Just Your Average Girl. (One...

By ElmoAge

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An average girl named Lilly, finds out she had a wild night with One Direction, slapped Harry, Why? What will... More

Just Your Average Girl. (One Direction Fanfic)
Fresh Start..?
Fresh Start...? (Part Two)
Ribbons Unfold.
Aim. Then Shoot..
The Plan.
Save You Tonight.
Tongue Tied.
Just A Gift..
Together Again.
I'm Sorry All Creativity Has Run Out..
Kitties, Carrots, And Spoons Ohmy.
Never Leave Your Laptop Open.
Maybe Im just a dreamer
You get this kind of rush
I need a what now?!
I will hunt you down Styles.
Our own hide out

The Morning After.

241 1 6
By ElmoAge

        Wow I Love How Many People Are Reading! Thank You All SO Much! I Want To Give This Chapter A Dedication To Someone Who Gave Some Really Sweet Comments And Votes, If You Get The Time Check Out Her Fanfic As Well! Thanks To You All! Dedicated To @froZENinTIMe7! You're Amazing!



Liam's P.O.V. (All About Payzer with a tad bit of Lilly)

              I sighed this has been a long day, i cant wait to just go home. Maybe i'll do a twitcam and let the fans know that Dani and I are back.. What there can never be enough twitcams, i scoffed having a mini argument with myself as my cell vibrated i look at it, and smirked. Danielle. Maybe this day would get a little brighter after all, i mean we haven't been killed, or worse we haven't killed anyone. I look back at my cell and reply to Dani, 

To: Dani<3

Hey Babe, Sorry I Haven't Called Busy Busy Day, Cant Wait To See You Tomorrow! xx


              I could practically see her smiling and rolling her eyes at her phone, which in return made my smirk grow bigger, i collapsed on my bed hoping morning would come quickly so i can take Dani on the date i've been planning. She's going to love it. I just have a gut feeling she will. I took a deep breath and kicked off my chucks and fell asleep, a big goofy smile on my face.

                I woke up yawning my plaid shirt and snapback somewhere lost in my bed, i forgot i rolled around when i sleep, shrugging i headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower wanting to look good for later. I smiled at myself in the mirror-a Zayn move i know but i have to admit i look better than i did i couple weeks ago- i grabbed my flashing toothbrush and began brushing my teeth humming Still The One,   pretty much the gist of my feelings, without the bad parts.. or the parts i thought were bad anyway.

              I chose a pretty basic outfit-not taking long to pick it out- of tan chinos, red chucks, and plaid shirt. I decided against a snapback today mostly because it was too nice outside and i wanted some vitamin D for once. I checked twitter and answered some questions before i headed downstairs to the kitchen where the boys were waiting. They looked up at me suspicious, all i did was smirk and grab a muffin from Niall's plate gaining a murderous look from him as Katie and Lills giggled. I took a bite looking straight at Niall pretending the muffin tasted like absolute heaven, of course i didn't have to try hard since they were in fact delicious.

             Its been a full day since we got back from the hospital, luckily Lilly didn't have any serious injuries just a mild bruise on her cheek. I remember the relief we all shared after we found out she didn't have any broken bones or anything severely damaging. 

Flashback to last night Liam's P.O.V.

        "Hospital" Lou said looking at both of the girls, Lilly looked like this was a sort of punishment and Katie looked terrified clutching the seats at Lou's driving-which all of the boys were already accustomed to- Zayn tried to rub circles in her back to soothe her, Niall and Harry looking at Lills with worry, Lou focusing on the road, and well me looking at all of them look and help each other. I feel like a creep but I'm glad the boys weren't acting immature at a serious moment like this. 

          I heard Lills sob a little and was about to make my way to her but Niall beat me, and apparently Harry, Niall was holding an ice cube whispering to her softly as her gently rubbed the ice cube on her swollen cheek. What a nice lad. We made it to the hospital in record timing Harry and Niall leading her in as the rest of us followed, i hope she'll be alright.I sighed as she disappeared with a doctor down a long corridor leading to what I'm assuming an X-ray machine. I shared hopeful glances with all the boys and gave a brotherly hug to Katie. "She'll be okay Kit" I whispered in her ear she nodded into my shoulder. She sat back down next to Zayn leaning on his shoulder her eyes puffy- threatening to cry at any moment- i saw Niall's eyes looked similar to Katie's. 

             After a about 10 minutes Lilly came back out smiling at us cheerfully, "Im all good guys, lets go!" i smiled at her unusual peppiness and we did as she commanded telling us the outcome of what the Doc said. 

     Present tense! Liam's P.O.V.

                     "Vas happenin'?" Zayn screamed loudly breaking me of my thoughts, i rolled my eyes and Louis screamed as well "CARROTS YOU VAIN BOY, CARROTS!" Oh boy here they go again. Harry joined as well coming close to my ear and shouting "I WANT TO GET A PUSSY LEEYUM! PLEASE FOR CHRISTMAS! I CAN CALL HIM PRINCESS PU-"i put a hand over his mouth before he could finish, it was for the girls sake really. Katie was now rolling on the floor laughing at my annoyed fatherly reaction. Lilly looked unamused like me, suddenly she screamed in a Yoda voice "NAUGHTY BOY YOU! CURLY IT ISN'T PRINCESS ITS PRINCE! HAVE I TAUGHT YOU NOTHING YOUNG ONE!"  she sat acting like she was a sensei teaching her student, her eyes closed sitting criss-crossed. 

           Uh oh, have we got a mixture of the four boys? I hope not, i swear I'm going grey. I looked at the time and bolted for the door having to set up for my date with Dani. I planned taking her to the park for a stroll, then shopping, ending with a nice stop for ice cream. I knocked on her door getting there a bit early, oops, maybe i should take a walk around the building so she wont be ups-whoa. She looks, well she looks.. "You like what you see?" She giggles giving me a wink. I nod my mouth hanging open, probably drooling too. "I er mean, yes, um, I'm sorry, you look lovely, as always." Nice recovery. Three points to you Mr.Payne. I held out my arm to take her to the part, she accepted and closed her door before heading out keeping perfect pace with me. I still love her. I think i always will. We got to the park where i set up a few surprises for her, she grinned at me and kicked off her heels putting them on the laid out blanket i placed, and looked at my creation. "Liam its perfect.."she whispered.

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