~My Mate~ ✔️

By Mentally_Not_Ok

123K 4.4K 1.6K

Blaise and Harry are both sub Veelas searching for their mates, once Blaise runs to Draco for help they both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 ⚠️kinda smut⚠️
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 ⚠️smut⚠️
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 ⚠️smut⚠️
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 6

5K 147 78
By Mentally_Not_Ok

My savior. Harry. Well, it wasn't Harry. And it wasn't just a shriek. It was Leon, and it was a mating call. He was calling for Draco. And with one crazy mate came the other. Ron.

12:49 pm- August 8th- Monday- Harry's POV
Italic & Underlined = Leon

Molly wanted to catch up with Percy and as he went upstairs a few minutes ago she asked me to get him. I said yes of course and started making my way to the stairs before Draco stopped me.

"If you need anything just shout for me, ok?" I rolled my eyes at how protective he was and nodded my head before starting up the stairs.

Our mate is the best. He's worried about us.

I could practically feel Leon glowing from inside my head. God this is weird.

'You need to chill out, anyone and everyone say that to their mate.'

I got to Percy's room, which he used to share with Charlie, on the second floor and knocked three times. After a few minutes of waiting, I decided to go in myself.

I opened the door and stepped inside he wasn't anywhere to be seen, in fact, it doesn't even look like he's been in here since he's got here. I had a gut feeling that something was wrong so I quickly bound up the stairs and threw open Ginny's door. Empty. I kept going till I got to the twins' room. I opened it slowly and looked around. Nope. This means he's in one of our rooms... why tho- shit. BLAISE!

What's going on? Why are we panicking?

'Leon you might need to take control in a minute. Don't hesitate to call Draco.'

I heard Leon chirp his understanding.

I started sprinting up the stairs not thinking about anything else I was ready to call for help if I needed to but I was really hoping I didn't. That dirty bastard! I swear if he has his hands on Blaise I will send him to Azkaban myself. I finally reached the top of the stairs and bounded for Ron and Blaise's door. I opened it slowly in case Blaise was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him.

As soon as it opened though I was met with a crying almost naked Blaise and a perverted Percy staring at him like he was a piece of meat. I let Leon take control instantly and he called for Draco.

He flew straight to Percy grabbed his throat and threw him off of Blaise. Percy tried to reach for his wand but Leon snapped it and threw it in his face.

I knew Ron and Draco would be here soon so I took control back, still keeping my guard up, but running over to Blaise eyeing Percy the whole time making sure he didn't move.

I'm sorry I attacked but I couldn't wait for someone else to come.

'It's fine Leon you did the right thing. I would have done the same thing. Thank you.'

I hear Leon start singing and block out the noise turning back to the matter at hand.

I quickly started undoing the handcuffs as they were really cheap ones the whole time Blaise was whimpering and I wanted to hug him and comfort him so bad, but I didn't want to scare him so I kept my distance.

As soon as I got the handcuffs off Draco and Ron busted into the room breathing really hard. They looked between Blaise and Percy as I pull a blanket around Blaise's body.

"What happened Harry?" Ron asked rushing over to Blaise after seeing he had been crying. I growled then pointed at Percy.

"This bastard was trying to rape Blaise when I came to check on him". Blaise started shaking and I stepped away to try and let Ron calm him down.

"Babe, can you go get Molly?" I asked Draco as he nodded and ran out the door. I then let Leon take half control which makes my Veela strength, and other traits, advance. I pulled Percy up pushing him against the wall with my arm against his chest. Not exactly choking him, but it isn't exactly comfy either.

"Why the hell couldn't we hear Blaise screaming." I gave him a serious glare and he snickered.

"Because he wanted it as much as me, duh he obv-" he tried to keep talking but I punched him square in the nose and let him fall to the ground weeping just as Draco and Molly ran in, breathing heavy. I turned around real quick to see if Blaise had reacted to what Percy said but seen him asleep clutching onto Ron for dear life. Poor Blaise has been through too much today.

"What's going on right now?!" I heard Molly whisper-shout as she too had noticed the sleeping Blaise and bleeding Percy. I then dragged Percy up by his collar and told him to speak. Molly glared at me but I didn't budge.

"I just wanted to have some fun. I have hormones too, plus can you blame me. Look at his ass." Percy said while licking his lips and looking at Blaise's sleeping form. Ron growled and lightly set Blaise down in the bed before coming up to Percy and punching him in the gut taking his air away.

"If you ever look at him again I will cut your eyes out and feed them to you," Ron said not breaking eye contact. I gagged at the threat but it seemed convincing enough.

He then walked back to the bed and laid Blaise's head on his lap while soothing him making sure to cover the rest of Blaise's body with the blanket so Percy didn't get any ideas.

Percy only groaned and then gasped as Molly's hand met his cheek with a solid smack. He looked up at her eyes wide as if SHE was the one who was sexually harassing someone.

"I am so disappointed in you. It's YOUR fault you became obsessed with your work so it's YOUR fault that you couldn't get in a relationship, so don't even think it's ok to take it out on someone else". She then turned to Draco.

"Draco, Hunny can you fire call Arthur and tell him the situation. I don't want to, but I'm not letting him get away with this." she cried while walking out of the room.

10:00 am- September 1st- Thursday- Harry's POV
Italic & Underlined = Leon

It's been about 2 weeks since Percy went to Azkaban. Blaise is still a little shaken but Ron's been helping him through it. Sometimes he has nightmares but Ron's always at his side when he wakes up. I'm so happy they found each other.

Also, it hasn't quite been a month but Blaise and I go out flying together to try and restrengthen his left-wing. We've been working on it but he still can't fly very well. It's not getting any worse though.

The twins haven't been doing any more pranks lately because they are scared they will accidentally take it too far and I think we are all a little grateful for that.

Molly and Arthur have been very... depressed lately. I can't blame them though. Ginny came back a week later and we had explained everything that had happened since she was gone. She had a blank expression as she walked up the stairs so I really have no idea how she's feeling about it all.

She basically stayed in her room the whole time until she left for Luna's again.

Charlie and Bill were supposed to come back to the Burrow for a little before we left but decided for Blaise's sake that it might be better if they come during Christmas break.

As for me and Draco... well we're fantastic. Our relationship has been getting stronger and he gets along really well with Leon. Draco even made a deal with Leon that if he could take control at least two times every week that he would stop bugging me about stupid stuff all night long. Which don't get me wrong Leon is really important to me but I really don't care if he thinks they should come out with Chocolate Spiders. Especially if he tells me this at 3 in the morning.

Oi, I'm not that bad!

I rolled my eyes while chuckling.

"ALRIGHT KIDS YOUR HEADING TO HOGWARTS EXPRESS IN 10 MINUTES, YOU BETTER BE DOWN HERE BY THEN." I heard Molly's voice echo through the house. I grabbed my suitcase shrunk it and then did the same to Draco's. I put mine in my pocket and gave Draco his.

"Thanks, love. Shall we get going?". I nodded my head and took his hand before walking out of the room.

When we got downstairs we seen Fred and George already waiting downstairs being scolded by Molly.

"As you are both 18 I'm giving you guys a chance to SAFELY take Ron, Harry, Blaise, and Draco to the station with the flying car. DON'T let anyone see you". They both nodded then quickly fled for the door. I saw her roll her eyes then turn to face me and Draco.

"Oh, hello boys... oh I'm gonna miss you guys so much," Molly said with tears in her eyes. I gave her a sad smile as Draco walked up to her pulling me behind him. He then embraced her in a hug and kissed her cheek.

Normally Molly isn't this emotional about us leaving for Hogwarts but... losing Percy hit a bit harder than I think she realizes herself.

"We will miss you too Molly, you and Arthur have done more for me and Blaise in the past month that I've been here than my real parents have since I was born. Thank you for caring so much". She then wiped her eyes before any tears could spill and picked us both up in a small group hug as we heard footsteps coming down the stairwell. We all turned to see Ron giving a very tired Blaise a piggyback ride.

"He had another nightmare," Ron whispered when he saw our questioning faces. We all nodded and dropped the subject. We all started talking for a few minutes until Blaise woke up. He hopped off of Ron and wordlessly went over to Molly and gave her a long hug.

"Thank you".

And with that Blaise started heading to the door.

"It's fine Ryker. It's not your fault. I've already told you many times." Blaise whispered supposedly to Ryker. I don't think he meant for anyone to hear but I know I did. I was a little confused so I sent a wave to Molly before going after Blaise.

"Blaise!" I shouted before he could get into the car. He looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"What's up Harry?" he asked confused.

"What were you talking to Ryker about? You seemed upset." I asked trying to be careful about what I said.

"Oh, nothing much. He keeps apologizing for what happened with uhm... him. I keep telling him it's not his fault but he hasn't forgiven himself I guess." he said shyly. I didn't know Ryker felt like it was his fault.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that was happening. I don't think there's much I could do. Maybe Leon could talk to him." I suggested.

"It's fine Ron's been talking to him every night. He feels better being reassured by his mate." Blaise said waving off my suggestion. I nod my head as Ron and Draco step out of the house.

The twins were driving us all to the station so all made a move to get in the back. As you may know, the car is VERY small if it's not magically expanded.

"Why is the car so small?" Ron asked his brothers before sliding into one of the seats.

"Well, Dad is the one who enchanted the car so we have no idea how to enlarge it," George explained.

"He left before we could ask him though. You're just gonna have to squeeze in." Fred chuckled.

So of course Blaise and I had to sit on Draco's and, in his case, Ron's lap. It was very comfortable but still a little awkward. Halfway through the ride, I slid down so I was sitting on Draco's thigh. Bad idea.

At first, it was fine but then when we started getting closer I could tell he was anxious as he started bouncing his leg up and down. You know what that means. I immediately bit my lip as his leg rubbed against my crotch. Keep in mind that if I made the slightest noise everyone would hear me. I tried to move away which only made it worst.

What is he doing? Does he want to mate, too?

I could tell Leon got happy with the idea of mating, but I had to quickly shut him down.

'It's just an accident he doesn't know what he's doing. Calm down there Leon, don't need to get all excited.'

I moved from biting my lip to biting my tongue and then my cheek as he just kept going. I laid my head back on his shoulder. I tried to whisper in his ear but as soon as I opened my mouth I felt a moan coming up my throat and quickly closed it.

As time went on he started going faster to the point where I tasted blood in my mouth from biting so hard. We still had 10 minutes, but I thought I could make it there. Boy was I wrong.

It's been 5 minutes and I now had a boner which I was trying to hide but would've probably failed if Blaise and Ron weren't busy sucking each other's faces off and if Draco wasn't nervous as hell. Five more minutes later and George and Fred landed in the parking lot. I immediately threw the door open and ran into the muggle station ignoring the concerned questions from Draco.

I ran into the bathroom going to the first open stall I seen locking it. I sat down on the toilet seat and started to take deep breaths to try and calm my little problem. A few minutes later I heard the bathroom door get thrown open.

"Harry are you in here?" It was Ron. I sat up and unlocked the stall door. I walked over to the sink and quickly washed my flustered face. I then turned to him and pulled him out of the bathroom.

"Sorry 'bout that, where is everyone?". I looked up at Ron and seen him cringe.

"What's wrong?" I asked not bothering to hide the worry in my voice. Ron scratched the back of his neck as we went through the wall to platform 9 3/4.

"Well once you left without saying anything Draco started having a panic attack. I went to go find you as Blaise took Draco to get an empty compartment." Ron shyly answered. I looked up at him horrified.

"Shit". I started sprinting past people and onto the train Ron right behind me. Once we got onto the train we slowed down. We started looking into every open compartment until we got to the end of the train and there was only one left.

I sprinted into the compartment and my heart broke. I saw Draco sobbing onto Blaise's shoulder in the middle of the floor. I immediately dropped down onto my knees in front of Draco. He looked up from Blaise's shoulder before flinging himself onto me. I looked at Blaise and he just nodded before getting up to join Ron outside the compartment while closing the door behind him.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked Draco. He looked up at me and I wiped the tears off his face, but they just kept coming.

"I'm so sorry for whatever I did just please don't leave me". I felt my wings burst out so I let Leon take control. He wrapped our wings around Draco and calmly cooed at him until he stopped crying and his breathing was somewhat stable. After that, I took control back and forced my wings back.

"Hey, Draco look at me". I grabbed his chin so he was looking me in the eyes.

"You didn't do anything wrong it was my fault". I then grabbed his hand and pulled him up. I pushed him down on one of the seats and then sat down on his lap this time facing him. I snuggled into his neck and started explaining.

"Due to the size in the car I was shifting around a lot but I finally got comfortable when I was resting on one of your thighs... a few minutes later though you started getting nervous and bouncing your leg up and down." I then proceeded to explain the rest of the story and by the time I was done he was as red as Ron's hair.

"I'm so sorry for freaking out like that." he stammered out. I just looked up at him and smiled.

"It's ok plus it was kinda funny... you were acting like such a bottom". He rolled his eyes and then smirked. He then proceeded to push me down on the seats and climb on top of me. I laughed and pulled him down by his tie until our lips met. We stayed in that position for a few minutes until we heard the door open.

"Wow so we were standing out there while you guys got to stick your tongues down each other's throats, that's so far." I heard Ron say sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

"Is everything alright now?" Blaise asked. Draco blushed and nodded his head.

"Just a misunderstanding," he replied. They both went over to the other side while Draco climbed off of me.

"I think I'm gonna get some more sleep," Blaise said while resting his head on Ron's lap. Ron then said a quick ok while kissing Blaise on the forehead.

"I think I'm gonna do the same," said Draco while yawning. I ended up sitting with my back to the wall and Draco sleeping on my stomach in between my legs. I smiled at how adorable he looked when he was sleeping. I was playing with his hair when Ron started talking.

"Hey Harry, have you noticed how nervous Blaise and Draco have been getting. Do you think somethings happening at Hogwarts that we don't know about?". I stayed silent for a moment to think about it. It makes sense. Why Draco was nervous in the car. Why he hadn't been getting much sleep.

I then turned to Ron ready to answer when out of nowhere the door flew open and I heard the loudest shriek ever.

And I have to live with a crazy Veela inside my head.


11:38 am- September 1st- Thursday- Ron's POV

I noticed a couple of days ago that whenever someone mentioned Hogwarts Blaise would look really upset.

Also, he hasn't been eating or sleeping well. He has nightmares about what happened with Percy but sometimes I hear him yelling names like "Theo" and "Jake" and screaming at them to stop. It freaks me out to think about what's happening in his mind.

Whenever I ask him about it he just shrugs and says he doesn't know anyone by those names. I really should ask Draco about it though as he is Blaise's best friend.

I wonder how Draco has been. I've seen him flinch a couple of times at the mention of Hogwarts. Maybe I should ask Harry. I looked up at Harry and seen him smiling down at Draco.

"Hey Harry, have you noticed how nervous Blaise and Draco have been getting. Do you think somethings happening at Hogwarts that we don't know about?". He looked lost in thought and when he finally turned to me the compartment door flew open and I heard a Pterodactyl-like scream.

"What the hell Ron?! And Harry! Why are you with Slytherins?". I looked up to see none other than the girl who's been obsessed with me since the beginning. Hermione Jean Granger. I looked down to see Blaise flutter his eyes open.

"Bloody hell Mione! Be quiet would ya?" I snapped back as Blaise sat up shortly followed by Draco.

"Is everything ok? Oh hi, Granger." Draco said with no sarcasm in his tone. But Hermione didn't get the gesture as she rolled her eyes and snarled back at Draco.

"Hey, Malfoy". He flinched at the words and curled into Harry's side as Harry began rubbing his back.

"His name is Draco Black and you will call him by either of those two names because he's gonna be sticking around, as well as Blaise Reed," Harry said with a bit of a scowl in his tone. I chuckled earning a glare in my direction from her.

"Why though? Do they have you under the Imperious or something? I can help you guys." I cringed at her words as she sounded like a total psycho. I stood up and walked towards her pointing to the doorway behind her.

"Listen Mione. I and Blaise are in a happy relationship. So are Harry and Draco. If you can't accept that then you can leave." She looked up at me tears in her eyes. I had to bite my lips to not laugh at the sight in front of me.

"B-but Ron we were... WE WERE MEANT TO BE... we've been in love since.. since 3rd year.." she said while tears were streaming down her face. I cringed and stepped backwards no longer wanting to be near her.

"Hermione you were one of the first people I told once I figured it out but I will gladly tell you again. IM GAY." I started the sentence calmly and then started getting angrier as she was walking closer to me so I raised my voice at the last two words. She stumbled backwards and then ran out of the compartment crying. I closed the compartment doors and turned back around.

Harry and Draco were holding onto each other trying not to laugh and Blaise was staring at me with a... blush? I went back to him and sat down next to him. He climbed onto my lap and stared at me his blush growing. I chuckled.

"What are you blushing at?". He looked up at me then buried his face in my chest while mumbling.

"That was hot". I laughed a little louder this time before lifting his chin to look at me. I placed my lips on him and he immediately started kissing back. He placed his arms around my neck while mine snaked around his waist. I licked his tongue asking for entrance and he opened his mouth to let me in. I started exploring his mouth as he let a small moan out making me grin. Just as I was about to take it a step further I heard someone clear their throat.

"Now look who's shoving their tongues down each other's throat". Of course, it was Harry. Blaise then got off of me and hid his face in my shoulder. I glared at Harry as he stuck his tongue out.

"Fucking cockblock." I whispered. Harry gasped while Draco burst out into laughter. Blaise smacked me on the back of the head before scolding me.

"You're so immature." he huffed. I only smiled innocently at him. Then I got an idea. I quickly wrapped my arm behind him before squeezing his ass trying to stay unnoticed. Blaise gasped and looked at my face heating up. Draco and Harry looked over from their conversation with confused glances.

"You alright, mate?" I heard Harry say. Blaise just nodded before covering his face with his hands. I then removed my hand and cupped his face in my hands.

"Sorry baby," I said while kissing his forehead. He just huffed at me and laid his head on my shoulder. Just then the compartment door opened again. I looked over to see a familiar girl with the familiar trolley filled with familiar treats. I don't have much money so I normally say no but I don't want to say no in front of Blaise.

"Anything from the cart boys?" said the girl. I looked at Blaise and he shook his head no. I then gave him a stern glance.

"Baby you should eat something". He nodded his head then asked for a chocolate frog I smiled then got up fishing out some galleons that I had in my pocket. Draco then got up and gave me some galleons asking if I could order him and Harry some licorice and sugar quills as well. I nodded and took the galleons before stepping up to the cart.

"Hello, could I have two chocolate frogs, two red licorice, and two sugar quills". She then nodded after taking my galleons and started grabbing sweets from around the cart. Once she handed me everything I went over to Harry and Draco and handed them their candy.

"Thanks, mate," Draco said. I smiled and said a quick "no problem" before wandering over to Blaise.

"You want some right now, love?" He shook his head no and I put a chocolate frog in my pocket.

"Do you want to share with me? At least one bite please". He nodded and took a bite of the frog that I had opened. In the next ten minutes, the frog was gone and Blaise had fallen asleep again. I figured we had maybe an hour and a half to an hour left till we got to Hogwarts.

Draco and Harry were both sleeping across from us so I decided to get some sleep myself. I laid my head on Blaise's which was resting on my shoulder. I intertwined our fingers together before drifting off to sleep.

12:29 pm- September 1st- Thursday- Ron's POV

I woke up from violent shaking. I opened my eyes to see Ginny.

"Hey Gin, are we at Hogwarts?". She nodded before walking over to Harry and shaking him as well. I looked down to see Blaise's head on my shoulder still. I kissed his head before gently shaking him till he woke up.

"Mmm... oh, are we already here?" Blaise asked. I looked over to see Harry and Draco standing up already.

"Yes, shall we head out?". He nodded his head before rubbing his eyes and standing up.

"I'll see you later guys, and you Zabini," Ginny said before swiftly leaving. I was speechless. Did Ginny really just call Blaise by his old last name. I thought we were all friends.

I looked down at him and seen him put on a very much fake smile as his eyes glossed up with tears. I quickly wrapped my arms around him but he just let out a fake chuckle and pats my back making me move away.

"What just happened?" Harry asked.

"I have no idea," I answered.

"It's fine you guys. She probably just forgot it's not my name anymore". He didn't actually believe it though. He was hurt. Anyone could tell.

"Let's just go," he said sounding defeated. I nodded and took Blaise's hand before all four of us walked out of the compartment.

We all shared a carriage on the way to Hogwarts when Harry sparked up an interesting topic.

"I was thinking... how about we ask Dumbledore to give us each a private room so we can be together". Blaise's and Draco's eyes lit up at this comment and they both smiled.

"That sounds amazing," Blaise said. I smiled as he seemed happier than he did on the train. I nodded in agreement.

A few moments later we were right in front of the doors to the Great Hall. Man have I missed this place. I looked at Blaise who seemed anxious.

"Let's go eat lunch and then we can talk to Dumbledore. I'll see you after dinner, my love." I said while kissing Blaise on the lips. He smiled then opened the doors of the Great Hall as we went our separate ways. Harry and I went and sat by Gin towards the end of the table while the sorting started.

I looked over to the Slytherin table and seen that Draco and Blaise had gone to the end of their table as well. I looked next to Draco and seen Parkinson practically undressing him with her eyes. It looked like he was telling her off though. Thank god. I looked over at Harry and seen a murderous glint in his eyes.

"Oi, you alright mate?" I ask. He looks over at me and nods his head before looking up at Professor McGonagall as she starts her yearly speech. I block her out and look around the Great Hall. I look first at the Ravenclaw table only to find Luna looking right back at me. I smile at her and she smiles back before turning her head back to McGonagall. I wonder how she and Ginny are doing.

I then move my head to the Hufflepuff table. I don't see many people I recognize. In all honesty, I've never really had many friends in Hufflepuff.

Then my mind moves to one Hufflepuff I knew and miss dearly. Cedric Diggory. Boy was that a horrible year. Harry and I fighting. Losing Cedric. The Dark Lords return.

And the twins... well there's something that no one but me, Bill, and Charlie know about. The twins actually had a HUGE crush on Diggory. They even planned on telling him after the Triwizard Tournament.

George wanted to tell him sooner but Fred made him wait. Gosh, they use to be so happy whenever talking about him. It makes me smile just thinking about it. Before they told me I didn't even know they liked blokes! I look down and see food. When did that happen?

I shake my head moving the negative thoughts to the side. I snake my head over to the Slytherin table and immediately my eyes land on Blaise. I frown. He's looking down at his plate playing with his food. Draco's beside him trying to shove Parkinson off while... comforting Blaise? I then see Blaise look up and give him a small smile.

Then two guys that I don't recognize walk up behind Blaise and flick him on the head. They then keep walking and slap Draco on the back a little too hard to be funny. My eyes light up with anger as I see them smirk and walk away. Blaise just snarls and watches them leave. Parkinson gets up and... shouts at them? Ok, she might not be that much of a bitch.

Draco turns to Blaise and looks like he's asking Blaise if he's ok. Then his eyes go wide...

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