiscretions were not tolerated at that time. I had a baby out of wedlock. The shame." Katherine explains.

"It was kept a secret?" I ask her.

Katherine hums to say yes.

"My baby was given away. I was banished to England, and I had to learn to adjust. So I quickly became english." She continues, her voice having an accent for a minute.

"It was there that I caught the eye of a nobleman named Klaus. I was taken with him at first, until I found out what he was and what he wanted from me... and than I ran like hell." Katherine continues.

"So... what did Klaus want?" Elena asks Katherine.

"Same thing that he'll want from you. He wants to break the curse." Katherine explains.

"By sacrificing the Petrova doppelganger." Elena puts together.

"He wanted to drain every single drop of blood from my body." Katherine continues.

We pass Katherine another cup of blood.

"What does the Petrova bloodline have to do with Klaus?" Elena asks Katherine.

Katherine picks up the cup of blood.

"It's really tedious, but..." Katherine than drinks the while cup of blood, before continuing. "The curse was bound by the sacrifice of Petrova blood. Witches are craft with their spells.CThe doppelganger was created as way to be able to undo the spell. Once the doppelganger reappeared,the curse can be broken." Katherine continued.

"So you ran before he killed you." Elena says, putting the pieces together.

"Something like that." Katherine says ominously.

She explains how she had gotten Trevors help, then went to the cottage where Rose was.

"Rose never ended up taking you back to Klaus, did she?" Elena asks Katherine.

"No. But not becasue she had a change of heart." Katherine starts explanning how she hurt herself, got vampire blood into her system, and then killed herself, turning her into a vampire.

"You killed yourself?" Elena asks, surprised. I have no idea why.

"Klaus needed a human doppelganger. As a vampire, I was no longer of any use to him." Katherine explains.

"But it didn't work. You didn't really escape. You've been running from Klaus ever since." Elena puts together, realizing that Katherines plan didn't work.

"I underestimated his spirit for vengenance." Katherine started.

"A lot of people do. Your not special." I cut Katherine off.

Ignoring me, Katherine continues, "Bt living out of a suitcase is better than dying so that you could have your blood spilled over some silly little rock."

"Just surviving isn't living, Katherine." I tell her.

"Maybe not, but it was the only option I got." Katherine says, looking straight into my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Katherine asks, noticing Elena's face. "Afraid I'm right? You don't wanna die? There's another way out." Katherine says, cutting open her wrist a little bit.

"Better hurry. You opportunity is going, going, going..." Katherine says, watching the wound heal.

"And gone." Katherine says as soon as her wound healed.

"I made the other choice." Katherine tells us.

"Rose and Trevor spent the last 500 years running because you used them. Trevor just got killed." Elena says, obviously surprised at how heart-less Katherine was and is. I don't know why she's surprised.

"Never thought he would have last that long." Katherine tells us.

"You don't even care that you ruined their lives?" Elena asks, still surprised.

"I was looking out for myself, Elena. I will always look out for myself. If you're smart, you'll do the same." Katherine explains to Elena.

"No, becasue she's smart, she won't do the same. She'll trust people and actually live her life without just surviving." I tell Katherine as she starts going through the Petrova book.

"So how much of your little story is true?" I ask Katherine after a few minutes, me and Elena standing up.

"I have no readon to lie, Hope. I have no reason to do anything but sit here and read and rot." Katherine explains.

"Ok, so you mean it's even partially true. That's the reason why you came back, isn't it? Because you wanted to be the one to hand me over to Klaus." Elena says, putting the pieces together.

Katherine shuts the book and turns around to face us.

"Mm, 500 years on the run, I figured maybe he'd be willing to strike a deal." Katherine admits.

"So you got Mason Lockwood to find you the moonstone." Elena adds.

"Right again."

"What else is needed to break the curse?" Elena asks.

"Mmm. Look who's getting smarter." Katherine sasses Elena.

"It's not just me or the stone, is it? Otherwise, there would be no reason to trigger Tyler Lockwood's werewolf curse. " Elena asks/explains.

"Witches and their spells--" Katherine starts.

"A witch to do the spell, and a werewolf and vampire sacrifice." I explain, cutting Katherine off.

"Right, Hopey."

"That's why you needed Tyler." I figure out.

"Believe it or not, werewolves are a little hard to come by." Katherine says.

"The witch, would be Bonnie." I put together.

"Right again, Hopey."

"And the vampire would be Caroline." Elena finishes for me.

"Could have been anyone, I suppose, but I like the poetry of Caroline." Katherine tells us.

"So you were gonna just hand us all over to be killed?" Elena asks appaled.

"Better you die than I." Katherine tells Elena.

Katherine than walks further into the tomb, disappering from sight.

Not to long after, Stefan comes running down the stairs, calling out for Elena. Ironically as soon as Elena starts packing up.

"Stefan. What are you doing here?" Elena asks.

"I could be ask you the same question. Hope, how could you let her do this?" He asks me.

"Look, Stefan, it was either I let her do this alone, or I come with her. Which would you rather me do?" I ask him.

He just gave me a look that said, 'I know your right, but I'm still going to be mad at you'.

I just shake my head.

Elena sighs. "Caroline told you."

"No. She kept your secret, but it didn't take long for me to figure it out what was so important that you'd have to keep it from me." Stefan tells Elena.

"I knew that you's top me." Elena says, trying to defend her desicion.

"Listen to me." Stefan starts, "Whatever she said to you is a lie. Do not listen to her. She is a liar, Elena."

"What if she isn't?" Elena asks him.

"You didn't hear what she said." Elena continues.

"You don'y have to worry. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." Stefan tells Elena.

"That's the problem. You won't... but you'll die trying, how is that any better?" Elena tells him.

"There's nothing you can do, Stefan. I haven't even told ou the best part of the story. " Katherine tells him.

She goes on to tell them how when she got home, to Bulgaria, she found her whole family slaughtered, by Klaus.

"He killed them. My entire family. Just to get back at me for running. Whatever you do to escape Klaus. He will get his vengence. On your friends, your family, on anyone that you've ever loved." Katherine tells all of us.

Even if Elena is the one that is in danger, I get tears in my eyes. I didn't want to know that. I didn't want to know all the bad he did...

"No. Look at me." Stefan tells Elena, getting her attention again.

"No. Do not listen to her, ok?" Stefan says, looking into Elena's eyes.

"Alway the protector. But even you must realize that she's doomed. There's nothing you can do to stop it. Unless of course you have this." Katherine says, holding up the moonstone.

"What?" Elena questions.

"Oh, no. There it is." Stefan says, pointing at Katherine and the moonstone, "That's the ultimate lie, isn't it? You spun this whole thing so that we would have to get the stone from you, didn't you?" Stefan accuses Katherine.

"I didn't spin anything, Stefan. It's the truth." Katherine continues.

"She isn't lying, Stefan. I know what Klaus is capable of. And slaughtering anyone and everyone you care about, hell that you've even look at seems like his type of play." I admit, staring into the darkness.

I never wanted to face the facts like these. But now, I have to. I want Dad to break the curse. But to do that, he has to kill someone I care about. So, I'll have to find a way to bring Elena back. I have to find a way to keep her Aunt from getting killed. I have to go against my own family.

What have I gotten myself into?

"No. Let me guess. Katherine, you wanna trade that stone for your freedom. So, even if your telling the truth, your still a manipulative, psychotic bitch." Stefan tells Katherine.

"Heh. My freedom? That's where you're wrong, Stefan. I don't want my freedom. Because when Klaus shows up to kill us all-- and he will... I'll be in the tomb. Where no vampire can enter, because they can't get out. I'll be the safest psychoic bitch in town." Katherine explains before walking back into the tomb.

Stefan turns around and faces us.

Then, not to long later, we leave.

~~Back at the Salvatore House~~

Stefan dropped me off before driving Elena home, and as soon as I get home, I walk up to the twins room.

"Hey, you two."

"Hope. I know that face. What's wrong?" Josie asks me.

"Well, it seems that life likes to throw me curve balls. Like the fact that Niklaus Mikaelson is now after the Petrova Doppelganger. So, I need to chose. Keep Elena alive, along with her family, and maybe I'll never be born, or side with my family, be born, and get Elena and her family killed."

"Oh, Hope." Lizzie says, coming over and hugging me.

"It's ok. It's ok, Hope. Let it all out. It'll be ok. I promise you. We will figure this out." Lizzie says while hugging me.

We stand there for a good 5 minutes, me just crying into Lizzie's shoulder.

When we break, Lizzie starts talking to me again.

"Everything will be ok. We can and will solve this." Lizzie assures me.

"Don't worry. We have about 10,000 problems. We can just add this to the list, moving it to the top, and we will find a way to save Elena and her family, and break your Dad's curse. I promise you." Josie assures me.

I sigh, moving to sit in a chair by the twins bed.

"We're going to have to work a hell of a lot harder to do this. We can't just go home now, we have to help everyone. And, we-- we might not even be born. We might make the world worse. What if we make it so that everyone in the future is dead. What if--"

"Hope!" Lizzie and Josie yell at me at the same time.


"Let's not focus on what ifs. Let's focus on what we can do. We know how this plays out. Or how it played out. So then, all we have to do is figure out what to do. We can and will save everyone." Josie says.

"We have Hope 'Wonder Woman' Mikaelson on our side. How could we lose?" Lizzie asks us.

I laugh at that, before wiping away the tears left on my face.

"How about we watch a movie." Josie suggests.

"That sounds like a great idea." I tell her.

"How about we binge Marvel movies? In honor of MG?" Lizzie suggests.

"That's a great idea! I'll go grab the movies. Wait..."

"What is it Josie?" I ask.

"Well, it's the fact that there are only two Marvel movies out now." Josie points out.

"Supernatural?" I ask them.

"Supernatural." The twins agree.


Another chapter done! Yay! I kinda love this chapter.

I have to stop writing chapters this fast. Then I get really impatient, so I upload them early. 😂.

Let me know what you all think!

Until next time,


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