Percy Jackson- The Cursed Hero

By Darkgamer08

119K 1.9K 467

At the end of the battle of Manhattan, Percy kills Luke, thus destroying Kronos. But while fading , Kronos u... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
A/N ( please read )
Chapter 23
Rewrite final
Rewrite released

Chapter 22

2.6K 52 8
By Darkgamer08

A/N Hey guys, I have uploaded the first chapter of my new story, ' The son of Thor' . Make sure to check it out . I promise you will enjoy it. Make sure to read and vote. Also, it is a harem story. Please comment about which ladies you want in the harem. ( Choose only from pjo and hoo). I haven't read Magnus chase yet and I am not including the Egyptians in the story. Thank you . Now onward with the story.

Percy POV

As we reached the Titan fortress, we saw that we had landed at the bottom of Mount Othyrs. It was a disadvantage, but one thing I knew was that the titans'symbols of powers were not ranged weapons like ours. They couldn't shoot power blasts from a distance.

I had currently disabled my time powers as I didn't want Kronos to sense us. But judging from the lack of noise, I could tell that most of the Titans were still sleeping. This was our last moment to strike . Any delays would be fatal .

I knew that stealth was not possible as like me, the other gods couldn't suppress their aura really well. It would not be hard for Oceanus and Tethys to sense Poseidon and vice versa. Similar with Hades and Iapetus.
I knew that the only chance we had of winning this battle was if my plan turned out successful.

Slowly, we proceeded towards the main corridors of the palace. We had decided that Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and I would go to the throne room for the first phase of our plan, whereas the ladies would move in other directions to take care of the guards. Also, this would be beneficial as our aura's would be far spread around for the Titans to figure out we were here.

We entered the throne room to find a lone figure sitting on a small chair below a silver throne. He was completely drunk. You could tell it by seeing his posture. He had a large bottle in his hands , from which he was occasionally taking long swigs. Seeing that it was dark, we decided to send Hades to spy on the figure. Concealed in shadows, Hades went up to the person and with our mind link, informed us that it was Epimetheus.

This eased my worries as Epimetheus was already not the sharpest pencil in the box. Add to it alcohol and he was as harmless as a small puppy .
But still, we could not take any risks. So , I slowly moved towards him . When I was sure he had passed out, I summoned riptide and pierced it through his heart. I clamped my hand over his mouth to muffle his screams. His eyes shot open and he let out a loud scream of pain.

Slowly, he started to dissolve in the dust. Once he was dead, I motioned for the others to start the task we were here for.

Poseidon walked towards Oceanus's throne. Once he was there, he raised his trident and impaled it into the throne. A bright blue flash of light occurred and the next moment , the throne went dull. All the power radiating from the throne was gone. Half to Poseidon, half back to Oceanus. I knew that we didn't have much time. Zeus attacked Krios's throne and got the same outcome. Hades went to toll on Iapetus's throne. This is when the ladies flashed in. Rhea and Metis stayed at a distance as a Titan was not allowed to touch another titan's throne. Hestia attacked Hyperion's throne. Hera went to Theia's throne and attacked it. Demeter completely demolished Phoebe's throne.

Me, I marched up to king Jackass's throne . Just as I was going to strike the throne, I was stabbed in the shoulder. Turning around, I saw Kronos with a sadistic smile, while his scythe was embedded in my shoulder.
The other titan's had surrounded us , giving no chance to escape. That is when I felt the pain in my body. It was the same like when he had landed a cut on me when we fought on Luke's cruise ship. But just that this time I was weakening faster as he had stabbed me .

Now if it would be any other titan's weapon, it wouldn't be as fatal. But Kronos's scythe was different, as it was actually the first Titan weapon in existence. It was forged in Gaia's blood, and then coated in Ouranos's blood. So , it was as dangerous as any Primordial's symbol of power.

He roughly pulled the blade out, with a smile of Satan on his face. He then grabbed my neck and threw me across the throne room. I landed on my back, and was unable to stand up. The wound was slowly draining my strength.

"Now now grandson. I couldn't let you destroy my throne after you stopped me from destroying theirs , right?" He said in a mocking tone, while pointing towards the gods.

I was barely able to keep a sarcastic retort from escaping my lips. Instead, I decided to just give him my famous wolf stare, which made him flinch slightly.

He then turned his attention to his wife and children. " Three times I gave you an opportunity to surrender and live in peace. But no, you just had to go against me. Now look at what it brought upon you. Nine pathetic weaklings fighting against the entire Titan council. Ha. "

This was all the time I needed to get to my feet. Ignoring the pain in my shoulder, I locked my eyes with my comrades and gave them a slight nod. This was the signal that we had to bring the back up plan in action.

Now you may be asking what this plan is. To put it simply, the plan is what I call, 'Fuck , just wing it.'

Sighing, I charged towards Hyperion and Iapetus, facing probably the final battle of my life.

Hyperion fought with a sword , while Iapetus was an expert in spear combat. So, it was a tough fight. If I wouldn't have been trained by Chaos herself, I would have become a shish-kebab in less than five minutes.

After about twenty minutes , I was thoroughly sweating, along with my two opponents. I was suffering minor wounds , most from Iapetus's spear. But my shoulder was causing a real pain in my ass. I wasn't able to move it properly, so I had to resort to defense. On the other hand, Iapetus was unscathed, while Hyperion had a slash on his left thigh. Another major reason I was not able to fight at my best was because I had to simultaneously fight Kronos for control of time. He was trying to slow me and my allies down, while I was fighting him for it.

A moment of my distraction caused me to miss a strike from Hyperion. His blade caught me in the exact area where Kronos had stabbed me. I screamed out in pain. Riptide fell out of my hand as I fell to my knees. I was barely aware of Iapetus approaching me with a sick smile on his face. Once he reached me, he reared his hand backwards and punched me hard in my chest, effectively breaking some ribs. " This was for my three sons that you killed and for my wife who faded from grief, asshole." He sneered.

I knew that he would soon get tired of toying with me and just kill me. So, I had to think of something fast. That is when I felt something in his body. I realized that ichor had small quantity of water in it. It was so little, that if I hadn't paid attention, I would have surely missed it. So, as a last resort, I desperately tried to control the water in his blood. It didn't work at first, but soon it started to obey my command. I used it to freeze him in place. He was stunned and tried to regain control over his body, but I held strong.

I then concentrated on making the water in his blood heat up. He started screaming in agony as I did this. After a minute of this, I finally cooled his blood. He looked on the verge of passing out. I decided to end his misery. I uncapped Riptide, which had reappeared in my pocket. I bent down towards him and spoke in a soft voice, " I am thoroughly sorry about controlling your blood. I know it was dishonorable, but I had no option. Now, I will release you from this pain. Rest in peace, Piercer."

I then quickly stabbed him in the heart and watched as he faded into nothing, joining his wife , children and siblings in the void.
I scanned around to see that Poseidon had already slain Oceanus and was now locked in an intense duel with Hyperion. Hades was still fighting Koios and Zeus was fighting Kronos by himself. Krios was nowhere to be seen, so he must have faded.

The ladies were in an intense duel . Rhea was clearly wiping the floor with Tethys. It was expected as she was the eldest Titan. The other four were fighting on equal with their opponents. So, I turned to Poseidon. I knew that he would not be able to defeat Hyperion by himself, same was for Zeus. Even though he was strong, he was no match for his father. Zeus was already drenched in sweat and was sporting some wounds, while Kronos looked totally bored.

So , I ran to Hyperion and kicked him from the side. He flew about ten feet and hit a pillar. But he was not hurt badly, just dazed a little. I turned towards Poseidon and gestured for him to help Zeus. He nodded and ran towards his younger brother.

Meanwhile, I approached Hyperion, who had by now recovered and was glaring at me with all hatred that he could muster.
We charged each other at the same ir
time. We were exchanging blows with such speed that to others we were just two golden blurs. I now understood why he was so feared by the gods. His skills were better than any Titan I had faced yet. The only thing that he was inferior to Atlas was in brute strength. He was by far the best swordsman I had faced till now. (Excluding Chaos)

So, I decided to end this quickly before I tired out even more. I willed a ball of electricity and water to form behind him. This was the same trick I had used against Epimetheus in our first fight. As I blocked his next strike, I willed the ball to collide with Hyperion, thus causing him to be thrown forwards , towards a waiting Riptide.

I plunged the blade deep into his chest, causing him to stiffen and scream in agony. His body literally burst into golden dust.

Once I was done with Hyperion, I turned towards the others in time to see that the big three had been severely injured by the Titan Lord. Rhea had injured Tethys and was now helping her daughters. Just as Kronos was going for a fatal blow towards Poseidon, I blasted him with boiling hot water, causing him to scream and back off.

When he saw me, he gave me the most venomous expression, before changing it to a smug smile. As fast as lightning, he whirled back and hit the three gods in the head with his scythe, effectively knocking them out.

I knew that now it was time for me to fight the Lord of time and kill him, or die trying to do so. It was time to fulfill my oath. So, I raised Riptide towards him in a challenging motion and said,
"You, me , to the end"
And then I charged towards him.

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