The Boyz: Q/Ji Changmin (Comp...

Inlovewithtoomany tarafından

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Q (Ji Changmin) x Reader Being the new girl isn't always fun, being the sister of a the most popular boy in s... Daha Fazla

•First Day•
~Lunch Time~
~Dance Class~
~Dance Practice~
~Movie Night~
~Party Time~
~Spin the Bottle~
~Phone Call~
~Amusment Park~
~The Project~
~Secret Admirer~
~Meeting Day~
~He's Back~
~Vacation:Part 1~
~Vacation: Part 2~
~Back to School~
~New Partner~
~Mistake Pt.2~
~The Lovers Dance~ (Final)

~Mistake pt.1~

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Inlovewithtoomany tarafından

Y/n POV.

It was the next day at school, walking into my classes there were decorations everywhere.

I know I haven't been to this school in a while, but I don't remember them taking Lovers day so seriously.

Today was also the day that Sangyeon was going to ask Jisoo to the dance. That dance being 3 days away. It's better if he does it now than never.

We had it all set up, during lunch was when it was planned.

The day went by simply. I witnessed many people getting asked to the dance. It was sweet. Though many would call me "popular" I doubt I'll be asked to the dance.

Durning a free period that I had I sat in the feild next to our school.

It was peaceful, light wind blowing, the field full of blossom trees and flowers. I tend to come here a lot when I want to be alone.

"Hi beautiful"

I turned around to see Jihoon walking towards me. He sat down on my side and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Hi buddy" I said to him.

"What you doing here alone" he asked

"Nothing really, just thinking"


"Nothing really"

"You're thinking about nothing" he said with a chuckle.

I looked up at him and smiled, "yea I guess I am" I said laughing.

"Word going around that Jinyoung is looking for you" he said.

My smiled faded

"Just watch out for him ok?"

"Ok" I said picking a flower from the ground.

"Let's go to lunch" he said putting his hand out to help me up.

I grabbed his hand and went to lunch. We sat down with the girls and a few of The Boyz were there.

"Hey pretty girl" Jennie said to me as I waved to all of them.
Sometime went by until I felt my phone buzz. It was a text from Sangyeon.


I texted back with a thumbs up.

A couple minutes later I started hearing the crowds in the cafeteria gasp. Suddenly arising from the bunch was him. He was walking towards us with a bouquet of flowers. He had two guys with him playing the violin. As well as  one holding a sign.

The sign read: My sweetest Jisoo, go to the Lovers day dance with me?

It was simple but sweet.

I looked over to Jisoo who was immediately in tears.  She stood up and walked towards him.

"So, will you?" Sangyeon said handing her the the flowers.

"Of course!" She yelled, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

Everyone in the cafeteria clapped for them. Just as they were about to sit down, Sangyeon stopped them.

"Woah woah we aren't done yet" Sangyeon said.

We all looked at him confused.

"Cmon boys" he said gesturing.

Both Jacob and Juyeon stood up and walked over to another table. They both came back holding flowers and balloons.

Written on each balloon was "Jennie" and "Rosé". The girls both looked at each other in shock.

Jacob then approached Rosé and handed her the flowers...
"Rosé, over the last couple of weeks we've been getting closer to each other and it's been amazing. I still remember holding your hand on the roller coaster and that was when I knew I really liked you. Will you go to the Lovers dance with more than just friends?"

Rosé was full of excitement and all she could do was nod her head. Smiles appeared on both of their faces as she leapt into his arms with a hug.

Then Juyeon approached Jennie...
"Hi" he said with a chuckle, he was obviously nervous.

" We haven't spent much time together Jennie, but believe it or not I've had a crush on you for a while. I asked you to join my dance group so that I would get to spend more time with you. And during those practices I find myself smiling whenever I watch you dance. Would you do me the honor of going to the lovers dance with me?"

Tears formed in Jennies eyes, damn these boys got game.

"yes..." she said taking the flowers and giving him a hug.

"Ok ok, that's enough sweetness for me today" I said getting up making them laugh.

"Congrats guys" I said giving the girls a wink and waving to the rest of them sitting at the table.

I walked away heading to the next class I had.
It was over fast and I went home.

When I got there I went straight to bed, for some reason a felt exhausted.

I changed into pajamas, and got into my bed. As I laid there I began to think. Think about nothing really. I didn't know what to think about, there's just so much going on in my head.

Suddenly Jinyoung popped into my head

I want to get over him...I want to get over him more than anything.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in!" I shouted as sat up in my bed.

"Hey girly" Jisoo said as her and the other girls walked in

"Well well isn't it the girlfriends of the Boyz" I said rolling my eyes with a smile.

"Oh shut up, be happy for us" Jennie said pushing my arm and laughing.

"No no, I am. I really really am. They've changed, and I know they'll treat you right. Or else they know I'll kill them" I said smirking.

"Oh trust us, they know" Rosé said.

We all chuckled a bit, I looked at them laughing. They looked happy, really really happy. Which made me happy.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo said looking at me, this made the rest of the girls turn my way.

"What? Nothing, I'm fine"

"No you're not" Rosé said.

"We know you Y/n, you can tell us" Jennie said.

"Honestly...I don't know. Like I seriously have no clue. And I want that to stop, I want to know what's wrong and what I feel. But I don't"

"'re a teenager. That's perfectly normal. Sometimes all we want to know is what's wrong with us. And sometimes we never do. Most times we have no idea what we're feeling. It's horrible but it's true" Jisoo said as she brought me into a hug.

"I don't like it" I said pouting and stuffing my face in her neck.

They all laughed and hugged me.

"We don't either"

"Now tell us...what are you feeling" Rosé asked as they all pulled away.

I looked at her in shock.

"W-what I just said I didn't know" I said confused.

"Yes you do, whether you want to see it or not. You do. Just think..." Rosé said.

"Close your eyes"

I shut my eyes and Started to think. About what... well I don't know. Everything just went blank. Suddenly I felt someone's arms wrapped around me.

"Keep them closed", it was Rosés voice.

She kept her arms around me. And then a face popped into my head. I imagined that person hugging me. I imagined that it was their arms wrapped around me. I could smell their scent. Feel the warmth. It was who I wanted to be hugged by. It was Q.

My eyes bolted open. I pushed Rosé out of my arms.

"Q..." I whispered.

"What?" They questioned.

"I like him..."

"Really..." they all says rolling their eyes.

"Well it's about damn time you realized" Jisoo said making the rest of them laugh.

"Now that you know, what are you gonna do about it?" Jisoo asked.

"I don't know..." I said now more confused than before.

"We'll sleep on it" They said getting up

"We're gonna go now, and oh wear something cute tomorrow ok?" Jennie said.


They all gave me hugs goodbye and headed out. I turned off my lights and laid back down. I found myself thinking again. But my thoughts this time we're just about him. I finally realized that the nothing I was thinking about, was him.

*Next day*

I woke up and dragged myself out of bed. The lovers day dance was in two days. And I honestly wasn't ready for it, not like I had a date to it anyways.

I started getting ready, doing my hair and make up. And then I went to go pick out an outfit. Then I remember what the girls told me.

"Wear something cute"

As weird as it sounded, I did as they said.
I found an outfit that I thought was pleasantly cute but simple and put it on.


I got to school with Sangyeon and headed to art class. It was a long and boring day. A couple of boys left flowers on my desk with notes. But I wasn't really interested in them.

Then I got to dance class, I'd finally get to see my girls. When I arrived in the studio one was there.


I checked my schedule to make sure that I was in the right class, and I was. But no one was here. I walked up to the front of class to see a balloon.

I pulled it down and attached to it was a note, which read: Go to the auditorium Y/n

I kind of got scared because this reminded me of the secret admirer situation, but the handwriting wasn't the same so I knew it wasn't Jinyoung.

I walked all the way to the auditorium, and heard music.

As I walked in, I looked on the stage to see all 12 of the Boyz standing there.

I climbed up the stairs to the stage. And was met with the Boyz in a line. Each holding a rose.

"Your smile" New said as he handed me the rose.
"What?" I questioned. But all New did was laugh and move aside revealing them next member.
"Your humor" Kevin said as he handed me the rose.
And it went on...
Jacob: "Your eyes"
Sunwoo: "Your voice"
Juyeon: "Your style"
Hankyeon: "Your consideration"
Hyunjae: "Your random bursts of energy"
Eric: "Your love for your friends"
Younghoon: "Your warmth"
Hwall: "Your confidence"
Sangyeon: "Your attitude"

And then I reached Q.

Holding my favorite flowers and a box.

"You" he whispered.

"Those are all the things I love about you, I have much more but only 11 members so..."

I laughed, "how cheesy"

"You like me cheesy" he said handing me the flowers.

I smelt them and smiled.
"I don't know about that..."

"Oh! There's one more thing. NOW GUYS" he yelled out into the crowd.

Out of no where emerged the girls holding signs. They stopped in front of me and held them up.

"Will you go the Lovers day dance with me" was what the signs read.

I looked at him with a tear in my eye. When we locked eyes it was like it was just me and him though. Like everything was at peace.

I was cut off by clapping, slow clapping.

"Well isn't that so sweet, Y/n finally has a guy that likes her" coming through the door of the auditorium was of course IU and following her was Jinyoung. I narrowed my eyes at them in confusion.

"Too bad it was my sloppy seconds" she scoffed.

She then wrapped her arms around Jinyoung and kissed his cheek. He looked a little confused but went along with it.

"Yea and too bad you have mine" I scoffed back. She rolled her eyes and Jinyoung looked a bit hurt.

" what's your problem IU, can't you see what's going on here. Now you ruined it all with your stench" Jisoo said to her.

"Oh calm down, I just came to show Q something. Something he really should see" she said pulling out her phone swiping through it a bit. 

I was confused as to what she was going to show him.
She walked up to the stage and handed Q the phone.

" I told you to watch yourself with this one. Like I said she has secrets" she said smirking.

Q looked at the phone and his face went blank.
He laughed a bit.


"What?!" I said pulling the phone away from him.
I stared at the picture blankly, in shock.

It was a picture of Sehun and I kissing. The kiss I gave him before leaving the beach.

"H-how did you get this?" I asked her throwing her phone down to her on the floor.

"I have connections everywhere Y/n, you're not so innocent as everyone thinks you are" she said laughing.

"And you're still the bitch everyone knows you are!" I yelled at her.

" least I didn't lie to Q" she said.
"No no of course, you only cheated on him!" I said glaring at her.

"Judging from the pictures, so did I said Q. You shouldn't trust her" she said walking away.

She dragged Jinyoung along with her.

When she left, I turned to Q.

"Listen Q, this was before you and I were a thing. It didn't mean any-"

"No..." he whispered.

"what?" I questioned.

"I trusted you...yet you felt as though you couldn't tell me that you kissed him" he said looking up at me with slight tears in his eyes.

"It wasn't important, you never asked if anything happened between him and I" I said confused of why's hes angry.

"Yet you still couldn't tell me...When did it happen?" He questioned putting his head


"On what day did you kiss him!!" He said raising his voice a bit.

I could hear how hurt he was in his voice. It hurt me.

"The day after the party..." i said moving closer to him.

"The day we kissed?" He said backing away.

I nodded.

He shook his head and started to walk off.

"Q please, you don't understand" I said grabbing his hand and stopping him from leaving.

"You're right, I don't understand. So why don't you explain it to me. OR WAS I JUST A JOKE TO YOU!" He yelled pushing my hand off.

"I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE GETTING SO MAD ABOUT!" I yelled back getting frustrated.

"See that...that right there. The fact that you don't understand says it all" he said in an almost whisper like voice.

He pushed the box he had in his hands to me and walked away.

I was speechless, shocked, and above all I felt guilty.

I opened to box that he pushed in my hands, and I immediately started tearing up.

It was the earrings I saw when we went to the mall together. With a note in the box that said "I saw the way you looked at them, it reminded me of how I look at you. In Awe"

I fell to the floor and started crying. The girls and a couple of the Boyz including my brother ran to me. While the rest left to go check on Q.

"Shhh shhh it's ok Y/n, you can fix this. You can talk to him" Jennie said hugging me.

"Everything will be ok" Sangyeon said holding my hand.

"No it won't, no it won't" i said tucking my knees to my chest.

I sat on the stage just crying while they tried to
comfort me.

What did I just do...

Sorry for the late update y'all. School had been killing me. We're almost to the end!! Sorry for any typos! <3

Word count: 2581

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