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--Almost Three Months Later--

Sierra shifted as sunlight hit her eyes a small groan escaping her mouth as she began to gain consciousness. She sat up rubbing her eyes hearing some movement to her left. Looking over she spotted the grey owl that had been with her for about a week now.  Since she didn't have to be at the post office until a couple hours from now so she could finally finish writing her letter. 

          Dear Cedric, 

          You know, things here aren't horrible. I am glad to hear that you are having a good time, after all that practicing I better see Hufflepuff win some quidditch tournaments! Of course not against Slytherin, you guys aren't a threat to us. I can't wait to go back to Hogwarts, I miss you and everyone else, can't wait to see what the year is going to be like. There aren't many differences in this orphanage compared to the muggle one. I have a weird question for you, do you like your family? Is it as nice as everyone makes it out to seem? I mean there has to be arguments and hatred at some points, how do they get over that? 

       Sorry for the question that kind of turned into a couple now that I read it back. I just keep thinking about what McGonagall said to me. I feel kind of bad that I lashed out at her the way I did, they just didn't understand what I went through, I guess they just wanted the best for me... I don't know, god I'm sorry for ranting. I would cross it out and re write but this is already my third attempt at writing this letter. I'll see you soon, the supply list should be here relatively soon.

- Sierra Barrows

Folding up the letter and placing it in an envelope she handed it over to the owl. It took it with its beak and didn't hesitate in taking off exiting through a hole on the roof. Sierra had been staying inside of a shed, the owner of the house was an elderly widow, she used a wheel chair so she couldn't really get down the stairs to go to the yard, at most she went out on the porch. Which gave Sierra free range of the shed, she assumed it was the husband's since it was full of tools and equipment. The first couple nights had been a nightmare, the temperatures would drop and the cement floor would feel like ice. She had to buy a blanket to keep warm, standing up Sierra brushed her hair putting it up in a ponytail and did a quick spell to clean her clothes. She peaked out of a hole looking over at the house, the lady didn't seem to be up yet, the blinds were all closed. She opened the door to the shed and made her way out making sure to close it. She got out of the yard and made her way down the street over to the postal office.

She had gotten a job as a newspaper girl, it didn't pay much but it was basically the only job that was possible at her age. If she delivered them during the week she would get paid £11.50 and during Saturday and Sunday just £3. which gave her about £17.50 a week. Sometimes she would get lucky and people would tip her but it didn't happen often. With this she was able to buy food and not have to go into the wizarding world to take money out of her account. She looked up seeing the building  Queens Crescent Post Office. 

"Sierra, early as always. The basket on the left is for you... pretty sure everything is the same... Oh wait, don't do 157 on Prince of Wales road they stopped paying" The clerk said as she walked in.

"Will do, I'll see you later" Sierra replied as she took the basket. It was quite heavy but once she had a couple streets done it would get tolerable. She began to make her way down the street taking a turn onto Malden which would take her to Prince of  Wales road. She threw a newspaper to every door that was on her side of the street. The street was busy with cars honking at each other, most people were trying to get their way into downtown London for work. She was staying in an area called Chalk Farm, which honestly she hadn't seen any farms since she had gotten here so she wasn't sure where the name came from.  Getting to the intersection she made her way down the next street. 

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