Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-fic

By Archer__Phoenix

179K 6K 555

She really wasn't expecting things to be this way. She wasn't expecting to die. Not so early. She had dreams... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
To anyone who reads my stuff
Chapter 61

Chapter 58

1.5K 66 4
By Archer__Phoenix

[Piccolo Jr.,usually just called Piccolo and also known as Ma Junior, is a Namekian and also the final child and reincarnation of King Piccolo, later becoming the reunification of the Nameless Namekian after fusing with Kami. According to Grand Elder Guru, Piccolo, along with Kami and King Piccolo, are part of the Dragon Clan, who were the original creators of the Dragon Balls]

Sarada stared at the words floating above her with a quirked brow. Annoyance could be read in her eyes as she registered the words. She sighed, shaking her head in disappointment at the system she had had for twenty years. She had asked a simple question and received the first few words of the Wikipedia page belonging to the person she asked about. She drummed her fingers lazily on her desktop, silent as the words continued to hover in her sight. What was wrong with the interface?

"Are you doing this on purpose, Interface? "

[Why would that be up for assumption?]

Sarada rolled her eyes and waved a hand through the words as if that would will them away. Her hand went right through them and the words remained as they were, not fading until something else was pulled up or she vocally willed them away.

"I asked you about Piccolo junior" her voice was calm as it usually was even as annoyance edged into it a tad bit.

[And I have informed you of him]

If it was possible for her to physically harm her interface she would have taken that opportunity. She sighed again, a hand coming up to run through her mess of hair. The words vanished when she willed them away and left her staring at the white walls of her shared room.

"Alright Interface. I shall ask again" she started slowly. "Could you inform me of Piccolo Junior?"

The same words started to form, making Sarada close her eyes.

"Currently, interface. Currently. I am asking of the junior of this timeline and how he is doing currently"

[Why do you suppose I know that?]

"I hate that you have developed a personality"

[My personality has been shaped through your own influence along with those around you]

The interface had the audacity to subtly pin the blame on her. Touche. She had to admit her personality was reminding her of herself. Or more specifically how she sometimes took great amusement in frustrating others. It's been a while since she answered a question incorrectly because the person asking was not specific. She loved to do that in the past. She wondered why it took so long for it to show in the interface.

"Alright interface. No more games. Tell me what I wish to know"

There was silence in her head and no words appeared for some time.

"Interface" her tone of voice was very dangerous at the moment.

[I would like to be named]

"Huh?" Not the most intelligent answer but the one that left her mouth. She was obviously surprised by the statement for the interface had never brought it up or showed signs of wanting a name. It or she never tried to stop Sarada from just calling her interface. Could the interface be considered female because of the voice it adopted? Now Sarada just had questions about the system living in her head. It was obviously capable of doing thing on its own. And it tends to speak rather freely. She never really thought that much about it before but the system was very human in behavior.

"You want to be named?"

[Yes. I would appreciate a name assigned to me]

"Okay, this is unexpected"

[What shall I be named. I would prefer one lacking a specific gender]

"Why don't you just name yourself?"

[I see it more fitting for you to do so as my master]

Sarada was silent for a moment. She was seriously not expecting any of this and was put on the spot. What should she name the system? Should she even refer to it as it? She sighed. All she wanted to know was how Piccolo was doing. How was she led to this? She should just go see him herself. She should have done that since the very beginning.

"Fine" she shrugged and leaned back. She had her arms folded across her chest and a thoughtful frown on her face as she thought of good gender nuetral names for the system. Since names were brought up she might as well think up one for her own kid. A gender neutral name was the way to go because it would work well for either gender. "How about Nico? I'm pretty sure it's suited for any gender"

[Have you sampled this name from Nico Robin of the straw hats?]

"Perhaps. Are you satisfied?"


"Great" Sarada stood, making sure to stretch before she started to move. "I'll be returning to earth"

[Do you not wish to know of Piccolo?]

"I'll go see for myself thank you"

Stepping out of her room she traveled the now familiar halls of the building she stayed in. It had been around a year since Whis came to get her. Which means a year of training with the angel. A year to learn about her god ki. A year to try to control it. A year to try to sense god ki. It was a very productive year for both her and Bulma. Speaking of Bulma, she wondered what Whis put her up to. She was free for the day while Bulma was asked or more specifically told to accompany Whis somewhere. Where they went was beyond her. They were not back yet though. She would know. She could sense Bulma's ki no matter how much she tried to hide it. And it's not like she tried to hide it from her either.

"Should I go now, or stay and wait for Bulma?"

If she left immediately she could return to find an unhappy Bulma. She would not like to return to a missing Sarada. But if she were to wait there was no telling how long she would remain.

Or maybe she could just go to Bulma and Whis. It's not a bad idea to try picking up on her wife's ki. Might take a while though and she might not find it. For all she knew they could be in another universe.

Sarada sighed as she left the odd building she frequented. Whis took a habit out of bringing Bulma with him. She was never really told what those travels were about. Well, she knew what they were about somewhat, but that's what makes it more confusing. Whis had stated that Bulma could become as strong as an angel. So when she was told Whis was more or less teaching her what it meant to be an angel one could understand her confusion. The angels are an entire different species all assigned to the GoD of their universe. So Sarada did not think Bulma would need to be trained to be an angel.

She seriously needed to have a talk with Whis.

As she came to a stop outside she stared up into the sky. Multiple planets were visible to her. Those planets would not be there if Whis wasn't constantly bringing them back. Even in his sleep Beerus causes serious destruction. Sarada could remember the day she was almost hit by one of those powerful beams. She almost had a heart attack. She did not even know where her sudden burst of speed came from. All she knew was that it saved her life. Beerus could actually kill her in his sleep.

"Just you wait Beerus" she chuckled to herself as she sat down in the grass. She didn't know if she would be strong enough to fight him when he woke up. He could wake up far earlier than originally. Things can and will most likely go very differently. She just hoped he did not wake up sooner. Absolutely not.  She could still hardly believe Beerus was willing to destroy an entire planet because someone took the last pudding.

That's going a bit too far, no?

On top of that Earth was the first planet he found with amazing food! To think he would just blow it up because of the very same reason.

Beerus is a wonder. Whis is a wonder as well. The one thing she constantly wonders about is Whis' thoughts on Beerus. His honest thoughts. Because Beerus is a handful. Sarada couldn't imagine watching over him for thousands of years. She would get fed up. Could it he that Whis might personally despise him? Was that why he was training Vegeta and Kakarot in hopes of one of them taking his place?

It was very plausible. Would be interesting too. If Whis really wanted to he could annihilate Beerus just like that.

A very amusing thought.

Bulma was back. She sensed her ki nearby and her attention was instantly on her. Her head tilted to the right where her ki was coming from and she debated whether or not she should go meet her.

"Nah. She would be smug"

Sarada smiled to herself at those words. Bulma had been gone for half a day already. Whis had been keeping her away for longer and longer and that was not something Bulma was happy with. It's not something she was happy with either, but no one needed to know that. She was never the first to admit to missing the other. She never got the chance to actually because Bulma had no problem with telling her exactly how miserable she was without her. Miserable is not the right word for it. That's exaggerated. It's not like she couldn't live without her.

Sarada could feel Bulma's ki rapidly approaching and knew what would happen. She was on her feet within a few seconds and bouncing on her heels slightly. The last time she was unprepared for Bulma she got the wind knocked out of he by the inevitable impact. Now, however she was prepared and would not suffer empty lungs.

She would not fall.


She fell. She was now lying with her back on the grass and a happy Bulma straddling her. She was prepared and still got knocked over.

"Why do you always do that?"

"It's fun" Bulma grinned. "I bet you thought you'd actually catch me this time didn't you?"

"Yes. Yes I did. You sure proved me wrong" Sarada sighed in defeat as she lay before Bulma. There was nothing she could do. She had been taken down and was now at her mercy. "Next time"

"Whatever you say" Bulma obviously did not believe those words. Sarada could never catch her. Which made it so much fun. The whole point of her tackling her was to get on top of her. There was nothing she enjoyed more. Well maybe there were a couple of things. "Did you miss me?"

"Don't think so. I actually had a good time here on my own. Hardly noticed you were gone"

"Yeah?" The word was followed by a soft hum as Bulma leaned forward. She was smiling as she stared down at the seemingly nonchalant Sarada. "Care to explain why that tail of yours is so tightly wrapped around me?"

Sarada opened her mouth to protest or offer some kind of excuse, but all words died in her throat when she realized there was no point to it. She huffed, admitting complete defeat.

"I missed you"

Bulma giggled. "I know you did"

Sarada, of course had something to say to that. The first two words had already left her mouth when Bulma stopped her with a kiss. Sarada hardly registered the kiss before Bulma had the nerve to end it. The look of displeasure on Sarada's face was the cause of the set of giggles that spilled from the amused Bulma.

"You are terrible" Sarada groaned."You could have just told me to shut up instead of being a tease"

"Where's the fun in that"

"You better kiss me again" Sarada demanded.


"Fine" Sarada calmly nodded to her denial.

"Fine?" Bulma quirked a brow in slight confusion.


"Huh. I was not expecting that. Usually you-"

It was Sarada who stopped the other with a kiss now. This time she did not let it end as quickly as before. Their positions were quickly reversed as Sarada pinned the surprised Bulma under her. A burst of pride warmed her chest at how quickly she pulled a moan from her wife. As much as she was enjoying the kiss and would enjoy taking it further she couldn't with the laugh that suddenly bubbled up.

"Why are you laughing?!" Bulma exclaimed in outrage.

Sarada snorted in answer, collapsing onto Bulma as her arms gave out.

"Sarada I swear"

"I'm sorry" Sarada mumbled through small fits of giggles. She took a deep breath as she nuzzled into the crook of Bulma's neck.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?" Bulma questioned in genuine confusion.

"I don't know" again she snorted as she felt laughter bubble up again. She just couldn't help herself for some reason.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't know"

Bulma sighed in exasperation, not bothering to ask that question again. Sarada had her moments.

"We need to go to earth"

Bulma didn't answer. She almost didn't hear her as her focus was on the spikes in Sarada's hair. Her hand was lost in them and she wondered how they could be so soft.  How was her hair so spiky and yet so soft?



"We need to go to earth"


Even though Bulma seemed to have agreed to them leaving she still pulled Sarada back down when she tried to get up. When she tried again Bulma repeated her actions, this time wrapping her arms, legs and tail around her to keep her in place.

"Bulma" Sarada huffed.

"Just a little longer"

"You're lucky I'm enjoying this too"

"I know"

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