
By pxneappleaf

38.5K 801 573

Everyone knows of the story of Harry Potter, the boy who lived. What do you know about the students that were... More

The Invitation
Platform 9 3/4
The Sorting Hat
The Way of the Snakes
Fame Isn't Everything
Born To Fly
Quidditch 101
To Be A Slytherin
A Stupid Plan
Unicorn Blood
The Sorcerer's Stone
The House Cup
Within the Muggles
Missing Page
Welcome Home
The Ghost In The Corridor
Whispering Halls


772 16 19
By pxneappleaf

--Almost Three Months Later--

Sierra shifted as sunlight hit her eyes a small groan escaping her mouth as she began to gain consciousness. She sat up rubbing her eyes hearing some movement to her left. Looking over she spotted the grey owl that had been with her for about a week now.  Since she didn't have to be at the post office until a couple hours from now so she could finally finish writing her letter. 

          Dear Cedric, 

          You know, things here aren't horrible. I am glad to hear that you are having a good time, after all that practicing I better see Hufflepuff win some quidditch tournaments! Of course not against Slytherin, you guys aren't a threat to us. I can't wait to go back to Hogwarts, I miss you and everyone else, can't wait to see what the year is going to be like. There aren't many differences in this orphanage compared to the muggle one. I have a weird question for you, do you like your family? Is it as nice as everyone makes it out to seem? I mean there has to be arguments and hatred at some points, how do they get over that? 

       Sorry for the question that kind of turned into a couple now that I read it back. I just keep thinking about what McGonagall said to me. I feel kind of bad that I lashed out at her the way I did, they just didn't understand what I went through, I guess they just wanted the best for me... I don't know, god I'm sorry for ranting. I would cross it out and re write but this is already my third attempt at writing this letter. I'll see you soon, the supply list should be here relatively soon.

- Sierra Barrows

Folding up the letter and placing it in an envelope she handed it over to the owl. It took it with its beak and didn't hesitate in taking off exiting through a hole on the roof. Sierra had been staying inside of a shed, the owner of the house was an elderly widow, she used a wheel chair so she couldn't really get down the stairs to go to the yard, at most she went out on the porch. Which gave Sierra free range of the shed, she assumed it was the husband's since it was full of tools and equipment. The first couple nights had been a nightmare, the temperatures would drop and the cement floor would feel like ice. She had to buy a blanket to keep warm, standing up Sierra brushed her hair putting it up in a ponytail and did a quick spell to clean her clothes. She peaked out of a hole looking over at the house, the lady didn't seem to be up yet, the blinds were all closed. She opened the door to the shed and made her way out making sure to close it. She got out of the yard and made her way down the street over to the postal office.

She had gotten a job as a newspaper girl, it didn't pay much but it was basically the only job that was possible at her age. If she delivered them during the week she would get paid £11.50 and during Saturday and Sunday just £3. which gave her about £17.50 a week. Sometimes she would get lucky and people would tip her but it didn't happen often. With this she was able to buy food and not have to go into the wizarding world to take money out of her account. She looked up seeing the building  Queens Crescent Post Office. 

"Sierra, early as always. The basket on the left is for you... pretty sure everything is the same... Oh wait, don't do 157 on Prince of Wales road they stopped paying" The clerk said as she walked in.

"Will do, I'll see you later" Sierra replied as she took the basket. It was quite heavy but once she had a couple streets done it would get tolerable. She began to make her way down the street taking a turn onto Malden which would take her to Prince of  Wales road. She threw a newspaper to every door that was on her side of the street. The street was busy with cars honking at each other, most people were trying to get their way into downtown London for work. She was staying in an area called Chalk Farm, which honestly she hadn't seen any farms since she had gotten here so she wasn't sure where the name came from.  Getting to the intersection she made her way down the next street. 

Four hours later Sierra was back  on Malden taking care of the other side, there were very few newspapers left in the basket, but the heat had started to rise. She made her way back to the postal office wiping some sweat off her forehead putting the basket down on the floor. 

"Perfect, here you go kiddo" The clerk handed her an envelope.

Sierra took her envelope and said her goodbyes before leaving. Making her way back to the shed, she heard a screech from above her looking up she saw an outline of a bird but she couldn't really see what it was. Shrugging she continued to make her way to the neighborhood, soon enough she reached the end of Thomas Street. Seeing that the blinds were still closed she made her way to the shed. She would probably go back to sleep, then wake up later get some food and return to bed... well if you could even call it a bed. She basically slept on top of some boxes. It wasn't the most comfortable but it was better than the floor. 

She heard the screech again looking up she saw a grey owl enter the shed. It was Cedrics's owl, it had left hours ago? Cedric never wrote back that fast... maybe he already had something pre written. She looked for the letter but the owl had nothing on it. Maybe he had dropped it outside? She went over to open the door and came face to face with Cedric Diggory.

"Nice orphanage" Cedric said walking into the shed taking a good look around. 

Sierra stood back shocked "How did you.."

"Well it's not like they wouldn't notice a child go missing" Cedric said as he leaned on a wall "I didn't know until today, my father already knew he just had no idea that we were writing to each other. When he saw me with the letter he told me and we followed the owl."

"I didn't mean to lie to you.. I had to, I don't want to go back to an orphanage, Cedric" Sierra felt horrible for having to lie to him the way she did. But with his dad's position she knew word would get out to him sooner if she told Cedric. 

"I did read your letter" Cedric continued as he walked over to her. "I do like my family, sure we have some disagreements but we get over it. And it is as great as everyone makes it out to seem because we get to choose our family, the people that are worth sticking around for... you are worth sticking around for" 

Sierra looked up at him with a confused expression what exactly was he talking about?

"You can stay with my family and I during the summers and even Holidays if you want" Cedric said smiling down at her.

It took Sierra a second to fully realize what he was saying. "Cedric you really don't have to do that, I don't wan't to be a burden to your parents"

"They've already agreed, who do you think drove me here? My dad is wiping the house owners memory so she doesn't remember you" He walked over to her things and started to fold up the blanket. 

"Uh- she never knew I was here" Sierra said as she started to gather her things taking the blanket from Cedric.

Cedric burst out laughing for a moment scratching his head "Well... just don't tell my dad that" ha chuckled.

Sierra smiled shaking her head as she put some things away as she did so the reality of the moment finally hit her. She stared over at Cedric dumbfounded for a second trying to gather her thoughts. 

"Are you alright Sierra?" Cedric asked as he moved over by her sitting down on the concrete floor next to her. 

"Do you really think I'm worth it?" She asked as she looked over at him. 

"Well, I told you no matter what I'd be your friend, friends are the family we choose, and in that case Barrows you've always been worth it." 

A small smile appeared on Sierra's face as she pulled Cedric into a hug "Thank you" she mumbled quietly. Although maybe she wasn't showing it enough the amount of gratitude she felt for Cedric and his family was not something she could even put into words. 

"We might have to transfer you into the Hufflepuff house tho, you know badgers eat snakes and having you in a house full of badgers may not be the best idea" Cedric teased hugging her back. 

"Oh shut up" Sierra laughed letting go of him, looking back she had pretty much everything packed up. 

The two made their way back to the car, Cedric insisted in carrying her bags for her no matter how many times she told him she could carry them.

Mr.Diggory was already waiting inside of the car, Sierra got in awkwardly and put on her seatbelt, "Mr. Diggory... I am so sorry for all the trouble you must have gone through" She said as Cedric got in the car she felt a little less awkward having him there. 

"Nothing to apologize for, you're here now and safe that's all that matters" Mr. Diggory said looking at her through the back mirror before turning on the car. The car started to shake more than usual before it started lifting off the ground. 

"What the hell?" Sierra said as she backed away from the window.

Cedric burst out laughing. "You haven't been in a flying car before? Everyone has them!"

"No I haven't, and no they don't Cedric" Sierra pouted. The whole ride was full of teasing from Cedric but eventually the two just ended up laughing it off. Sierra was still pretty unsure about looking out the window so she just kept talking to Cedric.

The car began to make its way back down to the ground which made her stomach drop, she tried to concentrate on her breathing, how come she could fly around on a broom all day but not handle a flying car? Once the car touched ground Sierra looked out the window her eyes widening at the view in front of her. They were going down a driveway, gardens surrounding it with flowers and exotic looking plants everywhere but in a sense they were all placed like a painting the clash of colors forming a radiant sea. Up ahead was a large house that almost looked like a cottage, it just kept going. It was warmly lit up and something about it just screamed joy. The colors of everything around them made everything so bright, there was nothing dark about the place. There were some elves outside tending to the gardens and even they looked cheerful. 

Cedric got out of the car grabbing her things from the car. "Come on I'll show you your room" he waved her over to follow and he made his way inside of the house.

Following shortly behind Sierra was still looking around in awe. An Elf held the door open for them, the main room of the house was gorgeous. The outside of the house was the same as the inside, bright, colorful, and warm. Cedric led her down the corridor walking past a couple rooms before stopping at a door. 

"You'll be staying in this bedroom, it was one of our guest bedrooms, my mom tried to make it feel more welcoming before you came so I hope you don't hate it" Cedric said as he walked in putting her things down by the bed. 

"Why would I hate it?" Sierra asked as she walked inside the room. She had never really had a room of her own before, let alone any space of her own besides the shed... which wasn't really hers, so why would she hate such a thing?

"Well I guess its not dark and green like you're used to" Cedric teased cracking a smile.

Laughing Sierra rolled her eyes "I get Slytherin's don't have the best reputation but it's not like we are all part of some evil cult"

Cedric smiled nudging her with his elbow "I know, I'm just messing with you."


Cedric gave her a quick house tour, sierra couldn't help but to laugh at how professional he was being about the whole thing. The house was absolutely beautiful, every room was special and everything was just so full of joy. Cedric left Sierra alone to settle down after dinner. She put some things away and sat down on the bed looking out into the gardens. She looked away hearing a faint knock on the door. 

"psst Sierra" Cedric whispered from the other side of the door. 

Standing up from the bed Sierra opened up the door looking up at Cedric "Yes Diggory?"

"Let's go outside" Cedric said taking her hand before giving her an opportunity to decide. 

"Won't we get in trouble? We shouldn't be out this late, plus we get the supply lists tomorrow " Sierra whispered as she did her best to catch up with him.

Cedric led her outside closing the door behind them "Sierra you're always planning and preparing for things, you need to learn to live in the moment" Cedric said with a smile "follow me" he said before sprinting away. 

"Hey, wait!" Sierra laughed as she ran after him she followed him into the gardens running through them trying not to step on any plants. She followed him out to a field where he had laid down on. "What are you doing?"

"Look up" Cedric said as he pointed at the sky. 

Looking up Sierra was greeted with an endless sky full of stars that shined like pearls. A sense of tranquility washed over her, she didn't know how to feel about it. She laid down next to Cedric as they looked up at the stars for the first time in her life, she felt safe. 

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