TenTen's High-school Life (Ne...

By EllaCherryLover

14.7K 334 142

Tenten goes to Konoha High-school. Her dormate is Temari. She was doing well in classes and sports especially... More

-Information (Looks)-
-Chapter 1- Beginning
-Chapter 2- Beats
-Extra- Band Forms!
-Chapter 3- Broken
-Chapter 4- Threathened
-Chapter 5- Sleepover
-Chapter 6- Bullies
-Chapter 7- Secret Gift
-Chapter 8- Pumpkin Contest
-Chapter 9- Halloween
-Chapter 10- Haunted House
-Chapter 11- Spooky Sleepover
-Chapter 12- Loud Shots
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 1)
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 2)
-Chapter 13- Childhood (Part 3)
-Chapter 14- Love Makes Everything Better
-Chapter 14- Lemon Time-
-Chapter 15- Sickness
-Chapter 16- This Can't Be Real
-Chapter 17- Runaway
-Chapter 18- Far Away
-Chapter 19- Pregnancy
-Chapter 20- Soon
-Chapter 21- Birth
What is New?
-Chapter 22- Return
-Chapter 23- Protection
Changed the Cover!!!
-Chapter 24- More..?
-Chapter 25- Graduation
-Chapter 26- Don't Go
-Chapter 27- (Final) Happy Ending
-Chapter 27- (Final) Bad Ending
Should I Continue?
-Chapter 28- Reunion
I need help!!!

Happy Halloween!!

230 9 9
By EllaCherryLover

Nora was 7 years old. Nora was at Sarada's home. They had a plan to prank everyone and scare them.

"What's mama fear?" Nora asked.

"She is scared of ghost." Sarada said.

"Ah! My mom loves ghost. Let's do it!" Nora smirked. The girls began their prank. Sarada had turned off the power. The girls screamed.

"The hell?! GIRLS? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Sakura yelled. She kept bumping into the walls. Eventually she reached to Sarada's room.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Sakura asked. Suddenly a black girl with white eyes appeared. It had made Sakura scream and faint.

"HAPPY HALL...oween.... uh... aunt?" Nora wiped off her makeup and took her wig off. Sarada poked Sakura's cheeks.

"I think she is dead." Sarada said.

"Nuh huh! She can't die!" Nora said. Sarada then jumped on top of Sakura's stomach, waking her up.

"Mom! I scared the ghost away!" Sarada said. Sakura began bawling.

"Did...we over do it ...?" Nora whispered into Sarada's ear.

"Nonsense. Now let's go scare Ino." Sarada said.

"Mom... what is Ino really scare of?" Sarada asked. Sakura wiped her tears.

"Spiders..." Sakura said. Nora smirked. She had money and bought fake realistic spider.

"Kay. Let's go spread it around her shop!" Sarada smirked. The 2 girls enter Ino's shop. Ino was dozing off. The girls carefully hid the fake spiders and then decided to wake Ino up.

"AUNT INO! THERE IS A SPIDER!" Nora yelled. Ino yelled. She looked around not seeing one.

"Hey now you stinkers..." Ino sighed. Nora and Sarada giggled.

"We wanna get flowers for our mommy! Can you pick some for us! Pleeease?" Nora asked.

"Of course!" Ino then grabbed some flowers till she had saw some spiders.

"KYAHHHHH!!!!!!" Ino screamed bloody murder. Sai came out panicking. Nora and Sarada was dying from laughing. Ino got embarrassed and started pulling their cheeks.

"Happy Halloween!!!" Nora and Sarada yelled.

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