The Empathetic Eraserhead

By PBUnicorn

4.8K 143 21

This story takes place in the My Hero Academia universe and after Eri gets rescued. Yukina Fujita is the newe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chatper 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note

Chapter 23

72 3 0
By PBUnicorn

As the trio was on the way back to Yuki's dorm, she had a bad gut feeling from Enji, so she turned her quirk on. She felt content from Nemuri, and hunger, but from Enji, it was lust, and other primal emotions from him. As they got closer, with one free hand, she got her phone out, and sent a text to Shouta.

Yuki: Stud, we ran into Endeavor, and he's helping us, but I had an uneasy feeling, so I used my quirk, and his was so lusty, and I'm scared stud I'm very scared. I'm not sure if it was for me or for 'Muri

Shouta: It's ok kitten, where are you? Are you close to the dorms?

Yuki: Yeah, should we go to yours instead?

Shouta: Yes, I'll be there in just a few

Yuki: I love you

Yuki motioned to Nemuri, to try and mouth to go to Shouta's dorm instead of hers. She was confused, but she understood. Once they arrived at the teacher dorms, they went to Shouta's.

"Hey kitten," Shouta said as he opened the door, with a towel around his waist and also shirtless, making Yuki almost drop all her bags.

"Yuki, are you ok," Nemuri asked, as she put some of her bags down, and tried not to laugh at her best friend.

"Yeah," Yuki said, turning red, "I just need some water," she giggled at her own joke, no one got it. After her attempt at a joke, Enji tried to help Yuki, but Shouta was closer, and he grabbed her bags effortlessly.

"So kitten, what's on the menu tonight," Shouta asked her, as they all put the groceries up, as well as Yuki's haul, seeing as they got some stuff from the strip mall.

"Well, seeing as it's almost fall, I was thinking of making a stew pot, so we got loads, I know we'll put a dent in it, and if not we can eat the leftovers later," Yuki said, as she started to prep some of the vegetables, "Can you also call and ask Shinso if he wants to join, and Eri?" She asked that, not wanting to stay around Enji longer, she was hoping if more people were near, he'd leave on his own.

"I sure can kitten, but do you need some help?"

"Yes please," she replied, as she felt Shouta behind her, protectively knowing she's uncomfortable near the number one hero, she was still shaking, it wasn't as bad as it was earlier.

"What's for desert, you promised some desert later," he whispered in her ear, making her shutter, and to also claim her from Endeavor. Sure Enji was after Yuki, but Shouta wasn't sure how bad he wanted her.

"Nemuri suggested you're favorite," Yuki said as she accidentally cut her hand, "Shit."

"Here," Shouta said as he gave her some paper towels. "Muri, can you get the first aid bag, it's in the bathroom."

"Sure, excuse me Endeavor," she said as she went past him.

"If you're bored Enji, you can go see Shoto," Yuki said, noticing his uneasiness.

"Oh, it's ok, but are you ok?"

"Yeah, it just hurts," Yuki said as Shouta tightened his grip around her. "I'm ok stud," she whispered to him, as she turned around and kissed his shoulder.

"I know kitten," Shouta said as he placed his head on hers.

"FOUND IT," Nemuri said as she came back, "Here you go," she said as she gave it to Shouta.

"Thank you 'Muri." As Shouta bandaged Yuki's hand, and after he was finished, he kissed her hand.

"There you go kitten, do you want me to finish prepping?"

"Sure, I'm gonna sit down, Nemuri takes shop til you drop seriously," she giggled out.

"Alright, kitten." As Shouta and Nemuri finished prepping, Enji and Yuki sat at the table Shouta had, and just watched them.

"So, how does your quirk work again," Enji asked, wanting to know more about her.

"It's emotional empathy," she explained, "If I over use it, I get very hungry, and I can feel up to twenty five people."

"That's interesting," he said, as he watched her.

"It's not much, but it's helpful."

"Kitten, do you wanna make the pudding?"

"Sure." As she got up to make some banana pudding, Enji watched her carefully, Yuki didn't notice, but Shouta did. He didn't like it, not at all. After a while, Enji's phone went off, and he left. All the weight lifted from Yuki's shoulders, even if it was for today.

"I'd thought he'd never leave," Nemuri sighed, as she sat down. Yuki broke down, whether he got to her nerves, or from her injury she wasn't sure. "What's the matter baby girl," Nemuri asked, concerned for her friend.

"Yeah, I used my quirk on the way home, and I got so scared 'Muri," Yuki sobbed out, as Shouta cradled her, trying to calm her down a bit.

"She wasn't sure if it was towards you or her, that's why we met here," Shouta added, as he finished for her. A few minutes after she cried through her feelings, she felt a bit better.

"How are you feeling kitten," Shouta asked, as he stared at her, unsure.

"Still scared, but for the moment, better."

"That's good, are you up to help finish? Most of the dinner's already done, there's just a few sides that need to be cooked," Nemuri asked, still wanting all the details from Yuki. Sure Shouta explained just fine, but she wanted Yuki's reasoning, so she didn't push it, yet.

"I should be, it might help to get my mind off him," Yuki said as she washed her hands, to finish the rice so she could make some onigiri, and some fresh vegetables too. She took a few deep breaths, to help clear her mind, so she could relax and go into one of her comfort zones. Yuki always felt comfortable cooking, something took over, she wasn't too sure, but if she wasn't a teacher, she would have been a chef. She always enjoyed working with her hands, whether it was knitting with her grandmother, or cooking with her mom, or even baking with her mom.

"Kitten, did you hear me?"

"What, I was spacing out," she let out a giggle, she always had a bad habit of spacing out cooking. It was something her mom had as well, deep in thought.

"It's ok, I'm just happy you're back to normal kitten," he chuckled out as he kissed her. After a few minutes, almost everything was ready, they just had to wait for everyone to come to Shouta's dorm, Shouta called Shinso, and Eri, just how Yuki asked, to see if they wanted something other than Lunch Rush's good cooking. Both of them arrived, just as Yamada too, already smelling the aroma from his dorm next door to Shouta's.

"I'm surprised you guys haven't asked Ishiyama to make your dorms into one," Yuki said, as she watched Yamada and Shouta, smiling at the pair.

"We tried, he said no and that we already caused enough problems," Yamada said laughing. With Nemuri, Yamada, Shouta, Shinso and Eri, Yuki felt safe, knowing this tight knit group would help protect her. Sure it's way too early for her to think this, but she felt as Shinso and Eri were her 'adoptive' children, with Shouta training Shinso, and her bond with Eri already. Nemuri was her sister, and Yamada the older brother she never wanted. As the group sat down, a few already at the table, and the overflow on Shouta's couch, she activated her quirk, she felt the same feeling from everyone, even more from her stud. As she was watching, she smiled fondly at the small family they had, content, safe, and enjoying all the chatter, Shouta was talking with Shinso about some school work, Yamada was with Eri and Nemuri, both of them was under Eri's spell, playing whatever game she made up. Yuki felt like the proud momma watching her kids playing, or eating dinner. She got up, to get the dirty dishes put up, to clean later, and just took in the view. Yuki didn't notice that Shouta got up, but she felt his arms wrap around her.

"What cha thinkin about kitten?"

"Enjoying the moment," she replied, as she rested her head against his. At that very moment, Eri was looking at her teacher, and Mr Aizawa, and she got really excited.

"Yay! Momma is feeling better," Eri blurted out, she didn't mean to call her teacher momma, but she got caught up in the moment as well. Eri admired Miss Fujita, just like she admired her mom, before everything went down and she left her.

"Aww, Eri dear," Yuki fawned over her. "Come here," she asked the child, wanting to lift her up into a hug. Eri thought she was in trouble, so she was hesitant to go to her. "You're not in trouble honey," Yuki reassured her.

"I'm not?" Eri asked, a little confused.

"No darling," she said as she lifted her up, hugging her.

"Yay!" Eri giggled as she wrapped her arms around her neck.

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