Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

34.9K 1.2K 479

Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Final Duty
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil

243 14 10
By ScammerOne




Wakaba was looking at the approaching Vertex as she realized that four more people were approaching from behind while each of them carrying a weapon.

???: Wakaba-chan. 

The red-haired girl spoke to Wakaba. 

Wakaba: Yuuna? Where are the others? 

Yuuna: Hey, You've already transformed?! 

Wakaba: I'm always ready for the battlefield. (Wakaba said with a smug face)

Yuuna: As expected by our leader!! 

As Yuuna and Wakaba talk to each other, Tamako and the others are observing the Jukai as this is the first time they had entered the Jukai and, frankly the first time they will be experiencing a real battle after three years since the last Vertex attack. 

Tamako: So this is Jukai, the barrier that protects Shikoku.......

Wakaba: It's a double edge sword. Its defense isn't perfect, never forget that....... If the Jukai is damaged by an attack, that damage will be fed back into the real world in the form of an accident or natural disaster. Also the longer the forestization goes on, the more it consumes Shinju-sama's power and if that happens, the people in Shikoku will not be able to survive. Therefore we have to cooperate and eliminate the enemies as fast as possible. (Wakaba explained in a serious tone)

Black-haired girl: Cooperate....... But we have someone who can't fight....... How can we even fight in this state?

Wakaba: Koori-san!!!! You've said too much!!! (Wakaba then walked over to the blonde-haired girl) Iyojima...... I understand that you're afraid....... but you have to fight....... 

Tamako: That's enough!!!! Don't put pressure on her!!!! 

Wakaba: S-sorry......

Chikage: It's the duty of the commander to raise their troop's morale. Could it be that you lack leadership qualities?

Yuuna: Guys...... I know we're all getting along, but let's save the talking for later. (Yuuna said energetically)

Everyone: Getting along????!!!!!

Yuuna: They say it takes good friends to argue with each mother. 

Everyone: That's hogwash!!!!!!

Yuuna: Wha-...... But anyway, the Vertexes are coming here....... If you want to argue, you should do it with them......

Tamako: That's right......

Chikage: Everything's as you say.......

Anzu: Yeah.......

Yuuna: Well then, are you all ready? We'll be heroes who get along!!!! 

All of them then pressed the transformation button and each transform into their respective Hero form.

Except for Anzu, who was still too scared to transform and remained in her human form. 

Anzu: I-i'm sorry..... 

Tamako: Don't sweat it! We'll be fine ourselves.

Anzu: O-okay.......

Wakaba then drew out her sword and charges forward alone. 

Inner Wakaba: I don't care if there's someone who can't fight...... I just have to take down more enemies myself.

Wakaba: Heroes!!!! Follow me!!!! 

Yuuna: Hero Punch!!!!! 

Tamako: Let's do this!!!! 

The three of them battled on without any fear and easily defeated each of the coming stardust Vertexes. 

Wakaba: Doi-san! Behind you!!!

Just then, a Vertex managed to get behind Tamako and as it was about to attack her, an arrow shot from behind killed the Vertex and saved Tamako in the process. Tamako looked behind to see Anzu in her hero form saving her. 

Anzu: I thought I have to save Tamacchi-senpai...... and I was able to transform....... 

Tamako: Anzu...... Alright, Tama's going to stay in front, so cover for me!!! 

Anzu: Okay!!!

(Meanwhile Chikage's Location)

As Chikage looked on at Anzu who was already, she couldn't even move a muscle. The very thought of those monsters itself caused Chikage to tremble in fear. 

Yuuna: Gun-chan! What's wrong? 

Chikage: I am sorry..... I have said such things and yet....... 

Yuuna: Don't worry!!! I'm here right beside you!! Let's go together!!! We won't lose to the likes of them, so believe in your own power!!!! 

The both of them continued on to every last Vertex in front of them. 

(A few minutes of battle later)

Just as Yuuna managed to defeat the evolved Vertex using the Ichimoukuren, one last Vertex appeared from behind Wakaba and was about to attack her.

Tamako: Wakaba!!!!! 

Before that could happen, a tentacle from the shadows pierced through the Vertex killing it instantly. 

Wakaba: W-what just happened?! (Wakaba said in shock)

Wakaba then turned her eyes to where the tentacle came from and from the darkness of the roots, she saw something bright red as blood. When her eyesight focuses, she realized that it was a pair of eyes staring at her back. Wakaba and the figure looked at each other for a few seconds before the eyes disappeared into the darkness again. 

Wakaba: What was that? (Wakaba said still feeling a little bit surprised because of what just happened)

(Back In Real World)

Wakaba, Hinata, Tamako, Anzu, Chikage, and Yuuna was already back in the real world after a victorious battle. But instead of celebrating, all of them wondered what just happened in the Jukai. 

Tamako: W-who in the world did that?! It was not normal!!! 

Chikage: But as a result whatever it is, it defeated the Vertex. I don't really care who or it is as long as it's not our enemy...... 

Yuuna: Gun-chan.......

Anzu: Wakaba-san, did you see who did it? (Anzu asked in curiosity)

Wakaba: ........

Wakaba was drowned in her own thought.

Hinata: Wakaba-chan! 

Wakaba: Ah! Sorry!! What was that again? 

Hinata: Anzu-san just asked, did you saw it. 

Wakaba: To be honest....... I don't know....... 

Anzu: What do you mean, Wakaba-san?

Wakaba: All I saw is bright red eyes staring me back, but I couldn't make out what it is....... It resembles a human but not quite...... I just couldn't put my finger on what it is.......

Yuuna: Do you think it's on our side?

Wakaba: Let's hope so....... Because I think that "that" is far stronger than us...... (Wakaba said as she trembled her hand)

Hinata: Wakaba-chan.......

After a long depressing talk, Wakaba decided to take a walk around Marugame Castle to refresh her mind. 

Inner Wakaba: Why is it....... Other than fear...... Why do I also get the familiar feeling from it....... 

Unbeknownst to Wakaba, as she took a walk alone she doesn't have a single clue that she was being stalked by a figure with a staff. 

As Wakaba walked, Wakaba was then immediately ambushed by the monster. The Monster choked Wakaba right in the neck and then slammed her down onto the nearby wall causing her to choke some blood out from her mouth. 

Wakaba: AGHH!!!!!! (Wakaba screamed in pain)

Wakaba was then continued to be choked by the lord, she could feel the very life within her disappear with every second pass. Just as Wakaba was about to lose her consciousness, a punch pushed the Lord away dropping Wakaba in the process. As Wakaba fell to the ground, she was caught by a boy she had saved before. The light browned-haired boy held her in her arms and then laid her down somewhere safe. 

Wakaba: A-Ashi....... Kawa-san....... Is that you? 

Shouichi: Don't talk too much, you're hurt pretty badly...... 

After laying her down somewhere safe, Shouichi then turns to face the Lord who is recovering from Shouichi's punch. 

Shouichi: You'll never...... take anything from us anymore........ You'll never step in this again....... and you'll never....... lay a hand on the people that are important to me anymore!!!!!!!! 

As Shouichi stood there, he was slowly being surrounded by a blinding white light. From that white light, a green figure stepped out from it standing alongside Shouichi side by side. When the light died down, there was only the red-eyed figure standing there. 

Wakaba could only look in her half-awake consciousness but it was enough to shock her to the point that she widen her eyes. As Wakaba looked in shock, there's only one word that came from her mouth.

Wakaba: The red-eyed devil.......

Wakaba could only be shocked as she looked at the green figure who is standing before her.


Shouichi's roar rang throughout the Marugame Castle and attracting the attention of the other heroes that are within the castle. The heroes who heard the roar immediately rushed out to see what was it. When they came out, the scene they saw was a horror to their eyes.

Tamako: What was that???!!!

The five of them saw two figures. The first one is Wakaba who is laying down injured and the second one is the green figure with horns and red eyes which was savagely fighting the creature either by biting or even pulling off its limb one by one.

Hinata: Wakaba-chan!!!! Are you okay??!! (Hinata rushed to help Wakaba)

Wakaba: Y-yes...... this is nothing......

When Hinata helped Wakaba stand up, there was already nothing left of the monster. The only part that was left is the sound of the dying monster waiting to be finished off. Shouichi then slowly walked to the stubborn monster.

Lord: A-agi-.......... Gills........

Wakaba: Gills........

Shouichi then took a bite from the monster's neck. As Shouichi bite the monster's neck, blue blood came gushing out from its neck before the monster stopped fighting and became just a lifeless body. When the creature has stopped moving, Shouichi still transformed then stood up with body covered in blood and looked at the girls.

Anzu: Red eyes.......

Tamako: It's just at Wakaba said........

Yuuna: Uhmm...... (Yuuna then slowly walked to Shouichi)

Chikage: Takashima-san?!

Yuuna: Will you become friends with me? (Yuuna said happily as she extended her hand at Shouichi)

Everyone: T-that straightforward????!!!!!!

Shouichi: ........

Shouichi examined Yuuna for a while before he slowly extended his hand to shake Yuuna's hand. Just before Shouichi could shake Yuuna's hand, a shot rang through the once silent Marugame Castle. The shot that was fired before landed at Shouichi's shoulder. Before any of them could react, many cans rolled over to where Shouichi and Yuuna were standing. Shouichi took a look at one of the cans and realized that it was a smoke grenade. Upon knowing that it was a smoke bomb, Shouichi immediately pushed Yuuna away just before the smoke bomb explodes covering Shouichi in the smoke. As if it wasn't enough, shots began to rain down at him causing him to go into a full-blown panic mode. Each shot was not just a normal bullet but each shot was a needle with a red feather as its tail.

Shouichi: T-tranquilizer!!!! (Shouichi said as he tried to evade as many tranquilizers as he could)

Shouichi tried to escape but to no avail because as he tried to run away he could feel the energy disappearing at a very fast rate from his body. Shouichi tried to run but soon looses all of his energy not long after. Shouichi then fell down to his knees and lost consciousness before returning to his human form.

Hinata: Ashikawa-san???!!!

Wakaba: Oi!!! Ashikawa!!!! Are you okay???!!!

Wakaba and Hinata ran Shouichi and shook him as strongly as they could to wake him up. Not long after Shouichi was knocked unconscious, masked men and women began to appear from the forest where they ambushed him.

Hinata: The Taisha?!

Masked man: We'll take it from here.

The men then took out a stretcher and lifted Shouichi to a nearby ambulance and drove on ignoring both Wakaba and Hinata.

Wakaba: What are you doing???!!! He just saved me!!!!

Masked Man: It's not your duty to now. Your duty is to protect the world. All of you mustn't forget that.

The masked man then continued to walk on ignoring Wakaba's complaint against how the Taisha treated Shouichi.

(A few hours later)

(Shouichi's Location)

Shouichi woke up still feeling drowsy from the effects of the tranquilizer. Shouichi looked around to see that he's right now was inside a white room with nothing with him and the bed that he was sleeping on. Shouichi tried to move his body but felt that he was stuck on something. He slowly realized that right now that he was strapped to an experimentation table. The boy struggled to try to break free of the restraints, but still, he couldn't do anything.

Shouichi: Looks like it's quite the situation that I got myself in right now.

Suddenly the door in front of him opened and from the door entered a man in a white suit while bringing a book and pen with him.

???: Nice to meet you, my name is Hojo Toru. (The man said in a serious but calm tone)

Shouichi: It's certainly not nice to meet you. Why am I here?

Hojo: Do you even need to ask that? You know the reason you are here.

Shouichi: I don't have anything to say to you......

Hojo: Oh, please. I have many ways to get information especially from people like you.

Shouichi: Oh yeah, try me!!!!

Hojo: Alright, let's start off with something simple shall we. Where did you obtain your power? A boy shouldn't be able to wield the power from Shinju-sama.

Shouichi: Oh I see what you are doing......

Hojo: Answer my question!

Shouichi: It was given to me.

Hojo: By who?

Shouichi: The white-clothed man.

Hojo then continued to interrogate Shouichi about where he obtained his power.


(Wakaba and Hinata's Location)

Wakaba and Hinata tried to discuss it with the Taisha to try and release Shouichi but to no avail. After arguing it for a really long time, the Taisha still did not agree to release Shouichi but the Taisha agreed to at least let Wakaba and Hinata meet Shouichi.

Priest: We'll at least allow Wakaba-sama and Hinata-sama to meet him. But we will still not allow his release.

Wakaba: But-!

Hinata: I understand. We're thankful that at least we can still meet him.

Wakaba: But, Hinata!

Hinata: Wakaba-chan! I know it's frustrating, but it's the least we can do for him.......

Wakaba: I-i'm sorry........ It's just-

Hinata: Don't say anything....... I'm also worried about him.

Wakaba: Hinata.......

Hinata: Now, that's it for today...... We'll go meet him tomorrow...... Let's get some rest for now.......

Wakaba: Yes...... You're right...... 

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and a synopsis of the story.

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