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By daddy_kins

92.1K 3K 8.1K

|COMPLETED| ___ cover by wafflesxberries "๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ก๐ข๐๐ข๐ง๐ ?" ๐Œ๐ฒ ๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ... More

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1.6K 51 362
By daddy_kins

You're so golden

I'm out of my head
And I know that you're scared

Because hearts get broken

Golden -harry styles

"Harry mate" I hummed looking over away from the gauze that wrapped my hands towards Jack "You okay?"

I focused back on my hands not knowing how to answer honestly.

Charlie was invating my mind more than usual. She was something else, the things I've heard or read about her was nothing compared to what I saw.

And what bugged me more is that she hadn't talked to me in a few days, 2 days and 11 hours actually but who's counting. After what happened at her childhood house she didn't come back the same.

It wasn't hard to notice.

I could hear the wheels in her head turning as she sat in silence in my car on the way back. I wanted to ask what had happened but after knowing what her father did to her brother, or what he could have done to her if she was there. Or the worst part.

What he had already done to her.

I knew if Charlie told me in that car on what happened the night she called me I wouldn't be able to control myself and go back there and murder her parents.

Not a very logical thing to do but I didn't want them to bring more pain to her.

She was a beautiful person, flawed in every way but that made her beautiful. It was drew me towards her.

Charlie held a wall in front of her, she thought she hide her problems but they were the wall she created.

As if it was to push people away so they wouldn't know who she was. And if never worked on me it just pulled me in deeper.

A simple job became a whole mess.

"I don't know" I got up grabbing the gun in front of me and putting agaisnt my back keeping it secure in my pants
"Charlie still hasn't called me"

I felt like a nosey teenager, clingy and everything.

She was always on my mind, constantly holding hostage of my own thoughts making me focus on only her.

Just laying in her bed watching her sleep made me feel calm watching her nose scrunch up as if bad things fell in mind as she slept beside me.

It felt nice not to lay in bed alone and think if she was okay or not, if she was out causing trouble.

But she still looked troubled

Was she okay? Did she just need more time to recover what happened in her house or did forget about me...

"Didn't you say her parents are abusive towards her, you know first experience it just go away in a day" I pressed my lips in a thin line as I looked at him watching his comb his red hair back with a headband. I knee how it felt to feel numb and just angry wanting to something, drugs were her realise but I saw in her eyes that something happened and it effected her even more.

I just wondered what was it...

"You're acting obsessive Harold" Jack added

"Piss off, she's.... I'm not involved like that. You know I have to keep her safe" I scoffed


"Whatever you say" He blew a breath grabbing his knives from the table.

He knew already that I was beginning to be possessive over her, I could tell that I was falling more deep into this whole thing than I expected.

"Have you heard about Jason Martin?" Jack nodded as if nobody in our mix didn't hear of his track record.

Everyone knew of the Martin boy, Charlie was associated with him a few times but not enough to be wildy known as her brother.

And Jason knew too much about us as well but not enough to know who we were in person. Like my little addiction to his sister, he had a bit of an addiction to hunt us down for the things we've done.

Not that he didn't deserve it at the time

He owes me a quiet a lot of money but that has been since been...payed by an anonymous person.

Not that my care for his sister had anything to do with this.

They had the money to pay for it but Jason's pride wouldn't allow him I knew that for sure.

Jack was the one who knew more than Jason than anyone else, not only being the hands on deck man but also our informant to the places he sells drugs too.

He knew every single detail to their routines to what they have eaten over the last year. Comes in handy like today's job.

"Yes I know your girlfriends bother. Who hasn't" He laughed like a asked a stupid question.

"Keep an eye on him and cut him off in every way with our supplies"I demanded, not that I didn't trust him. I didn't, we deal with drug addicts all the time. They always come back.

Withdrawal will be a pain to him but he is not my problem.

I just needed Charlie safe.

"Not involved you say" He mummers mocking my last line as I had the urge to punch him again "Boss won't like it when finds out"

"He'll understand what I'm doing. The more trust I get the quicker we can find it" The necklace.

It wasn't what we had in mind to this whole ordeal, it was what we least expected but if their looking for it. We need to find it first.

Charlie unnoticeable was in the cross fire, actually her whole family was in this. And I don't think she knew what was coming.

No one did truly what would happen.

"Mitch was right, you're so salty when we mention her" I glared at him pushing out of the bright room turning only to close the door and hide all the armory that we just left.

"No that's because you're annoying" I muttered watching my cousin roll his eyes

"Such a moody bitch, is it because you aren't getting laid?" He asked as I froze in my place hearing him snickering behind me.

I didn't care about if I was or not having sex but Charlie drove me insane.

So I was a bit moody from being sexually frustrated and not being able to see how tight that cunt of hers would feel agaisnt my cock.

"It is! I see right through you mate" I watched him give me 'i see you' gesture with a large grin

"Jack. If you don't shut up, I will kill you" I told him slowly knowing he was trying to push my buttons.

I swear to God I'll end his bloodline with a single bullet.

"Oh come on Harold, just take a quick wank so I don't need to be trapped in a bloody car with a moody bitch" Jack sighed annoyed as I wrapped my hands around the butt of the gun laughing at him as I shook my head.

"I could give you a few minutes if you want...no rush" I smiled brightly at him.

"I'll give you the count of 5 or I'll kill you right here" I pulled my gun out pointing right at his head as his smile faltered a bit

"Harry mate"

"One" I smiled at him.

"You're not serious" He rose his hands at me taking a step back.


"I'm family!"

"Three" I clicked the safety off.


"I knew I shouldn't have left you two idiots alone" Mitch shook his head as he entered the car.

I held a small smirk looking at the the mirror seeing Jack's reflection on it. His nose was slipt open on the bridge as it had just stopped bleeding.

"I didn't touch him" I retorted turning the car on as I pulled into the street, Micth gave me a look as he didn't believe me.

It was expected.

But this time I didn't hurt the asshole, he ran into the door thinking it was still open. Nearly passed out from laughing watching him cup his nose and wussing out.

He's been stabbed many times and cries over a small split nose.

"Hmm" He humms looking away from me "So Jack's where we going?"

"Club Ibiza, Jason frequents here mostly. Has been AOL for a few months but it's rumored he has his own private area" Jack informated looking at his phone as I turned the street licking my lips

"Think the necklace is there?" That damn necklace has pissed of the boss more then usual.

It was a simple lockit heart shapped jewelry. Nothing special but he said that he needed it.

What did some junk seemed so important to find. Could be easily found at any jewelry store, but why this one.

"I don't know" He murmured tapping on his phone again

"Did the boss say why he wanted it?" Mitch asked as I bite my lip remembering he just yelled at me to find it or else.

Not like he'd do a better job than me.

"No idea. He said it's important, I don't even know who the owner is." I did look around in Charlie's room, Mia was a heavy sleeper which helped to search around the room.

The only jewelry I found was rings and piercings but all rose gold. Nothing heart shapped or golden.

Not even in Mia's apartment we've found anything similar to what that man had described. But I was more curious on what was in it, it seemed like a personal item that someone would use on a daily basis.

Necklaces like that have a message inscribed or a photo of a relative. Did he want a picture inside it?

Was that what was so important to everyone.

"Natka Miprose"I frowned looking back at Jack through the mirror.


"The owner of the necklace, it wasn't hard to find who bought it and it's the only name on the paper that seemed fake" He started to explain looking up from the phone "It's an alias, an obvious one. And no I haven't found who they really are, they paid in cash and the wore a disguise to avoid getting recognized"

This was getting more interesting than I thought.

Maybe it wasn't just a simple necklace, nobody would go to those lengths for a small thing.

I had stopped in front of the club watching woman and men get in with smiles on their faces as some stumbled in probably bar hopping. The buffer already paid in advance gave us a subtle nodd as we fixed our suits.

The guns and kinves hidden in holsters covered by the jackets until the time we need to use them. Jack looked uncomfortable in the suit murmuring why he needed to use the monkey suit. Protocol, all members have to go in suits.

I mean how else would even recognize us.

"Mr.Styles" Dominic Wayne, the owner of the club already greeted us when the door closed behind.

The bright and vibrant neon blue light of the club annoyed me a bit. I found it distracting especially the flashing lights to give the effect as if people were moving in a different pace.

I fixed my suit again giving him a large smile as Mitch and Jack stood either side of me looking around the room for his own personal body guards.

"What do I owe the pleasure" He looked incredibly nervous, I didn't blame him last time we were here we might have caused a bit of a scene.

And killing his partner.

"Jason Martin's private area. We'd like to see it" I smiled raising my eyebrows watching him nodd virtuously as he looked over his shoulders.

"Right this way" I followed him through the crowd, I use to like the people pressing against me. Grinding on me.

But now I just found it annoying. I had to contain myself not to point a gun at the people who touched my suit trying to pull me towards them.

"Jason hasn't been here in months after last time, he's been hopping to other clubs" Dominic nervously stuttered out as if we already didn't know about that.

"Dommy mate, you're the only club who gave him his private room" Jack smiled grabbing a random girls cup hissing at her playfully as she cursed at him "Wonder why"

"Best customer. He always brought everyone that had money here, he needed somewhere to you know -do his things" He gestured trying to not say to smoke, snort and fuck in his own privacy.

Smart guy.

"Names of them please. Each and last one" I muttered pushing past him when I saw the red velvet door with a golden plank written VIP.

We ignored the man knowing if he would do what he was asked or he'd get a bullet in his head or worse have Mitch handle him.

The room was quiet due to it's soundproof walls giving exclusive privacy to it's guests to make much noise as possible. Memories I had in there with the countless men and women I've fucked.

Now all I could think of was fuckin Charlie against the red sofa in the corner of the room or on the large circle one in the middle of the room.

"I like Dominic, he's very cute when he stutters" I rolled my eyes looking around the room in search of something different.

"Jack" Mitch looked at him as he hummed a yes with a large smile "Shut up"

I laughed pulling out my knife giving Micth a smile as we looked at a pouty Jack. The blade of the knife punctured the red couch cushions letting me see in the inside of the white fluffy cushions.

My hand dug inside looking for anything hidden.

It could be anything to remotely give us a clue that he's been hiding this here. Half of the sofa was destroyed by my knife cut up and ripped apart to find any secret findings.

But nothing came to appear, just a condom. Hopefully not used.

Mitch had opened up all the little furniture around the room, taking them apart to see if anything had been stashed but nothing again was found.

"This is pointless" Mitch muttered impatiently stabbing the wodden white  table.

I nodded along sitting on the armrest of the destroyed sofa.

I rubbed my eyes, we've been in here for about 30 minutes and we should have found something already.

"Well Harry did insist for us to come" I watched Jack lightly slam his head on the wall resting from ripping out the carpet. But the noise was it made caused me to get up.

"Do that again" I told him as he gave me a questionable look thinking I just wanted to have him slam his head to hurt him.

Yet he did what he was told, hitting his forehead agaisnt the wall the echo hinting the wall was hollowed there. Jack gave me a wide smile as he did it again.

I rolled my eyes walking over to him pushing out of the way. My hands flattened agaisnt the wallpaper feeling it first before hitting the wall with my knuckles, the small echo came from behind it while beside them the wall was firm.

I smirked at the boys before grabbing the knife again and ripping the wallpaper off. It was obvious someone had hidden something in the wall with a large cut of was made in a square very visible in the wall.

"We should use my head more often" Jack smiled as I looked to see s small red mark on his forehead.

I carved the outline out the square trying to dig my knife inside it until it popped open. The boys crowded around me as the pop sound was made when it opened up as I put more force on the knife.

The smile on my face dropped when the cover was pulled away revealing an empty and hollow with a single small and dirty piece of paper.

"You've got to be kidding me"I yelled throwing the knife on the wall almost hitting Mitch by accident before it got stuck in the wall.

Heavy sighs left their mouths as they looked in the empty hole grabbing the small paper.

"At least it's something" Mitch muttered opening the paper as I watched him frown. "What the fuck"

"What?"I asked as Jack grabbed the paper giving the same confused look as he flipped the paper around trying to see if he could figure it out.

I grabbed the paper from his hands looking at it trying to see what was so confusing about it was. I tilted my head to the side trying to figure out what the fuck I was looking at.

It was just one word. Simple yet not giving out what it should mean.


"Great. We've done all this to get a note written with a pet name" Mitch huffed out pushing his long hair away from his face.

"Maybe it's an anagram, like for a location or a persons name" I questioned looking Jack as he just shrugged not really knowing what it was.

"It can be, location it have to have at least some numbers to be coordinates" He rubbed his jaw trying to at least exclude ideas. All this trouble for a simple piece of paper.

There had to be more but it was empty nothing inside it, no other hidden parts in the wall. This was much more then I expected, harder to say the least. There were so much secrets and hidden clues that I didn't know where to start.

If this was Jason's doing he knew how to keep everything cryptic and well hidden for Jack to be stumped in it. But it didn't seem like him from what I've observed.

Jason was reckless and impulsive, not planning in advance for anything he did. This person was careful and calculated and wanted to keep things hidden but easy to find.

Who was I playing up against?

The door cracked open with a tall dark skinned woman thinking she was entering the room silently. Her eyes widened as she noticed three men looking directly at us.

She threw a lazy smile at us trying to pretend she was intoxicating but we knew wasn't.

"Oops, thought this was the bathroom" Her slurred speech was credible but not enough to fool us, her movements were to rigid and she seemed alert to who we are.

Her eyes peering behind us seeing the messy room, the flash of what had happened clear on her face, just a small look down to my hands her eyes looked back up.

My hands went towards the gun gripping at it as she held herself more normally. Her drunken snile became a sober one with a malicious behind it.

"I think that belong to me" She pointed towards the paper as I slipped it in my pocket pulling out my gun and aiming it at her.

"Sorry sweetheart but it was yours" I held a fake smile on my lips hearing Jack tap his knife with his ring along with Mitch just waiting for my signal
"But why dont we have a little chat"

She pursed her lips giving me a look "Sorry Styles. Not today" I yelped in pain as she threw something sharp in my arm cutting the fabric along with my bicep.

She fled the room seconds later as I barked at the boys to go after her. The lights blinded me as we chased after on the dance floor trying to get her. .

Jack was the first to grab her pulling her body towards him, he didn't expect for a knife to barely miss his neck as she attacked. A headbutt and a hard shoved made Jack fall agaisnt the people behind him as he gave me shocked look.

Me and Mitch ran after her pushing the drunken people out of our way as we approached her cutting her off from the front entrance. Now face to face, my gun back in it's place as I balled my hands into fists not really expecting to hit her.

A bottle was thrown at Mitch's head as it cracked open leaving him disoriented beside me before she attacked me, kicking my stomach before punching me in the face before I grabbed her hand stopping her from even cutting my face open with the large ring on her right fist.

I quickly twisted her arm trying to pin it behind her back to keep her from attacking me, but another yelp left my lips as I felt something connect with my groin. My grip loosening as she espaced my hands.

But not going far as I chair connected with her face knocking her down a few feet from me.

"Is it seixst to hit her? Is it more sexist to not hit her? This is so fuckin confusing" Jack helped me letting go of the chair up ranting on not knowing how to stop her without injuring her. We don't particularly hit woman but she's making rethink that idea.

"Just grab her before I actually kill her in this shit club" I barked angrily holding my crotch was we walked up to her seeing her face filled with blood from the blow.

Jack bent down to help her up but a smile cracked on her lips as she cut his shirt wide open leaving a huge rip on it before swinging again at him ripping his flesh.

"Harry watch out" I didn't have time to turn around or dodge when a baseball bat connected with my back and ribs before I was pushed to the side.

Another woman with baggy clothes a face mask headed towards Jack doing the same thing before letting the bat go as he fell down. Her white hair covered her face mostly as she helped the other woman up.

I let out a groan pushing myself off the table I had landed heading towards them but seeing them disappear in the sea of people so quickly I couldn't keep trap of them.

"Who the fuck was that" Mitch yelled, I grimaced at the large cut cross his nose was bleeding out, and not to mention the large cut on his neck.

My teeth clenched together as I looked at the damaged they made, my sleeve was ripoed open as my arm bleed. Jack looked worse with his shirt ripped off his body leaving him shirtless as he examined the ruined material.

Now his raven tattoo visible to the people around as they backed away from us.

"Next time I'm fuckin shooting her in the head" He sneered spreading more blood on his abdomen as he touch the ripp skin.

"What'cha fuckin lookin at" He yelled grabbing the bat from the floor tossing it into the air as a yelp was heard through the loud music after it landed.

I really should have shot her.

"How many other crews are after the necklace" Mitch asked me as I just let out a deep sigh not liking his one bit.

"Sixteen" Dominic passed the list towards us as I looked at the list of gangs and mafia members that had been looking for a necklace or Natka.

"Recognize those two girls?"I asked looking through the names recognizing each one. A few could be payed off to not look anymore as the rest had a bit of a hatred towards us.

For good reasons.

"My guys recognize the tall one. She was always with Jason but always gave a false name" I hummed already wanting to get this shit over with. What does a guy have to do to get what he wants and kill the people he wants.

"Hey Harry, check this out" Mitch passed a few papers to me as I instantly locked on the name Natka.

They had been coming here before Jason had, since 2006. Oddly enough after it that year they seemed to vanish until 2017 being the last time they entered the club.

"Natka, using the same alias. Not gonna be hard to find out other locations of hers" I said. See that's easy.

"Haven't seen anything to so far but I can try" Jack grabbed the computer on the table and quickly typing on it.

"You won't find her" We all turned our heads to Dominic "She is a ghost. We don't even know what she looks like, coming in with a different set up"

You've got to be kidding me.

"We don't know actually if the 2017 was her, nobody actually saw her"

"So we're after the bogeyman?" Mitch looked at him suspicious as I did too. A person can disappear but they always leave something behind.

Something to that leads to them.

"Only if you believe it" He looks at us as if we're telling actual ghost stories.

"Fuck off before I kill you" I muttered already annoyed at him. He didn't hesitate to run out the room giving me a chance to sit down and think about this all.

Who was she.

"He's right. The bogeyewoman hasn't been seen in 10 years not physically anyways. Not even hospital records. Bank records" Jack went on as he scrolled on the computer looking at it intensely "it's like she just appeared and disappeared as quickly as she came"

"Fuckin perfect." I pinched the bridge of my nose thinking of all the work that had to be done.

She better be fuckin dead or I'll kill her myself for giving me this headache.

"But her only known association is to this club and Jason Martin" Looks like we have to find out where Jason put his new hidding spot at.

Or if he didn't lose anything to the fire, I think we made sure to grab what was important.

"So now what?" I looked at the boys pressing my lips in a thin line not knowing what to say actually.

This was far beyond everything that I thought would happen but it's not going to make me give up. And boss wouldn't let me go so easy if I screw this up.

I knew Jack and Mitch would go down with me. And I couldn't let them get killed because of me.

"We have some people to pay off tonight and a ghost to hunt" I stood up grabbing my weapons from the table and putting my ripped suit back on me.

The boys did the same grabbing everything that Dominic provided and shoved it into a box as others were set fire to.

"Who are you gonna call" Jack sang as we looked at him with a blank stare.
"Got it.... not the time"

I rolled my eyes pushing past the door towards the back door exist with them following behind.

This was going to be a long night.



I guess going clubbing isn't really their thing is it?

Jack after knocking the girl out with a chair.

I hoped you enjoyed don't forget to vote&comment


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