By chimmiiechimchim1013

46.1K 1K 117

Fanfiction it's my first ever story that i would be making so please bear with me. Everything that i will wr... More



606 19 2
By chimmiiechimchim1013


We are now done for our dance practice it's already 5pm and we are gonna continue with the album making process after a 2 hours break.

Jimin haven't said a word to me. I mean we have interactions and we talk during practice but that is just more of about the dance. We are professionals so as much as possible we can't have our personal issues interfere with work. This is our passion and first love so we really need to value and respect it.

During the break Jimin suddenly disappeared again. I dunno where he went I ask our other members and they didn't know.

"Hey there lovely wait up!" Tae said as he ran up to me in the hallway. " What are you thinking?" He ask.

I am bit confuse about his question. "What do you mean?" I ask him back.

"You seem so preoccupied I have been calling and shouting your name but you weren't even paying attention!" He said I didn't notice that he have been calling me my mind is pre occupied by Jimin.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to hear you. Why? Is there anything you need?" I ask as I continued walking towards my studio.

"Nothing really I just wanted to know where you are going. But it seems like there is something going on that you need someone to talk with about!" He said am I that predictable to my member or I am just so transparent and easy to read.

"I'm actually going in my studio to work on stuff, and I don't have any problems I am perfectly okay!" I told him. He just look at me seriously.

"Out of all people that you would lie to. You are not that good of a liar you know. And I know you to well to believe what you are telling me right now!" He said . Well it's Tae he has been very observant and he practically know me so much and wont believe any lie i'll tell him.

I just gave him an awkward smile. He held my hand and pull me towards my studio. He let go of my hand so I can put in my door code and he opened the door and we both went inside.

He pull me again to sit at my sofa and he sit facing me "Okay spill it. I want to know what is troubling you. I know it's about Jimin because you both have been acting so weird around each other!" He said.

" It's nothing really. I just felt that there is something that's troubling him that he doesn't want to tell me. He has been avoiding me since yesterday and he has been calling me by my name instead of what he normally call me. So I really don't know what is the problem!" I told him everything that had happened since yesterday.

"I understand. And he is the type of person who won't talk unless he likes too. I know that it would be frustrating to wait but that is all you can do. Or you can force it out of him!" He said with his mischievous laugh

"And how am I suppose to do that Oppa?" I ask him. Well he normally comes up with out of this world answer from him but I wanted to know what he is an about to say.

"Talk to him tell him that a relationship consists of open communication and honesty. And that as a couple you are suppose to handles things together!"He said well that makes sense but easier said than done.

I was just staring at him thinking of his suggestion and I smiled realizing his is right. "You know what you're right. I mean I need to talk to him about what's bothering him. We wouldn't be able to resolve anything by avoiding and hiding it!" I told him and he nodded in agreement.

"I'll talk to him later at home after work!" I told him.

He just nodded "Don't worry I'll help you out. Do it on our rooftop tonight just be there and I will make up something to lure him there!" He said and he looks so excited.

"You are enjoying this aren't you!" I ask him with a smile.

"I do I love secret missions you know like run BTS hahahaha!" Taehyung really loves to play games virtually and reality. But I am thankful that he is helping me out. All I need to think about is what I need to say.

Taehyung left my studio to join RM in his studio I think they are doing some collaboration.

All the time that I was in my studio I was not able to work at all I was thinking about the conversation that I would be having with Jimin. I dunno how to start the conversation I know what I wanted to say I just don't know how to say it.

At around 9:30 Suga already called me to go to the lobby because we will be going home. I turn my PC off I wasn't able to do anything anyway and gather my things and walk to the lobby. All my members are there when I arrive then we all went to the Van and drive home.

As I enter the dorm I started getting nervous. What if he gets angry , what if he doesn't want to talk to me. I went straight to my room and try to calm myself.

I was pacing back and forth when I heard soft knocks on my door. I open it and it's Taehyung.

"Are you ready?" He ask me excitedly he really is getting the kick of doingn his secret mission. I gave him a nervous nod.

He then gave an assuring smile "Don't be nervous it's just Jimin not a stranger okay you don't need to worry!" He said.

"That's why I am nervous if it's a stranger I wouldn't be this nervous but it's Jimin that were talking about!" I told him my nerves is really on edge.

" You can do it okay I have faith in you. Send me a text message once you are already on the rooftop. Then just wait I promise I'll bring him to you!" He said as he pull my door to close it.

I am still nervous but I know I need to do this I wanted us to be okay again. I wanted to know what's bothering him I want to share his burden so it would be easier to bear.

I just fix myself and head to the rooftop no one saw me leave members are in their rooms.

I walk slowly to the elevators and walk up some stairs to reach the rooftop. I open the door and the cold night breeze welcomed me.

So far our rooftop have more scenic view than our old one in our old dorm. I have so much memories on that rooftop and now I am making a new memory here.

The rooftop is always the best place to talk because no one normally goes here it's private and no one can disturb us.

I let out a deep sigh and grab my phone from my back pocket and text Taehyung.

SM: "Oppa I am here now!"

T: "Okay just wait we will be there soon!"

While waiting I just look at the view from the rooftop. I get more nervous by the minute. I just wanted it to be okay already.

I heard the rooftop door open.

"What are we doing here Tae? What are you going to show me?" I hear Jimin ask Taehyung.

"Jiminie just wait okay it's a big surprise!" He said with his usual micheivous smile." That's rhe surprise!" Taehyung pointed at me and ran towards the rooftop door. I heard a click meaning he locked it from the inside. Jimin was looking at the door and slowly look at me.

"Hi!" I awkwardly wave my hand to him. His face is grim look like in the verge of getting mad. I think this is a bad plan. I wanted for us to be okay not to make it worst.

" What is all this?" He ask me I suddenly am lost for words I am nervous on how intense his stare is.

SM: "I'm sorry for dragging you here. I just wanted to talk to you. I know it's childish but....."

JM: "Yes it's completely and utterly childish. Let's just get to it. Want do you want to talk to me about?"

SM: "What's going on? Why did you change is there anything I did?"

JM: "There's nothing going on . I didn't change I have always been like this!"

SM: " I am just having a hard time figuring out what's going on. Why are you suddenly being cold to me and why are you avoiding me. You started being rude to me. I'm confuse Love we were okay we didn't have any argument but all of a sudden you change. I just wanted to know what's bothering you!"

JM: "Nothing is bothering me!! Hmm actually there is, You!!"

SM: "Me? But why? What did I do?"

JM: " I don't know. But one thing is for sure that I know  we need to stop this!"

SM: "What do you mean??"

JM: "Let's break up?!!


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