Legacies aren't Legacies Anym...

By lawstudentdropout

115K 2.7K 2.1K

What would happen, if one day while at the Salvatore Boarding School, there was another monster attack. But t... More

|| Playlist ||
|| When Shit hit the Fan || Summary ||
The day it all happened.
Act 1. Season 1.
We pulled a Barry Allen. Bloody hell.
Look's like everything is not in Hell yet. The comets still coming.
Friday Night Bites. It's an Annual Thing Now.
History Repeating (Episode 9) ~~ Part 1
History Repeating ~~ Part 2
History Repeating ~~ Part 3
The-- Ah shit. Looks like theres another vampire on the loose.
Bloodlines With the Original Family
The Explanation
Totally off topic... but...
Lizzie. Stop. Being. A. Bitch.
Return to Unpleasentville.
Return to Unpleasentville ~ Part 2
Rose's are Beautiful
The Myth, The Legend, The Baddest Bitch of Them All, Katerina Petrova
The 'Sun and Moon Curse'. That's what this is. Sure.
Great. The Towns Full of Werewolves. And Ironically Hope's in the Cresent City.
Self-Sacrifice. What Hope Does Best.
Whole Family Issues
As we Lay Dying, Our Life Flashes Before our Eyes
Act 2. Season 3.
Happy Birthday. Not. We live in Mystic Fall, you Idjits.
The Tribrid Who Seems to love Self-Sacrifice.
Holy Shit. Stefan was in a love triangle with my Dad and my aunt. Ew.
Who the hell acts like that?
The Second Reckoning. Oh, who am I kiding? There' been like 10.
It smells like hell. We're all going to hell.
"Ordinary" People
"Ordinary" People ~~ Part 2
Happy Homecoming
Happy Homecoming 2.0
Homecoming 3.0
The New, New Deal.
NOT A NEW CHAPTER (i am so so so sorry but this might be good news!)

Another generation of the Children of the Damned.

2.6K 64 42
By lawstudentdropout

~~Hope's POV~~

I wake up in my room of the Salvatore Boarding house, ready for the next day.

Or, I would be, if Damon hadn't marched into my room at like 3 in morning.

~~Flashback~~3:00 A.M. in the Morning~~

"Wake Hopey!" Damon yells, barging into my room.

I begrudgingly wake up, to find Damon standing at the end of my bed. Damn vamp speed.

"What do you want at..." I check the clock, "3 A.M. Damon?"

"I wanna know how you knew about my mom 'being alive'." He said, putting quotes around 'being alive'. I guess he doesn't believe me yet.

"Magic powers?" I say, trying to get him off my trail.

"Nope. It's more than that, and we both know it."

I sigh.

"Alright. Yes, it's more than that. But to tell you, we would need the twins too."

"Fair enough."

Damon grabs my arm and pulls me up from my oh-so comfy spot on my bed.

We walk towards the twins room, and just enter. No knock, no nothing. Just barging in.

"Wake up!" Damon pretty much yells at them.

I walk towards the twins beds.

While Josie wakes up, Lizzie grabs my hand, siphons my magic, and throws damon against the wall.

I laugh.

"Lizzie, while that was awesome, we kinda need you to wake up."

That gets me throw against the wall.

"Karma from laughing Hopey." Damon tells me from his spot against the wall.

" prohibere ,Να σταματήσει" I say my own spell, so me and Damon can get off the wall.

"Why didn't you hand glow Hope?" Damon asks me.

I give him a puzzling look.

"Like Lizzie's did."

"Oh! That's part of the explination coming up Damon."

"Of course it is."

"Surgit, Ξύπνα" I say, making it so Lizzie wakes up. Man, I love magic.

"Bitch." She says to me, sleep still in her voice.

"Jerk." I tell her back.

"I hate you."

"I love you too, Lizzie."

"Ok! Now that, whatever that was, is done, can we start talking?" Damon asks us.

"What do you want to talk about?" Josie asks Damon, kind as always.

"How the hell Hope here," He said, pointing at me, "knew my Mom was alive before I did."

Josie looks my way, eyes wide.

"Magic powers?" She trys to play off.

"Not good enough. I tried that already." I tell her.

"Where did you even find this out Hope?" Damon asks me.

"Well, you have to promise me you won't run off."

"I promise. Now tell me." He said sarcastically.

"Stefan Salvatore's journals..."

He goes to vamp speed away, but I stop him with my magic.

"You didn't let me finish. Future Stefan Salvatore's journals."

Damon laughs.

"Your trying to tell me time travel?"


"Where would be your proof?"

"Yeah. We do."

I think about it for a minute before telling him.

"We know that your the one that ends up with Elena." I say quickly.





"And Elena."


"End up together?"

"Yeah. That's what I said. And, now you two have a daughter." Josie adds on.

"But vampires can't..."

"We never said you were vampires anymore, Damon." I tell him.


"The cure."


After a minute, he asks, "What did we name her?"

"Stefanie. She is mine and Josies cousin." Lizzie tells him.

"Why and how?"

"These two are the kids of Caroline Forbes and Alaric Saltzman."

"Oh, you know, that makes sense. Especially with Lizzie being a carbon copy of Caroline. Other than that, not much is making sense. And who are you the kid of then Hope?"

"Well, I'm the kid of people you have never meet before, but will, and kinda hate, and we if your questioning how we know each other, we went ti the same school. The Salvatore School."

"The Salvatore School?" Damon asks us.

"Yeah, you gifted it to Caroline and Alaric to make into a school for supernatural creatures."

"So, witches and vampires?"

"And werewolfs."

Damon laughs.

"Werewolfs? They have been dead a long time."

"No, they haven't Damon."

"And how would you know?" Damon asks us.

Because he doesn't believe me, I showed him my eyes.

"Wow. Are you a werewolf? And a witch?" Damon asks me.

"And a vampire."

"But, again I will say, vampire's can't have children. I have said it before, and I will say it again. I get the cure thing for me and Elena, but you?"

"I am a long story, thats for sure. I don't feel like really getting into it right now."

"Bad story or bad parents?"

"Great parents that have done horrible things, which most people hate."

"Fair enough. So why do the twins hands glow?"

"They aren't normal witches. They are what is called siphoner witches, from the Gemini coven."

"Is that why they are twins?"

They twins laugh a little.

"Yes, and no at the same time." Josie tells him.

"The Gemini coven is known for twins, hence the gemini, and they are the leaders of their coven." Lizzie fills in.

"But there of course can't be two leaders. So, the twins go through a thing called the merge when they are 22. They become one person, kinda." Josie adds.

"The twin with more power wins, and they get a few of the other twins better traits."

"That's horrible." Damon admits. "Even I wouldn't do that. I didn't know witches could be so sick."

"Wait till I tell you the story of me almost being sacrificed the day I was born." I joke.

"What?!?" Damon asks.

I laugh. "True, long story."

"Can we go back to bed now?" Lizzie asks us.

"I think that's a good idea. We can talk about this more, later. It's only 3:30, and we have school. Good night Damon." I say, getting up and walking out of the twins bedroom.

~~Flashback Over~~

So, now I am getting up for school, Damon knowing some of the story. A little bit of weight off my chest.

We have another person who knows what happened and can help us.

So, now, again, Damon showed up in my room and drags me out by my arm.

He sat me down at the end of Stefan's bed, Stefan and Elena in the bed.

We makes us sit there until they wake up.

When, they do, they do some loviey-dovey couply things. Disgusting.

Then, Damon being Damon decided to ruin their moment.

"Rise and shine, sleepyheads."

"I swear, he dragged me into this." I say after he said that.

They both look up at us quickly and pull the covers up heigher.

"Damon! Hope! Please!" Elena says while Stefan says, "What are you two doing?"

"Oh, stop being smutty." Damon tells them.

"Seriosuly, get out of here! Both of you!" Stefan tells us. But, Damon being Damon...

"If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it." Damon tells his brother.

I resist the urge to laugh.

"Now listen, we have some very important business to discuss."

"And it has to be right now?" Elena asks Damon.

"I guess. At least he didn't wake you two up at 3, like he did with me and the twins to talk." I say, while glaring at Damon.

Damon gives me the finger before continuing.

"Well, we have lots to do, now that we're all friends and working towards a common goal." Damon points out.

"Then why is Hope here?" Stefan asks Damon.

"Yeah, why am I here?" I ask Damon.

"We need a witch. Guess who is a witch." Damon says, motioning towards me.

"In order to open the tomb, we need to find the journal, to get the grimoires to open the spells. First things first-- since you are Elena Gilbert, you're on journal duty." Damon says, putting emphisis on Gilbert.

"Since when am I helping?" Elena asks.

"Well, Stefan's helping, and you've taken up residence in Stefan's bed, ergo..."

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do." Stefan tells Elena.

"I'll look for it tonight." Elena tells Damon.


"How do we know that this journal will hold the location of the grimoire?We're really going to take the word of this vampire? He seemed like a bit of a dimwit." Stefan asks and points out.

"In lieu of any other options." Damon tells his brother.

"Ok, what exactly is a grimoire, anyway?" Elena asks.

"It's a witch's cookbook." Damon tells Elena.

I smack his arm.

"Elena, a grimoire is what a witch might keep their spells in, or potions, so they don't have to memorize it all. They could even have what herbs might do, supernaturally, like the vervain to harm vampires or wolfsbane to hurt werewolfs. Every spell is unique for what the witch does, or is trying to do. Hell, anything they do is unique to themselves, so they write it all down and document their work." I sum up for her.

"Yeah. Cookbook." Damon says, givng me a look.

"Thank you Hope for giving me an actual explanation."

"Anytime, any question."

"What about our mystery vampire? Dimwit obviously wasn't working alone, so whoever's out there knows who we are." Stefan asks, getting us back on topic.

"And I don't like that disadvantage, so... chop chop."

"Alright! Out. Both of you. We need to at least get dressed." Elena points out.

"Fair enough. Good bye." I say before walking out the door.

I think Damon wasn't far behind me, but I wasn't sure till I was out of the door and he was still sitting in the room.

"Sequere me, stultus, Ακολούθησέ με, ηλίθιος." I say the spell, making him move., to follow me out the door. (I would like to point out, the spell is Latian and Greek for "Follow me, idiot" XD)

On his way out, Damon told the couple, "Not to screw it up."

I shut the door behind him.

"You trust them?" I ask Damon.

"Not fully. Not yet."

"Fair enough. Well, I have somewhere to be. Goodbye, Damon. Be back soon."

"Bye, Hopey."


Not to long after I left, I got a text from Elena.

Mr. Saltzman has the journal, Stefan are heading to the school to get it, if you wanna help him.

Ok. I'll meet him there. Thanks, Elena.


So, I make my way to the school.

~~At the School~~

I am standing at the back of the classroom, waiting for something to happen, when Dr. Saltzman comes in, with a stake gun thing.

He then fires the gun at Stefan, Stefan catching it, with his vamp speed.

They have what can only be called a stand-off, before Dr. Saltzman goes to reload his gun and take the shot again.

Stefan then vamp speeds behind him.

"You shouldn't have done that." Stefan tells Dr. Saltzman before pushing him back towards a couple of desks, making him crash into them, knocking him and the desks over.

Dr. Saltzman quickly stands up, turning around quickly to face Stefan.

"Have a seat." Stefan tells Dr. Saltzman, pointing to the desks.

Dr. Saltzman reluctently sit down, still keeping his eyes on Stefan.

I walk up behind him.

"We aren't here to hurt you Dr. Saltzman." I tell him.

He jumps before turning and looking at me.

"Hey. Calm down." I tell him.

When he doesn't, I have to take matters into my own hands.

"Papilio lux." I say, having a golden butterfly come out of my hand, calming Dr. Saltzman down.

He definitely looked calmer.

"What the hell did you just do?" He asked me.

"Gave you a piece of mind. Your welcome."

Stefan then picks up the stake gun Dr. Saltzman tried to use on him.

"What is this, compressed air?" He asks Dr. Saltzman.

Dr. Saltzman just sits there, obvioulsy still on edge even after the piece of mind spell.

"Did you make it yourself?" Stefan asks Dr. Saltzman.

After not getting the answer to that question either, he gave in and asked a question that we all knew was what he originally wanted to ask.

"Who are you?" Stefan finally asks, walking closer to Dr. Saltzman.

Dr. Saltzman puts his hands up to protect himself when Stefan walks closer.

"I'm not going to hurt you... unless you try that again." Stefan tells him.

"And, I'll make sure you aren't seriously hurt, don't worry."

Dr. Saltzman looks at me, his look saying "Really? Aren't you with him?"

Stefan hands Dr. Saltzman his stake gun.

Stefan then walks away a little bit, obviously trying to keep Dr. Saltzman calm.

"Is it dark in here? It's dark in here." I say trying to ease the tension before doing the spell, "Post tenebras spero lucem." creating a ball of light in my hand.

Dr. Saltzman looks at me, amazed. Stefan looked kinda surprised too. I don't think he's ever really seen a witch doing magic like this.

"Now..." Stefan starts again, sitting down on-top of a desk. "Who are you?" Stefan asks again.

"I'm a teacher." Dr. Saltzman replies.

"Are we going to have to do this the hard way?"

"No. We aren't. I won't let you Stefan. We aren't hurting him." I say, looking Stefan in the eyes, showing him I mean bussiness by making my eyes glow a little.

"I'm also a historian." Dr Saltzman adds on. "And while reasearching Virginia, I-- made a few discoveries about your town."

"So you show up like Van Helsing. Come on. Tell me and Hope the truth now."

Dr. Saltzman chuckles before going into his story.

"My wife was a parapsychologist. She spent her life researching paranormal activity in this area. It was her work that led me here."

"Where's your wife?" Stefan asks Dr. Saltzman.

"Stefan. Don't go there." I tell him, trying to keep Dr. Saltzman from bring up his 'dead' wife.

"It's ok, Hope. My wife. Well, she is... she's dead. A vampire killed her."

"Where's the Gilbert journal?" Stefan asks, finally asking about what we came here for.

"What do you want with it?" Dr. Saltzman asks, rightfully so.

"Where is it?" Stefan trys again.

"Look, Dr. Saltzman, all we need from it is the location of one thing. Please, just trust us on this one thing." I plead with him.

"It's on my desk." He tells us.

"No, it's not." Stefan tells him.

Dr. Saltzman looks back towards his desk, looking for the journal.

"It was on my desk." Dr. Saltzman tells us.

"Crap." I say.

"How long have you been aware of me?" Stefan asks Dr. Saltzman.

"I learned just recently." Dr. Saltzman admits.

"What about your brother?" Dr. Saltzman asks Stefan. "And on that note, what about the twins?"

"The twins, aren't vampires. Don't worry." I assure him.

"You met Damon." Stefan asks/tells Dr. Saltzman.

"Who do you think killed my wife?"

"Are you certain it was Damon?" Stefan asks Dr. Saltzman.

"I witnessed it." Dr. Saltzman told Stefan.

"If you're here for revenge, this is going to end badly. For you." Stefan tells him.

"I just want to find out what happened to my wife." Dr. Saltzman assure him.

"I thought you just said Damon---" Stefan starts.

"Yeah." Dr. Saltzman takes a deep breath before continuing, "I saw him. Draining the life out of her. He must have heard me coming. He just... disappearped. So did her body. They never found her." Dr. Saltzman admits to Stefan.

Stefan sighs.

"Damon can never know why you're here." Stefan finally tells Dr. Saltzman.

"He'll kill you without blinking." Stefan tells him.

"I can take care of myself." That's what Allison said and she died.... sorry, this is real life, not a TV show.

Stefan scoffs. "No, you can't." Stefan assures Dr. Saltzman.

"We can help you. If you let us." I add onto Stefan's speech.

Stefan vamps speeds out of the room.

"I'm sorry about that, Dr. Saltzman. I really am." I say before starting to walk away.

"Wait, Hope?"

"Yeah?" I say, turning around, facing him.

"I have 10,000 questions about how you did all that, but right now, I just wanna know why you call me Dr. Saltzman."

I laugh a little bit.

"Well, I call you Dr. Saltzman because that's what I have always called you." I said before I turn and walk away, leaving him confused.

~~Somewhere over the Rainbow~~

I went with Stefan to 'family' game night to help explain to Damon why we don't have the journal

Damon comes marching outside, asking us a bunch of questions.

"Who took it?" Damon ask us.

"We have no idea." I replie.

"You know what, it's that teacher. There's something really off about him." Damon tells us.

"No, he doesn't know anything. Somebody got to it, right before me and Hope." Stefan tells Damon. I know it's a lie, but I don't want Dr. Saltzman to get killed this early on.

"Who else knew it was there?" Damon ask us.

We all look inside to see Jeremy, sitting on the couch, playing his video games.

Damon starts to walk back towards the door.

"No. Damon, leave him out of it!"

"Why, what's the big deal?"

"Damon!" I say this time.

"Fluctus Inpuls." I say, throwing him over the railing of the porch.

"I'll talk to him Damon. Don't worry, Elena, I won't let him in on anything. I promise you." I say before walking into the house and walking over to the couch.

"Hey. Can I play?"

"Sure, you can use the controller Damon used."

"Cool. What game are we playing?"

"Mario Kart 8. You know how to play?"

"I'm pretty sure I can figure it out. Thank though."

After 5 minutes of getting into the game, I figured I start asking.

"Som your sister said you ancestors left cool journals?"

"Yeah. They did. Why?"

"Well, I remember my family had a whole line of journals starting from 1000 years. They were really cool. That's the only reason I'm asking. I find stuff like that cool."

"Thats awesome! A thousand year old journals?"

"Yeah. I read through every single one that was left behind."

"Wow. Could I read the sometime?" Jeremy asks me.

"If I can find them. My Mom or Dad or someone packed them away somewhere."

"Couldn't you ask them?" Jeremy asks me.

"With a ouija board sure."

"Oh. I'm sorry Hope."

"It's ok. It's been a few years now. I heard you lost your parent too. I'm sorry."

"You know, it's nice to hear that from someone who has actually gone through it. Everyone acts sorry, but they aren't really. They haven't gone through the same thing."

"Yeah. I know how you feel. I got all these sorrys, even from some people in my family, who's parents weren't really there for them. I mean, I know they lost someone when my parents died too, but not the way I did."

"You know what..." Jeremy says, pausing the game we were playing and grabbing a pen before grabbing my arm and writing on it.

"Here is my number. You ever need someone to talk to, who has gone through the same thing, I'm here." Jeremy tells me.

"Thanks." I say before grabbing his arm and writting my number on his hand. "Same goes you. You ever need to talk about anything, and I mean anything, I'm here to talk."

We both kinda smile at each other for a second before we both get back to playing the game, saying some small talk as we go.

Not long after, we hear the front door burst open, Damon, Stefan, and Elena all coming inside.

Damon is the first to us, sitting down on the arm of the couch.

"So... I heard you found a really cool journal from back in the day. Who else did you show it to?" Damon asks Jermey.

"Huh?" Jermey asks, still paying attention to the game.

"Don't ask questions, just spill." Damon tells Jermey.

"You're kidding me, right?" Jermey asks Damon.

"Jer, did you tell anyone other than Mr. Saltzman about Jonathan Gilbert's journal?" Elena now asks her brother.

"Why is everybody so obsessed with that thing?" Jermey trys to ask, but of course, they don't answer the question.

"Who else did you tell?" Elena asks Jermey again.

"Just that girl Anna." Jeremy admits.

"The hot weird one?" Damon asks.


"Wait, who is Anna?" Stefan asks.

"That's what I want to find out." Damon tell his brother.

"How do you know her?" Damon asks while a phone rings in the back round, Elena going to get the phone.

"I just know her. She wants me to meet her at the Grill tonight." Jeremy tells Damon.

"Perfect. I'll drive," Damon says, patting Jermeys should, "Come on. You too Hope."

"Ok..." Me and Jeremy say at the same time, getting off the couch and following Damon to his car to head towards the Grill.

~~At the Grill~~

Me and Jermey are standing by the foosball table, waiting for Anna to show up.

Not to long after we get there, a girl who I'm guessing is Anna shows up.

"You just couldn't live without me, huh?" Anna asks Jermey.

"Well, I kinda miss my daily dose of cute stalker chick." Jermey fires back at Anna.

I snort.

"Oh, so funny, Jermey. Who's this?" Anna asks, pointing at me.

"I'm Hope. Nice to meet you." I say, walking over to her and holding out my hand for her to shake.

"Anna. Nice to meet you too."

"Let's play. Who wants to face me first? Who dares?" Jermey asks, acting like he's the best player ever.

"I'll face the winner." I suggest.

"Deal. It'll be good to beat both of you." Anna tells us.

"Oh, sure..." I tell her sarcastically.

They start to play while I watch.

Everyone once and a while, I look over at the bar and see Damon watching us.

It wasn't that creepy. Just weird seeing someone watching us.

~~After Anna Left~~

"Well, this was fun. We should do something like this again." I tell Jermey.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. I'll text you about it later, ok?" He says, walking towards the door of the Grill.

"That sounds great. Well, I should go make sure Damon isn't too drunk. Bye Jermey."

"Bye Hope." Jermey said, walking out of the Grill.

I walk over to the bar where Damon was sitting.

"You know Anna?" I ask him, hopeing that we might catch a break with a lead. (PUNS!)

"Yeah. I do. We should follow her." He replies, taking another sip of his drink.

"Great. What are we waiting for?"

Damon looks over at me and smiles before vamp speeding us towards where Anna headed off to.

~~At Anna's Motelroom~~

Damon is hideing behind the door, while I sit in a chair in the corner of the room, waiting for Anna to actually get into her room.

Once she does, Damon moves and pins her against the wall, hand on her neck, her hand on his neck too.

They stand there for a minute, having a stand down.

I finally feel like I should help Damon, so I give her an aenurysm.

"Ok, I give." Annd says after a minute.

They let go of each other throats, and I stop giving Anna an aenurysm.

"Damn." Damon says, still coughing for the choke-hold.

"You're strong for a little thing." Damon feels the need to tell her.

"The older the stronger." I tell him.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to find me." Anna tells Damon.

Anna goes and puts her bag down and Damon starts asking questions.

"How long have you been here?" He asks her.

"I arrived here about half-past comet. Watching you screw up every chance you had to open that tomb." Anna replies.

I laugh a little, earning me a smile from Anna and a mini glare from Damon.

"How did you know about the spell?" Damon asks her.

"I didn't say much back then, which means I heard everything." Anna told Damon.

"Ah, the quiet but deadly technique. I like it." I say, trying to ease the tension in the room.

Damon, completely ignoring me, continues, "So, if you've been here the whole time, the why are we just crossing paths right now?" Damon asks her, walking closer to her.

"I like to use other to do my dirty work." Anna tells Damon.

"What is with vampires always using others for their dirty work? I mean, come on!" I exlame, obviously annoyed that vampires, some of the strongest creatures on Earth, doing it all without getting their hands dirty. I mean, if you're a vampire, you have a 99.99% chance of killing someone on accident, you hands are already dirty!

"I don't know. For me, I just prefer not to get my hands dirty." Anna tells me, walking by the chair I'm sitting in and towards the bed.

"Like Logan Fell?" Damon asks Anna.

Anna then turns and look at Damon, obviously very, very, pissed off.

"Oh, yeah, thanks for that, by the way. Little bastard shot me and Hope."

Anna just laughs at that.

"Do you have a little crush Damon?"

Me and Damon look at each other with wide eyes.

"NO!" We both say at the same time, disgusted.

Anna laughs a little again.

"Logan was an idiot." Anna tells us.

"You can say that again." I tell her, agreeing.

"We slipped him some blood when he started getting all poser slayer with that compass. I needed his family's journal. I couldn't let him die." Anna explaines.

"What'd you want with the Fell journal?" Damon asks Anna.

"I though it contained the location of the witch's spell book. I was wrong. According to her journal, Honorea gave the grimoire to Jonathan Gilbert. And, according to this..." Anna explains again, walking over to her messanger bag.

She takes out a journal from the bag. My guess, Jonathan Gilbert's journal.

"He gave it to your father." Anna finishes.

"So now you're going to help me find it. Both of you." Anna tells Damon and me.

"Why would we help you?" I ask Anna.

" 'Cause you and I both want that tomb open." Anna says, directing that at Damon.

"And you Hope," She says, turning my way. "You're going to help Damon. So now you helping both of us."

She hands Damon the journal, he starts to look through it.

"What's stopping me from killing you?" I ask Anna.

"I doubt a newbie witch could kill me, but go ahead."


"Yeah, most witches only get their power, at what? 16?" Anna tell me, trying to act like she knows my secrets.

"Please. I've had magic since I was 1, at the oldest. Don't screw with me."

"Even with your magic, I can rip out your heart without you even having time to blink."

I laugh.

"Really? Why don't you try?" I challange her.

She vamps over to me, holding me against the wall, hand on my neck and in my chest.

"See?" She say, rubbing it in my face.

I laugh.

My eyes glow yellow before I bite her.

"See?" I tell her, mocking her.

"You bitch! Your a werewolf too? Now I'm dead!" Anna screams at me.

"Cool down. I have the cure." I tell her.

"There is no cure!" She yells at me.

"You have a knife?" I ask her.

She just continues to glare.

I sigh, before using my magic to break the glass and getting a shard all with out moving.

I slit my wrist, walking over to her.

"You wanna live? I suggest you drink my blood." I tell her, Damon finally looking up from the journal.

"What would that do?" Anna asks me.

"Save your life. Now fucking drink my blood." I say, putting my wrist closer to her mouth.

She reluctently does, and starts drinking.

When she stops, she look back at her arm and sees the wond healing.

"Wow." She whispers, still staring at her arm.

"Sorry. Me and Hope can handle this. We don't allow outsiders into our group." Damon says, grabbing my arm and pretty much pulling me out of the hotel room.

Outside the motel room, I get a lecture from Damon.

"What the hell was that?" Damon asks me.

"That was me showing that I can kick her ass."

"Not that! The fact that you just showed her that your blood can heal a werewolf bite! That means you will have a target on your back." He tells me.

"I've always had a target on my back Damon. It's nothing new to me."

"Now, it means that you might die!"

"So! I was almost sacrificest the day I was born! Dying is nothing new to me!"

Damon, obviously pissed off, vamp speeds away, leaving me here, so I call the twins to come pick me up.

"You did what now?" Lizzie asks me, after I explained what just happened.

"Yup. Now can you just come and get me?"

"Sure, Hope. We're on our way." Josie tells me.

While waiting, I start to look around. I see someone in the trees, when Lizzie and Josie pull up.

"What's wrong Hope?" Josie asks me, eyes looking where I'm looking.

"I saw something move." I tell her.

"Are we going to check it out?" Lizzie asks us, finally joining us and looking into the woods.

"Damn right we are." I say, walking towards the woods.

The closer we got, the darker it became so I cast a spell,

We start walking further into the woods.

And the further we got, the more noises we heard.

Mechanical noises.

"Hello?" Lizzie calls out.

Me and Josie both look at her like she's crazy. You don't call out when your in the woods looking for someone.

Lizzie's both goes wide, looking at us.

Or, something behind us.

Me and Josie slowly turn around, seeing a guy in all green armor behind us.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask him.

"The person who sent you here. And now, I'm going to kill you. All of you. My name is Chronos." This dude said creepily.

He fired his gun thing at us, everyone just bearly dodging the blast.

Me and Josie are hiding behind a tree together, while Lizzie is behind another tree.

"Come out little girls. You can't hide forever." We hear the mechanical voice say.

I slowly look at him, still kinda hiding behind the tree.

I look at Josie.

"I have a plan. Stay where you are." I whisper a her.

"Patere." I say, making him go flying, hitting a tree.

"You want a fight. I'll give you one." I tell him.

"Ignalusa." I say, making fire come out of my hands, going straight at him.

"Little bitch." He says, getting up, some of his armor burnt off now.

"Witch bitch. Nice try though."

"Fluctus inpulsa." I say, disabling him.

I start to get closer to him.

"It turns out, magic doesn't work like it does on most people, on me." He says, getting up and firing his gun at me.

It hits me right in the chest, and I black out, not before hearing Lizzie and Josie call out my name.

~~Josie's POV~~

I see Hope disapeer into thin air. What the hell?

Lizzie runs over to me, and we start to find a spot to hide so we can try to help Hope.

It's hard though because we don't have any magic. No one to siphon, no magical object to siphon, nothing.

So not only are we dead, Hope is gone.

"I'm pretty sure we can make a run for." Lizzie whispers over to me.

"What about Hope?"

"Hope's wonder woman. And we can always come back."

I sigh.

"Fine. But we will come back."

"I promise." Lizzie tells me.

And with that, we start to creep away and toward teh Salvatore house.


DOUBLE UPDATE! ENJOY! Let me know what you think!

Until next time,


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