The Day I Called You Mine{Spi...

By i-have-one-braincell

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A love story between Danny Rand and Peter Parker. They figure out their powers and responsibilities as teen h... More

Chapter 1 "The Beginning"
Chapter 2 "Journey of the Iron Fist"
Chapter 3 "Jennifer"
Chapter 4 "Knightress and Purple Man"
Chapter 5 "Jessica Jones"
Chapter 6 "Visitor"
Chapter 7 "On the run"
Chapter 8 "Its Over"
Chapter 9 "It's not your fault"
Chapter 10 "Forgive yourself"
Chapter 11 "I can never renounce my Spiderman identity"
Chapter 12 "Reminder from the past"
Chapter 13"A Bad Morning"
Chapter 14 "Should we help him?"
Chapter 15 "Shopping + New Character"
Chapter 16 "Hothead"
Chapter 17 "Thursday"
Chapter 18 "Don't you trust us?
Chapter 19 "Harry's Back"
Chapter 20 "Double Date"
Chapter 21 "Getting Party ready"
Chapter 22 "The Party Part 1"
Chapter 23 "The Party Part 2"
Chapter 24 "The date"
Chapter 25 "The New Goblin"
Chapter 26 "Let Me Help You"
Chapter 27 "I Don't Deserve Them"
Chapter 28 "He's So Stubborn"
Chapter 29 "You're Cleary Not Good For Him"
Chapter 30 "What a Great Boyfriend..."
Chapter 31 "Promise Me We Won't Keep Secrets From Each Other"
Chapter 32 "Breathe. Grow. Live Again"
Chapter 33 "I'll Always Be Here To Support You"
Chapter 34 "I'm So Scared..."
Chapter 35 "At least I'm trying..."
Chapter 36 "I'll Deal With It"
Chapter 37 "Confessions"
Chapter 38 "Back Home"
Chapter 39 "Just Kill Me Already"
Chapter 40 "No One Can Tell You What's Right or Wrong"
Chapter 41 "Don't Be Attached"
Chapter 42 "You Can Trust Me"
Chapter 43 "You Didn't Tell Him?"
Chapter 44 "I Can Handle Myself"
Chapter 45 "I'll Protect You"
Chapter 46 "Peaceful Morning"
Chapter 47 "Compassion"
Chapter 48 "Damn you..."
Chapter 49 "Hatred"
Chapter 50 "Babysitter"
Chapter 51 "12 Years Old"
Chapter 52 "Am I Selfish?"
Chapter 53 "Questions"
Chapter 54 "Like A Child"
Chapter 55 "Worrisome"
Chapter 56 "Prom Ready"
Chapter 57 "Are You Okay With This?"
Chapter 58 "Cold"
Chapter 59 "Equinox"
Chapter 60 "Why?"
Chapter 61 "I Envy You"
Chapter 62 "It's His Fault, Isn't It?"
Chapter 63 "Blush"
Chapter 64 "Candle"
Chapter 65 "Sleepover"
Chapter 66 "Does He Scare You?"
Chapter 67 "Move On"
Chapter 68 "Closer"
Chapter 69 "Withdrawal"
Chapter 70 "We Know"
Chapter 71 "Want To Help"
Chapter 73 "I'm Sorry"
Chapter 74 "What Are You Planning?"
Chapter 75 "Winter"
Chapter 76 "It's Your Fault"
Chapter 77 "A Tiger's Death"
Chapter 78 "Warehouse"
Chapter 79 "Bruises"
Chapter 80 "Choice"
Chapter 81 "Left Alone"
Chapter 82 "Reflection"
Chapter 83 "Seperation"
Chapter 84 "Reaction"
Chapter 85 "Imposter"
Chapter 86 "Life"
Part 87 "Loss"
Chapter 88 "Stay"
Chapter 89 "Welcome Home Danny"
Chapter 90 "Involve"
Chapter 91 "Camera Footage"
Chapter 92 "Restruant"
Chapter 93 "For Him"
Chapter 94 "Idiot"
Chapter 95 "Consequence"
Chapter 96 "I love ya, you destructive dummy"
Chapter 97 "Scared?"
Chapter 98 "I'm Sorry For Not Giving Up"
Chapter 99 "Old Man"
Chapter 100 "Nothing's New"
Author's Note + What's To Come
Chapter 1 "It's What Friends Do" (EDITED VERS.)

Chapter 72 "Protection"

219 8 3
By i-have-one-braincell


Peter was sitting at the dining table with his plate of food in front of him trying his best to ignore Sam's intense stare. He silently wondered to himself of what was taking Danny so long of just checking his missed emails. It's been about 10 minutes since he haven't came down. Luke was sitting on the couch looking through a box of Christmas decorations in a box that was placed on the coffee table in front of him. Ava was sitting on the same couch but further away from him as she was wrapped around in her blanket and resting her head on the couch pillow that was placed on the couch arm.

Peter:Sam, how long will you be staring at me? You know that Danny will kick your ass when he catches you like this

Sam:What's wrong with looking at you? You're fine with Danny staring at you and not me?

Peter:Because Danny and I are dating and you are my friend

Sam:Hey, I suggested Danny if he can share you with me so it's his fault that I'm like this in the first place

Peter:You asked to what? Share me? Do you think I'm a toy that you two toddlers are fighting over?

Sam:Come on Pete, you have been thinking of hooking up with me too weren't you?

Peter:Please shut up, I'm not into things like that unlike you

Sam:Fine fine! I was just joking to see your expression. If you agreed with me then obviously I would snitch on you to Danny
*he began laughing as Peter furrowed his eyebrows in disgust but resumed to eating. His expression brightens as he sees Danny walking down the stair with the cup in his hand, he instantly stood up with his hands slammed on the table that made Sam and Luke jump in surprise*

Peter:Danny! What took you so long?

Sam:Je-jesus! You nearly made my heart pop out!

Danny:Sorry love, I gotten a bit held up by messaging Ward

Peter:Are you okay? You look pale, are you sick?!

Sam:Seriously? How can Danny get a fever when he's immune to cold temperature?

Peter:He could get a fever by hot temperature too!

Sam:Bwahahhaha! Dumbass, it's literally snowing outside and I'm barely getting an ounce of heat in here with my two sweaters on

Danny:I'm fine Peter so you shouldn't start worrying

Peter:Hmp! Finee
*he sat back on the chair and continued eating his breakfast. Danny smiles as he sit beside Peter and drank out of his cup*

Luke rolled his eyes up to the ceiling and looks back inside the box, they all faced towards the door when they heard someone knocking on it from the other side. Luke turns to the three at the dining table who quickly turned away and still remained sitting; he glared before he gotten off of the couch and opened the door. He forms a greeting smile when he sees MJ and Jessica together.

Luke:Hey girls, why are you here?

MJ:We came to hang out! What's wrong with that?

Sam:MJ! Hey!
*he waved his arm up and MJ looks past Luke and he allowed her in*

MJ:Hi guys! Hey Ava
*she greeted in a gentle tone as she bent down towards Ava with a tender smile. Jessica stepped beside her and pats her head as she kept her usual poker face to the group*

Jessica:Why are you three sitting together? Don't tell me that you all agreed to hook u-

*he quickly responded before he drank more out of his cup as Sam laughed*

Sam:Come on Jessie, you know that Danny isn't even my type. I'm more into guys who are like Peter but you know he and Dan Dan are dating

Jessica:Yeah I know. I'm surprised Peter is still with him

Danny gave her a cold glare as she glared back and they broke contact when they heard a familiar voice walk in the house. They see the one and only Johnny Storm who had his blond hair moved to the side of his head; he was wearing his favorite black jacket and a red shirt underneath and blue jeans, that had combined with his red and white shoes.

Johnny:Hi Petey! I came to drop your present off

Peter:Who told him to come here?

Johnny:Don't be like that Pete. I can come in right?

Luke:Sure, you're welcome to break in here anytime

Sam held in his laughter from Luke's serious sarcasm as he closes the door and returned back to the couch. Johnny sat on a chair facing Peter as he stared and smiled at him while resting his cheek on his hand, his elbow was resting on the table. Peter felt the weird tension between the three around him but he still continued to finish his plate of food. This had also annoyed Luke that he suddenly called out to them in a berating and raised tone.

Luke:Did you all forget that we have a busy day today to decorate for tomorrow?

MJ:Oh~! You're all decorating?

Luke:We were planning to

MJ:Can I join? We can finish quicker if I help

Jessica:I'll help too since I have nothing else to do

Luke:That's fine, until they all stop making heart eyes at Parker

Peter:Well tell them to stop first Luke. The air between them is suffocating

Johnny:Hey, I only came to give you your present that I told you yesterday. Since you'll all be here I'll stay and help out!

Danny:That won't be necessary. We have enough hands, you'll get in the way

Sam snorted as Peter was bug eyed to his response and he pulls his ear as lightly as he can, making Danny pout as Peter nervously smiled at Johnny who looked still calm and had a smile on his face.

Peter:Sorry for his response hothead

Johnny:Aw it's fine Pete!

Peter:Yes but I do agree with him that you will only be a distraction, so you should leave early to see your sister

MJ:Peter. He came all this way from his building to drop off your gift, so you should at least let him stay

Johnny:Yeah Petey. Who knows if I'll get the chills of just heading outside in the freezing cold

Peter:You don't even feel the cold due to your fire ability hothead, so stop lying

Luke:So will you all help me or not?

Sam:Fine we will. Who will help me put on the lights around the room?
*he asks with an eye roll as he stood up and walks around the table and walked towards Luke*

MJ:Johnny will help

Johnny:Aww, I wanted to annoy Peter

Peter:Just do it Johnny

Johnny let out a small annoyed groan as he stood up and walks towards Sam, Sam took out a small package of Christmas lights from the box on the table. didn't put up the Christmas tree at all?

Peter:I wanted to do it last minute now that the others are living here

Sam:You just wanted us to do all the work today when we could have done it a week ago?!

Peter:Hey, I was lazy to do it and so were you guys, stop complaining

Luke:I'll get the tree, where is it?

Peter:The basement. It should be in a long box against the corner near Aunt May's equipment

Luke:I can be able to quickly bring it up, wanna come Jessica?

Jessica:Take money bags with you

Sam:Isn't he injured? What will you be doing then?

Jessica:Taking a smoke break

Sam:Now at this weather?

Jessica:I rather smoke in the snow than here where I know you'll complain, I'll come back to help
*she walks away to the door and steps out to the porch. Luke awkwardly turns to Danny and rubs the back of his neck with his hand*

Luke:Should we go down now Danny?
*Danny slowly nodded as he stood up and approached him, giving Peter one last glance before walking down to the basement with Luke*

Sam:Thank god the tree is settled, what will you two do?

MJ:Me and Peter will put on the ornaments on the tree

Sam:How 'bout you Ava?

Ava:I'm going to see my mom remember?

Sam:U-uh yeah but, I thought we agreed that you're not well enough to go out yet

MJ:Hm? You're not well Ava?

Ava:First of all Sam, you three agreed for me to not go out! I didn't! You can't forbid me from seeing my family!

Sam:A-ava you have to understand that you're not well enough to see your mom, what if know, gets scared?

Ava:Scared? My own mom?! You don't get to make that assumption that she'll get scared of me!

Sam:What I meant is that she might be worried about you if she sees you like this. You don't look like yourself like you always do

Ava clicked her tongue with a 'tch!' and she made eye contact with Peter's grave expression.

Ava:What? Do you have something to say too?!
*she snapped at him as she stood up but was stopped by Johnny and MJ stepping in front of her, to stop her in case she approaches Peter*

Johnny:Woah, calm down. I don't know what the hell happened but you should listen to Sam for once

Sam:The hell do you mean 'for once'? should calm down please. I don't want us to end in a fight
*she tried to reassure her in her gentle voice but this made Ava more irritated as she clenches her fists*

Ava:You all began ganging up on me first! Why are you all blaming me?!
*her tone was more threatening along with her dark expression, this made Johnny step a foot in front of MJ out of instinct*

Sam:Ava please sit down first
*he reaches his trembling hand out to grab her shoulder*

Peter's sense had went off in his head and before he can open his mouth, Sam had let out a cry of pain as his hand was in front of his face and sees red on the palm of his hand. They were all silent with a haunted expression. Sam whimpered in pain as he looks down to his hand and sees three red scratches on his palm and sees small drops of blood come out. Ava froze in her steps with her heavy breaths trembling; her pupils were shaking as her eyes widened from her sudden action.

She refused to look away or down to her hands while Danny and Luke had instantly ran up the basement staircase with surprised looks on their expressions from the loudness. Ava blinked when she notices Danny's confusion and she instantly stepped back and clenched her hand and placed it against her chest as her other hand was holding her wrist; looking frightened. Luke had approached Sam and looks over his shoulder as Sam was letting out whimpers, holding back his tears of the sharp pain.

Luke:What happened Sam?

Johnny:He got hurt from trying to talk to her

Luke:A-ava did this? Why Ava?
*his tone was calm and gentle with a worried expression on his face*

Ava felt her chest tightening up from the stares of the others, Danny had walked towards her as he called her name but Ava just steps away.

Danny:Ava we can talk this out

Ava:Sh-shut up! This is your fault! You shouldn't have took my necklace away!
*she had blurted out with a sharp and cracked tone towards Danny who stopped* just made me worse! "Helping me out" my ass! How can you even help me?!

*he tone was loud and clear with seriousness in his voice as Ava was letting out shaky and heavy breaths from her outbursts*

Ava:Shut up! You're not my mom! You all think you can help me with my problems and think you can butt in! Neither of you helped me at all!

Peter:Ava! Danny's been trying his hardest to help you out because we're your f-

Ava:Shut up Parker! God! You annoy the shit out of me!


Ava:What?! Some "family" you guys are! Trying to help and support me when all you're doing is making me worse! I hope you can all leave me alone and die for all I care!

MJ:A-Ava, you don't mean that

Ava:God stop talking! You all annoy me...I wonder why the hell I'm still around you guys when all you do is mess around and make my life harder! I'm leaving to my mom whether you want to or not!

Sam:Ava wait! Come back!
*he pleaded but was held back by the arm by Luke barely holding a good hold of his arm, Ava had walked out and slammed the door closed; leaving only behind silence between the baffled group*

Jessica had blew out smoke when she turns around from the loud door slam and watches Ava walks past her and down the small steps. She was shivering from the cold as she walks over snow and she was met with a blue car driving in front of her. Jessica turns back as she heard the door slam itself open and sees Sam run out still calling for her.

Sam:Ava wait! We can talk about this!
*Ava flinched from hearing his voice and she instantly opened the car door and sat inside beside her brother and closes the door*

The car drove forward as Sam stops as he caught his breath, making his lungs cold. Ava looks at the side car view window as she sees Sam catching his breath; forming a shamefaced expression with tears held back. Ava looks down to her hand that she used to harm him and notices Sam's skin was on the tip of her fingernails . She looks over as her left and sees Pito's blank expression, almost looking like he was in a trance. Ava cursed at herself when she notices her vision blurry when she looks out the car window, making the buildings and shops fade to black as her head tilted down.

The group were speechless in the living room as Sam entered with Jessica behind him, she raises her brow at the sudden awkward silence as Sam sat on the couch.

Jessica:What the hell happened here? Did you all happen to see a cow get abducted and is that why you all have those looks on your faces?

Luke:Ava had yelled at us...she's going to be with her mom

Jessica:Okay. So? Is that why you're all silent as the dead?

Luke:Ava had blamed us for making her condition worse

Jessica:Is it about that stupid necklace again?


Sam:It's all your fault Danny


Peter:H-hey! What are you saying now Sam?

Sam:You knew she would act like this didn't you Danny?
*his tone was dark when he looks up to Danny*

Danny:I did but I thought she would-
*he had received a loud slap across his face by Sam that made Peter instantly stand up from his chair and quickly approach them. He pushes Sam away and stood in front of Danny*

Peter:What the hell Sam?! You shouldn't start slapping people who you're mad at!

Sam:What's wrong with that?! He deserves it! It's only a small amount for what he did to Ava!

Peter:What did he do exactly?! You should tell me what he did wrong!

Sam:He took away Ava's necklace! He knew what the consequences were of taking it away and he still went with it! I told him to give it back to her! I did! But he insisted on letting her go through this!

Peter:He did it because he was trying to help! Shouldn't you be grateful that she didn't end up worse?

Sam:How can it get worse than how she's acting right now?! You don't know what she's going through without the amulet! How the hell can he know how to help her?!

Peter:You don't know what's she's going through either! Even if he doesn't know how to help at least he tried! Unless you have a better idea of how to help her

Sam gotten pulled back by Luke from swinging his arm towards Peter and Johnny instantly stood between them.

Johnny:Woah guys, calm down. Where was that Christmas spirit the last 20 minutes about decorating the place? Don't let your drama affect our chores

Jessica:The matchstick is right kids, you shouldn't start fight over something like this when Christmas is literally tomorrow

MJ:Y-yeah! I'm sure Aunt May would expect the decorations up already before she comes back

Sam:Whatever...I'm going to my room! You all better not bother me because I won't come out no matter what!

Luke:But your hand Sam, you should get it treated

Sam:I will in my room! I'm leaving!
*he frees his arm from Luke and stomps up the stairs and into his room, leaving behind a loud slam*

Jessica shook her head in frustration as Peter turns over to Danny who was rubbing his stinging cheek; his front bangs covering half of his tilted down face from seeing his expression. Peter had a soft expression of worry plastered on his face when he places his arm around Danny's neck.

Peter:We'll be taking a small breather upstairs. We'll come back to decorate with you guys...if that's fine with you

Johnny:It's alright Pete

Luke:Make sure to be gentle okay? If you do anything then I'll beat you up

Peter:Fine fine
(Even in a fight with Danny, he's still protective of him)
*he walks up the stairs with Danny as MJ watched coldly at the couple and she forms her soft smile again when she turns over to Ava*

MJ:Today was a bit crazy wasn't it?

Jessica:I guess so

MJ:What were you guys talking about when Sam and Ava brought up her necklace? Is it special to her?

Johnny:I don't know either. I just went along with keeping her calm but she did the're not hurt are you MJ?

MJ:I'm not Johnny, thanks for worrying about me
*she smiled at him as Johnny smiled back. Jessica had placed her hands in her pockets and stared at the staircase with her serious expression; but still worried behind it all*

Jessica:Sam and money bags will be fine, won't they?

Luke:They will but Sam is easily tempered so he'll probably start ignoring Danny for a week, they'll start talking again soon

MJ:W-what about Ava? She just left and it's cold outside

Jessica:I saw a blue car pick her up, she'll be fine

Luke:Ah it could be her brother's car

Johnny:Man, your group have a lot of drama

Jessica:Tell me about it...

Peter takes Danny up to his room and placed him on his bed. He opens his closet and took out a small first aid kit.

Peter:It doesn't hurt that much right?
*Danny slowly shook his head as Peter sat beside him with the white box on his lap. Peter was troubled from Danny's quietness and he cups Danny's right hand*

Peter:Was the slap serious?
*Danny shook his head again*
Turn your head towards me so I can be sure of that

He could see that Danny was hesitant but he faced Peter only showing a light red mark on his cheek. Peter slowly turns Danny's head to the side for a better look on his cheek.

Peter:Well it's not as bad like when Emma slapped you, it must be the height difference between you two that gave Sam a disadvantage...or he must have a weak arm and should lift weights more often

Peter joked with a weak smile to boost Danny up but Danny didn't give an response other than a short glance. Peter grabs an ointment and placed some on his finger; he rubs it on Danny's red cheek as he kept holding his hand.


Peter:What is it Danny?

Danny:Do you think all of this...was my fault?
*Peter could hear the shakiness in his voice, still refusing to properly look at Peter feeling nervous for his response*

Peter:I think that you tried your best to help Ava out, why ask?

Danny:I just wanted to know...but don't you think I should have tried harder to help her? She's like this without the amulet and I took it away from her, I might have saw this coming

Peter:We all saw it coming Danny, we knew how she would act without it. You shouldn't listen to buckethead for what he said downstairs, he was just looking for someone to blame after he gotten hurt

Danny:It was my fault he got injured, I just wanted to help Ava but it just bit me in the ass

Peter:Like you said, you wanted to help and tried your best, so you shouldn't beat yourself up for it
*he closed the ointment with the tap while Danny laid his forehead on the crook of his neck. Peter let out a breath out his nose and places his hand through Danny's hair and slowly caresses it*

Danny:What would you do in this situation?

Peter:Why do you want to know? Do you think I would do things differently?

Danny:I think you would

Peter:Honesty, I think it would be worse if I was in your place...but then again you can't expect her to get better overnight so you shouldn't rush things, she would want proper treatment and support if she would want to get better

Danny:Do you think she will even talk to me? She hates me now

Peter:Stop thinking so negative wise guy, she's out of it at the moment, you have to wait and support her by staying by her side and protecting her...she might get annoyed with you but it shows that you care, 'kay Mr.Rand?
(Man that felt a bit cheesy)

Danny:What about Sam?

Peter:He'll stop getting mad when Ava stops, or do you want me to slap him back?
*he heard Danny letting out a soft chuckle and spoke*

Danny:It's fine Peter

Peter:Hmp, fine...I really wanted to slap him a while ago for hurting you, the nerve he had for blaming you when he went along with your plan
*Danny smiles as he moves his head a bit and was looking up to Peter's pouty expression*


Peter:What is it?

Danny:Thank you
*his voice was low as he sat back straight with an affectionate smile, Peter blinked as his face turned red and he turns away with a small scoff and forms a pleased smile to himself*

Peter:What's there to say 'thank you' for? I was just trying to help you out with your problems, isn't that what a couple is supposed to do in a relationship?


Peter:Obviously. No need to overreact Danny
*Danny nods with his soft smile, Peter felt his pleased smile fade away into a frown*

He felt a sense of sadness flow over him, expect it wasn't sadness, it didn't felt like it. It's hard to explain what he was feeling at that moment, maybe guilt? Or embarrassment? He could feel himself remove his hand from Danny's and he stood up from his bed while rubbing his arm.

Peter:Do you want to wait a few minutes before coming downstairs or...?

Danny:I'll stay here for a while

Peter:Okay...I'll see you down
*he forms a forced smile at him and before he can walk out, Danny grabs his wrist. He turns back and sees Danny's warm expression*

Danny:Can you give me a kiss before heading down?

Peter:Do I have to?

*he asks with his puppy green eyes that Peter couldn't look away from*

*he tone sounded irritated but he sat beside Danny again*

Peter pouts to himself making his cheeks red when he sees Danny stare at him waiting for a first move, making him instantly awkward. He places his left hand on Danny's uninjured cheek and places his lips on his, it didn't took long before Danny had placed his own hand at the back of Peter's neck to pull him close and slipped his tongue inside his mouth. They both pulled back for a breather; both equally red. Danny kisses the corner of Peter's mouth with his hand cupping Peter's cheek and he forms a small grin.

Danny:The others must be waiting for you love

Peter:(god...screw you!)
I'll be downstairs if you want me for something
*he stood up by his wrist gotten grabbed again and gotten pulled back down again by Danny*

He froze when he felt soft lips on his cheek and Danny frees his wrist with his usual tender and radiant smile. Peter glares and turns away to quickly storm out of the room; his face flushed leaving Danny alone. Danny felt his smile slowly fade when he turns to the drawer where the amulet was placed in. Maybe Ava will get her amulet back if he adds more of his chi for her to control it better? He isn't sure whether it would work or not but it's better than waiting around.


The blue car had parked in front of the closed garage and it stops; making Ava frantically wake up. She didn't noticed that she was out the whole ride back home; she rather not think much of it and ran out of the car as her older brother slowly followed. Ava ran through the snow covered grass and jumped up the porch. She grabs the door knob and frantically turns it but it remained locked, she removes her hand when she sees the knob slowly turn from the door. Her mom had opened the door and she had a confused look on her face when Ava had instantly hugged her.

"¿Ay Ava, que pasó?"
(Oh Ava, what happened?)
*she had the reassuring calming voice that made Ava easily fall onto her grasp and made her feel safe*

Ava:¿Puedo quedarme mami?
(Can I stay, mom?)

"Si hija, la cena va está listo en dios horas"
(Yes, dinner will be done in two hours)

Ava:Gracias mami
(Thanks mom)


Peter was placing the ornaments on the tree along with Johnny and Jessica, meanwhile Luke was placing other decorations around the furniture as MJ was in the kitchen. Peter would sometimes glance at the staircase expecting Danny to come down but he wouldn't, he thought about checking on him in his room but he would just keep getting dragged to the tree by Luke and Jessica. This had disturbed Johnny as well so he took out a green mistletoe that had a golden ribbon tied at the stem. He raised the mistletoe over his' and Peter's heads and he spoke out in the innocently voice.

Johnny:Peter, there's a mistletoe right above us!

Peter:You're holding it, I can see your arm raising it up

Johnny:Mhm! So you know the tradition when a mistletoe is over two people, just a small peck Petey!

Peter:I rather kiss a garbage can

Jessica:When did your aunt get a mistletoe?

Peter:W-we usually have it hidden in a tree somewhere and me and MJ had to find it when we were kids

MJ:Oh yeah! I remember!
*she popped out of the kitchen and the group looked at her*
I remember that whoever found it had to kiss the other on the cheek, but we stopped when we started middle school

Luke:Who made up that game?

Johnny:Sounds like fun, it doesn't hurt if I just get one kiss on the cheek right Peter?

Peter:Why the hell should I kiss you?

Johnny:Did you forget that there's a mistletoe above us? It's tradition to kiss under it

Peter:Can't you do it with someone else?

Jessica:I haven't heard of a rule that the person can step out of the mistletoe kiss, is that possible?

Luke:It's not like he's breaking a law, plus he's dating Danny so imagine how pissed he'll get when he finds out about this

Johnny:He won't know if we only did it for a small second

Peter:*he rolled his eyes and he suddenly forms a smile*
Oh hey Danny!
*Johnny instantly turned around to the staircase and turns back to Peter with a sharp glare as the other let out a small laugh*

Johnny:The hell man?! You shouldn't scare me like that!

Peter:You're scared of Danny? That's embarrassing

Johnny:Why shouldn't I be scared?! He's your guy and you think he won't easily crack my neck when he walks in?

Peter:I know he will. Which is why you should place that thing in the trash and stop joking around
*his tone was serious as he continued to add more ornaments but let out an annoyed breath when Johnny's arm rests on his shoulder, leaning his body towards him*

Johnny:Hehe come on Petey, it's just a small second but make sure you don't snitch on me to your rich boyfriend
*he was still pestering to Peter, making his heart race and his fingers trembling. MJ saw this and she decided to speak out*

MJ:Uh Johnny, maybe you should-
*she gotten interrupted by a voice coming from the staircase. She sees Danny giving Johnny a cold glare making him instantly step back from Peter*

Danny:What the hell are you doing?
*Johnny turned pale and he stepped further away from Peter as Danny approaches towards him, still forming his cold glare at him*

Luke:Hey man, you okay?

Johnny:H-hey Danny! Man you really scared me
*he forms an awkward smile as MJ rolled her eyes and steps back into the kitchen. Jessica let out a small chuckle as she continued decorating the tree while Danny places his arm around Peter's shoulder and hugs his neck, while still glaring at Johnny*

Peter:What did I say hothead? I told you Danny would get pissed, are you feeling better Danny? You've been up there for about an hour

Danny:I'm fine love
*he rubs his cheek against Peter's as he remained hugging him, Peter felt chills from the cold contact. It felt like the same cold temperature from the night before while contacting the tiger god. Danny was kissing his cheek as Johnny nervously walks towards MJ in the kitchen. Luke rolled his eyes before he began talking*

Luke:Are you going to keep working or do you two need a room?

Danny:I'll watch Peter work, he always watches me work whenever he comes over

Peter:Sh-shut up, you should either help out or get away since you'll be a distraction

Danny:Hmm? I'm a distraction? How?
*he kept his body close to Peter, not giving him space to properly move and place the ornaments in the tree. Luke just turned away irritated as Peter's cheeks turned a faint red from Danny's hot breath against his neck and annoyingly rubbing his cheek with his. Johnny had let out a small sigh of relief as he stood against the kitchen counter facing MJ's back as she was placing the hot chocolate in mugs. He could tell MJ's quietness so he crossed his arms and opened his mouth with a smile*

Johnny:This will be yours and Peter's first time celebrating Christmas with this amount of people huh? I can't say that you're lucky or not since I would celebrate it with my sister, Richard, and the orange

MJ:It is our first time

Johnny:Do you have all their presents ready?

MJ:I didn't had the time to get presents, I was too busy with work

Johnny:You got a job? Since when?

MJ:A few days ago, I wanted to help pay for my mom's medical bills so I had to get two jobs

Johnny:You're working tomorrow?

MJ:I'm not. I'm returning to work on Sunday

Johnny:Well that's nice of them to give you a break tomorrow, most workplaces would allow their employees to work on holidays

MJ:It's only because I'm young, they wanted me to be with my family

Johnny:Oh~, I forgot to ask you of how do you feel now that handsome is watching over your best friend. You would always watch over him like a sister right?

MJ:Yeah, is something wrong with that?
*she asks as she turns her body around and was facing Johnny with a calm expression*

Johnny:Nothing's wrong with it. I just assumed that you would have the protective sister feeling now that Petey's in a relationship, especially of how PDA they are acting right now

MJ:Truth is...I am skeptical about it since Danny's rich and could be involved in controversy and rumors, so I don't know if Peter will be able to handle it since he doesn't like the attention from the media

Johnny:You're right with that. I worry about it too even if I don't show it but I still support him and his relationship, but you know that I wouldn't hesitate to burn anyone who hurts him even if that includes his boyfriend

MJ:I'm starting to sense that you're the protective sister instead of me
*she forms a warm smile as Johnny let out a small laugh*

Johnny:Then you better fill me in on some warning signs I should be known of to watch over him

MJ:You'll know by a feeling you get when you're around him alot, so you better not get too attached to Peter and forget protecting me 'kay?

Johnny:You're talking to THE Human Torch in the Fantastic Four, I can save 100 cats in a burning building in a few seconds so what difference will it make if I can't save a single person?

MJ laughed as Jessica walks past the kitchen and she spoke.

Jessica:Hey, so we're done decorating and the couple in the room are on the couch already so if you're ready maybe we can...

Johnny:Huh? What?

MJ:I brought movies over for us to watch before Christmas tomorrow

Johnny:Is that why you were pouring hot chocolate?

MJ:Yep. It was a huge coincidence that Sam had already made the hot chocolate today, it was like he knew we were coming over

Johnny:How many movies did you brought?

MJ:About six, you'll help me take the cups to the other right Johnny?
*Johnny quickly nodded and grabs the handles of two cups as MJ did the same, Jessica rolled her eyes as she turns towards Luke sitting awkwardly beside Danny; who was sitting beside Peter with a blanket wrapped around them. She groaned as she sits beside Luke with her arms crossed against her chest*


Ava was staring up at the ceiling in her room as she laid on her bed. She moved her hand up as she was looking at the back side of her hand and kept her attention to her sharp nails. Ava could almost hear Sam's sharp yell from his injury and see his and the others' haunted expression. She didn't mean to hurt him. She didn't want to scare the others. Or yell at Danny. Ava placed her hand back on the bed beside her hip and turned her body facing the small window in front of her.

She wondered if this was what Awilda meant by her becoming a drug addict like Pito and her dad. Ava couldn't help but let out a small laugh when she imagines her sister finding her in this condition and saying her "I told you so" line towards her and 10 minutes of arguing. Awilda was right. This will only break her mom's heart and make her brother suffer more. She's pushing away the people that she cares about all for a dumb cat inside a necklace, is it worth keeping it if she has to push everyone away?

Ava sat up when she heard the door open; she forms her small smile when she sees her mom walk in and sit at Ava's foot of the bed.

Ava:Hola mami...ya esta lista le cena?
(Hi dinner ready?)

"Si, ¿que te molesta hija?"
(Yes, what's bothering you?)

Ava:Nada mami, acabada de pelear con mis animgos...ellos estaban mantenian me encerrado an casa
(Nothing mom, I got in a fight with my friends...they were keeping me locked up at home)

"Por que peleaste?"
(Why did you fight?) quitaron el amuleto y había lastimado a uno de ellos...los asusté, Awilda tenía razó como papi
(They...took away my amulet and I had hurt one of them. I scared them, Awilda was right...I'm like dad)

"Hija, no eres como tu padre, al menos no nos dejarías como él lo hizo, ¿verdad?"
(You're not like your dad, at least you wouldn't leave us like he did, right?)

Ava:No...I would never do that mami, I want to stay with you guys

"Ava, ¿por qué quieres recuperar tu amuleto? Por favor, no cometas el mismo error que tu padre"
(Ava, why do you want your amulet back? Please, don't make the same mistake as your dad did)

Ava:(what? Why do I want the amulet? I haven't thought about it other than helping people it worth it? Should I put my family on jeopardy just for a necklace? What good did the amulet do other than turn me and my dad like this? It'll end up killing me too and I'll end up like him...I don't want that. I rather die than see ny mom worry in fear of my following his path)
Tienes razón mamá, no sé por qué lo sigo queriendo ... me deshago de él por ti, si eso es lo que quieres
(You're right mom, I don't know why I still want the amulet...I'll get rid of it for you, if that's what you want)

"¿Estás seguro? No será un camino fácil para ti dejar de ser un héroe"
(Are you sure? It's won't be an easy path for you to quit being a hero)

Ava:I'm sure mami. My team and Fury will understand my decision

*Ava could tell that her mom looked hesitant about her choice but she still formed her motherly smile with tears forming in her eyes. She was holding her hand tenderly when she wipes her eyes with her fingers and spoke*

"Tu abuelita está esperando en su cuarto, dile hola a era, okay?"
(Your grandma is waiting in her room, say 'hi to her, okay?)

Ava nods with a small smile as her mom stood up and walked out of her room. Ava let out a small sigh as she grabs her camouflaged watch around her wrist, the watch revealed itself as Ava stared at the small screen and she presses a button that turned it on. She presses another button that was a video call to Fury. It was ringing for a minute until the screen finally switches on Fury's usual stern expression.

Fury:Is something wrong Tiger?

Ava:Director Fury, sorry for calling you so suddenly but I want to have a talk

Fury:Does it involve Janet Sorenson?

Ava:No, I decided to quit

Fury:Quit being in the task with the others?

Ava:No. I quit being a part of SHIELD and wearing the costume

Fury:May I ask why?

Ava:It's a family issue. I decided that I should add my family's thoughts and feelings over my own with my obsession of the amulet

Fury:Is this a wise choice? I know how much you value your family's safety and your team, what will your team think of this?

Ava:I rather talk to you then come out to the others. I quit the team and the costume, I want to live a normal life with my mom

Fury:If that's what you want then I can't stop you, have a good Christmas Ava Ayala
*the call had ended*

Ava felt like she could let out a sigh of relief believing that Fury would get mad; it's a surprise that he wasn't. She stood up from her bed and placed the watch in her trash bin beside the door; feeling relieved of her decision for once.


Everyone were together in the living room watching their second movie on the TV, Luke looks over to Danny beside him in the corner of his eye. He blinked when he notices Danny sleeping on Peter's shoulder and the blanket slipped off his shoulder. Luke grabs the blanket and covers him which had received a sharp glare from Peter.

Luke:I'm placing the blanket around him
*he was whispering to him to not distract the others from watching the movie, Peter turns away and instead glares at Johnny who was sitting beside him with his head resting on his shoulder. He could almost see the sly smile Johnny had on his face before Peter pushes him off*

Johnny:You're so mean now that you're in a relationship Petey

Peter:Yeah because I'm in a relationship, so back off
*he moves closer towards Danny as Johnny let out a small laugh while Peter hugs Danny; receiving an eye roll from Luke*

Two hours has passed when Peter had fallen asleep against Danny. Jessica had stretched her arms as the movie was over and MJ stood up to place in another movie.

Johnny:I didn't expect Petey would fall asleep so quick, should we wake him?

MJ:Just leave them alone, they probably got tired

Luke:Hmp, from what? From clinging onto each other?

Jessica:Is the dwarf still upstairs?

MJ:You mean Sam?

Jessica:There's no other shortie in here

MJ:Heh, he is
*she fondly smiles as they heard the staircase creak and Sam peaks his head out*

Jessica:Speak of the devil, I thought you said you wouldn't come down

Sam:I'm hungry! Do you expect me to starve in my room?! And is Danny asleep?

Luke:He is, along with Peter, why?

Sam:I just wanted to make sure! Geez
*he walks inside the kitchen as Johnny let out a yawn and leans back on the couch*

Jessica:Did you only ask just to not see money bags being awake? How petty are you?

Sam:S-shut up! I'm still mad at him and Peter so I'm taking my food upstairs with me
*he was peaking his head out from the kitchen with a taunt expression and Jessica just rolled her eyes and drank out of her cold hot chocolate mug*

Jessica:God you're so fucking petty

Luke:How is your injury Sam? Did you manage to treat it?

Sam:I did. Just a few small bandages so it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be

MJ:But Sam, blood was coming out of it

Sam:I know that but it wasn't serious

Johnny:That's good, at least she didn't go towards your face or you would have lost an eye

Sam:That's true, I'm glad she didn't do that
*he smiled to himself as he turns back to the kitchen and looks back at his bandaged hand, he wonders if Ava's scratches were always deep and sharp or are they only like that with the gloves and costume*
(Doesn't Ava have very sharp and deep cuts with her scratches? The one that she gave me wasn't deep and only cuts that came out small drops of blood. It wasn't that bad but did she meant to hurt me at that moment? And if so then why is this scratch less worse than her usual scratches?)

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