Are You Kidding Me?!!

By theleopardwriter

94.4K 2.9K 700

[COMPLETED] This is the story of Alexandra. Alex is a teenager who wants to live a happy, unbothered life an... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New story

Chapter 11

2.5K 95 19
By theleopardwriter

I heard the door bell ring, letting me know about the arrival of her. I took my phone, keys and wore sneakers.

I went down stairs and open the door seeing a very bored Ashley. Her blonde hair were down, she was wearing white top and denim shorts. I could see her toned stomach, result of her cheerleading practice. Damn! Those legs.

I heard her clear her throat "Hello Princess", I said looking at her, she just glared me with her killing eyes. Yeah she caught me checking her out. Then she smirked.

"Finally, you recognize me for who I am, Let's go" she smirked, walking towards the car.

I locked the door and went to her car. It was Mercedes C 300d. I rolled my eyes, spoiled brat

I sat inside and looked at her as she started the car. "And who are you?" I asked.

"A princess" she answered with a fake plastered smile.

...Yeah, a rich spoiled princess.

I rolled my eyes. I totally forgot she's living in her own fairytale.

"Where are we going?" I changed the topic.

"Well, I'm hungry so a restaurant" she said

"Are you taking me on a date?" I smirked

She scoffed, " Ew! Date and with you? Never."

I was looking outside the window, thinking about Octavia. Was she hurt? By my feelings or words. Her lips were magical tho. Tomorrow's gonna be so different . "Trust me, the feeling's mutual"

She looked at me, "you're blind then, everyone wants to date me. I bet you're in denial and you've a crush on me"

I looked at her and started laughing, " oh my god", she looked at me as I'm a alien, " I can't believe you even thought that" I shook my head.

"Oh please, no can resist me" she scoffed

I sighed, tired of this stupid conversation. I didn't say anything after that as my mind started wandering around.

Ashley parked the car. I looked at the building, it was made of glass, reflecting glass.

We went inside the restaurant and I took in the surrounding. It was luxurious.

People were dining, soft music in the background, I think it was Beethoven. I looked at people and I was underdressed, not that I care.

The waitress came and greeted us. Ashley takes to her and she showed us our seat. This was an expensive restaurant.

We took our seat and ordered the food first.

"How did you manage to make reservation in such a short time?" I asked

She stared at me, " My dad owns it" she replied

I nodded in response. It wasn't a surprise, they are millionaire.

The waitress came, wrote down as we ordered our food. Then she left.

"Do you know it isn't just an alliance?" She asked, rhetorically

I raised an eyebrow in confusion

She sighed, "Your parents were at my house the other day and I overheard them talking about our wedding. They were really excited and happy"

Wait is she really considering this?

"What wedding?" I asked nonchalantly

She looked at me. Yep she's getting pissed "you're kidding right?" She scoffed

"Noopee" I answered, making a straight face, staring in her eyes. I swear I'll drown in them right there.

She crossed her arms "Explain"

"What's there to explain? There's no 'wedding' happening. Atleast not between me and you." I explained

"Are you kidding me? This is great. I looked into it, the alliance is great. It'll benefit both of us business wise and personally too." She replied

"Oh really, tell me how" Now I was getting pissed.

The waitress came with our food. I said thank you before she left us

" I will get what I want, you'll get companies, money whatever you want, our parents will be happy. What's there to lose? It's a win-win" She explained

She was getting on my nerves. I clenched my jaw and tried to calm myself down. "Look Ashley, you don't know a shit about me, you don't know what I want so stop being a selfish bitch and manipulate me by making it about me and 'parents' happiness. I don't even need any of my parent's money let alone of this so-called alliance. It's my fucking life, not theirs not yours, hell you aren't even a part of it. So stay the fuck away from me." I spatted.

She was caught off guard and looked at me with shocked look.

I stood up, took the cash out of my pocket and kept it on table

I looked at her "thanks for the food"

Then I left, who the hell does she think she is?!

I looked for my car near in the parking lot

I suddenly remembered Ashley gave me ride.

I sighed and book an Uber. I walked a bit and saw my Uber pulling up.

I got in and he started driving to my house.

I started thinking about what we talked. She has a boyfriend and still wants to do this. Unbelievable.

I used to think she was just a spoiled princess, but now a manipulator too.

It's no use thinking about her. I just have to have a proper conversation with my parents regarding it. I doubt they'll listen to me.

I sighed. I just want to live in peace, where can I get peace.

I heard my phone ringing. I took it out and saw the caller id, Ashley

I saved her number when she called before, asking me to talk.

I declined the call and switched off my phone.

The driver pulled up as I reached my house. I paid him, took out my keys and went inside.

I looked at the at kitchen, living room. No one was there. It was silent but more lonely.

I don't know why my parents got a big house when no one's really at home.

Now they're trying to sell me off. They have money, why want more?

It's not twentieth century where they can just decide someone for me to spend the rest of my life.

I shook my head and went to couch. I turned on the screen in front of me, took the game controller and started playing the game.

You don't really get what you want. Sometimes you get the opposite of what you want.

I wanted peace, but now have too much drama.

I sighed and continue killing the zombies.

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