Why Me || T. Oikawa

By RinkRat0

178K 6.4K 7.2K

Tooru Oikawa appeared perfect on the surface. A pretty face, who was a volleyball star, got along perfectly w... More

Chapter 2: Oikawa Plays Volleyball!?
Chapter 3: Late Night Snack
Chapter 4: This is Who You Really Are F/n L/n
Chapter 5: So That's How it's Gonna Be
Chapter 6: Family
Chapter 7: Unexpected Meetings
Chapter 8: Feelings
Chapter 9: Manager!?
Chapter 10: First Day
Chapter 11: Hang Out
Chapter 12: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Finals)
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17: Careers
Chapter 18: First-Year Manager
Chapter 19: Fukurōdani Academy!?
Chapter 20: Mad Dog
Chapter 21: Beach Vacation (Part 1)
Chapter 22: Beach Vacation (Part 2)
Chapter 23: Sleepovers
Chapter 24: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 1)
Chapter 25: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 2)
Chapter 26: Shiritorzawa vs. Karasuno
Chapter 27: Mia Fujisaki
Chapter 28: Divisions
Chapter 29: I'm Sorry...
Chapter 30: Sick Day
Chapter 31: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 32: A Dysfunctional Christmas
Chapter 33: New Years'!
Chapter 34: A Failed Confession
Chapter 35: Finding Y/n
Chapter 36: Shiritorizawa
Chapter 37: Home
Chapter 38: First Date
Chapter 39: Chaos
Chapter 40: The End Is Nearing
Chapter 41: Graduation And Goodbyes

Chapter 1: Whats So Special About Him?

14.1K 315 479
By RinkRat0

No POV:   

   It's been two weeks since you began school at Aoba Johsai and you've gotta say it's been really boring. Just the typical high school, with the typical teachers, and typical classes, but there's one thing that wasn't typical. Tooru Oikawa. 

   For some strange reason, the girls in class couldn't get enough of him. Yes, he is attractive, but he's so fake it physically hurts. How can someone even be that fake anyway? Going from fan to fan like he actually cares. And let's not get you started on that forced smile of his. The one that makes you want to throw him across the room. It's disgusting. Maybe a normal person wouldn't be able to tell but to you, is as obvious as his inflated ego and overwhelming sense of pride. 

   I should start from the beginning. When I first saw him. And as far as my past goes, you don't need to know about that quite yet.

2 weeks ago, No POV: 

   Today was your first day at Aoba Johsai high school. School has already been in session for about a month, so everyone's already started to settle into the new year. And then there's you. You're that one kid that decides to change schools at the very beginning of the year.  

   You've tried to brainstorm ways that you won't draw attention to yourself but it's inevitable. It also doesn't help that you're coming from Tokyo either. You had to move to Miyagi because of your dad's job. So now you're here, kicking a rock along the sidewalk. 

   Well, this is no fun, you thought. Your new house is about a 15-minute walk from the school, but when you're all by yourself it feels a lot longer. 

   You let out a sigh when the rock you've been kicking skips off the sidewalk. Too lazy to go after it, you continue on your walk to school. Which feels much more like a hike. 

   As you're walking you look up from your shoes to see your new school standing tall. It's a large building that looks like it's well maintained. From the outside, it seems ordinary. Just some school. That's all it was to you. 

   How wrong you were... 

   While you walk through the front gate you immediately look over to see a group of girls standing around something or someone. As you make your way to the school's front door you hear a horrific noise that can only be described as ear rape. 


   The screeches of about 19 girls scare you enough to almost knock you off your feet and your bag drops onto the ground.  

   "What the hell's their problem?" You quietly mumble to yourself. Getting ready to flee for your life if they make any sudden moves. You reach down to pick your bag up off the ground only to find that someone did it for you. 

   "Don't mind them. This is an everyday thing." You look up to see a boy with about above average height standing next to you. Apparently, someone had heard you. You begin to blush out of embarrassment as he hands you back your bag.  

   On closer examination, this boy wasn't too bad looking. He had dark spiky hair and greenish-yellow eyes. He was muscular as well. Especially in the arms department. 

   "So you're telling me you put up with that every day?" He looks down at you and nods his head. "Oh joy," you say letting out an annoyed sigh. The strange beefy armed boy looks at you and beings to laugh to himself a little. 

   "Lemme guess you're new here huh?" 

   "Sadly." He beings to laugh again at your annoyance and lack of enthusiasm. 

   "Good answer. My name's Hajime Iwaizumi by the way." 

   "F/n L/n." 

   "Nice to meet ya L/n-san," Iwaizumi says giving you a smile. 

   "Ya you too," you respond breaking eye contact, still speaking in a monotoned voice.  

   "So what year are you in?" He asks now standing in front of you, blocking your view of the insane and loud crowd of girls from earlier. From what you could see they seemed to be migrating into the school. 

   "3rd year. I'm in class 3-1" You respond. Iwaizumi's expression quickly changes into one of concern and pity. He then pats you on the shoulder and begins to walk away. 

   "Good Luck," He says as he makes his way towards the entrance of the building. This makes you confused. 

   Does that class have a bad teacher or something? Or maybe someone died in that classroom because of some unknown and deadly disease. Ok, I think I need help. Right before Iwaizumi disappears into the school you call out to him.  

   "What do you mean 'good luck'?" He stops and looks over his shoulder. 

   "Because Shittykawa is in that class," He says. 

   "Shittykawa?" You question. 

   "Trust me you'll know him when you see him. He's hard to miss." He says finally disappearing into the building.  

   Shittykawa?  You think to yourself. I wonder who that is. Even though you're curious about who this Shittykawa person is you had more important problems to deal with at the moment. Like where the hell is your class? 

Shit, you think to yourself. I should have asked Iwaizumi for directions.  

   You let out a deep sigh and start searching for your class. Looking through the millions of hallways this school had. Being late would just draw more unwanted attention to you and it's not the best way to start off school either, so you began to hurry. Your first day of school surely wasn't going how you had expected. 

   On the bright side at least you know someone now, Iwaizumi. He seemed nice. Not anyone would just go up and help a complete stranger.    

   After 10 minutes of aimlessly searching for your classroom, you finally found it with a few minutes to spear. But there was one problem...

   There were a bunch of screaming girls blocking the doorway! They looked like the same ones from earlier. A tick mark appeared on your forehead and you clench your fists. You were starting to believe that this day couldn't get any more tedious.  

   After standing outside of your classroom for a few seconds, you find a small opening and squeeze past the squealing girls. You let out a breath of relief when you make it all the way into the classroom and can breathe normally again. Right as you turn to glare at them you look up and you see a tall boy about 6 feet tall. He hasn't noticed you yet. He had nice chocolate-colored eyes and hair with a muscular build. His appearance almost made you blush. Almost. 

   All of a sudden you realize you never planned on what you were gonna do after you got into the classroom. Half of the class just stared at you whispering things to each other. 

   What the hell am I supposed to do now, You think with a little bead of sweat running down your forehead. Great, just great. So much for not drawing attention to yourself. Guess they just went out the window. Not like it was in it, to begin with. 

   The screeching fan girls start making their way out the door with class starting soon. After they clear out Mr. Pretty Boy turns around only to see you standing behind him. He looks you up and down. Then finally makes eye contact with you. He puts on the biggest shit-eating grin you have ever seen and opens his mouth. 

   "Isn't it a little late in the year for first-years to be stumbling into the wrong classroom," He said with that smile of his. Upon first inspection, he's very attractive but after saying that and with a fake ass smile, he dropped a lot of points. You harden your gaze, but he didn't seem to notice. Either that or he just didn't care, because that look was still on his face... and it pissed you off. 

   "I-" You being, but he interrupts you. 

   "Oh I get it you're here for an autograph!" He says in an annoying childish tone. "I'm sorry shorty but you're going to have to wait until schools over." This time he really did it. Shorty. You're not that short, you're just below average, right? 

   This time your glare was a lot harder. You were staring daggers into his soul. And this time he noticed. His expression turned from a fake smile to an amused smirk. He was watching you closely waiting to see what you would do next. And that pissed you off the most. You can see it in his face. 

   You changed your expression to a cold stare along with a fake smile just like his. 

   "Sorry but I'm not here for an autograph. What's so special about you anyway?" You took a step closer to him. He was no longer amused. Now he was the one glaring at you. Well more like staring intently. "What you got a pretty face? Sorry but I don't care about that crap. If being attractive is all you got then I have no interest in you. Not in the slightest." 

   Now the entire class was watching in aw. No one other than Iwaizumi had ever mouthed off to him, and even then when Iwaizumi did, it wasn't nearly as cold.

   Mr. Pretty hardened his gaze even more. This time he was the one staring daggers into your soul and you had the amused grin on your face. 

   As soon as he was about to open his mouth the bell rang. The teacher walked in right as it rang and told the class to take their seats. Everyone started making their way to their respective desks.  

   Mr. Pretty began walking towards his, but before he passed you he put a hand on your shoulder and leaned down closer to your ear. So close that you could almost feel his breath on your ear.  

   "That was quite the bold assumption shorty. You shouldn't underestimate me. I'm much more than just some pretty face. You'll come to realize that soon enough." He then went to sit down at his desk. Your eyes not leaving him once. 

   Something about the way he said those words made you freeze for just a split second. You didn't like that. Not one bit. 

   As everyone settled down in their seats the teacher asked you to come up to the front of the class. 

   "Alright, we have a new student joining our class. She moved here from Tokyo so please be respectful and help her with settling into our school." The teacher moved out of the way so that you can introduce yourself to the class. 

   Some of the boys in the class began to whisper among themselves. Saying things like look at her, that ass though, and, let's hope Oikawa doesn't steal her. 

   You didn't pay much attention to their words. You didn't really care. People could comment about you all they want as long as they don't get too close. 

   "My name is F/n L/n. It's nice to meet all of you," You said with forced enthusiasm, bowing to your new class. As you looked out over the 20 or so high schoolers you saw only one desk was open. And it was behind him. Mr. Pretty. 

   Great... just great. You thought as you looked directly at said boy. He had that smile on his face still. Looking directly at you.  

   "Oikawa-san raise your hand," The teacher ordered. You looked out and saw that he had raised his hand.

   So that's Mr. Pretty's real name, Oikawa. You then remembered the crowd of girls from earlier yelling his name. You also remembered what Iwaizumi said something about someone named, Shittykawa. There's no doubt about it, that boy was him and he sure was hard to miss. The events of your short morning began to all piece together. 

   "L/n-san you'll be sitting behind Oikawa." The teacher informed you. 

   Well, I don't see anywhere else to sit now, do I? You roll your eyes and walk over to your new desk. As you pass Oikawa you make sure to give him an intimidating stare. Telling him not to try anything. But he didn't get the message and you would soon learn that. He gave you a stupid little grin. The same one that made you want to barf earlier. 

   But as all of this was going on Oikawa could only think of one thing. 

   F/N L/n huh? That name sounds familiar, too familiar. 


So this is the first chapter of my fanfiction. I hope you all enjoyed. I know it's not the best but I really had fun with it. I have a plan for how I want this story to go, so I'm not just coming up with things on the spot. I will do my best to grow as a writer so if you have any criticisms please let me know. 

Thank you all so much for reading✌️💕           

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