The Empathetic Eraserhead

By PBUnicorn

5.1K 143 21

This story takes place in the My Hero Academia universe and after Eri gets rescued. Yukina Fujita is the newe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chatper 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note

Chapter 22

104 2 2
By PBUnicorn

      Once they got back to her dorm, Yuki went to give Yuzui her dinner, seeing as it was around seven thirty, she thought her baby girl would be hungry.

"So stud, you love me," she asked as she got something started for their dinner, figuring that he was getting hungry as well.

"Yeah, it feels like we've been together forever," he said as he helped her cook dinner. "You just understand me so well kitten,"he said as he was chopping some vegetables.

"I'm glad it's not just me," Yuki said as she kissed his shoulder. As they prepared their dinner, they worked in harmony, they knew what the other needed to do, like they've been doing this for years, rather than just a few weeks.

"I'm going to save some for Eri, she wanted to try our cooking. I want to also go to the store tomorrow, make some sweets," Yuki said as she put some aside for her young student.

"Alright, can you pick something up for me?"

"Of course stud, what is it?"

"Some more juice packets, my stash is getting low," he replied as he scratched his head, looking at his finished dinner, remembering what else he needed to pick up.

"Oh, I noticed, so I have a bulk," Yuki said as she went to one of her concerts, and got the big box of juice pouches she just got last week. "I got them last week."

"God you're amazing," he said as he got up to kiss her.

"I try stud," she said smirking, "Plus I saw that you were getting low so I wanted to get you some more, I know how you love them."

"You're trying to spoil me aren't you," he asked as he stared at her questionably.

"Possibly," she smirked, looking proud at her action.

"I love you kitten."

"Love you too stud."

"Did you also get more coffee creamer by chance," Shouta started to ask, "I ran out yesterday."

"Of course, it's in the fridge, along with a surprise," Yuki said as she smiled, remembering the present she got him.

"You got me something else," he asked confused.

"Of course stud," she smirked at him. "I wanna try and spoil you every once and awhile. "

"Remind me to thank you later," he whispered in her ear, as Yuzuki jumped up, wanting attention from the pair.

"Why wait."

In the morning, Yuki woke up to a call from Nemuri, wanting to go out for the day, shopping and to catch up, since Nemuri was at her agency for a while.

"Sure, when did you want to go out babe," Yuki asked as she got up to get dressed.

"How about a few minutes. I'm almost ready, are you?"

"Yeah, let me tell Sho," she replied blushing. She still needed to tell her about their date, and everything.

"Ohhh, you have to tell me later," Nemuri gushed, wanting more details.

"In due time babe," she smirked, as she put on a cami, and an over shirt. "I meet you in the common room," Yuki said as she hung up.

"Morning kitten, who was that," he asked as he sat up, waking Yuzuki from her slumber on his chest.

"Nemuri, she wants to have a girls day. We're fixing to leave," Yuki said as she heard Nemuri at the door. "Oh yeah, she's my neighbor," Yuki giggled out, forgetting that. "Coming!" Yuki yelled to Nemuri, as she kissed Shouta, before she got her pocketbook. "I'll text you later stud."

"Be careful, there's still Nomu out there."

"Will do, oh that reminds me, can you train me too, my quirk doesn't 't help with combat, so if something was to happen, I'd have no self-defence."

"Sure, that might be some fun," Shouta chuckled.

"Thank you stud," Yuki said as she watched him getting up. she guessed to take a shower or get some leftovers. As the two women went shopping, Shouta decided to get some work done, he meant to yesterday, but other plans happened.

Endeavor's Point Of View

"Endeavor, sir," one of his sidekicks intruded him. "Someone saw a woman with Midnight at the mall. They said she looked like the woman from the other night."

"About time," he sighed out. "Did they find out her name?"

"No, not yet, but someone's tailing them as we speak."

"Good, where did you say they were at," he asked as he went to the door, to go see her again.

"The strip mall, not too far away," the sidekick said as he went after his boss. As Endeavor left, he went to the strip mall, to look for that woman. He couldn't keep her out of his thoughts. He wasn't sure what he liked about her, but she was so small, he would tear her apart. "She will be mine," he mumbled to no one in particular. Once he was outside, he inhaled the fresh air, and started to the mall, he wasn't sure, other than wanting to rip her apart, why he was so desperate for this woman but he was. No he needed her, something primal took over. It was like she was his prey, and he wanted her. Weather or not, Yuki was going to be his, even if he had to kill someone or not. Once he arrived at the mall, he was searching for the women. He was also searching for Midnight, since she was a little taller than his shorty.

Yuki and Nemuri went through so many stores, catching up, and shopping. Somehow Nemuri talked herself into dinner with herself and Shouta, along with Yamada. Enji finally found Nemuri and the woman, they were coming out of some store, and talking about a night in with a home cooked meal, between the four of them. Enji was a bit confused, who else were they talking about, and could he crash it.

"Good afternoon ladies," he said behind them, scaring the smaller one a bit, he guessed she was timid, or scared easily.

"Oh, hey Endeavor," the smaller woman said, as she smiled at him.

"Hey hot head," Midnight chuckled at him.

"Didn't I see you at the Towers the other night," Enji asked her, he was trying to get her to talk to him a bit more.

"I think so," she said, trying to recall if they met or not.

"Eraserhead and I talked, after you went somewhere, I believe," he said, trying to help her recall.

"Oh! You're right, I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to talk more, I'm Yukina," she said as she offered her hand.

"Enji Todoroki," he said, as he took her hand, he finally found out her name.

"I'm sorry, Enji, but we have some ice cream and some other frozen goods, so I hate to leave so hastily," Yukina said, as she motioned to the bags that they had, he failed to notice them earlier.

"Oh, let me help you," he offered, taking some of the non frozen bags, still wanting to be near her.

"I think we have most of it Endeavor," Midnight said, trying to get the bags from him.

"It wouldn't be gentlemanly of me to let two young beautiful women struggle with heavy bags now would it Midnight," he tried to argue.

"'Muri, he does have a point, and UA is a bit aways," Yukina said to Midnight, giving into the added help.

"Fine," she sighed out. "You can help."

"Thank you," Enji said, smiling at the both of them. "So Yukina, where do you work," he asked as he tried to get more on her.

"Oh, I teach at UA with 'Muri," she said, uneasy about the attention on her.

"Which subject?"

"None of them, I'm Eri's teacher," she said, as he was confused again. Who the hell was Eri?


"The little girl that Aizawa helped save, along with Fat Gum and the others, was in the news a while ago," Nemuri answered for Yukina.

"Oh, that's right, I remember now," he said as he tried to convince them. They weren't fooled, he has no idea what they were talking about.

"Sure big guy," Nemuri said, giggling at something. As they were walking, Enji was regretting walking to the strip mall, he wanted to drive his new car. As the three of them walked back to the school, Enji was pretty quiet, mostly listening to the girls, and staring at Yukina.

Yuki's Point of View

Yuki and Nemuri had to stop at the gate, to get a visitor's pass. It usually took a while, but since they had Endeavor with them, the current number one hero, it went very quick.

"So, how's Shoto," Enji asked about his son.

"He almost burnt down the dorms yesterday," Yuki said, remembering the incident.

"What? I can pay for the damages," he offered, trying to make up for his son's accident.

"Oh, he froze the fire before it could spread further. But he is a bit helpless with cooking," Yuki giggled out.

"What was he cooking?" Nemuri asked, she didn't tell her that earlier.

"Brownies. In his defence he said he didn't make any before, and wanted to try. If he only used the oven, and not his quirk, it would have been easier." Yuki sighed out.

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