Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

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Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect

239 11 9
By ScammerOne

(The Next Day)

As dawn shone on the Marugame Castle once again, Wakaba and Hinata were already waiting for Taisha's car to take them to meet Shouichi. 

Hinata: Looks like it's here. (Hinata said as she pointed to the black car which is headed their way)

Wakaba: Yes......

When the car arrived, both of them immediately hopped on the car as they were told to and took a seat. 

(A few hours later)

Wakaba and Hinata arrived at one of the Taisha-affiliated hospitals. The both of them walked in to be greeted by the priest. 

Priest: Wakaba-sama. Hinata-sama. Please follow me......

The priest then led Wakaba and Hinata to a secret underground passage below the hospital. The passage was a long white corridor with many rooms but no other sign of life besides Wakaba, Hinata, and the priest leading them. After walking for a while, they arrived at the very last room of that hallway. 

Priest: Now, I'll take my leave....... (The priest then walked away from Wakaba and Hinata in front of the door)

After the priest was no longer out of sight, Wakaba and Hinata opened the door to the room. When the door opened, and both of them looked at the insides, it really surprises them. One, a fully grown-up man, is sitting up at the corner of the room, all curdled up while crying. Two, Shouichi, who was still strapped to the bed showing a smug face at the man still crying for eight hours straight.

Wakaba and Hinata: 0_0 (The both of them looked at the room with confusion)

Inner Wakaba and Hinata: W-what's with this atmosphere??!!

Shouichi: Ah! Well, well, isn't it Nogi and Uesato...... How're you guys doing? Especially you, Nogi. You were beaten down pretty hard. 

Wakaba: I-i'm fine........ thank you....... (Wakaba answered nervously)

Hinata: B-by the way...... what's wrong with that person? (Hinata pointed to the man who is still crying at the corner of the room)

Shouichi: Ah, Hojo-san....... He said he's the interrogator or something like that wanting to get the secrets of my power but........

Wakaba: But?

Shouichi: I just told him things that would make an older man in his late 30s break down in tears. 

Wakaba: I-i see...... Even so, isn't this going too far?

Shouichi: Too far? I should be the one saying that. Well, it's not that I actually care. By the way, what are you guys doing here? (Shouichi said as if nothing is wrong)

Hinata: We were worried that the Taisha would treat you horribly......, but it looks like we were wrong.  

Shouichi: Ah, don't worry. As you can see, I'm doing great right now....... I got three meals a day and have no problem with entertainment. 

 Hinata: If you told where did you really get your power, you'd probably have been released more early, though. 

Shouichi: Well........ it's not something I want to talk to anyone about, especially the people from the Taisha. I don't exactly trust them or any of you, by the way. 

Wakaba and Hinata: ...... 

Wakaba: Ashikawa....... If you're saying that you don't trust us,....... Then why...... why did you save me? 

Shouichi: ........Call it on a whim. There's no particular reason to save you, though. I just never thought that you are really that weak. That's all there's to it. 

Wakaba was gritting her teeth and clenching her fist out of the pure anger of what Shouichi just said. 

Wakaba: I see!!!!! Then I'm not needed here, right????!!!!! (Wakaba said as she angrily walks out from Shouichi's room)

Hinata: W-Wakaba-chan!!!!! (Hinata then went after Wakaba)

Shouichi looked at both of them as they exited the room. 

Shouichi: For goodness sake, even though they are this island's so-called Heroes and Miko, they are nothing compared to Utano and Mito. 

Hojo: Is this the way you really wanted? (The man that is sitting at the corner of the room finally stood up)

Shouichi: Don't worry, you did really great.

Hojo: Can I ask you a question?

Shouichi: Yeah, what is it?

Hojo: Why did you purposely push them away? In any case, they'll be fighting alongside you for who knows how long. 

Shouichi: As I've said before, I don't need any weaklings fighting alongside me. 

Hojo: You know what my occupation is, right? I'm an interrogator. I know when a person's lying or not, especially a child like you, who is nothing but a liar in my eyes. 

Shouichi: .......

Hojo: So, what is your real reason? Well, but I can easily guess what's your true intentions. 

Shouichi: If you already knew about it, what do you want?

Hojo: I want to hear it directly from your mouth. Let's say it's the payback because you humiliated me. 

Shouichi: *sigh* ....... Fine...... I've already had enough of it.......

Hojo: Enough of what? 

Shouichi: I've enough of people sacrificing their life for me. First, it was Utano and Mito. I even wondered why was I left alive instead of dead. It would be a hell lot of easier if I had died with them. But......

Hojo: But?

Shouichi: I saw it...... What Utano and Mito were trying to protect. It was small and measure nearly nothing to those monsters but to me, it was a beautiful and wonderful world. That's why........ I won't let any of them die........ I won't let them sacrifice themselves. This time for sure, I'll continue to protect what Utano and Mito left behind. 

Hojo: I see...... (Hojo then walked to Shouichi and unstrapped him from his seat) 

Shouichi: What's the meaning of this? 

Hojo: Nothing....... I'm interested and want to see how far the man called Ashikawa Shouichi will go. 

Shouichi: Don't get your hopes up just- (Shouichi immediately fell down while holding his head)

Hojo: What's wrong?! 

Shouichi: Nothing, looks like you can get hopes up after all. 

Hojo: Eh?! 

The world around Shouichi began to be enveloped by flowers transporting him into the Jukai. 

Shouichi: Alright then....... Let's begin this, shall we! 


Shouichi looked on at the Vertex that is approaching the Jukai. The number of the approaching Vertexes was at least twice yesterday's. Some of the Vertexes even evolved to form the same Vertex with the ability to reflect the attack just like the one Yuuna defeated yesterday using the Ichimoukuren. Except for this time, that kind of Vertex was more numerous, and the size was much bigger than yesterday.

Shouichi: Hmm...... It looks like they are dead set on killing the Shinju. Well, as long as I'm alive, I'll not let any of them see that come true.

Just as Shouichi was about to move forward and engage the enemy, he saw a blue figure running straight towards the enemy.

Shouichi: That is........

Shouichi squinted his eyes to try and figure out who is charging straight towards the enemy. He saw Wakaba in her Hero form, charging straight towards the enemy.

Shouichi: *sigh*...... She's more an idiot than I thought. Charging forward without a backup is the worst thing to do, especially if you're fighting a losing battle. Well, let's see what she can do for now. (Shouichi said as he took a seat at one of the rooms overlooking the Jukai.)

(Meanwhile Wakaba's Location)

Wakaba charged angrily and slashed the Vertex.

Inner Wakaba: I'll never accept it! I'll show it to him!!! I'll cut down every Vertex that exists!

Wakaba then continued to cut down every Vertex without caring about her surroundings. When Wakaba realized it, she was already very far and was surrounded by numerous Vertexes ready to attack her.

(Back To Shouichi's Location)

Shouichi looked at Wakaba who is still doing her best to cut down as many Vertex as she could. When Wakaba was surrounded by the Vertex, he was ready to abandon her and let them die.

Shouichi: This is perfect. With the death of one of the heroes, the other four will lose their will to fight and will never become a hero anymore. Then...... I'll be the one to shoulder it.......

As Shouichi said that, he thought to himself if his action is the right thing to do or not.

Inner Shouichi: But....... Is it something that Utano would've wanted me to do....... Utano and Mito both fought to protect them, but....... I still can't forgive what they did to us...... They abandoned us despite Suwa on the verge of collapse.

Shouichi just stayed still as he looked at Wakaba who was doing everything she could to fend off the vertex but getting injured each time in the process. Shouichi then clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

Utano: You know what you have to do. (Utano said in a soft voice)

Shouichi then saw a transparent Utano and Mito flew by his shoulder.

Mito: Please...... protect everyone..... with that power......

Both Utano and Mito then slowly float towards the sky entrusting Shouichi with their wish.

Shouichi: Utano...... Mito......... Thank you...... For supporting me through for the last three years. I'll carry on your wish. I'll protect everyone!

Shouichi then jumped towards to wear Wakab was surrounded and landed right in the middle.


The Vertexes turn their attention from Wakaba to Shouichi.

Wakaba: Ashikawa???!!! What are you doing here?? I don't need your-

Shouichi then walked towards Wakaba and flicked her forehead.

Wakaba: OW!!!!! (Wakaba then squatted down and held her forehead in pain)

Shouichi: Just stay quiet for a while, will you.

Wakaba: Eh?!

Shouichi then walked over to Wakaba and carried her in princess style.

Wakaba: Wai-!!! What are you???!!!! (Wakaba said with a flustered face while trying to break loose from Shouichi)

Shouichi: Don't move too much, it'll be much easier that way.

Shouichi then jumped very high, so high that the Vertex couldn't fly to catch him up while carrying Wakaba in his arms. Shouichi then landed at the very far back where Shouichi first entered the Vertex.

Wakaba: What are you trying to do?! (Wakaba said angrily as Shouichi slowly put her down)

Shouichi: Saving your life. Be thankful for it.

Wakaba: Saving me?! There are enemies that are threatening mankind!!!! What are you trying to achieve by saving me???!!!! (Wakaba said angrily)

Shouichi: Oooo Shut up! You're weak that's why!

Wakaba: What did you say?!

Shouichi: You're weak!!! Just look at yourself before, you were charging forward without any plan. What are you trying to accomplish? Kill yourself?

Wakaba: But-!

Shouichi: No Buts! At this rate, you're just going to die.

Wakaba: ........

Shouichi: And...... You better treasure yourself more. Cause there'll be no meaning for Utano and Mito to sacrifice their life if you're dead.

Wakaba: Eh?! What do you mean?!

Before Wakaba could ask that question, Shouichi had already jumped towards the direction of the Vertexes.

Shouichi: Alright now, you guys have done enough damage already. Now's my turn.

Shouichi then crossed his hand in front of his face and slowly lower it to his waist.

Shouichi: HENSHIN!!!!!!!

As Shouichi stood there, he was slowly being surrounded by a blinding white light. From that white light, a green figure stepped out from it standing alongside Shouichi side by side. When the light died down, Shouichi had become one with the figure. As Shouichi stood there, the Vertex could only stay floated without moving an inch.

Shouichi: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA........ (Shouichi screamed as his mouthpiece open up)

As Shouichi's scream rang out through the Jukai, the Vertex seems to continue back off. As if the Vertex is in fear of what is standing in front of it. The red-eyed devil stood tall without any fear of the white floating things in front of him.

Shouichi: You'll never.......... TAKE ANYTHING FROM US ANYMORE!!!!!!!!

Shouichi then ran towards the advancing group of Vertex and began to savagely attack them. Biting, ripping apart, piercing, and many more ways. As Shouichi fought on, the Vertex became more and more pushed back. As if the heartless creature that had lain chaos and destruction on humanity now felt the same thing they've given. FEAR........

(Wakaba's Location)

As Wakaba looked on at Shouichi who is fighting, she couldn't do anything. The fear that Shouichi had laid upon the Vertexes had already reached Wakaba at the same time.

Wakaba: I-it's amazing.......W-what's going on???!!! (Wakaba said in fear as Shouichi defeated Vertexes much faster rate than Wakaba and her group combined)

As Shouichi was about to move forward, the panel like Vertex with the ability to reflect attacks pin him down stacking on top of him to pin him down.

Wakaba: Ashikawa!!!!

Shouichi's hand pierced through every layer of Vertex that was stacked on top of him and climbed out of every layer of Vertex, killing it at the same time. When Shouichi rose from the carcass of the Vertexes, Shouichi screamed again.


When Shouichi's voice rang through the Jukai one more time, Shouichi's horn began to shine and then grew longer.

As gained his power grew, he immediately got into his fighting stance. The Vertex then began to fly at him with everything it got. Shouichi then used the Gills fillers, the same tentacle that he had used before to fight but this time the tentacles were far longer, sharper, and faster than the last one. When the Vertex got close enough to him, he retracted the Gills Fillers and extended the Gills claw blade on both of his hands. Shouichi began to slice at the Vertexes leaving no trace of its existence as the Vertex disintegrated into mere dust. When there's only one Stardust Vertes left, Shouichi retracted the blades and extended the Gills heel claw from his right side heel. Shouichi then jumped and performed a flip kick killing the Vertex instantly.

Wakaba: A-amazing....... (Wakaba could only look in shock at the overwhelming power)

As the last Vertex is defeated, the world around Shouichi and Wakaba returned to the usual world with Shouichi standing in front of Wakaba in front of a temple shrine worshipping the Shinju.

Shouichi then slowly walks over to Wakaba.

Wakaba: W-what do you want?

Shouichi took a good look at Wakaba first before he extended his hand to her.

Shouichi: Are you okay?

Wakaba: Y-yes...... (Wakaba said as she took Shouichi's hand)

As Wakaba tries to stand up, she suddenly loses her balance and fell right into Shouichi's chest.

Shouichi: W-Whoa!! What's wrong?!

Wakaba: I-I think I hurt my leg before. (Wakaba said with a red face)

Shouichi then immediately lift Wakaba up and carried her on his back.

Wakaba: W-what are you doing?! (Wakaba said with a flustered face)

Shouichi: Don't move too much!!!!

Wakaba just stayed silent and obediently obeyed what Shouichi said. Her face was right now as red as the sun.

Shouichi: Say, about what I say before.

Wakaba: .......

Shouichi: I take it back.

Wakaba: Eh?!

Shouichi: You're definitely physically weak, but...... being strong is just more than that. and I've just realized that when I saw you charged ahead all alone towards the Vertex.

Wakaba: Ashikawa........

Shouichi: That's why I'm sorry. (Shouichi said with a sincere voice tone)

Wakaba: Yeah....... but...... you're strong too...... I've never ever taught I'd ever see that kind of power and determination before....... Where did you even get that kind of power?

Shouichi: .........

Wakaba: Ashikawa?

Shouichi: This is not just my power. This power is...... courage..... that I received from the Hero Shiratori Utano and the Miko Fujimori Mito.

Wakaba: Eh?! You're...... from Suwa?!

Shouichi: Yeah, something like that........

Wakaba: What about, Shiratori-san?! Is she still-

Shouichi: She's dead! We were abandoned by Shikoku! Used as bait! So the rotten adults from Taisha can live!! (Shouichi said angrily)

Wakaba:....... (Wakaba could only feel the rage that is flowing from Shouichi and the feeling of guilt that overwhelmed Wakaba's chest.

Shouichi: But....... I won't get angry anymore. I'll never give in to rage anymore....... Utano and Mito...... both of them wanted to protect was this world....... That's this time I'll protect what Utano and Mito left behind.

Wakaba: Ashikawa........ Then...... why did you protect me too? It should be an honor to die as long as I kill all the Vertex.

Shouichi: Idiot!! You're still talking about that?! I want to protect you. I won't let you die! That's all there's to it.

Wakaba: ....... 

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and the synopsis of the story.

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