Death and Destruction (Jeff t...

By unholy_hellboy

444 39 0

(Sequel to Murder and Mutilation) The last time I saw you, it was warm and there was rain on the horizon. Sil... More

1. Solace
2. New Mexico
3. Chance encounter
4. Mini-monster
5. Threats
6. Scare tactics
7. Long gone
8. Dark arts
9. Lighter
10. Operator
11. Rekindling an old flame
12. Reunion
14. Home sweet home
15. Birthday
16. Up in smoke
17. Brothers
18. Expiration date
19. Hit and run
20. Five course meal
21. Break
22. Losing the upper hand
23. Bad timing
24. Jawbreaker
25. Teeth
26. Tick tock
27. Smile, beautiful
28. Escape
29. Betrayal
30. Time's up
31. Fair trade
32. No more regrets
33. Starry night
34. Clean as a whistle
35. Sleepwalk
36. Giving chances
37. Closing a chapter
38. Shit list
39. Hate and malice
40. A fresh start

13. Snow

11 1 0
By unholy_hellboy


My feet moved before I could, starting as a walk before I stumbled, picking up the pace until I was sprinting across the clearing. A velvety black dress billowed around her thighs in the breeze and I saw that her hair had gained a few inches just like mine, her mask covering her face but no matter what I'd recognize those eyes from anywhere. Her cackling laughter echoed over the water when I swept her off of her feet, her arms wrapped tight around my neck while my legs crumbled beneath me. Before she could say a thing I pushed her mask away from her face, kissing her as I crushed her body against mine. I could taste salt and already knew I was crying as it seeped between the scars on my cheeks.

"You made it." Her hands moved to cup my cheeks. "You actually fucking made it...!"


Chelsea's squeal of excitement rang out in the clearing as she bolted from the trees, falling to her knees just as she reached us and wrapping the girl tightly in her arms while they sobbed . My gaze shifted and I caught Thomas hanging back, not sure if he should join us but I held my hand out and offered him a smile.

"Get your ass over here alien boy."

He laughed as he pulled his hands out of his pockets, walking over to our dog-pile before he knelt, his touch slow as she latched onto him but his chest heaved while he squeezed her. Her eyes glistened as she shifted her gaze back to me and I could see nothing but love shining in them.

"You all...actually did it," Snow laughed as she wiped at her eyes, "I wasn't sure if it would work but it did."

"If what would work?" Thomas asked while he pulled away, all choked up and tripping over himself.

"The photo at Nina's," she sniffled, "I— I didn't know if you'd actually get Chelsea to help. I fucking banked on a whim and I'm so glad you fuckers figured it out."

"You had that little faith in me?" I teased and she shook her head.

"W-We should go," she started suddenly, letting me help her to her feet, "I managed to slip away from Liu in the crowds, if we're lucky we can—"

We all froze, a branch snapping in the darkness catching everyone's attention. I whipped my knife out immediately and pushed Snow behind me, Thomas doing the same to Chelsea as the kid we'd seen earlier appeared. His head twitched to the side and I saw that his mask had fallen, revealing a missing, scarred cheek and visible teeth.

"You're n-not getting away this time."

"Have you dealt with these fuckers?" I hissed, the telltale sound of her knives echoing behind me.

"I've seen a few people on the way, guys in masks," she confirmed, "not this one."

"Well get ready for a fight sweetheart because he's a mean son of a bitch."

"You know me," she cracked a sinister smile as she moved to my side, "I'm always ready to play."

God, I missed you. The man moved forward and to my surprise Thomas moved quicker, whipping his foot into one of the other guy's hands and dislodging one of his hatchets. Snow and I moved in sync, dashing forward with knives bared and taking aim. He hit hard and managed to knock Thomas back but Snow landed a hit on his arm, slicing through his sleeve as I swung my knife. He blocked it with his remaining hatchet and I pressed forward, coming eye-to-eye with this motherfucker while he twitched.

"Who has the bounty?" I snarled, his lips curling up in a smile.

"Wouldn't you like to know Snow White?" He snickered. "Let's d-dance, princess."

I slipped the knife away and jumped back, his swing coming down hard and lodging in the grass before I kicked him, sending him sprawling while I shouted for Chelsea to go. She got Thomas back up and moving and Snow lunged again, straddling his hips as I held his arms down. She pressed her knife to his throat and he looked worried but not at all afraid as he stared her down.

"Who the fuck are you?" She demanded.

"Bite me, Snow."

Instantly she slammed her knife down into his thigh, a scream echoing that made the hair stand on the back of my neck.

"Ready to talk now?" She purred, her face inches from his as she twisted the knife, still pinning him with the other one.

"T-T-Ticci Toby," he spat, "you're f-fucked once Operator gets here!"

"Well I can see why they call you Ticci," I cackled, "singe your tongue in the fire?" He glanced my way and I grinned. "Yeah, now I know who you are. Who has the bounty?!"

"T-Two bounties," he snarled, practically foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog, "one wants you d-dead, the other wants you alive." Toby's lips curled as he grinned. "Everyone wants her."

"Be a little more specific honey, who is everyone?" Snow asked sweetly as she slowly pulled the blade from his skin.

"O-Operator wants a new proxy."

"Tell him he's got to go through me first."

I slammed the butt of my knife into his temple, his eyes closing before his body went limp. I grabbed for Snow and dragged her behind me, something squeezing in my head while we darted through the trees. We found the rocks and waiting below was Chelsea and Thomas, skidding to a halt before I leapt while she practically flew. I swore as I descended the jagged surface and watched her tumble to her feet, just barely sticking my own landing before we started back toward the city. I hadn't seen it before but there was a bag stashed in the trees that she grabbed as we sprinted by.

"Did you guys kill him?!" Chelsea screeched, leaping over a boulder like it was nothing.

"No, something showed up!" Snow shouted back as she pulled ahead, the only thing visible in the darkness being her pale legs while she ran. I stayed right on her heels until we made it to the street, taking a moment to breathe as I did a head count. One, two, three...

"We're all here," I huffed, "let's go before someone else shows up."

Snow readjusted her mask and quickly folded her knives, the four of us taking off in a dead sprint toward the other side of town while we avoided the main streets, sticking to side roads and back alleys until we finally spotted Delilah's house in the distance. My slamming heart finally began to cease while Thomas whipped out the house key and we barreled inside, Delilah jumping from her seat as we slammed the door behind us.

"What the hell—?"

"Proxy," Thomas huffed, locking the door instantly, "jumped us when we found Kitty."

"Jeff, your nose is bleeding."

I could smell it the moment Snow went to get a towel, holding my fingers to the spot and seeing red when I pulled them away. Chelsea dropped down onto the couch while Snow fussed over me and all I could do was focus on her face as she pouted. My free hand raised and she paused while I cupped her cheek.

"You haven't changed a bit," I chuckled incredulously, watching a smile cross her face as I cradled her cheeks, "fuck, am I dreaming? Are you really here?"

"I'm here," she laughed, the sound wrought with her own tears as she gripped my hand tightly, leaning up on her toes before she brushed her lips against mine. I dropped the towel and wrapped her in my arms tightly, never wanting to let go again.

"Delly, I'm breaking out the good stuff!" Thomas called from the kitchen as he grabbed for a bottle. "We're celebrating tonight!"

"You can celebrate, this old bag of bones is going to bed," she laughed as she approached us, wrapping Snow in her arms lovingly, "I'm so happy you're safe. We all missed you so much, Kitty."

"I missed you too," she sniffled, "I'm sorry I made such a fuss."

"Nonsense, I'd have done exactly the same."

Chelsea kicked her shoes off while Delilah departed and as Snow sat down and unzipped her boots I realized in fact she did have new tattoos. There was an Oni mask where her mushrooms had been before, delicate roses climbing up the back of her right thigh that wrapped around front. I also realized I'd never seen her in a dress until now, not even a skirt, and I couldn't help but think she was absolutely stunning. Thomas popped the cap on a bottle of expensive whiskey and brought glasses over to the table, already having shed his jacket and looking absolutely thrilled.

"To Kitty," he laughed, holding his glass in the air as each of us grabbed one. We echoed the sentiment and cheered, our laughter boisterous and warm. Now home could really feel like home.


A shiver ran up my spine as I stood in the middle of town, watching kids running from store to store while their parents chased after. It was incredibly cold tonight and I couldn't stop thinking about it until Ann laughed, distracting me while I glanced to find her sitting at the bench with gloves and a scarf on. At least coming back here hadn't been all bad.

"I see why you like this town," she hummed as she looked back up at me, "everything's so quaint and cute. Not to mention everyone is so friendly, I didn't expect that with everything that had happened."

"I told you that you'd like it," I laughed, the scent of cigarette smoke making me grimace as I looked to my left. Kitty leaned against a lamppost, smoke in hand, her mask jostled to the side of her head while she looked around with narrowed eyes. Her duffel bag was slung around her shoulders and I could only imagine how heavy it was. "How come you didn't leave that in the car?"

"Are you kidding me? After Oklahoma I'm not leaving jack shit in your Civic," she snorted and I just rolled my eyes.

"That was one time, I think you're overreacting."

"Still, I just feel better having it with me," she sighed as she dropped the butt and stomped it out on the pavement. I couldn't even begin to fathom how she wasn't freezing dressed like that.

"Are you sure you aren't cold honey?" Ann asked, thinking precisely the same thing.

"Oh don't worry, I'm feeling good," Kitty chuckled as she stood up straighter, "it's Halloween, I've got to look the part of a creepy psycho killer, now don't I?"

"Just...remember why we're here," I sighed, "maybe we should swing by the Café before they close. You're sure he's going to be here, right?"

"The polaroid in Santa Fe should've led him straight home," she assured me with an arched eyebrow, "seriously, you doubt him too much. He's followed us everywhere else, hasn't he?"

"She's got a point," Ann chuckled as she got to her feet, "let's get some coffee, it sounds good."

I nodded and the three of us started for the next street over, scanning the crowd along the way in search of my brother. Tonight of all nights was the worst time to try and find him but the way Kitty explained it, we didn't really have a choice. A pair of Jeff the Killers and Eyeless Jacks walked by and my throat squeezed until I saw that one was a girl. This town is so obsessed, it's going to drive me nuts.

Just as we got to the Café I swore, quite a few people still left inside but no blue-haired Chelsea behind the counter. Ann walked right in while I hesitated, not sure if we should bring Kitty in or not until I looked behind me and realized...she was gone. I groaned and smacked my face hard enough to sting, quickly realizing this had been another one of Kitty's escape plots. Ann returned a few minutes later with a knowing look in her eyes as she handed a cup to me.

"Did she run off?"


"I told you," she chuckled to herself as we began walking again, "you want to kill the person she cares about. She's not just going to lead you right to him willy-nilly."

"I figured tonight she might have the forethought to at least cooperate," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, "I'm sorry I dragged you all the way out here."

"Oh God, why? This is such a good break from back home," Ann laughed as she wrapped her hand around my arm. "Kitty's a sweet girl too, no matter how much you want to pin all this killer stuff on her. Have you thought about what I said?"

"A little, I— I just don't know Ann, I don't feel right knowing he's still out here. Still ruining people's lives."

"You can't really say your life was ruined," she scoffed playfully, "you wouldn't have met me after all if you never came to the hospital."

She's right, you know. Of course I know. I smiled and leaned down, pressing my lips to her forehead as we continued to walk through town and keep an eye out for any of them. Suddenly I caught sight of a head of blue hair navigating the crowd opposite us though, two men following close by her as they wove through the currents. My veins burned with a surge of adrenaline and I pointed them out to Ann, nodding in agreement before we started to follow.

We didn't make it far before they turned a corner, someone else stepping in our way as he flashed a scarred smile at me. I'd seen those orange goggles before but I couldn't pin where; he definitely knew who I was though and winked, reaching for the hatchets at his sides while mine drifted to the revolver at my hip.

"G-Good luck getting them before we d-do," he snickered, "he's got his eye on y-you too."


Just as my eyes narrowed he disappeared, leaving Ann and I to trade confused glances. I knew there were more people after Kitty but Jeff too? Maybe I could leave this to outside sources after all.

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