The Power Within (BTS FF)

بواسطة tinybangdamn

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"Will soulmate/soulmates will fill my emptiness and make me feel happy for real?" Choi (Y/N), a hero with pai... المزيد

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏𝟐

5.4K 238 9
بواسطة tinybangdamn

"All of the things you said are like a mask.
It hides the truth and rips me apart"

- I Need U, BTS

~✧☾✧ ~


Today is a very beautiful day. I'm excited now that I got to know Sohyun more. But also I'm curious what happened that time. Two days had passed since something fishy happened. Well it's fishy for me.


The rays of sunlight start to penetrate through the window. This make me woke up. What a sunshine day!

I sat up and look to my surroundings first before going to bathroom to do my routine. I finished my routine then look at the time.

5:00 AM

Oh I woke up early today. Who would not when one of your last piece is now at the dorm you are staying at. I left my room and go to the kitchen to find something to eat. But as I was going to the kitchen someone with overall black outfit walk towards me and holding a bag of something. But I can't see the face since it's covered by a mask. But I think this person is a girl since she's a little smaller than Jimin. She remove her mask and give the bag.

"Here since I know you're all hungry and don't let Seokjin cook, let him rest" (Y/N) said with monotonous voice

"(Y/N) wait, why are you being like this" someone yelled from the entrance door

When she heard the voice, she just half-smiled me and quickly walk to her room. I saw sweaty Yoongi hyung.

'Maybe he did jogging...but with that outfit?' I quietly think

"Hyung...what happened?" I asked

"Nothing" he said and quickly go to his room

It's the first time I ever saw hyung with mixed expression on his face. Wait... what if something terrible happened?

I immediately followed Yoongi hyung.

"Yoongi hyung did something happened?" I ask

I ask again as about to enter his room. But instead answering me he just shut the door in front of me.

I wonder what really happened. But when I open this topic to Yoongi hyung, he quickly divert it to other topic or just don't focus about it. And honestly it makes me more upset that he's doing that. He's not the straightforward Yoongi hyung that I know.

"Hoseok oppa, I'm ready now!" Sohyun said cutely

'Oh I became too occupied because of this' I quietly said to myself

"Then let's go!' I cheerfully said


It's Sunday and the bonding week just start. And now I don't know what to do. I need to start building my boundaries up but then where should I start? Should I just go out at enjoy my day? But then I still have some missions to look at and I still have some reports to do. I sighed then look at the time.

2:34 PM

I have decided to go outside and maybe walk to be more familiarize in the place I'll live in for a while.

I went to the bathroom to have a quick shower and about dress to overall black outfit again. But then, overall black might be too much for me to wear everyday so this time I wore white t-shirt with printed black rose in front of it, white knitted cardigan, dark blue ripped jeans and light brown timberland. I quickly go to dressing table to get my black hair tie, black cap and black mask.

I left my room and saw everyone are doing what they usually do. I left the house quietly and started to walk around. As I walk I saw that there's so many fancy houses here. I got bored so I came back to the café.

Well the café is still the same. It still smell a mix aroma of sweet dessert and strong coffee. I sit beside the stage again and saw the performer are having trouble. The same waiter went to me and she looked troubled.

"Did something happened?" I ask to the waiter

'What's gotten into you (Y/N)? Where did you get those confidence?' I said to myself while mentally facepalming

"Oh... actually... we're having trouble, the performer which is also our worker... she got fired earlier and we can't find a substitute to her" she said defeated

"Uhm... maybe I can do it? Miss Shinhye?" I ask looking at her name tag and stood up

"Really unnie? Omo, thank you very much!" She said and accompany me to the performer

"They are also workers here and since no one will perform today, we decided that they gave it a try since they also dream to be a performer" Shinhye, the waiter explained

"Oh and thank you Miss?" She add on

"(Y/N), Choi (Y/N)" I said

I started to sit beside them and also talk to them about what should we perform. I get to know them. The drummer is Minsoo, the pianist is Jungha which is the guy who is boosting Shinhye's mood the last time I came here, the bass guitarist is Jiho and lastly the guitarist is Doyoon.

"So how are you guys?" I ask

"We're kind of a little bit nervous" Doyoon said

"Why?" I ask

"Actually no one watch us when we perform... so it looks like we're just doing practice. Minhye is good, but sometimes she's off tuned. Maybe that's the reason why everyone don't watch us and much worse, don't come inside especially when we're performing" Jungha said while sighing

"Don't worry guys just do your best and imagine that we're just doing practice. Since you know all each other, it's enough for us to have more connection... just remember, enjoy the process and play with passion, okay?" I said confidently

We talked about what songs we'll perform. And after that we started performing. We performed and I can see their tension reside when they saw me more calmed. And the rest happened good.


We came to the cafe hyung always want to come in. They said that the drinks and pastries here are amazing. So we go inside and saw many people are watching. A group of men and one girl is performing in the front. And we can say she's really good. Her voice is soothing to ears.

"Hyungdeul (Brothers), we need to leave it's 7:00 already" the youngest said

"Yeah we should" the oldest said

We came out and go to the alleyway where we came from. But then unfortunately....

They are here

They are about to attack us when someone in our back talked

"You are all troublesome, aren't you?"

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