𝐇𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐞 [𝐇.𝐒]

By daddy_kins

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|COMPLETED| ___ cover by wafflesxberries "𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠?" 𝐌𝐲 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐬... More



1.3K 46 230
By daddy_kins

Never had much faith in love or miracles
Never wanna put my heart on the line.
But swimming in your water is something spiritual

I'm born again every time you spend the night, uh!

Locked out of heaven -Bruno Mars

I'll never get tired of his taste.

He always tasted so sweet, his lips moving perfectly with mine as I allowed him to slip his tongue in my mouth. The innocent actions of the kiss turning more sinful by the second with his hands feeling my body.

I tugged his hair gently as a meek moan slipped his red lips as I smiled letting him bite my lower lip. A feeling I'll never get tired of, his touched consumed me entirely.

"Should I wait 5 more minutes or should I let you guys fuck in the car" Mia whined as I pulled away from Harry's lips rolling my eyes.

Mia stood a few feet beside us with a smirk on her lips seeing how unhappy I was from being interrupted. I merely glared at her looking back with the man with two perfect dimples.

"I bettet go, you guys have plans and I have classes to go" He whispered not letting go of my body as he leaned down to press his lips against mine again. Only parting when we heard a groan "Have fun baby, text me when to pick up tonight. Bye Mia"

"Bye Dimples" I waved leaning on my car as I watched him walk through the campus giving me a wink before mixing with thr rest of the students.

"Bye Dimples" Mia mocked rolling her eyes as I laughed slapping her ass making her yelp "What the fuck Charlie"

"Get in the car. If you mock me again I'm making Koda ride front seat" The large black dog barked making her jump not expecting him to do that.

"That's not fair. He wad in the front on the way here" I laughed just opening the car door for her getting into the other side.

I didn't usually bring such a large dog in a simple day out with Mia, I mean I never have before. But Harry was adamant that I should take him or he was skipping his classes to be near me.

Again. Harry had a right to be worried with someone literally chasing me down the street but in broad day light, he's just overreacting. He was more worried and tense than before, it was different side to what he was in his own home.

Harry was sweet and childish and oblivious couldn't keep his hands to himself, and neither did I. It was like we had a small time to get to know each other even more since we had the house for ourselves. He brought out the side of me that I hadn't seen in years, a smile never left my lips as I was here.

Now he was that stoic self, that intimidating aura around him but at least before he wore a smile on his face. But now he was wearing more of a glare. A scowl more accurately, it made me wonder if there was something more than just the incident with the car.

Harry said he wasn't like Jack but it didn't mean he still didn't work on the same path, he told me he was dangerous and I literally ignored it. But why did he say he was, what was he hidding and what was his job.

"Sooo" Mia dragged out pulling me away from my thoughts, I gave a quick glance towards her "You and Harry huh"

"It's not like I was a virgin before him Mia" I rolled my eyes turning a street before getting into traffic. It's not New York if you don't get stuck in traffic the moment you enter a car.

"I mean this is your real proper relationship" I whipped my head towards her with wide eyes. Wait? What? I thought he asked like for us to be more exclusive... did he ask me to be his girlfriend?  "Kinda hate you that you got a boyfriend before I did"

"You had boyfriends before Mia, you just didn't like them. Me and Harry are just exclusive..."I mumbled the end before a yelp passed my lips when she hit my thigh forcefully.

"CHARLIE" Mia exclaimed loudly getting the attention from the car beside us but she continued to yell at me "Don't fuckin tell me that you thought you two aren't dating...."

"I mean-" Another slap to my thigh making let out another yelp pass my lips.

My eyes turned to her with a glare "MIA" I let out a harsh hiss.

"No. You listen to me, if you two aren't dating, is Harry allowed to hook up with other people" Harry could make decisions himself, he knows what's good for him and he can hook up with anyone he wants.

But jealously burned inside me just thinking about his lips on someone else's neck. His touch on a random persons body, that pissed me off to say the least.

That part of me that wanted him all to myself, that selfish part thar I didn't want anyone to have him. And I wouldn't say it would be a surprise that Harry felt the same.

Maybe I was just scare to be what everyone considered a relationship because of the things I was insecure and hid from everyone. He would see it all, he'd know about everything.

Harry would figure out my secrets.

"I don't know if I'll be good at it" I told her referring to a 'normal' relationship. No news that I wasn't the most normal or well behaved person but could I do this.

"With the right person... I think you don't need to try to be good at it. It just fits" I pressed my lips in a thin line, everything about my relationship or friendship with Harry wasn't something force.

The opposite, it just happen so normally and it didn't scare me how fast our relationship went. It felt good, like it was suppose to happen. The only thing blocking me from moving forward to pursue a normal life was my past.

"You're annoying when you're right" I muttered turning to her to see a wide smile on her lips and that 'I'm always right' look.

"Then I must be annoying all my life then" She joked flipping her hair off her shoulder sending me a wink.
"Can I ask-"

"Yes we slept together Mia. Still kinda sore, I mean if you how big he fuckin is" Another slap but to my mouth clapping it tightly leaving me to let out the muffled ending of Harry's dick size.

"Can we not start" Mia looked red, her cheeks and neck fully red from embarrassment and I didn't know why.

Not like I haven't said worse things to her.

I laughed pulling her hand away from my mouth to begin to drive again "What's your question anyways?"

"Are you going to talk about her with him?" Mia's voice was low and gentle like she didn't want to startle me, my lip was pulled in between my teen as I thought about it for a second.

"I don't know" My answer was quick, I really didn't know. And right now I didn't want to think about it.

I woke in a good mood and I didn't want to ruin it thinking about everything.

The silence consumed the car for a few seconds before Mia turned the radio up mouthing the words of the song that played in the car. We had a simple day planned for us, something we did on a few occasions.

Go to the park and just talk or hunt for boys.

Usually I was hunting for boys to take to Mia but she always insisted she didn't like them. As always they had something wrong with them.

I just assumed that Mia had a secret boyfriend or was interested in someone but I never seen her fawn or drool over at the campus. Or maybe she's secretly in love with me and we'll one day get married and live happily ever after.

To bad she's straight.

Mia could at least get laid, she's been very, how do I say this without being mean, she's being a bit of a grinch. Or bitch, maybe ridding a dick will make her mood rise sky high.

I know I get happy after fucking, and speaking of sex.

"Mia you know those condoms I gave you. Can I have them back"I mean even with an implant to prevent me from getting pregnant, I still wanna be safe.
"I'm too young to be a mom... plus I'll have to use plan A."

"Uhmm actually. I used them" My jaw went slack as my eyes widened turning to her like I was seeing a fuckin Jesus sitting beside me drinking wine.

My foot pressed the breaks jolting our bodies forward as car behind us honked and yelled at us. But my focus was on the virgin mary saying she wasn't a virgin anymore.

It was like seeing a miracle of life happen before me.


"YOU HAD SEX" I screamed my lips tugging up to a wide smile as the car behind us pressed their horn even more.

"I'M DRIVING HERE" The car zoomed by angrily as I flipped him off shoving my arm out the window lifting my finger high in the sky.

"Move Charlie" Mia pleaded hearing more cars honk behind me.

"You fuckin spill. Who's dick have you been fuckin?" I asked turning to her to see her face go scarlett again. My laughter echoed the car she just confirmed she was doing it with someone.

"Nobody. You don't know them"She whispered, her tone clearly giving out that she was lying. I turned to her giving her a look

I scroffed "You're a horrible liar. I'll excuse that cause I'm happy your vagina is meeting new people"

"Charlie" She hissed opening the door when I parked making me laugh. I opened my door waiting for the large dog to jump out so I could lock the car.
"Stop making a big deal out of this"

"I'm sorry. It's like seeing Jesus cure the  blind"

"Did you just compare me to Jesus?" She asked with a confused look as I shrugged with a smile

I pushed some glasses on my face walking towards her "I mean. Both are a miracle"

"Shut up before I kill you" She grabbed my hand as we crossed the street towards the park. The people in front of immediate getting out our way due to the fear of the giant dog beside us.

It was funny to see their reactions to a dog who could turn someone but in reality he'll just crush you with a huge hug.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you" Mia eyes went wide as she remembered something, I simply hummed so she'd continue "Remember that girl you hooked up in my class?"

"I mean there's a lot, need to be more specific" I laughed knowing that she could be talking about anyone.

"The hot blonde one. Allison? Ashley? Ally?" She waved off after not remembering the girls name "She been missing on campus for over a month. People are saying she's dead or running away"

"Or maybe she just didn't have money to pay for the rest of the year" I rose my eyebrows as Mia rolled her eyes.

"Who cares. It's still weird though, she just disappeared and people only found out like 2 weeks ago" It was weird but NYU was expensive but maybe the girl just didn't have enough money to afford to go there anymore.

"Why this interesting to me again?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. She went missing the day you got ran over, I thought it was a weird coincidence" I paused, I did remember the girl.

The blonde girl with the 'I wanna kill you' eyes. She was wanting to talk to me that day, how long did Allyson? Ashley...whatever her name is, had gone missing.

"You've been watching to many crime videos Mia" I pointed out as she just rolled her eyes at me but did continue to talk about the theories behind the crazy eyes girl's  disappearance


"How's Percy doing back home?" Jason asked as I smiled at the guy grabbing my icecream before following Mia down the street.

"He says it's boring and annoying. So he's okay" I laughed licking the side of the frosted cream.

"Well at least he gets to eat June's cupcakes every weekend. He should be happy to be there" I rolled my eyes hearing Jason's immature tone, he was a sucker for June. "How are you anyways?"

"The usual, sober of course. But I'm fine" It did feel nice to be clean, I still haven't felt the withdrawal but I didn't really get the cravings like before. "What about you J?"

"Therapy is helping and shit but it's really going great" I smiled hearing thr pride in his voice that he was finally getting clean again.

It was good to see him this happy and not acting like he did before when he was on withdrawal. Maybe this time he'll, I mean. We'll finally be clean and sober.

"How far is this shop?" Mia whined taking a bite out of her cone looking at the windows of the shop.

"Is that Mia?" Jason's voice perked up as I hummed in reponse ignoring the tone "haven't talked to her in a while, how is she"

"You won't believe this. I think she's seeing someone!" I gushed silently so Mia wouldn't hit me for telling my brother

"Really? Did she say who?" He asked curious as I sighed

"Nah, she won't tell me buut I'll find out soon" I always do, her little hook up never stay a secret for long. She has a habit of slipping up "Anyways I have to go. Call you later?"

"See yah C, love you" I smiled

"Love you too" I hung up taking a huge bite from the top of my icecream before it melted in my hand. I quickly caught up to Mia almost tripping over Koda.

"I swear if you two fuck in front of me I will murder you" Mia hissed not letting a single second pass as we reached the shop.

"No promises"I sang opening the door seeing nobody in the store. My lips wrapped around the icecream again as I looked around to see if Mitch was stacking some of the records.

The silence of the room made it seem like he had just forgot to look the store before heading out. I had nudge Mia to leave with me as I pulled my phone out to call Harry to tell him.

But a faint music came from behind the counter. The wooden door muffling the singers voice but you'd recognize ABBA'S tune from anywhere.

Mia stayed behind with Koda as she looked at the records on the shelves as I went towards the door. The tune to 'Mamma Mia' was getting louder and I could hear more than one voice and something metal hitting something hard.

My fingers gripped the door knob as I turned it to open. I cringed at the annoying creak of the door pulling it to open wider.

I let out a startled scream as the door opened on me almost knocking me down. I looked up to see Mitch frightened face staring at me quickly closing the door behind him.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there" He immediately apologized as I dismissed it, my eyes took a look at his face.

He looked like he was in a fight like Jack the night he came by, the cuts along his nose and cheek and a view bruises on his arms. But Harry just said that they were into boxing like him and they get a little out of hand sometimes.

Not that I believe that's the only scares Jack actually gets. I would suspect that many of his injuries are from his job though, I knew how people acted high on drugs or seeking for them.

"It's fine, I thought you left the shop open." I laughed looking at the door hearing the music cut and the voices on the other side be silenced. "I thought Harry was going to be here"

"He'll be up in a minute" I smiled and nodded turning to Mia who just stared at the man with the cute face. "Hi I'm Mitch. You must be Mia right, heard a lot about you"

"Me too, finally nice to meet you" Bullshit. I never really mentioned Mitch that much to Mia or Jack for that mattet.

Oh shit. I forgot to tell Mia that Jack was Harry's cousin. Well I don't think she'll be pissed, he did save her life.

"There's my daredevil" My cheeks hurt from how wide my smile reached when Harry's voice reached my ear. Not long after his lips touchrd mine.

I could feel the need rolling off them as he kissed me hard and tender. The ways his hands cupped my cheeks as he did, made me melt against him letting him take the lead.

He pulled away to give me a large smile as I returned it, feeling that bubbly burst of butterflies erupt inside me seeing how happy he was to see me.

"I missed you" He whispered creasing my cheeks as i gripped the bottom of his shirt.

"I know, who wouldn't"I teased watching him roll his perfect green eyes at me before I lifted myself to my tippy toes "I might have missed you too" I whispered watching him smile again.

"Can I hug my bestie now? Or are you going to fuck in front of us" We let out a sigh hearing Jack's voice pop our little buble, soon as Harry pulled away Jack had his arms wrapped around me.

Jack pulled away with a giggle "Hi bestie"

"Nice to see you again Jack" I smiled at him watching his boyish smile widen even more.

"Hey aren't you that guy who saved me" Mia asked as we turned towards her, I glanced at Jack who looked at her for a few minutes before he lunched himself on her, wrapping his arms around her little frame.

"I'm Jack, or you can call me your hero"He flirted winking at her as she pulled away watching her confused eyes turn to me.

Probably wondering why the guy who saved her that night was here and hugging her.

"Jack is Harry's cousin" I told her as she nodded slowly giving him a tight smile but he's attention wasn't on her anymore but on Koda who was getting praised just by breathing.
"I'll explain later"

"Why does he have blood on him" Mia asked pointing at Mitch as I looked down to see on his yellow shirt a large red blood stain.

Harry tensed beside me as Jack didn't even seem to have heard what she said to entranced with the dog. Mitch seemed nonchalant about it pressing his hand on the inside of his shirt before letting out a sigh.

"Just from a cut I got, I'll change my shirt" I just stood there watching Harry's reaction to it. It was strange nonetheless to be that tense about a small cut.

"Come on, I'm starving" I didn't even finish my thought process as Harry dragged me out of the store calling Mia right begind us.

I wanted to ponder on his weird reaction but right now all I could think of is how he was interlocking our fingers together, creasing the skin on my hand as he pulled me beside him.

I couldn't help but to smile thinking that made Mia was actually right.

It just fits


this more of a filler than anything. I wanted a Charlie Mia moment since I have something huge in store for the next chapter.

Do i really need to say something about this gif?

Hope you enjoyed
Dont forget to vote&comment


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