Why Me || T. Oikawa

By RinkRat0

178K 6.4K 7.2K

Tooru Oikawa appeared perfect on the surface. A pretty face, who was a volleyball star, got along perfectly w... More

Chapter 1: Whats So Special About Him?
Chapter 2: Oikawa Plays Volleyball!?
Chapter 3: Late Night Snack
Chapter 5: So That's How it's Gonna Be
Chapter 6: Family
Chapter 7: Unexpected Meetings
Chapter 8: Feelings
Chapter 9: Manager!?
Chapter 10: First Day
Chapter 11: Hang Out
Chapter 12: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Finals)
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17: Careers
Chapter 18: First-Year Manager
Chapter 19: Fukurōdani Academy!?
Chapter 20: Mad Dog
Chapter 21: Beach Vacation (Part 1)
Chapter 22: Beach Vacation (Part 2)
Chapter 23: Sleepovers
Chapter 24: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 1)
Chapter 25: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 2)
Chapter 26: Shiritorzawa vs. Karasuno
Chapter 27: Mia Fujisaki
Chapter 28: Divisions
Chapter 29: I'm Sorry...
Chapter 30: Sick Day
Chapter 31: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 32: A Dysfunctional Christmas
Chapter 33: New Years'!
Chapter 34: A Failed Confession
Chapter 35: Finding Y/n
Chapter 36: Shiritorizawa
Chapter 37: Home
Chapter 38: First Date
Chapter 39: Chaos
Chapter 40: The End Is Nearing
Chapter 41: Graduation And Goodbyes

Chapter 4: This is Who You Really Are F/n L/n

7.2K 244 392
By RinkRat0

 No POV:  

   School lately has been killing you. You have 3 huge projects to do, but are you gonna do them, No. Too much work and too much effort.   

   Anyway, it was currently a Saturday evening and you and Ami were waiting outside the boy's locker room so you, Ami, Matsukawa, Makki, and Iwaizumi could hang out. It was going to be chaos. You all were going to the mall. Whenever you went to the mall together you ended up pantsing all the mannequins in the clothing stores. Even you found that enjoyable. You really enjoyed looking at all the bulges. Even if it was all just plastic. 

   Over your time at Saijoh, you had become really close to the 3 idiots and Iwaizumi too of course. You were closest to Ami and Iwaizumi, but the other 2 were still really fun. 

   Because it was a Saturday none of Oikawa's fangirls were there. So you got to avoid that headache, but Oikawa was still here so you still weren't happy. Plus you had to hide the fact that you were all spending the day together from Oikawa, because if he knew he would want to go with all of you too. 

   As the door to the locker room opens you and Ami raise your heads. Iwaizumi, Makki, and Matsukawa all looked like they were in a big hurry. They walk down to the two of you really quickly and you all group up. 

   "Come on let's get out of here before Shittykawa gets done changing," Iwaizumi said. He begins to walk away but right on cue Oikawa walks out and looks over at you 5. 

   "Well if it isn't Shorty," Oikawa said looking down at you leaning on the railing and standing on the platform right outside the locker rooms. "What are you doing here?" He asks. 


   "Oh, I get it! You just couldn't wait to see me~" He says smugly. 

   "Trust me I could wait forever to see you."

   "So mean Shorty!" He yells. After a moment he looks around at all of you. Why are they all together? Oikawa asks himself. You had no reason to be, right?

   "Come on guys let's just go," You say beginning to walk away. Oikawa widens his eyes in realization. 


   "That's exactly what we're doing Shittykawa," Iwaizumi bluntly states. 

   "That's just rude!" Oikawa says, now pouting. 

   "It's not rude, we just didn't want you to ruin the vibe," You say. At this point, you were just trying to make him upset. It was fun for you.   

   "I wouldn't ruin the vibe! I'm a very pleasant person to be around," Oikawa says, crossing his arms in front of his chest like a child.    

   "Wow, that's the biggest load of shit that's ever come out of your mouth," You state, rolling your eyes. 

   "HEY!!!!" Oikawa yells. He's obviously had enough of you. He couldn't understand why his friends would want to hang out with you instead of him. He had known them for a lot longer, especially Iwa. He didn't like the fact that they gravitated towards you now. He felt left out and it kind of stung. He wasn't gonna let them go without a fight though. "Ok, I'll just come with you and prove to you that I'm fun to be around!" Oikawa finishes, with a smile on his face, but your expression turns to one of absolute horror.     

   "That's not necessary Oikawa..."    

   "Yes, it is." 

   "I believe you ok. You're great. Now leave us alone." 

   "Too late, I made up my mind," He says. You knew that there was absolutely no way you could convince him not to go, so you gave in. 

   "Ok fine, just don't be annoying," Masukawa says. 

   "When have I ever been annoying," Oikawa says, being his usual prideful self.    

   "Is he serious," Makki asks turning to Iwa. 

   "Sadly," Iwa says with a frown on his face. 

   "So mean Iwa-chan," Oikawa whines. Iwaizumi hated it when he got all whinny. 

   "Shut up Crapykawa!" Iwaizumi yells. As soon as he says that Oikawa shuts up. This is usually about the time that Iwaizumi would hit him and he wasn't in the mood for that. It was in his best interest to shut up. 

   "It's ok guys! The more the merrier, right? And Oikawa-san can be fun! He'll be a good addition to the group," Ami says, opening her mouth for the first time this whole conversation. She didn't like conflict, even minor ones. Yes she could be an absolute crackhead, but she hated it when her friends were upset. 

   "It's settled then, I'm coming along," Oikawa says walking down the stairs that lead down from the locker rooms and walking past all of you. 

   "Other way Trashykawa, we're going to the mall," Iwaizumi yells out to him.

   "Right!" Oikawa turns around and begins to walk in the other direction, passing you guys for the second time.       

   You let out an annoyed sigh and follow him off campus along with the others. You weren't in the mood for this, but at least you get to hang out with the others. Maybe you can just ignore him and hope he doesn't talk to you. That should work, right. Wrong. 

   As your group was walking along the street to the mall, you feel someone's eyes on you. You and Oikawa had been lagging behind the rest of the group. You look up and see the brown-haired boy staring at you. 

   He has a big staring problem, doesn't he? You ask yourself. Well, it was more of a statement. 

   "Why are you staring at me Flattykawa," You say, making eye contact with him. 

   "HEY! Quit calling me that!" 

   "If you quit calling me Shorty," You respond. Oikawa pauses to think for a minute then he goes back to talking. 

   "You know it's not the worst thing you can call me," He states breaking eye contact with you can looking ahead at the rest of the group. 

   "You never answered my question," You say. You can see him tense up a little bit at your words. 

   "I was just thinking," He says. 

   "About what?" You ask, now curious as to what was on his mind. 

   "It was nothing important."

   "Well if it was nothing important then why would you be staring at me," You say, backing him into a corner. There was no way he could get out of this one. 

   "You just confuse me."

   "Oh?" You question, signaling for him to continue.    

   "You just don't really act like a girl," He says. At that, you pause for a minute. You couldn't decide if you should be angry or concerned that he was this stupid. 

   "I'm amazed that you got as far with the female gender as you did," You retort, rolling your eyes. This boy is a complete idiot. 

   "Hey, what's that supposed to mean," He pouts. 

   "It means you know nothing about girls." 

   "My beautiful fans would disagree!" 

   "That's because they can't see through your facade." And that's when he realized why you were so different from other girls. You saw straight through him, without him even noticing. The whole time you knew it was a mask. No one has ever been able to see through him like that before. 

   His eyes widen and his jaw almost drops. He was in utter shock. 

   "Let me guess," You begin, "You had no idea that I knew, did you?" He doesn't answer he just looks at the ground. Not out of self-pity or disgrace, but out of shock and confusion.

   You took his silence as confirmation. The two of you continued to follow the group in complete silence. That was until Oikawa decided to speak to you once more. 

   "When did you figure it out," He asked, still looking at the ground. You glance up at him. 

   "The first day I met you. Your simile was so fake it made me want to throw up," You say. Now he was looking at you again. This time it was right in the eyes, but for some reason, it felt different. Like the real, him was seeing you. As if it was the first time. 


   "I don't know. I guess I just have that ability." You say. Both of you are now looking ahead at the others. After another long silence, you are the one to talk first this time. "That's why I don't like talking to you very much."

   "Oh," he responds, curious as to what you are going to say next. 

   "I have no interest in getting to know the fake you," you begin. For that moment, All of Oikawa's attention was on you. "Now the real you... that's a whole different story." Oikawa couldn't believe what he was hearing. No one had ever wanted to know the real him before. You were the first girl to ever tell him something like that. Every other girl only wanted to know the face he put on. They only wanted to see the good and none of the bad. They made him feel like he had to be perfect, but with you, it was different. 

   And for some strange reason, when you said those words, he couldn't help but feel warm inside. 

   He wanted to say something to you, but he couldn't find the words. You took his voice right from him. After a few minutes of silence, he finally goes to talk to you again. 

   "I-" He begins but is interrupted by another voice.   

   "F/n-chan, Oikawa-san, hurry up!" Ami yells at the two of you. Apparently, you guys had been lagging behind a bit too much. 

   The two of you regroup with the others and you all walk together for the rest of your journey. The conversation was really light-hearted, but Oikawa wasn't listening at all. All he could think about was the words you had spoken to him. You noticed that he was being quiet, but didn't say anything. You figured it would be best to leave him alone for now. 

   Once you guys arrived at the mall you all looked around the spots area. The boys were looking at kneepads and volleyball gear, while you were walking with Ami and looking at the clothing. 

   As soon as you were far enough away from the boys Ami sparked a conversation with you. 

   "So what were you and Oikawa talking about?" She asked looking over at you with curiosity. 

   "Why do you want to know?" You respond with another question. You always did this when you wanted to avoid the subject.  

   "Well you two were talking for a while and I didn't hear much screaming and arguing, so I was curious as to what was said," She smiles at you with that innocent smile of hers. It was very different from Oikawa's. His was fake, but hers was actually genuine. 

   "It was nothing important," You say, handing her some pants that looked like her style. 

   "There you go again, dodging the question," She says, taking the par of pants from your grasp. 

   "Why do you mean? I'm not dodging anything," You respond, as you follow her into the shirts section. 

   "Ya, whatever you say F/n-chan," She says, turning around and playfully flicking you in the head. 

   "HEY!" You yell as you chase her around the store ready to beat her sorry ass. 

   While that was going on the boys were trying on volleyball shoes and having a conversation of their own. 

   "Hey, Trashykawa," Iwaizumi asks to get the brown-haired boy's attention. 

   "Oh come on Iwa-chan I didn't do anything this time," Oikawa whines as he takes off his shoes to try on the new ones. 

   "What were you can F/n talking about?" Iwaizumi asks, completely ignoring Oikawa's previous statement. Oikawa's expression goes serious when Iwaizumi brings up the conversation between the two of you. 

   "It was nothing."

   "Bullshit Crapykawa. Tell me the truth," Oikawa stays silent for a moment, and then he decides that Iwaizumi is his best friend, and it's ok to tell him. 

   "She said she didn't like me." 

   "Well, no shit. Man, you gotta be really stuck up to think that everyone likes you."

   "No, it's not that. She said that she didn't like me because she didn't like the fact that I put on a face. She said that she wants to get to know the real me and not just some mask." Iwaizumi was so shocked he couldn't move. He didn't think anyone would ever say that to you, and a girl no less. "I don't know, but when she said it, I didn't know how to react. No girl ever wanted to get to know the real me before." Iwaizumi may have been shocked but he was also happy for Oikawa. 

   Maybe Oikawa actually found someone, Iwa thought. 

   Iwaizumi picked up his things and began to walk away. He found the shoes that fit him. But before he left the area he slapped Oikawa on the back. 

   "Just don't screw anything up with her," Iwa said as he walked off.

   'Don't screw anything up with her'? What does he mean by that? Oikawa thought as he watched Iwaizumi's retreating figure. Then he looked over at you. It looked like you were trying to kill Ami. 

   Oikawa let out a sigh. He couldn't help feel comfort in your presence, even if you were slightly abusive. Was it because of what you said to him or was it something else? He couldn't understand this feeling. 

   After a long time in the shops, you guys decided to get some food in the eating area. After all of you got your food you sat at a round table together, you began to eat. To your left was Ami and to your right was Oikawa. 

   As you ate all of you talked and just had a good time. Unless Oikawa said something, then all of you attacked him. Just for the fun of it. 

   "Wait, Ami, you're on the swim team?" You question, shocked to hear she was a swimmer. 

   "Yup, and I'm really good!" She exclaimed excitedly. 

   "Wow L/n you're her friend and you didn't know that?" Makki says in a teasing tone.

   "Hey, I haven't known any of you for very long so shut up," You respond defensively. As soon as you spoke, the only thing Oikawa is paying attention to was you.

   "That's fair, but you hang out all the time so you should at least know that," Matsukawa states. You roll your eyes at him. He was right but you weren't gonna admit it. 

   "No one asked you." 

   "Aww is Shorty getting all defensive~," Oikawa teases, which annoys the shit out of you.

   "At least my ass isn't falt as a door," You say with complete confidence. 

   "Ok, well no one asked you."

   "Aww is Flattykawa getting all defensive~?"

   "...ok that's just mean." Everyone was laughing at this point with the exception of Oikawa. 

   "Wow, nice one L/n-san," Iwa said. 

   "That was harsh L/n" Matsukawa stated. 

    After a few more minutes you all finished eating and began your journey home. The whole time Oikawa couldn't take his eyes off of you. You let it slide this time. You were too tired to confront him. 

   Once everyone started going in their respective directions you and Oikawa were left alone again. 

   For a long time, he didn't say anything. He just went from looking at you to looking down the street. Eventually, you got tired of the silence. 

   "Why are you so quiet all of the sudden. I mean I'm not complaining, the peace is nice and all, but still I'm kind of worried," You say looking up at him. 

   "No girl has wanted to get to know the real me before," He says. This shocks you a little bit, but you keep your expression neutral. 

   "Well, you said it yourself, I don't act like other girls," You say and give him a genuine and kind simile. He begins to blush. He couldn't help but think you had a beautiful smile. 

   He laughs to himself a little. 

   "What's so funny?" You ask him, and for the first time, he gives you a real smile and not the fake smile he put on for everyone else. 

   "That was the first time I saw you smile L/n," He says, still grinning. 

   "And this is the first time I saw you smile for real," You say. Oikawa then realizes that he had let his guard down without even knowing. 

   "Well, I'm home now so I'll see ya at school," You say and begin to walk to your door. Oikawa had walked you all the way to your apartment and not just the street as usual. As your about to walk into your home something falls out of your back pocket. 

   It was your wallet. Oikawa notices and then picks it up before you can get to it. He goes to give it back to you, but a piece of paper falls out. He picks it up and takes a look at it. It was a picture of you. 

   It was then that everything came to him. The reason that he recognized your name. The picture in his hand was an image of you playing volleyball. Your number was 2 and your team said... Japan. 

   He remembered you now. You were the superstar setter from Tokyo. You were recruited to the Junior World Team in your first year of high school, but you disappeared from the volleyball world at the end of your 2nd year. He admired you for years. You were the person he looked up to most.  

   "Japan's number 2..." He said. Your eyes widen at his words. You quickly snatch your picture and wallet back. You then grab him by the shirt and pull him down to eye level. 

   "If you tell anyone you're dead. You hear my Oikawa." 


Hi, guys thank you so much for reading. I love all of you. I had a lot of fun writing this one. Now the story can actually begin!!!!!!! Ya, these first chapters were just an introduction 😅✨. I can't wait to write more💛💛💛💛. There's so much I want to do and imma do all of it. 

I hope ya'll enjoyed.         

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