Me and Mr Henry

Af i-want-to-be-me

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Right person, wrong time. Mere

Alternative Ending


1.1K 30 3
Af i-want-to-be-me

Somehow school had already been back for a couple weeks and the 21st of September was here- which was my birthday. I have no idea what Fin may be up to but with the way he's been teasing me about it, it doesn't sound fun.

Today's special day needed a special outfit, I knew exactly what that outfit was; I think Fin will like it, I am wearing his favourite colour after all. Whatever I wear usually has some effect on Fin, today's outfit however is extra special.

Arriving at school I see my two idiot best friends stood at my locker smiling their heads off- what are they up to?

"Whatever you two clowns are up to get it over with." You know I wish I didn't say this as now my face is full of confetti, "you really thought I wanted confetti on me at this time of day." I question.

"no one wants it but it's your birthday, so you have to." Jules replies with a laugh.

"Can I just say I am loving that outfit, but I know something that will make it so much better." Taylor starts whilst pulling a badge out of pocket and pinning it onto my shirt, "now you look so much better." I roll my eyes, I told you they were clowns. The three of us start walking to homeroom and I just hope they have no more antics planned.

My eye catches Fin's as I enter homeroom and he sends a wink my way. Before I sit down, I notice a box on my seat- a present for me how nice. Picking up the box I place it on the desk and carefully unwrap it, on top is a note and some tissue paper.

'For the princess from finny boy, by the way I think it's about time you have-this look on the back.'

On the back of the note is what I assume to be Fin's phone number, I'll add that to my phone in a minute. Under the tissue paper is two little barrettes which say princess on them, they are honestly so beautiful. I decide to clip one into my hair.

Pulling out my phone I open contacts and add Fin's number under the contact 'Finny boy'. I then think of a perfect first text to send him it has got to be funny and flirty. My brainstorming is broken by a nudge on my side and Jules leans over and whispers, "teach won't stop staring."

"Can you blame him? I mean look at me." I can see Jules shake her head at my remark.

'Stop staring you creep.' Is the text I decide to send. Our eyes meet and I can't help but smile. Today he is wearing my favourite colour which looks so hot on him and makes me honestly melt. My mind soon hovers over to what he would look like without the shirt. Honestly, that's all my dreams consist of lately, me and him in some not so appropriate scenarios. Like last night's dream was just the best, we were alone in this classroom. The things he did were just magical.

A buzz is felt on my leg which I hope means a text from Fin. Taking out my phone I see that is and all it reads is, 'stay after English I have something to give you.' Sounds promising, I wonder what he has up his sleeve.

I spend the next two lessons dreaming up possibilities as to what he could be giving me. English rolls around and I am more than ready for it. "Hello birthday girl."


"How has today been going?"

"Great, its looking to be the best one yet."

"Guessing that has something to do with teach."


All I had to do was get through this lesson which was looking to be a good one as we were looking a poetry and I love poetry. Fin came round with a sheet and like usually mine had something a bit extra- one last note before we go electronic.

'You might want to put up some pigtails.'

Okay so we were both on the same page on breaking look don't touch, I had mentioned it to him yesterday and weren't too sure. But I guess something, or someone changed his mind. The last couple minutes felt like hours and when that bell rang I couldn't help but smile. I turn to Taylor and tell her not to wait up as I might be a while.

When the last person is out of the classroom. I lock the door and go over to Fin's desk. We smile at each other for a while before one of us says anything.

"Happy birthday pigtails." He stars before goes into his bag, "I have a little something for you." Fin passes me a box like the one from this morning, I take the box from him. When I open it, I am shocked at what I find a new matching set in Fin's favourite colour- looks like he had both of us in mind when he bought this one.

"Fin this is gorgeous; how did you know my sizes though. Because I know I've never told you."

"I have a good eye." he smirked.

"I want to try them on so badly, but they aren't clean."

"Oh, I cleaned them, I didn't like the idea that so many other people have worn them." He sheepishly admits. All the blinds are closed so I don't have to worry about flashing anyone but Fin. Thankfully there ae no cameras in these classrooms.

"Turn around you no peaking until they are on" I hear his chair spin and stop; he is in fact facing his board. Good job I wore a skirt today or this would be more difficult. Fin did good this set is sexy and comfy, "you can turn around now." I say as I tidy myself up, "you can have these, a reminder of today." I say throwing my old underwear at him. I sit back on the desk and whisper to him, "have a look and tell me what you think." His hands went to my knees and separated them, a smirk was soon plastered on his face, his hands moved up my leg and onto the buttons of my shirt. When his prize was revealed, his smirk turned into a smile and his eyes were burning into my chest. The tension in the room was unbearable and something needed to be done, I put my fingers under Fin's chin and raise it, so he is looking at me.

"Kiss me," I whisper bumping my lips against his. All it took was those two words and we were connected in the most electric kiss. all the tension we had built up in the last month was leading up to now and neither of us could wait. We were grasping at each other and pulling each other closer. When his lips left mine, I whined but was soon rewarded by his lips trailing my torso he kissed his down to my breasts and sucked on the flesh left uncovered by bra, his hands were also working some magic on my thighs- this was worth wait. The last thing I wanted to do was stop but we were in school and we could not let this go any farther.

"Fin we should stop before we go too far."

"I know, I know one last kiss though." He whispers reconnecting our lips. I don't want to pull away, but I know I have to.

"Right," I start, putting my hands on his shoulders, "we have got to make ourselves look presentable so let's continue another time."

"Fine but I'm holding you to another time." I start buttoning my shirt back up and smirk, he really went to town on me. He sees to notice as well. "I really didn't hold back, did I?" he comments looking down at my chest.

"I think they suit me." I smirk.

Lunch was halfway done by now and I know the girls were probably getting suspicious- they knew who I was with but not what I was doing. "I'm glad that happened." I say looking up at Fin.

"Feel like this last month has been leading to it."

"Definitely and let me tell you it was worth wait."

"I aim to please." He laughs.

We both make sure we look presentable before giving each other one last kiss and saying goodbye. Lunch was worth waiting for and you know getting presents out of it weren't even the best part. If I knew he was that good of a kisser I would've kissed him sooner. All I know is this now means there is some fun to be had and I can't wait.

Walking up to the girls I over hear their conversation which seems to be about what I was doing for 20 minutes.

"I was in that room and they were looking at each other like they wanted to rip each other's clothes off." I hear Taylor say.

"I know she isn't exactly the purest one out of us, but would she really sleep with him during school?"

"No, she wouldn't" I interject making them aware of my presence.

"So, she returns."

"Spill everything."

"Maybe when I've had a few drinks." The rest of lunch is just us finalising tonight's plans which is shaping tonight into a great night. Those two idiots pester me for answers about lunch for most of our lessons together, so I was happy when history rolled around.

Our history teacher hasn't shown up yet which either meant we could go home or that a sub would be appearing sometime soon. "Right then it appears your history teacher has gone home unexpectedly. Which leaves you lot with me and a documentary." Fin plays around with computer before eventually finding the right documentary- can't wait to watch an hours long documentary about the founding fathers.

Fin moves from the front of the room, after a few people complain he is in the way, to the back. Despite the rest of the row being empty he takes the seat nearest to me and I feel my phone go off.

'Your friends still coming over later?'


'Damn, was going to ask if you wanted to continue what we started at lunch.'

'Tempting offer, how about tomorrow? I'll show this set off better than earlier.'

'How can I say no to that? Prepare yourself tomorrow is going to top today.'

'Oh, I can't wait to find out what those hands can really do.'

'These hands?' I read as I feel a hand run up my thigh.

'I have dreams about what those hands can do.'

'I'll try to live up to expectation.' Me and Fin continue to text for the rest of the lesson, his hand also stays firmly planted on my thigh. His hands were working some magic, his hand was slowly running up and down my thigh, sometimes he would squeeze it- I guess today was his turn to tease.

History ended and Fin went back to the front to dismiss everyone. When the room was clear I went up to Fin, "someone is playing dangerous games today." I whisper while grazing my lips over his.

"I am sure my games will pay off tomorrow." He whispers back connecting our lips, I wish I never had to stop kissing him but sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do.

"But right now, I've got to get home and get ready for tonight."

"I'll drive you home- I've got one last thing to give you."

"You have spoilt me today, you know that."

"Princesses deserve to be spoilt."

"Well, this princess doesn't like to be spoilt."

"Better get used to it, I love to spoil people."

"You don't treat any of your other students like this."

"You aren't any other student." He confesses bringing me in for another kiss.

When we get to his car his hand returns to my thigh and starts working some more magic. The two of us don't really talk whilst we are in the car the only words are said when I get out of the car and he passes me another box, "I think you'll like this." I give him one last kiss before going into my house.

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